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vigo101 09-04-17 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2510389)
Just wait minute or two mate...Remove old updates from your jsgme...and no, you don't have to do full reinstallation of course if you've installed/updated your Twos per instructions.

When it first started up I would get a splash screen of TWOS with a progress bar at the bottom. Now I just get a black screen then the music starts to loop then the music plays as it should .... behind a black screen now.. :(

vdr1981 09-04-17 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by vigo101 (Post 2510483)
When it first started up I would get a splash screen of TWOS with a progress bar at the bottom. Now I just get a black screen then the music starts to loop then the music plays as it should .... behind a black screen now.. :(

That doesn't sound right...No problems loading v2.0.8 here. Can you post a screenshot of your jsgme?

THEBERBSTER 09-04-17 06:56 PM

Hi vigo
Have you had a Windows update recently?

alexv86 09-04-17 09:05 PM

Port/starboard prop shaft buttons

Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2510145)
I play TWOS years and i never used this :03:
In my oppinion the theory from loading screen is physical nonsense.

This feature has to have been added for some purpose though, right?

alexv86 09-05-17 08:33 AM

No hydrophone operator voice
Hey everyone,

I recently noticed that when I ask for a report from my sound guy, I don't get any audio from him. It says it in the message box, but that's it.

I have German audio enabled, and so far it seems like reports from all other crew members are working.

Anybody know what might be causing this?

After awhile it just started working again, it's happened a few times now.

vdr1981 09-05-17 09:27 AM


Originally Posted by alexv86 (Post 2510686)
Hey everyone,

I recently noticed that when I ask for a report from my sound guy, I don't get any audio from him. It says it in the message box, but that's it.

I have German audio enabled, and so far it seems like reports from all other crew members are working.

Anybody know what might be causing this?

Additional UI hydrophone commands are modded in to the game and that's how they are implemented. Some will give you audio response while some won't...


Originally Posted by alexv86 (Post 2510608)
This feature has to have been added for some purpose though, right?

What feature?

alexv86 09-05-17 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2510694)
Additional UI hydrophone commands are modded in to the game and that's how they are implemented. Some will give you audio response while some won't...

What feature?

Sorry, should have included more on that. I was referring to the selection button thing to enable or disable port or starboard engine shafts.

alexv86 09-05-17 12:47 PM

Campaign progression
Hey again,
On a separate issue, I'm not sure I understand how the campaign progresses. In my Campaign it's 10/13/1939, I'm on the Eastern British patrol (I can't remember exactly what it's called and I don't have the game running ATM) I noticed on the map now I see two other mission markers, the western approaches, and a mission to sink a ship at Scapa Flow. How do I get those missions, do I go back to port and then end patrol? How do I choose when I should end a patrol?

vdr1981 09-05-17 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by alexv86 (Post 2510723)
Sorry, should have included more on that. I was referring to the selection button thing to enable or disable port or starboard engine shafts.

In normal gameplay there wont be much use of this function. It's more a curiosity and demonstration of pyton scripts abilities introduced with Sh5.

Read more about campaign concept in FAQ and tips section...Cheers !

Subwolf 09-05-17 07:01 PM


Originally Posted by alexv86 (Post 2510737)
Hey again,
On a separate issue, I'm not sure I understand how the campaign progresses. In my Campaign it's 10/13/1939, I'm on the Eastern British patrol (I can't remember exactly what it's called and I don't have the game running ATM) I noticed on the map now I see two other mission markers, the western approaches, and a mission to sink a ship at Scapa Flow. How do I get those missions, do I go back to port and then end patrol? How do I choose when I should end a patrol?

Yes you should end your patrol and request those missions in the bunker. When to end a patrol? When you're out of torpedoes :03: I guess whenever you like, missions are only date controlled. No more tonnage bars and all that nonsense. I like this, you are free to decide how to hunt. Your primary order is to sink enemy ships wherever you find them.

vigo101 09-06-17 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2510539)
That doesn't sound right...No problems loading v2.0.8 here. Can you post a screenshot of your jsgme?

I clean re-installed from scratch and the problem seems to be solved now

Thank you for replying..

alexv86 09-06-17 01:30 PM

Campaign progression

Originally Posted by Subwolf (Post 2510800)
Yes you should end your patrol and request those missions in the bunker. When to end a patrol? When you're out of torpedoes :03: I guess whenever you like, missions are only date controlled. No more tonnage bars and all that nonsense. I like this, you are free to decide how to hunt. Your primary order is to sink enemy ships wherever you find them.

Any idea on what the historical average patrol length was?
Also if I just need fuel and torpedoes do I request resupply or just go to a friendly port?

HW3 09-06-17 01:59 PM

If you want to do the Scapa Flow mission you need to head straight there from where you are, do it, and head home afterwards. It is a very short time frame to do it in. The Western Approaches lasts much longer, so you have plenty of time for it.

alexv86 09-06-17 02:07 PM

Campaign progression

Originally Posted by HW3 (Post 2510925)
If you want to do the Scapa Flow mission you need to head straight there from where you are, do it, and head home afterwards. It is a very short time frame to do it in. The Western Approaches lasts much longer, so you have plenty of time for it.

I was wondering on that one. So I don't have to request a mission beforehand in the sub pens?

HW3 09-06-17 02:27 PM

Not in the Scapa Flow case because of the short time span, in the rest you do.

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