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Bosje 06-10-14 02:38 AM

Ok deleting all draggables got me back my recognition manual :)

found and tweaked the setting to auto-recharge on surfacing :)

after tweaking the visuals down a bit it seems i'm suffering less CTD's :hmmm:

all is well, except my hydrophone being destroyed at 120 meters. even after i removed it from the boat at base??

anyone know how to disable that particular feature from reworked damage?
even if it is realistic, it messes with my gameplay. (GWX is my stick of truth when it comes to WW2 submarine warfare. silly, huh?)

vdr1981 06-10-14 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2214717)
Use default attack/OBS Scopes black markings for angle measurment.


Originally Posted by Lastman (Post 2215098)
Guys...can anyone explain to me how to use the RAOFB wheel in this mod? I tried but the distance and AOB values are not correct.... and Im sure to have follow the correct procedure for use the RAOFB

Do I need to repeat myself? :) Orange markings are not correct...

vdr1981 06-10-14 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Bosje (Post 2215200)

after tweaking the visuals down a bit it seems i'm suffering less CTD's :hmmm:

Please be more specific, we haven't had many CTD reports here...


Originally Posted by Bosje (Post 2215200)
all is well, except my hydrophone being destroyed at 120 meters. even after i removed it from the boat at base??

According to multiple interrogation reports KDB receivers used to lose functionality if submerged deeper than 100 meters. Big enough reason for me to implement this feature in my RSD mod.
Realism and stability are primary goals of this megamod . You must understand that I could not fulfill all personal preferences out there...

vdr1981 06-10-14 11:58 AM

Can anyone suggest some good file hosting? Without "captcha" and other craps?

Bosje 06-10-14 02:15 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2215282)
Please be more specific, we haven't had many CTD reports here...

According to multiple interrogation reports KDB receivers used to lose functionality if submerged deeper than 100 meters. Big enough reason for me to implement this feature in my RSD mod.
Realism and stability are primary goals of this megamod . You must understand that I could not fulfill all personal preferences out there...

Oh? then I will report specifically next time i have one (if i have one again at all). I had assumed the game was still fairly buggy, guess i was wrong :)
so far i had about 2 a day, seems quite random. interesting ones were: twice when starting up a conversation with the 1.WO, twice when locking a target through scope with spacebar.
the rest I was ready to attribute to my hardware. (during external camera with flames and clouds and smoke and stuff)

as for the hydro damage: dont get me wrong, i love to learn new things. it just takes a little getting used to. I was in the habit of doing a nice deep test dive at the start of every patrol.

thanks for the replies!

Donko 06-10-14 02:33 PM


World_Devastator 06-10-14 02:43 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2215315)
Can anyone suggest some good file hosting? Without "captcha" and other craps? not sure..... I would be happy to host for you as a mirror download on my website

Lastman 06-10-14 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2215274)
Do I need to repeat myself? :) Orange markings are not correct...

YES I Understand....but what black marks? those on the left side and at the bottom of the periscope? if yes ... these go 2 by 2 ... is possibile have them one by one? I DOn' t know if Im Clear----

JoeRifle 06-10-14 11:28 PM


vdr1981 06-11-14 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by Lastman (Post 2215422)
YES I Understand....but what black marks? those on the left side and at the bottom of the periscope?


Originally Posted by Lastman (Post 2215422)
If yes ... these go 2 by 2 ... is possibile have them one by one? I Don't know if Im Clear----

Surely possible, but my photoshop or gimp skills are poor... On the other hand I never had any problems with 2 deg. scale.

Here's example...

Mast height for this tanker is 41m. You can see that measured angle is slightly above 8 degrees...

And here's the result...

Approx. 2050m +-20m...Not bad...

vdr1981 06-11-14 09:16 AM


Originally Posted by Bosje (Post 2215348)
interesting ones were: twice when starting up a conversation with the 1.WO

I can confirm that...It happen to me once too, but after the reload everything worked just fine. Don't forget to post if you manage to find the way to replicate this CTD intentionally , that would be 80% job done...


Originally Posted by Bosje (Post 2215348)
twice when locking a target through scope with spacebar.

Hm, never had this one...:hmmm:


Originally Posted by Bosje (Post 2215348)
as for the hydro damage: dont get me wrong, i love to learn new things. it just takes a little getting used to. I was in the habit of doing a nice deep test dive at the start of every patrol.

thanks for the replies!

Good thing is, with this version of the megamod when you "buy" KDB upgrade you will also have and GHG apparatus on board which is much more resistan to damage so it's not big deal to lose KDB (KDB+GHG mod). This is something like test version of Gap's original idea.

Lastman 06-11-14 09:20 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2215546)

Surely possible, but my photoshop or gimp skills are poor... On the other hand I never had any problems with 2 deg. scale.

Here's example...

Mast height for this tanker is 41m. You can see that measured angle is slightly above 8 degrees...

And here's the result...

Approx. 2050m +-20m...Not bad...

for AOB I have to use the marks at the the bottom?, or the orange of the RAOFB?

vdr1981 06-11-14 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Lastman (Post 2215560)
for AOB I have to use the marks at the the bottom?, or the orange of the RAOFB?

I'm afraid that I cant help you there. I've been using the wheel for distance and speed determination but never for AoB. I always use "by the eye" Technic and trying to shoot from 90 deg.
But clearly, there's nothing wrong with RAOFB...

pythos 06-11-14 02:48 PM

Just installed
and like what I see. Wow is it pretty. Gonna have to test it on my machine with normal nav, but I am all set to try out real navigation. This looks like something that is going to make this sim what we had dreamed of.

Bosje 06-11-14 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2215556)
I can confirm that...It happen to me once too, but after the reload everything worked just fine. Don't forget to post if you manage to find the way to replicate this CTD intentionally , that would be 80% job done...

Hm, never had this one...:hmmm:

Good thing is, with this version of the megamod when you "buy" KDB upgrade you will also have and GHG apparatus on board which is much more resistan to damage so it's not big deal to lose KDB (KDB+GHG mod). This is something like test version of Gap's original idea.

not reproduceable so far: 1wo chat works fine on reload and when i ctd near contacts i make sure to reload a 'safe save' well away from the troublespot. its no game killer and i got all the tweaks sorted now with generic patcher etc. now on a new patrol from base and no crashes in 12 hours playing from this new start.

i do have a destroyer 25 km to my SW for 2 days now, but apparently that is a stock bug which will clear out once i load my saved game.

as for the hydro damage, yes it got destroyed again on my test dive but i still have GHG functionality, at 30 meters i am picking up plenty contacts, just not on the bow and stern, which makes sense. if anything, its doing too well, some of these contacts seem to be 60km away! even single ones. (description says convoy range is 100km!!!! damn :) )

so from now on i will stay above 120 meters except in dire straits, which is quite believeable actually.

even with all the gameplay choices that still piss me off, this mega mod is really growing on me, its like you are actually in command of a WW2 uboat, walking around, giving orders and sinking stuff. in fact, i guess it is somewhat of a submarine simulator, a 'subsim' one might say. :rotfl2:


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