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templarjack 06-26-14 06:48 PM

I would like to appologize if this has been answered already, but is the megamod compatible with the Steam version of Silent Hunter V? When I start the campaign, do I complete the first tutorial mission and then install the mod when at the Subpen? Also is the realistic navigation mod optional? Thank you very much.

Otto Ites 06-28-14 01:13 AM

First of all, i would to thank you all for the hard work.

Now my question, in which language are the menus and the speech ?
I would like to play it in german and are any sound mods included like DBSM ?
If not could I add it somehow ?

TAS977 06-28-14 04:07 AM

I think this mod should be working with steam...

Try and read this link;

TAS977 06-28-14 04:10 AM


You can have both German and English version, even in Mods... I use only German

Try to read this link;

vdr1981 06-28-14 04:27 AM


Originally Posted by kimuraijn (Post 2219405)
VDR .. Is it Possible to add a speech reconition Mod to your current Mod . I once used DBSM Speech Mod and It worked wonderfully, When I orded a 120 heading it was spot on ,, Using Speech Reconnigtion ... now I have to correct with a hot key and mouse on the compass , It may take a few times but it its not exact and on cue , My eyes are not as good as they used to be , However I would Agree that keeping your Mod Simple Would be great . Is there if any suggestions Alias . The Idea of d/l a large group of files and having a 60+ mod soup is a royal pain in the Bottom . Is there a way that I can add speach recongnition to your mod ?
Thanks Again for your input


I really cant say because I never used it... Soon as I have some info regarding this I'll let you know...


Originally Posted by templarjack (Post 2219815)
I would like to appologize if this has been answered already, but is the megamod compatible with the Steam version of Silent Hunter V? When I start the campaign, do I complete the first tutorial mission and then install the mod when at the Subpen? Also is the realistic navigation mod optional? Thank you very much.

A large part of megamod's functionality will be lost but generally it should work even with steam version of the game. Few changes in TDW users options file are going to be required also... Check first post for other answers...


Originally Posted by Otto Ites (Post 2220107)
First of all, i would to thank you all for the hard work.

Now my question, in which language are the menus and the speech ?
I would like to play it in german and are any sound mods included like DBSM ?
If not could I add it somehow ?

Sounds and voices are in german, while menu and UI are in english...DBSM "music" is included in the package but compatibility with DBSM "voices" is questionable because of conflicting sh.sdl file...

Kaleun 06-28-14 07:36 AM


Just come back to SH5 after 2 years, i ragequit because a Mass of CTD's with my old Mod setup - this is fantastic, and works right of the "box" - excellent work.

I've got a lot of spare time in the coming weeks due to a change in my employment situation - so i'll be putting the hours in!!

So now i just have to find my DVD copy of Das Boot "miniseries" to get me in the mood :up:


steineib 06-29-14 02:42 AM

hmm today i had try to download the 1.02 version of the mode and just get : Permission Denied. ??? but i can download the patch.

vdr1981 06-29-14 07:00 AM

I've added direct link to the bottom of the first post so you can refresh download link few times without reaching subsim daily quota...

steineib 06-29-14 07:17 AM

thx VDR now it works :)

Otto Ites 07-01-14 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2220131)
Sounds and voices are in german, while menu and UI are in english...DBSM "music" is included in the package but compatibility with DBSM "voices" is questionable because of conflicting sh.sdl file...

Is there no way to change the menu and Ui in to german ?

Last time i played is 2 years ago and i think that there was a german version from TDW UIs and OH II.

If its impossible, maybe i can live with english as well ;)

mkiii 07-02-14 10:05 AM

All installed and working as it should....found Real Navigation to be easy to get to grips with...still lots of work with manual targeting to do.

but if it was all easy, where would be the fun!

Thanks to the collective efforts of everyone involved :salute:

rav007 07-02-14 12:13 PM

Hi guys ! love this mod but i got annother problem . . .
I got this all the time when i load a saved game. shift + z doesent help . . . it happends when i got a propose to have a new u-boot, i agreed and in next time when i load save game i got this . . . . it looks like all options of UI are on, ive tryied to fix it in OptionsFileEditorViewer but it doesent work.

vdr1981 07-02-14 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by rav007 (Post 2221447)
Hi guys ! love this mod but i got annother problem . . .
I got this all the time when i load a saved game. shift + z doesent help . . . it happends when i got a propose to have a new u-boot, i agreed and in next time when i load save game i got this . . . . it looks like all options of UI are on, ive tryied to fix it in OptionsFileEditorViewer but it doesent work.

Are you using any extra mods?

rav007 07-02-14 01:14 PM

no ,your mod is the only i have

vdr1981 07-02-14 01:17 PM

What about single missions? You said new U-boat, which one, type B or C maybe?:hmmm:

Show me a screenshot of enabled mods in JSGME...

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