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masd 08-21-15 05:12 AM

One question, why every change i make on the "TDWs Option Editor" does not appear ingame.

Entry found: SH5InstallPath=C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5
Entry found: LastMenuTXT=C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\MODS\The Wolves of Steel 1.04\data\Menu\menu.txt
Entry found: LastOptionsFilePath=C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\MODS\The Wolves of Steel 1.04\data\Scripts\Menu\

fitzcarraldo 08-21-15 06:03 AM


Originally Posted by masd (Post 2338355)
One question, why every change i make on the "TDWs Option Editor" does not appear ingame.

Entry found: SH5InstallPath=C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5
Entry found: LastMenuTXT=C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\MODS\The Wolves of Steel 1.04\data\Menu\menu.txt
Entry found: LastOptionsFilePath=C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\MODS\The Wolves of Steel 1.04\data\Scripts\Menu\

You need to disable the mods via JSGME do the changes and reactivate.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

masd 08-21-15 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2338370)
You need to disable the mods via JSGME do the changes and reactivate.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Thanks :rock:

I didn't remember that little detail :D

THEBERBSTER 08-21-15 11:40 AM

1. When you want to make any changes in the OFEV you need to disable the mods in JSGME.
The problem is by doing this means that all your
settings in the OFEV will be lost.
To overcome this problem before disabling the mods you need to make a copy of the "" PY File

2. Copy from > Likely looking path:
Silent Hunter 5
The < this is the last file in the list

3. When you have disabled the TWOS mods
Copy and paste the saved .py file to > likely looking path
Silent Hunter 5


4. Overwrite the existing .py.
Make your new OFEV changes.
When you have saved your new OFEV changes.
7. Repeat 2 again and keep in a safe place until needed the next time you need to make another change.
8. Enable the Mods.

Nobon 08-21-15 05:11 PM

Another annoying testuser
Greetings, Grüss Gott, and all.


Praising and Polishing:

After a long period of SH3 + GWX 3.0 I decided to test my new machine, and bought SH5. Despite the graphics, I almost had my heart stopped at the first test run, that I gave money for THIS pile of ******, even with a few selected mods it seemed an arcadised, and simplified version of every silent hunter, tailored for the braindead mainstream gamer, who have speed up reflexes for boom-headshot, but nothing else inside their skull.

Luckily I gave a try to Wolves of steel after that...
First, let me say that you are wrong, this project is -almost- as great in the meaning of enhanced simulation experience, as GWX...

First of all, it startes from a horrible pile of rubbish, and turn it into a Silent Hunter game, so thats a LOONG headstart against GWX, which is superb work, but stock SH3 is just... Stock, not a simplified console game. So when GWX can directly start to enhance the simulation, Wolves Of Steel first -restores- (almost) all the main SH3 functionalities into SH5.. And thats a VERY great thing, as this is the only reason I kept playing this.

So for me WOlves of steel is a lifesaver. Especially as SH5 + WOS saves load eight times faster than SH3 + GWX saves on the same machine XD

Of course the tons of AI tweaking and fine tuning, years of testing, and enhancement of damage scheme, etc. are better in GWX, but hell, GWX is also started from an 1.0. And I know that development for WOS is currently stopped, but as with GWX, it can start up again.


Now, after the big praise (which I can't echoe enough, especially the real navigation + ability to -correctly- use stadimeter for range, and sextant to shoot latitude, with even the fine tuning for every aspect ratio) I need some help, as there's no such thing as manual yet. (I read all the documentations for all the mods before I started to post this)

The damage scheme problem:

With all map contact updates turned off, I was able to surpass (after 4 dead savegames...XD) the mythical baltic mission, with one lousy small merchant gunned to death, (german man-o-wars destroyed -everything else- before I could even have a blink at whats floating in the area) I went to Kiel, and FINALLY started the "free" patrol mission on the eastern shores of Britain.

After some fabulous miserability trying to find myself in real nav, (good progress made, I can find my latitude sometimes more precise than my navigator's celestial, (according to visual dead fix on the exit of ports, etc.) but longitude... huh. I can only tell the -timezone-, from the dusk/dawn. Which is still a LARGE area of sea in W-E direction :DD ) I made it near the given area of patrol.

There I found my first target, a Hog Islander. I saw a jeep onboard, but I think it still wasn't a troop transport, but a simple one. Also according to the recognition manual, troop transports could be USA only, and this was bearing a UK white ensign flag.

There I made a savegame, calculated range, speed, (overcalculated by 1 knot as almost always... It's not 11, thats for sure, more likely 10.) bearing and angle on bow is 90 90 like always when I try to ride easy, and so I started to destroy that bastard.

As with every testgame, I made several attempts to eradicate the poor islander. Here's the reloads with their respective outcome:

1.: Hit by 1 torp, impact, went in a half circle, stopped after a hour, sank until water washed over sometimes its stern, stopped there hanging. Hours, nothing.
SHot with gun until the bow broken off. Game counted it as sunken. Bow sank, rest of the ship stopped floating, like it's freezen in place, but does not sunk.

2.: hit by 2 torp!! between bow and middle, holes next to eachother. GREAT holes. SHip went a half circle, stopped after a hour, sank to half of the waterline, stopped there hanging. Hours, nothing. 10 hours and nothing...
Shot it until it broken EXACTLY into two halves. Both halves remain floating dynamically, but was stuck together when their cracked ends started to sink... Ship counted as sink, but remained there without sinking. All parts still reacting to water physics, not like in the first attempt, but never sunk.


3.: hit by 3 torp. First 2, right after the middle, exact same spot, very big hole. Went a half circle, stopped after a hour, sank til middle of waterline, but nothing else. several hours, nothing. Fired 3rd torpedo that one set to impact, hit the stern. Very huge explosions, fire, smoke, big hole. ANd nothing changed. For hours.

4.: hit by 2 torp, exact same spot, behind the middle- great explosion, ship instantly broken into two halves. The two halves closer ends sank just a very little, but hanging there, floating, and the ship still never went underwater. Counted as sank.

5.: hit by 2 torp, reproduced the same behaviour as in attempt 2, just I dont used the gun, but waited for at least 10 hours... nothing. Half sunken, stopped, like most of the time.

Actually I enevr was able to put the rest of the ship underwater.

Now I understand that for some reason all modders like to lower torpedo damage, and I know that on some cases middle sized merchants was able to crawl out of harms way with even 3 torpedo hits, but in the MAJORITY of the times even a 6000 ton merchant was instantly sunk by only one torpedo.

What is the problem, that this Hog islander never capsize, and never even tilt to either side, only sometimes gets it stern lower than its bow, (no problem that the bow was hit, or the stern, the bow never get's lower than the stern...) but usually only the whole ship equally sink half way, then stop there floating?? What's the problem? Why can't I put it under the water? :DD and why is there arent any flooding, or any kind of behaviour instead of
uniform half-sunk, and a slightly lower stern on each attempt? It's a 4000 ton ship, and not even 3 torpedo is enough for it, when even 2 is -should- be too much in 7 times out of 10.

So what's the thing Im missing here, and how the damage and flooding scheme is working?

Thanks, with respect
Good winds, and Godspeed


THEBERBSTER 08-21-15 06:19 PM

Hi Nobon

Quote > And I know that development for WOS is currently stopped, but as with GWX, it can start up again.

I can assure you that TWOS is very much alive and kicking.

This is why the future looks bright for SH5 as TWOS is constantly being developed and updated.

You can actually get a reply to any questions on this thread from the modder himself vecko (vdr1981).


vdr1981 08-21-15 06:20 PM

Hi Nobon!:salute:

Thanks for your comment , posts like yours can really give moral boost to all moders here, I'm sure.:up:

Regarding your issue, Hogisland is from some unknown reason generally tough lady but that been said, your report definitely sounds very strange still...
I saw similar bugs occasionally but very rare and with different type of ships.
Just to make sure that everything is OK with your installation I would suggest you to try few attacks in "Capsize and listing effects" single mission and then tell us what's happen during your attack. Hogisland is a third ship in a row ...

Here's what I've got...

Two torpedoes, two hits, note the clock...

...and after few minutes...

Nobon 08-21-15 10:40 PM

Hi, I managed to sink the Hog with a torp, tahts the past now. Thanks for the reply :)

Oh, and the "save game failed" bug kicked in for me aswell XD after I sink an SV small modern composite, I can't save anymore. Two destroyers there, I managed to sneak off a few times- but then "save game failed" all the time I try to save. Help XD im stuck, I don't want to quit the game as then I need to sink that darn SV AGAIN... :DD

I dont use other mods, and I only left Kiel, went to my patrol grid, sank the HOg islander, then my alst good save is near the intact SV...

All my systems are ok, only "abteilung" is damaged in every room. (I think thats the pressure hull) all other systems are 100%.

here's what I tried, and won't help: I recursively set all the folders and files to non-write protected in documents/sh5, I deleted a few savegames ingame,
I waited until all my torpedo loads finished, (just started reloading an outer reserve into the ship before the SV attack, so i -might- went underwater while doing it..... But I waited till it finished, but I still cant save)
recharged battery, surfaced, ran to 100+ km distance from wrecks, etc.


Ive got the perpetrator. Seriously.

I made 18 succesful saves, and around 10 failed (then I reloaded the last succesful) since my last entry here, and managed to sink the SV, survive 4 destoryer'S and a torpedo boats search, and sneak away to the east.


AFTER I load the save where I have the SV in sight, ready to launch the torpedo, I CANNOT put TC to 64 or more, (on some rare occasions 32 or more, when all 4 destros are circling) because as soon as i DO, then I cant save anymore. No freeze, no any alarming thing, juts the fact, that you cant save ANYMORE at all. Peaceful little window, svae game failed. no crach, no any other error. game runs like charm otherwise....

SO in 3d view (AND in periscope, and free cam, and MAYBE inside the boat) I cant put TC to 64 or more... (sometimes 32 or more) When this situation is up. maybe 3 ships are too much, I dont know. Maybe the destoryers search function breaks, if TC got higher than 64 (or 32) in 3d view, dont know.

So, I can ONLY continue with normal saves if I either:

-stick to 16x tc or less,
-or I switch to the MAP, and WHILE viewing the map I speed up TC.

speeded up to 512 in map view, so far no problem. i was able to save my 18th save.

Now as the destros left a long time ago, I try to speed up tc in 3d view ALSO...


Was run 3d view in 512, no problem. just needed to get rid of the destros completely out of sight.

So it seems, that in SOME occasions as soon as your tc reaches 64 (or maybe sometimes 32) in 3d view !!!!while you have ships around!!!, or maybe while destros hunting and running their script for it, then you loose the ability to save FOREVER.

(seriously, I sailed away 200km, reloaded torpedoes, recharged battery, everything, passed a whole day, STILL you CANT fix it if it first struck... You can only reload, and stay out of 64 (or maybe 32? sometimes) in TC in 3d view, while ships around.

I would be very happy if you could fix this, but I was able to pull myself out of the swamp by this workaround...

Is there any way to limit the 3d view's TC to 16 in the ini files?


If I, lets just say, sink a belgian ship because it's there... Then the Bdu arent going to be very happy with me in 1939 sept, do I presume right? ^^

Uh, I sent the contact report of the belgie', then Bdu replied: "remain undetected, and continue to follow convoy/contact, other submarines are heading your way to help" ... What?? :D Do a wolfpack seriously going to attack a belgian ship on Bdu's orders in 39 sept? :D?

By the way: Do I have to patrol AN 55 44 for 24/48 hours? It's quite a small reticule to stay in, lots of patrols- or it's enough to stay between the borders of the main AN55? Or I just simply have given time to sink merchant ships until that dec date anywhere?

vdr1981 08-22-15 07:12 AM

Nobon, do you use latest patch 2 for WoS 1.04? :hmmm:
Before save game failed bug kicked in, what was your maximum depth while you were avouidong those destroyers? Was it deeper than 160m?

So it seems, that in SOME occasions as soon as your tc reaches 64 (or maybe sometimes 32) in 3d view !!!!while you have ships around!!!, or maybe while destros hunting and running their script for it, then you loose the ability to save FOREVER.
I thought that the issue is related to destroyed KDB ...I must test your theory too...

Nobon 08-22-15 08:11 AM

I tested it with 20+ savegame attempts, bug tracking is one of my experties XD

I never went below 120m.

Since the last "safe" save, when Im facing the unsuspecting SV in periscope depth, UNTIL im safely out of destros way, and at least 80km away, -every time- I turned tc to 64 (sometimes 32) the "save game failed" kicked in.

I LITERALLY saved in every 5 minutes, and then recreated the error is every 5 minutes, THEN reloaded the last save XD just to avoid tc 64 for 5 minutes THEN tried to raise it again...

It IS the TC, and only when in 3d view.

Lets just list what conditions was ALWAYS "true" when TC can took away save ability:

-Destroyers "hunting" script was running.
-At least 2 destroyers was on my back.
-3d view.
-Ships was near.
-TC was 64 or higher. (sometimes maybe 32)

We can cross out 80km barrier without raising TC, as I was able to save and reload near a sunken, but flaming ship. (the sinking wreck disappeared, but otherwise the game loaded fine)

Now we do know, that certain TC levels can "drop" or fail some background running scripts, and create errors, thats why the first page here states what TC levels you shouldn't use in certain situations. (I also humbly made the TC time barrier modifications the install suggested. I have all the updates, followed the install process in every letter of course- basic rules of testing a new game.)

My favourite TC error is when you click on the compass to start to change directions while canal navigating XD in 32, or 64 TC, and the game just ignores it :D in a random occasion, and you dart into the door of a quiet little chapel on shore, and bury your boat deep between the two rows of benches, only stopping at the altar...

Sorry, back to the "svae game failed" problem: Maybe the destroyers "player" hunting script has something to do with this, as I never had this error until know, not even when the kriegsmarine ships killed all my targets XD nor when I watched my targets burn in 64x until hours and hours....

This thing only kicked in (and remained, it happened -every time- I went to 64x in 3d view- until the destros LEFT the rendered world) when there was 2 destros at least, and they started to hunt. Not before that, nor after.




Of course you were right...

I followed all the install steps number by number, onyl used the official links there, YET somehow I managed to get PATCH 1... O_o I dont know where I got it, as patch 2 has a different name... I just realised in JSGME, that my update after the main mod reads "patch 1".... Downloading combined patch 2 right now.

Yet... I did not crushed my KDB, nor went below 130m O_o all my stuff are 100%, except the pressure hull parts.

SOooooo... Ignore my gloating XD about the install process-

but the bugtrack is still set. I have a high end machine, I had no slowdowns, or freezes, and If I stay below 64 TC (sometimes maybe 32) I can evade this error until the destros leave, after that no problem. (alternatively I can still use 64 TC on MAP.) I hope it helps to further looking into it-

vdr1981 08-22-15 08:41 AM

Testing right now...
It seems that save bug issue can be reproduced without any AI inits in your vicinity and in single mission too...

Please tell me can you confirm this:
Dive to something like 170m with 2/3 ahead speed and using TC no higher than 16. This should not collapse game saving function...

Then, gradually increase TC to 32/64/128 (regardless of 3D/Nav map view) and you'll probably notice that at certain moment engine speed gauge will suddenly drop to "all stop"?! :doh:
This is the exact moment when save bug kicks in...

What do you say?:hmmm:

Nobon 08-22-15 09:26 AM

Im using patch 2 now, (correct load order) and I was able to recreate the bug with my saves at the "unsafe" situation.

After that, I started a historic mission,

-went down to 172meter, with 2/3 in 16x.
-When I arrived to 172, I was able to save normally.
-Then I rised tc to 32 for a minute. Iw as able to save.
-I raised it to 64... Then a small, unimportant picture flickering occured, like z fighting, but otherwise ok- but RIGHT after that moment, the "save game failed" kicked in when I wanted to save.

vdr1981 08-22-15 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2338669)
-Then I rised tc to 32 for a minute. Iw as able to save.
-I raised it to 64... Then a small, unimportant picture flickering occured, like z fighting, but otherwise ok- but RIGHT after that moment, the "save game failed" kicked in when I wanted to save.

Exactly the same here! :up: I'm sure that when that flickering happened your speed gauge dropped to "all stop" too...

Now, we can condense our "Save game failed" theory to this:
TC higher than 32 while submerged deeper than 100m will collapse game saving function.

This "tip" will be really helpful until I figure out what exactly is going on...

Your help is enormous Nobon! :up:

Nobon 08-22-15 09:48 AM

Eee... There is a slight problem XD

When the destros was around, that thing happened on periscope depth also. (but maybe just after went below 100 first)

I tested the historic mission more: 32x can set the error also, while inside the boat, and I used the map without any problem with 64x for a long time, but even in map view, it dropped "stop" after some time on 128x... :(

A sudden almost unnoticable texture flicker, and speed drops to zero.


No problem :D I try to help, Its necessary to me to see this mod as stable as it can get XD I just love it...

Attack wheel for speed calc, WORKING millirad readings and math for range, north star + working sextant for latitude, (I just have to figure out how can I get the -precise- longitude...) navigator does the dead reckoning calc for me, this mod is -everything I needed- for any silent hunter. Even 3 doesnt really had these options. Just spent a whole night without realising it- and the majority of my calculations proven correct. So I do NEED this mod to evolve more and more :DDDDD

vdr1981 08-22-15 12:35 PM

The problem is most likely caused by my recent changes in Equipment.upc (EDIT: make that submarine .zon) file! :yep:
Narrowing down the search...

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