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THEBERBSTER 02-17-16 11:37 AM

Thank you Vecko I will give it a try and see how it goes.

palmic 02-17-16 12:38 PM

Hey and i just want to say i found awesome tool in game - weather board - shift+B.
click to small chalk at the bottom of the board and then click "update" to update board for your last position fix.

You will now see when sun/moon will raise and most importantly - WHERE it will raise.
You can plan your convoy attack from the dark side against moon now! :arrgh!:

Sjizzle 02-17-16 02:36 PM


offtopic read your pm pls vecko :D

excel4004 02-17-16 02:39 PM

@ vdr1981 said how nice the game could be with and so i also tried to play the game with Real Navigation. I also tried to play without Wind & Smoke addon.

I want test the gameplay now WITH Wind & Smoke addon and please tell me how is the order in GME? ( i searched in the forum, sry i dident find it)

First Real Nav and then Wind & Smoke or first Wind & Smoke and then Real NAv?

..again THANKS for the mod, its really fun!! :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

vdr1981 02-17-16 02:47 PM


Originally Posted by excel4004 (Post 2382201)
@ vdr1981 said how nice the game could be with and so i also tried to play the game with Real Navigation. I also tried to play without Wind & Smoke addon.

I want test the gameplay now WITH Wind & Smoke addon and please tell me how is the order in GME? ( i searched in the forum, sry i dident find it)

First Real Nav and then Wind & Smoke or first Wind & Smoke and then Real NAv?

..again THANKS for the mod, its really fun!! :Kaleun_Thumbs_Up:

There's readme file in it...Also the name of the addon starts with number "5", that should mean something, don't you think?:O:

excel4004 02-17-16 03:22 PM

:smug: Thanks for the fast help!

palmic 02-17-16 05:55 PM

Yeah and thanks for your overall product. You all guys compiling modpacks are awesome, without you i would never played so great sub sim :salute:
I would really dont want to check and compile so many mods together,
I loved vanilla sh3 before years, than i give up uppon sh4, than i found trigger maru - well this is maybe better than 3 :) and than i was totally irritated how bad could vanilla sh5 be.. so i played trigger maru for years!

And now?
I think we have most realistic beautiful sub sim with the best u-bote scenario in our history!
And i think i dont need anything more in sub sims :)

You actually made me to buy 10+ history books about u-bote aces, convoys, wolfpacks, to see anything about sub wars in atlantic on YT (if you want to see the best documentary EVER, see this!) and to learn some of u-bote mastery math and geometry.
From sims, i was mostly playing flight sim falcon 4.0 BMS before, but right now i am most interested in ww2 u-bote :salute:

THEBERBSTER 02-18-16 04:52 AM

Hi Vecko
Used your advice, spent 5 hours last night trying to achieve colored contacts to show.
Unfortunately I could not get it to work. I had white squares showing and also no contacts showing and on another try no map.
I cannot work out the combination of what needs to be removed and added.

vdr1981 02-18-16 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2382288)
Hi Vecko
Used your advice, spent 5 hours last night trying to achieve colored contacts to show.
Unfortunately I could not get it to work. I had white squares showing and also no contacts showing and on another try no map.
I cannot work out the combination of what needs to be removed and added.

OK, I'll see what I can do Peter...:hmmm:

vdr1981 02-18-16 10:42 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2382260)
Yeah and thanks for your overall product. You all guys compiling modpacks are awesome, without you i would never played so great sub sim :salute:
I would really dont want to check and compile so many mods together,
I loved vanilla sh3 before years, than i give up uppon sh4, than i found trigger maru - well this is maybe better than 3 :) and than i was totally irritated how bad could vanilla sh5 be.. so i played trigger maru for years!

And now?
I think we have most realistic beautiful sub sim with the best u-bote scenario in our history!
And i think i dont need anything more in sub sims :)

You actually made me to buy 10+ history books about u-bote aces, convoys, wolfpacks, to see anything about sub wars in atlantic on YT (if you want to see the best documentary EVER, see this!) and to learn some of u-bote mastery math and geometry.
From sims, i was mostly playing flight sim falcon 4.0 BMS before, but right now i am most interested in ww2 u-bote :salute:

I'm glad you enjoy it...:up:
These are also mandatory... ;)

gap 02-18-16 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381994)
Oh, please, don't get melodramatic, I've never said anything offensive to you nor to the creator of the mod. But if my mildly sarcastic comment did offend you...

You miss the point. You didn't offend me, and I have nothing personal against you. I and other respected forum members have just pointed out that your "mildly sarcastic comments" sounded mildly unfriendly with the community as a whole and, as that, they weren't in line with the etiquette rules commonly accepted here. If this sounds melodramatic to you, I am afraid we have different conceptions of what is to be considered "melodramatic" and what should be a "friendly" level of sarcasm.


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381998)
Now, please just go back to your usual conversations and ignore me just like you did when I asked for help, before my mildly sarcastic posts attracted your attention.

LOL, you are being egomaniac here. Who told you that I (or other forum members) deliberately ignored your request for help? Personally I didn't even know your forum name until I stumbled upon your sharp comment, at which point I looked back at older posts and I discovered what had pissed you off. I am sorry for that, but all's well that ends well.

If it doesn't disappoint you, I think I will just ignore your "mildly sarcastic" request of being ignored in future, and I will pop up for help whenever you ask for it, IF I can and IF no one else has done it in the meanwhile. :03:


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381994)
...then, well, I am sorry, that wasn't my intention.


Good evening to you, sir.


Originally Posted by Koranis (Post 2381998)
Wow, vdr1981... thank you mate!

Enough said. End of the discussion :up:

Sorry Vecko for spamming your thread

THEBERBSTER 02-18-16 10:58 AM

Hi Vecko
Thank you, your help with this will be truly appreciated.

vdr1981 02-18-16 10:59 AM

I must agree with you gap that some people just can't understand that forums like Subsim are NOT technical support.:nope:

gap 02-18-16 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2382367)
I must agree with you gap that some people just can't understand that forums like Subsim are NOT technical support.:nope:

Or maybe they are, seeing how casually game publishers decide to stop supporting their products (even when they keep selling them) :haha:

vdr1981 02-18-16 11:26 AM


Originally Posted by gap (Post 2382370)
Or maybe they are, seeing how casually game publishers decide to stop supporting their products (even when they keep selling them) :haha:

Heh, you may be right...

Gap, one post on Subsim FB page reminded me about the existence of another conning twr for type C/41. Do you remember what was the issue with it? Why it couldn't be modded into the game ?:hmmm:


Ooups...appereantly, it can...:)

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