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THEBERBSTER 08-29-16 04:17 AM

Hi Ashikaga
AFAIK you do not need to touch the patcher unless there is a new snapshot.
I have changed map colors during a patrol without encountering any problems.

LesBaker 08-29-16 04:45 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2430254)
G'day Les, just wondering what this is there a link to a previous post somewhere? :06:

Hi Kev,
Awhile back it was reported that when you sent a patrol report, that the radioman would report "New Message Received " confirming the report in writing, but the voice would say "Sending Message".

In the interim a blank mute file was produced by TDW included in his "NewUIs" to stop the error.

These files replace the mute file with the correct German " New Message Received".

These files the .ogg and .lipbin should be placed in Data/Sound/speech/Radioman replacing the MC_RR_RADIO_15 files in all three Files Normal, Tension and Whisper.

You will also have to Modify the Send_Patrol_report.aix file found in Data/Scripts/AI/Crew by removing the # markings before the 3 lines introduced by Vdr.

All the Best

vdr1981 08-29-16 08:11 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2430310)
This is a question more out of curiosity than anything, as I am yet to get through to the "Happy Times" campaign yet..:oops: but for those Aces that have made it through the war in TWoS to when the Fat and LuT pattern running torpedoes become available, can the initial run and then the extra gyro angles etc for pattern running be set up on the TDC, or do you just fire them as per usual and the pattern run is just automated by the game?

As you can see there are planty of new gauges available. Only patter angle is not adjustable, at least not with this type of torpedo...


Originally Posted by Ashikaga (Post 2430353)
vdr1981, Do I need to run the TDW patcher after installing update 16.4 also ?

I regularly run it, backup, take stnapshot, restore shapshot.

But unsure if I have to do it every time I install an update.



No, of course not...

Ashikaga 08-29-16 10:34 AM

Thank you both !!


Nobon 08-29-16 12:44 PM

Erm, How missions work novadays?

I started from the Kiel base without selecting any missions,
(on the 3th only baltic operations were avaliable, when I start my patrol, it puts me out at the 7th, so THEN will the british ones appear, that's why I did not chose any missions)

so can I start a mission when I'm already out on patrol? Or start -another- after completing one, still out of patrol?

Or how do I start one? :D Do I have to dock back at base, and dock out after selecting one?

vdr1981 08-29-16 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2430478)
Erm, How missions work novadays?

I started from the Kiel base without selecting any missions,
(on the 3th only baltic operations were avaliable, when I start my patrol, it puts me out at the 7th, so THEN will the british ones appear, that's why I did not chose any missions)

so can I start a mission when I'm already out on patrol? Or start -another- after completing one, still out of patrol?

Or how do I start one? :D Do I have to dock back at base, and dock out after selecting one?

As far as the game is considered you don't need ever to select secondary mission in bunker...The war will go on...:yep: Just relax and you can select mission on next patrol...

Nobon 08-29-16 01:14 PM

Thanks, I did just set the in base days to 1, redocked :D selected coastal waters mission, and first got a target at the heart of Dover...

As I am a bit out of commandeering shape IRL, and IC a fresh captain, I reloaded the save, and requested it again... Now it's in AN55, a bit more friendly. So docked out, now it's the 8th of september, only lost a day.

Thank you, I keep that in mind :) and I do not oversweat on the stock missions

Had some problems with CTD near Kiel port when getting there from Memel, made a few attempt, then I succeeded with reaching it after closing down all avaliable programs, and kept the TC on 32 max. Docked.

Then, due to tampering with U-boot name and campaign date in save files XD I made it impossible to start the patrol without CTD, but after spoiling half of my only dayoff on trial and error, I made it through with this patrol start on the 7, then now on the 8th of september after redocking.

AND also changed the BOOT's name to U-50 succesfully, as THAT IS MY Boat. That's it. XD

vdr1981 08-29-16 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2430485)
Had some problems with CTD near Kiel port when getting there from Memel, made a few attempt, then I succeeded with reaching it after closing down all avaliable programs, and kept the TC on 32 max. Docked.

Then, due to tampering with U-boot name and campaign date in save files XD I made it impossible to start the patrol without CTD, but after spoiling half of my only dayoff on trial and error, I made it through with this patrol start on the 7, then now on the 8th of september after redocking.

I'm afraid that's the price you should be prepared to pay when modding already heavily modded game...:yep:

CTDs when nearing the port after somewhat longer playing session are quite common in modded SH5, but usually one fail safe gamesave 100-200 km of the port (with game restart, if possible) can eliminate this annoyance .:yep:

Nobon 08-29-16 01:43 PM

Just got through Kiel canal, and saved XD

Yes, that was what I did to enter port normally,
though it also took me to get rid of any and all programs possible to conserve ram for Kiel harbor- I have 8 gig, so that's something, Herr Kiel...

Tweaking was succesful after I realised what went wrong:
let the game create new "base" files by loading a tweaked patrol save, THEN dock at base, then go out- never touch in-base saves. ^^

kevinsue 08-29-16 04:48 PM

Aircraft Patrol Radius from Airbases
I've been cruising around the NW Approaches off the West coast of Scotland looking for ships to use the last of my torpedoes before heading back to Wilhelmshaven to end the current patrol. I just got attacked by an Avro Anson well outside the 300 km radius of the nearest airbase and he came in from further out to sea from the west. I've noticed that some of the airbases on the map when moused over, bring up a small aircraft icon a fair distance from the airbase and "368 Nm" between the aircraft icon and the airbase. Do airbases displaying this when moused over have aircraft that have a larger combat radius than the usual 300 Km? Or are there Anson's being launched from a Carrier that may be lurking in the vicinity? :hmmm:

kevinsue 08-29-16 04:51 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2430407)

As you can see there are planty of new gauges available. Only patter angle is not adjustable, at least not with this type of torpedo...

Good to know...Thanks for the info. :up:

SnipersHunter 08-29-16 05:04 PM

Hey , I have a problem. I play on 100% realism with real navigation. But there should be still radio contact updates of convoys reported by BDU appear on the map right? For me thats not the case is there any way to fix this?

THEBERBSTER 08-29-16 05:06 PM

Hi Vecko
Your updates look the same apart from the numbering.
The first time you used the red and new it was very noticeable.
Each time a new one is now introduced they continue as before to state new and are in the same color red.
There have been a few 16 updates recently.
A new update can be around for a time like no 15 before the next one comes along.
Would it be possible to change the color each time a new update is made so it will draw ones attention to it.

vdr1981 08-29-16 05:33 PM


Originally Posted by SnipersHunter (Post 2430553)
Hey , I have a problem. I play on 100% realism with real navigation. But there should be still radio contact updates of convoys reported by BDU appear on the map right?

Not reports are inconsistent with real nav addon so you should manually mark them on map. You can also use Ship Journal and supermarks to save your markings when exiting the game...

SnipersHunter 08-29-16 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2430558)
Not reports are inconsistent with real nav addon so you should manually mark them on map. You can also use Ship Journal and supermarks to save your markings when exiting the game...

Oh alright, thank you for the quick response. One last question: It is also normal that the radio contact reports only appear on the Patrol log as radio message but not in the normal radio message window , right?

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