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Husksubsky 03-09-16 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2387584)
Why dont you start some other campaing, like HT or WA?:hmm2: WA is the best campaign in SH5...

I ll start in Happy times. Had a minor cheat in the channel where I engaged airplaines ( I was drunk) and lost engine. I can think I escaped :D.
oh dear Im sick its just a game:haha:

Anyway I saw sh5 UI was back cause of tutorial. SH3 more stable and better fps? If so I go for SH3. Anything else I should change in OFEV to match UI change from 5 to 3 if I go for it?

vdr1981 03-09-16 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Husksubsky (Post 2388182)
Anything else I should change in OFEV to match UI change from 5 to 3 if I go for it?

Not really, everything else is pretty much the same...:up:
Make sure to "fire up" KSDCommander though...It's mega cool...:yep:

palmic 03-09-16 09:09 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2388187)
Not really, everything else is pretty much the same...:up:
Make sure to "fire up" KSDCommander though...It's mega cool...:yep:

Yeah all of you start launching SH via KSD and log yourself in, app then uploads your stats to community chart - we need more kapitanleutnanten to compete our score with! :yeah:

Husksubsky 03-09-16 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2388187)
Not really, everything else is pretty much the same...:up:
Make sure to "fire up" KSDCommander though...It's mega cool...:yep:

I will :up:

Husksubsky 03-09-16 10:50 AM

I ve got couple of messages with ppl saying my Twos upgrade for the autoscripts doesn t work and it was a mystery cause it worked fine here. One very easy way to see that is that sub keeps turning some degrees left each dive. I saw in Twos documents that the old autoscripts 04 is still in the game behind the newest. Autoscripts 04 simply doesnt work with the inertia and is far less good than the Twos update wich works nice even without Twos. I used hours in and out of game to finetune for type B. Hope type C isnt slower but I never came so far in the game.(Never tried it as standalone in stock though but who plays that haha maybe its not working at all without Trevs mod.never saw a modlist without it, but I should have checked that.The hole project started as an extention to Trevs automods)The 04 also lacks the patroleaea option where the boat lurks around and goes up to breath and recharge (if OFEV enabled autorecharge)

Edit opps alphabethical list sorry. Well twos update need be last cause the .sha file have same name. Scrap the old one :)
Edit 2: xhecked my sh files and it looks ok. I removed my own tweaked version (I like 32 tc) and the Data/Automation folder showed the updated one. Maybe the guy used type A. Type A is too slow, but most ppl get type B fairly quick .

vdr1981 03-09-16 03:38 PM

I think I'm not following you Husk...Could you please brake it down for me, do your scripts work or not? :)

Husksubsky 03-10-16 01:08 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2388270)
I think I'm not following you Husk...Could you please brake it down for me, do your scripts work or not? :)

Even me I don t understand what I tried to say looking my old posts:o always been like that.

Let s try .
I found out you had both my outdated patrol autoscripts 0.4 and autoscrips 1.0 TWOS tuned in the list, but the last mentioned is active and it works :).
it replaces autoscripts 0.4 so that can be thrown away.

Reason why I made post was I thought the old was active replacing the newest, but I was wrong. The rest is my typical nonsense.

Warham 03-10-16 03:03 AM

Planes fly in bad weather. Can it be fixed?

vdr1981 03-10-16 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by Warham (Post 2388336)
Planes fly in bad weather. Can it be fixed?

No, because, as you can see down bellow, SH games do not have airstrike probability modifiers for weather conditions. There are only modifiers for night time and airbase skill level.
Usually, planes in bad weather are not dangerous simple because they cant see you... In order to reduce probability of planes spawning in your area you should maintain radio silence, stay undetected and put some distance between you and the nearest airbase.


; AirStrike Creation Parameters
; Airstrike Session:
;        1. Compute airbases in range according to their aircraft maximum ranges
;        2. Compute air coverage factors on allies/axis/neutral on the target zone
;        3. Compute airstrike probability from each base
;        3.1 check number of aircraft that can strike at that range and conditions, and compute a coverage factor based on the range of each aircraft type
;                and detection area around submarine ( 10 km radius )
;        3.2 multiply coverage factor for the target area with :
;                - current airstrike probability againt that side
;                - nigft factor ( if necessary )
;                - airbase competence
;                - close to airbase factor
;        3.3 check probability for airstrike
;        3.4 add more aircraft probabilistically for a large target

Maximum Aircraft Range=2000                        ;[>0] in kilometers                ;was 2000
Poor Airbase Modifier=0.25                                                ;[>0] Modifier for poor airbase (carrier) rating        ;was 0.2
Novice Airbase Modifier=0.4                                                ;[>0] Modifier for novice airbase (carrier) rating        ;was 0.35
Competent Airbase Modifier=0.7                                                ;[>0] Modifier for competent airbase (carrier) rating        ;was 0.5
Veteran Airbase Modifier=0.8                                                ;[>0] Modifier for veteran airbase (carrier) rating        ;was 0.7
Elite Airbase Modifier=1                                                ;[>0] Modifier for elite airbase (carrier) rating
Night Modifier=0.125                                                        ;[>0] Modifier on strike probability at night                ;was 0.5
Default Air Strike Probability=5                                        ;[>0] Default probability to send an airstrike from a airbase (carrier)                ;was 10
Enemy Air Strike Probability Increase on Radio Messages Sent=25                ;[>0] Increase over the default probability on a radio message sent                ;was 30
Friendly Air Strike Probability Increase on Contact Report Sent=75        ;[>0] Increase over the default probability on a contact message sent                ;was 70
Enemy Air Strike Probability Increase on Player Detection=30                ;[>0] Increase over the default probability on player detection                        ;was 40
Atenuation Factor=10                                                        ;[>0] decrease from an increased probability to default one on each air session
Logic Steps Between Air Sessions=15                                        ;[>0] steps between air fighting sessions, 10*Logic Interval(90sec)                ; was 10

siege00 03-10-16 08:49 PM

Patrol Area Completion Question
So I understand that patrol areas are time based, and you can't stop the game until it's completed once you start or you will not get credit. If I need to leave to refuel / rearm, will I still be able to return to the patrol area, or will time have passed and I'll just get a new patrol area?


Cybermat47 03-10-16 09:01 PM


Originally Posted by siege00 (Post 2388550)
So I understand that patrol areas are time based, and you can't stop the game until it's completed once you start or you will not get credit.

Not quite. If you're 48 hours into a 72 hour patrol, and you stop the game, you just have to patrol the area for another 72 hours when you go back to the game, and you'll get credit.

siege00 03-10-16 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2388552)
Not quite. If you're 48 hours into a 72 hour patrol, and you stop the game, you just have to patrol the area for another 72 hours when you go back to the game, and you'll get credit.

Thanks! Makes more sense now. So if I leave a patrol area the timer will reset and as long as I get back before and complete it, if the patrol is still available, doing the full on-station time, I'll be good to go?

palmic 03-11-16 07:28 AM

Just off topic

I can tell ya there's no better feeling than if you sink a ship by one torpedo with max realism settings and you'll find out, that you did that hit even with huge mistake in distance settings (and so it was mistake even in AoB measurement :) )
- as a result, hit was closer to nose and the detonation came about 1/3 sooner.

But! it was about 1500m far and it was very near of 90 AoB, so distance have not big impact on solution.

It was in the night and British hog Island was about 4knots on his way to Norway. I came about 2km near emerged, submerge and started to measure his course and speed..
No survivors sighted

Here i can tell you that optic on bridge is nearly useless.
You can use it for 2 things - observing and attack. Observing is for me better with plain binoculars since you have the same zoom and clear view without scales. For attack bridge optic is useless because of waving, since periscope view is pretty stable.
So only remaining thing for what is this optic usable is observing special bearing, because you dont know exact bearing in binoculars.

From what i read in u-boat aces books, surface attack was preffered, because (of course) maneuverability and better view, so i dont know if this is real..

Sjizzle 03-11-16 10:24 AM

Vecko what u think about

vdr1981 03-11-16 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2388637)

Yes, I saw it, looks great! :up:

I was just about to ask you if you could prepare or recommend few more charts for next TWoS update. If you check files you'll see that we have few more empty slots available...:yep:

I've just checked...Only 3 slots are available...:wah::)

palmic 03-11-16 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2388637)

Love these charts, the last two already helped me to understand some things :up:

siege00 03-11-16 11:45 AM

Does TWoS include the mod that allows measuring speed based on passive sonar sounds (ie. RPM)? If so, could we have that chart included?

Love the charts Sjizzle and thanks for the refreshes Vecko!

excel4004 03-11-16 03:21 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2388637)

Beautiful stuff! :up:

Sjizzle, pls create a mod/card with this historical looking for the radio messages. :D

I just found one mod with old looking style but this mod includes also other radio message changes. So a old looking mod/design working with the actually TWoS would be very nice! :rock:

palmic 03-11-16 03:55 PM

This thread is awesome guys, give it a try! :rock:

Cybermat47 03-11-16 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by siege00 (Post 2388564)
Thanks! Makes more sense now. So if I leave a patrol area the timer will reset and as long as I get back before and complete it, if the patrol is still available, doing the full on-station time, I'll be good to go?

Yep, pretty much. Gut jagd! :salute:

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