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THEBERBSTER 05-24-15 01:30 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > mbarbaric :subsim:
You Will Always Fnd Someone Here To Help You :sunny:
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Post #24 Shaefer’s Season 2 Let's Play Silent Hunter 5 YouTube Videos :ping:

mobucks 05-24-15 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by mbarbaric (Post 2315973)
I'd like to ask for some help. I've managed to install and everything was playing well for few days but now i notice that when i click on the "book" icon, i think third from below on right side (where you get charts for traffic and so on), i only get the boats ID handbook. there is no the menu that used to pop up before, only the handbook.

when i installed the mod i did it freshly and went the normal install with realistic navigation mod. later i have removed it from GJSCE or (whatever is the name of mod enabler) and i have noticed i miss all the stuff but handbook. since then i have reloaded the realistic navigation but still i see only the handbook.

anyone has an idea?

Open your SH5 folder. Inside that there are ~10 files with the extension .TDW

ex. PageShipsJournal_Draggables.TDW

DELETE all the .TDW files, and new ones will be created when you start the game again. Deleting these files resets the position of the various UI elements. Sometimes when you drag things around the game bugs and forgets the position you dragged it to, and re-adjusts it off screen the next time you start the game.

kenz69 05-25-15 09:46 AM

some questions
hello, I did manage to get my key working with the key mapper and that's cool.

I found the game a little laggy (stock game was very very smooth, no lag at all with my config core2duo 3Ghz and nvdidia gt640)

I have some questions,

first of all I can find the charts with Speed/Distance/Time, I find the recognition manual, all the charts with flags, convoy routes etc..

every time I ask my navigator for a fix, I have first a weather report, is that normal ?

watch people stay on deck when submerging, is that normal ?

THEBERBSTER 05-25-15 01:39 PM

Hi kenz

Check this out.

Antilag By Kegetys > Curing Lagging - Stutter - Seizures


kenz69 05-25-15 02:57 PM

This worked ! Awesome, i'm getting more and more confident in the fact that i will finally start to make a silent hunter patrol once in my life. Thank you very much

Can i find somewhere the speed/time/distance charts in pdf/jpg format so i can print them, can't find them in the UI anf i need them for real nav.

mobucks 05-25-15 03:07 PM

When you click the charts button there is a smallish black box that is moveable and has options and checkboxes for all the charts. There are more charts than displayed by this box by default! In order to see them you need to mouse over the black box and scroll the mouse wheel up/down. The speed conversions are near the bottom of the list.

TheDarkWraith, bless him, gave us many wonderful things but intuitive UI design unfortunately was not one of them!:har:


watch people stay on deck when submerging, is that normal ?
I read that issuing the dive order (PD, regular dive, or crash dive) twice helps this not happen. The game is finicky in some spots and this is one of it's quirks.


every time I ask my navigator for a fix, I have first a weather report, is that normal ?
Yes and also I think it's an option whether he does it or not in the TDWuseroptions file.

Equilax 05-25-15 05:22 PM

Engine trouble
The mod is really great :yeah: but i just have a little problem, i didn't install real navigation and i have some trouble when i submerge, myy english is not good but i'll try to explain.
Untill i use the diesel engine all work good, but if i go to periscope deep the engine stop and i can't start the electric engine. If i start the electric engine before submerge the engine don't stop but i can't switch speed and some times i also can't stoop the sub until i set silent run or back speed, when i can stop it there' no way to move again unitill i surface and start diesel engine.

THEBERBSTER 05-25-15 06:07 PM

kevinsue 05-25-15 08:59 PM

Speed Charts and engine speed Telegraph with "The Wolves of Steel"

Originally Posted by kenz69 (Post 2316224)
This worked ! Awesome, i'm getting more and more confident in the fact that i will finally start to make a silent hunter patrol once in my life. Thank you very much

Can i find somewhere the speed/time/distance charts in pdf/jpg format so i can print them, can't find them in the UI anf i need them for real nav.

Use the "E" key to select the User Charts, scroll down the top box to find Speed conversions then select which one you want in the lower box. The files for the Charts you want to print are in your Silent Hunter 5 directory ; C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data\UserCharts\ and :yep: (.dds should print ok using Paint.NET or similar)...or just print THEBURBSTER's screenshots from the previous post.


Originally Posted by Equilax (Post 2316264)
The mod is really great :yeah: but i just have a little problem, i didn't install real navigation and i have some trouble when i submerge, myy english is not good but i'll try to explain.
Untill i use the diesel engine all work good, but if i go to periscope deep the engine stop and i can't start the electric engine. If i start the electric engine before submerge the engine don't stop but i can't switch speed and some times i also can't stoop the sub until i set silent run or back speed, when i can stop it there' no way to move again unitill i surface and start diesel engine.

Use the engine speed Telegraph (lower left group with SH5Enhanced UI or lower right SH3Style UI) shown in screenshot, to set engine speed. Click on "Advanced controls" button SH5Enhanced or the tab under the telegraph dial SH3Style if you wish to set the speed in knots. You can also use the keyboard, ~ to 5 (All stop to Ahead Flank) or SHIFT ~ to 5 (All stop to Back Emergency)

Only use the Chief Engineer E-motor icon if, for some reason you need to use the electric motors on the surface. Also remember that "TWoS" has Real U-Boat Performance and engine ratio + independent control patches installed, so now your U-boat has inertia and requires time for the selected speed settings to come into effect.

If you still have problems, ensure that the TDW Generic Patcher v1.0.168.0 changes have been executed correctly as per "TWoS" installation instructions. :sunny:

kenz69 05-26-15 12:51 PM

thanks a lot for your help guys !
I think I'm ready to start patrol and learn and practice.
(got to finish DW stock campaign also)

THEBERBSTER 05-26-15 02:05 PM

More charts in my tutorial post #141

Post #141 User Charts

kenz69 05-26-15 02:49 PM

brighter nights ??
thanks THEBERBSTER, you're are so helpful.

one more question, is there a way to make the nights brighter ? not too much I know it's not realistic but I'm still a noob and TWOS nights a really dark

THEBERBSTER 05-26-15 03:29 PM

Hi kenz

Yes there is!

The problem you have with TWOS is that you are dealing with a package.

Adding and removing mods is not something I would recommend.

However there is another option open to you that you can try in stages.

Crew ability bonus points.

The Sound Guy or Sound Man (Beno Scheu) (Funkobergefreiter)

Darkness Penalty> Passive abilities of 5 levels

Giving bonus points here reduces the darkness penalty.

May help?

Post #184 See All The Crew Ability Bonus Points Positions In Silent Hunter 5


THE_MASK 05-26-15 03:54 PM


Originally Posted by kenz69 (Post 2316459)
thanks THEBERBSTER, you're are so helpful.

one more question, is there a way to make the nights brighter ? not too much I know it's not realistic but I'm still a noob and TWOS nights a really dark

Just put my latest waves mod at the end of the mod list .

THEBERBSTER 05-26-15 03:55 PM

For those of you who like to use the sextant I have added these.

Post #150 Celestial (Star) Charts

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