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THEBERBSTER 09-01-16 06:49 PM

Hi Vecko
Thanks for the reply regarding my morale problems much appreciated.
I understand the issues now and will try and get my act together.

Nobon 09-01-16 07:05 PM

I swear it gives me Niobe...

But it's september 1939 XD
It can only be Hydra, no?

No matter how hard I try, it gives Niobe anyway.

Well, it's time to try to decipher...

Well, of course it only let me choose Hydra at 1939... Soo, I try to find my error there XD

Edit2: ... Got it. Why I receive an Enigma message sent and received at 1939.09.10, what is containing trhe following date:
0600/1/10/39 ? :D

Do I see one month in the future??? XD
And BdU sent it on 1939.09.10 11:17... only the following enigma message has the 0600/1/10/39 line.

Message from the future. Must be a top secret Gestapo project!

vdr1981 09-01-16 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2431371)
Do I see one month in the future??? XD
And BdU sent it on 1939.09.10 11:17... only the following enigma message has the 0600/1/10/39 line.

Yes you do...If you want to receive your combat orders encrypted than it has to be like that because the same patrol area can be assigned to you again later in the war. Make sure to always use date from the message it self and not actual game date. If you don't like it you can always disable "Encr.BdU Orders" addon and play with stock messages...

Also, with normal gameplay you can not be on eastern British coast before 01/10/39 but I guess you have edited your days spent in the bunker to 7 days or so? This is a way below realist U-boat pauses in port during the WWII...

Nobon 09-01-16 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2431373)
Yes you do...If you want to receive your combat orders encrypted than it has to be like that because same patrol area can be assigned to you again later in the war. Make sure to always use date from the message it self and not actual game date. If you don't like it you can always disable "Encr.BdU Orders" addon and play with stock messages...

Also, with normal gameplay you can not be on eastern British coast before 01/10/39 but I guess you have edited your days spent in the bunker to 7 days or so? This a way below realist U-boat pauses in port during the WWII...

Absolutely makes sense, Herr Kaleun, I understand now, thank you :)

I was just thinking the messages are date triggered, but this one seems to be put together from about a certain patrol area.

Now I do understand time travel, as I did a bit myself...

I decrypted it
with October`s figures, works perfectly.

Yes, I wrote earlier that I did- A few days or so "patrol" going from Memel to Kiel without firing a gun, or even seeing an enemy contact, all provisions intact, except a few liters of fuel XD even bananas won't turned brown -may- makes it possible and realistic to sail again after a week or so...

I try to control the days in port according to what happened, and what needs to be done, and coastal waters patrol mission is avaliable by that date aswell.

I think a day's leave for the crew is also way enough after 4-5 days on sea XD
And 5-6 days maybe enough after 4-5 days patrol to make everything right, put together a mission plan for the U-50 by BdU, etc.

palmic 09-02-16 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2431364)
Yes, I think that's a stock game chart and it misses few nations added with OHII. My dds editing skills are not up to the task to fix this. Maybe someone else will...:hmm2:

It's better to use flags shown in recognition manual...

ok :salute:

kevinsue 09-02-16 02:00 AM

Uplay browser and Orbit Listener
Does disabling Uplay browser, Orbit listener etc with the Generic Patcher have any affect on Campaign progression in TWoS? I prefer to have these functions disabled if not detrimental because the game loads much faster without going through Uplay. :06:

THE_MASK 09-02-16 05:42 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2431387)
Does disabling Uplay browser, Orbit listener etc with the Generic Patcher have any affect on Campaign progression in TWoS? I prefer to have these functions disabled if not detrimental because the game loads much faster without going through Uplay. :06:

Run the uplay in offline mode as well afaik .

kevinsue 09-02-16 06:04 AM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2431418)
Run the uplay in offline mode as well afaik .

G'day Sober, running with the Uplay stuff turned off saves Uplay syncing game saves and loading all old unwanted game saves back into your new install. Unless you can find and delete the saves folder for SH5 in the Ubisoft game launcher local directory. These are not marked as to what game saves you're actually deleting if you have more than one Uplay game.:hmmm: Not sure though if it can effect the campaign.

THE_MASK 09-02-16 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2431424)
G'day Sober, running with the Uplay stuff turned off saves Uplay syncing game saves and loading all old unwanted game saves back into your new install. Unless you can find and delete the saves folder for SH5 in the Ubisoft game launcher local directory. These are not marked as to what game saves you're actually deleting if you have more than one Uplay game.:hmmm: Not sure though if it can effect the campaign.

What i meant was i am playing with uplay off in the exe patcher . The game seemed dodgy with uplay in online mode as well .

kevinsue 09-02-16 06:19 AM

No Encrypted BDU Messages.
Just completed the objective for the first "Happy Times" patrol but for some reason never received any encrypted BDU messages even though the "The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Encrypted BdU Orders" is installed. The other radio messages are being received, just not the messages contained in the campaign_radiomessages.txt or the CampaignMission.tsr. Can't figure out yet if my install is borked or something else is stopping the messages getting received. :hmmm:

kevinsue 09-02-16 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by sober (Post 2431427)
What i meant was i am playing with uplay off in the exe patcher . The game seemed dodgy with uplay in online mode as well .

Yeah...I think I'll leave Uplay switched off as well and use vdr's workaround if I have a problem at the end of this campaign.

vdr1981 09-02-16 06:59 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2431387)
Does disabling Uplay browser, Orbit listener etc with the Generic Patcher have any affect on Campaign progression in TWoS? I prefer to have these functions disabled if not detrimental because the game loads much faster without going through Uplay. :06:


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2431430)
Yeah...I think I'll leave Uplay switched off as well and use vdr's workaround if I have a problem at the end of this campaign.

U-Play is needed only if you wish to use Mama's tweaks in order to trigger campaign transfer...If you use my files replacement method then you dont need it at all...I would certainly recommend you to try Mama's tweaks first, then if it doesn't work, use alternative method. Check tips for more...


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2431429)
Just completed the objective for the first "Happy Times" patrol but for some reason never received any encrypted BDU messages even though the "The Wolves of Steel 1.05 - Encrypted BdU Orders" is installed. The other radio messages are being received, just not the messages contained in the campaign_radiomessages.txt or the CampaignMission.tsr. Can't figure out yet if my install is borked or something else is stopping the messages getting received. :hmmm:

Did you select secondary mission in bunker? Note that "Spy" missions don't have any encrypted radio traffic because orders are taken in homebase. First encrypted message should be received when you enter your designated patrol area with information how long you should stay there and patrol radius...

mr.artur_96 09-02-16 09:00 AM

I think rainy nights are far to bright. They are grey not dark like it spoused to be.

kevinsue 09-02-16 09:13 AM

I didn't notice any secondary mission with this campaign. I think there were 3 patrols available, First Deployment, Atlantic Air Gap and Strategic Supplies. I'm not sure yet but it seems like you have to be ingame when the initial start date occurs for the message to trigger irrespective of the start time.

I'm not certain of this at the moment but I'll do some experimenting to see if this is the case. I changed the start date/end date in the campaign_radiomessages.txt and was ingame when the date clicked over and the message was received. The message contained in the CampaignMission.tsr still hasn't appeared.

I'm using TheBeasts Room_QR1 mod and Speech Recognition_MiTons_NewUI_Editon_v0.4.1_english as well so I'm unsure if these are causing a conflict or not. I did notice that when I used JSGME to remove the Room_QRI mod while trying to get Speech Recognition working before leaving the Bunker, JSGME showed that the mod was removed but ingame, the mod was still applied. :hmmm: I've never had that happen before so when I get back to Lorient, I might just do another new install.

vdr1981 09-02-16 09:22 AM

Do you use KSDCommander Kevin?

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