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Oby 07-09-15 03:39 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2327431)
Tested. Flickering out. Working fine with 1920x1080 resolution.

Many thanks!! :yeah:

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Happy to help...just for info - I'm using it on 8:5 ratio(1680:1050 monitor)...You got to check if your optics in game works correctly(stadimeter in the first place) on yours 16:9 ratio. I modified this long time ago, mainly for screenshoting...It has three or four zoomes in freecamera mode and some other modifications(reduced flickering)...

fitzcarraldo 07-09-15 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Oby (Post 2327435)
Happy to help...just for info - I'm using it on 8:5 ratio(1680:1050 monitor)...You got to check if your optics in game works correctly(stadimeter in the first place) on yours 16:9 ratio. I modified this long time ago, mainly for screenshoting...It has three or four zoomes in freecamera mode and some other modifications(reduced flickering)...

OK. Many thanks. I'll continue to test. A possible collateral effect is a not working teleport to attack and obs. scope. I didn't have it with the WoS

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

MCM 07-10-15 01:43 AM

I have the "IRAI_0_0_30_No_hydrophone_on_surface_No_Aircraft_ spotting" on my HDD. Still needed? Where can I upload it?


Claudia 07-10-15 07:30 AM


Originally Posted by Oby (Post 2327416)

Thank you! It was helpful.

Using version 0_0_29 the CTD does not happen anymore. I think this is very good. :)


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2327405)
Yes, that's expected... :(

I'm sure that the problem is somewhere in data/scripts/AI folder , but which scrip exactly I cant tell...:hmmm:

Yeah, I agree. I am trying to isolate the problem and reduce it to a file or a small group of files, but it seems very difficult.

If I touch one file -changing it to a previous versión- the mod often does not work properly, or CTD immediately... or destroyers seems stupid, etc. This way, if the game does not CTD, I can not know if it is for one reason or another, for example missing or malfunctioning scripts, etc.

I can try to go slowly following and understanding the code, but seems a long and complicated job.

So the next step would be to find the exact version that introduced the issue. From 29 to 37 there are still a lot of steps.


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2327487)
I have the "IRAI_0_0_30_No_hydrophone_on_surface_No_Aircraft_ spotting" on my HDD. Still needed? Where can I upload it?


Yeah, now I need IRAI versions from 30 to 36, except 32 that was not released. If you can upload it to mediafire, it could be useful. :haha:

vdr1981 07-10-15 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Claudia (Post 2327520)
Thank you! It was helpful.

Using version 0_0_29 the CTD does not happen anymore. I think this is very good. :)

Yeah, I agree. I am trying to isolate the problem and reduce it to a file or a small group of files, but it seems very difficult.

If I touch one file -changing it to a previous versión- the mod often does not work properly, or CTD immediately... or destroyers seems stupid, etc. This way, if the game does not CTD, I can not know if it is for one reason or another, for example missing or malfunctioning scripts, etc.

I can try to go slowly following and understanding the code, but seems a long and complicated job.

So the next step would be to find the exact version that introduced the issue. From 29 to 37 there are still a lot of steps.

Yeah, now I need IRAI versions from 30 to 36, except 32 that was not released. If you can upload it to mediafire, it could be useful. :haha:

Good job Claudia! :up: I've reached exactly the same conclusions...
I'll start new thread to see if someone have those old IRAI versions still on HDD...

redline202 07-10-15 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2327533)
Good job Claudia! :up: I've reached exactly the same conclusions...
I'll start new thread to see if some have thos pld IRAI versions till on HDD...

I have modified version of IRAI 0_0_29, have been testing AI for years to make it hardcore.
It would be great if someone figure out how to play with it in campaign without CTD.
If someone wants to experiment here it is:

Also check my single mission called "Vs 2 Fletcher's" and see the difference between campaign AI and single mission AI.
All credits go to TheDarkWraith.

redline202 07-10-15 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by redline202 (Post 2327569)
I have modified version of IRAI 0_0_29, have been testing AI for years to make it hardcore.
It would be great if someone figure out how to play with it in campaign without CTD.
If someone wants to experiment here it is:

Also check my single mission called "Vs 2 Fletcher's" and see the difference between campaign AI and single mission AI.
All credits go to TheDarkWraith.

HardcoreAI V2, fixed bug with torpedos damage (now 1 torpedo for 1 ship).
Fixed submarine damage.
All credits go to TheDarkWraith and vdr1981 for R.S.D.
This is just for experimenting if someone likes.

vdr1981 07-10-15 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by redline202 (Post 2327583)
HardcoreAI V2, fixed bug with torpedos damage (now 1 torpedo for 1 ship).
Fixed submarine damage.
All credits go to TheDarkWraith and vdr1981 for R.S.D.
This is just for experimenting if someone likes.

One torpedo, one ship is just Otto Kretschmer's expression for rational torpedo use and it shouldn't be taken literally...:yep:
In any case, with WoS and TDW's FXU most of the ships will sink/die within 30-60 minutes after single torpedo hit, assuming you hit them well, not just scratch their bow/stern...
If you were talking about "one torpedo, one instant kill" scenario, that's a different story then...

Also, what do you mean by "Fixed submarine damage"? Have I made something wrong?:hmmm:

redline202 07-10-15 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2327597)
One torpedo, one ship is just Otto Kretschmer's expression for rational torpedo use and it shouldn't be taken literally...:yep:
In any case, with WoS and TDW's FXU most of the ships will sink/die within 30-60 minutes after single torpedo hit, assuming you hit them well, not just scratch their bow/stern...
If you were talking about "one torpedo, one instant kill" scenario, that's a different story then...

Also, what do you mean by "Fixed submarine damage"? Have I made something wrong?:hmmm:

Oh..sorry my english is a little bit bad...i apologize.
I mean "one torpedo, one instant kill" because it's too hard with this mod.
No you didn't done nothing wrong with R.S.D, i implanted your great mod.
It's just for testing to see how AI behaves in single player in a compare to campaign. And maybe someone will fix it in campaign. I hope you don't mind i used it.

vdr1981 07-10-15 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by redline202 (Post 2327599)
Oh..sorry my english is a little bit bad...i apologize.
I mean "one torpedo, one instant kill" because it's too hard with this mod.
No you didn't done nothing wrong with R.S.D, i implanted your great mod.
It's just for testing to see how AI behaves in single player in a compare to campaign. And maybe someone will fix it in campaign. I hope you don't mind i used it.

I see, no problems at all...:up:

I just thought that you've maybe discovered some glitch in RSD files. :yep:
I still get my brain spins when I remember those UPCGE files...:doh:

redline202 07-10-15 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2327601)
I see, no problems at all...:up:

I just thought that you've maybe discovered some glitch in RSD files. :yep:
I still get my brain spins when I remember those UPCGE files...:doh:

I don't know what kind of magic you did in RSD with UPCGE files...but you remind me of chief in Das Boot :03:

THE_MASK 07-10-15 03:39 PM

I had a big cleanup about a year ago and threw all my old backup discs out . I do have
Anyone tried playing WOS with the exe patcher (disable UPlay not enabled) . Is it some sort of screwed up drm thing . Even though you are not online the game uses the game launcher .
I am playing the campaign atm (sobers mega mod ) and a hunter killer group (I think) is all over me . Some ships direct other ships to me and they are dropping depth charges like mad . I can not escape . I cannot see because I don't have external camera but everything seems to be normal . I will try surfacing lol and see what happens . Lasted about 30 seconds .

maillemaker 07-10-15 03:47 PM

I vaugely remember something in this thread about not assigning promotion points to the torpedo man.

Is that true?


MCM 07-10-15 03:50 PM

Here the IRAI 0030:

Hope that helps :D

THE_MASK 07-10-15 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by maillemaker (Post 2327646)
I vaugely remember something in this thread about not assigning promotion points to the torpedo man.

Is that true?


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