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mr.artur_96 05-18-15 03:41 AM


Game still CTD. Sometimes when new mission is loading and every time after entering Kiel kanal while leaving harbour for patrol. :dead:

I think someone had similar problem after installing patch 5 +hotfix.

kenz69 05-19-15 06:47 AM

I've got a QWERTY situation here
hello VDR and THANKS A LOT for this mod !! couple of years ago I did attempt to play SH5 but I was stuck in modding, take too much time for me. So I was just watchin Schafer vids on YT to feed my Uboat needs lol.

Today I just reinstalled the game following your instruction. But I have questions, I think most of them are just noob question about how to use and set option to fit my tast with TDW UI and I will search the forum to answer theme, but my MAIN issue right now is a QWERTY/AZERTY situation, I'm in azerty and the game is now responding to qwerty inputs, I don't now how to fix this.

ZygfrydDeLowe 05-19-15 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by mr.artur_96 (Post 2314601)

Game still CTD. Sometimes when new mission is loading and every time after entering Kiel kanal while leaving harbour for patrol. :dead:

I think someone had similar problem after installing patch 5 +hotfix.

Hi, I have had similar problem with a lot of crashes appearing in Danzig bay, essentially blocking me from making any progress. I reinstalled it and uninstalled any older C++ Redistributable Packages, of which I had many installed from various games.

It seems that this alleviated the problem (for me), because I had only one CTD so far in my ~20h playthrough.

Equilax 05-19-15 02:38 PM

Damn, i would want to play to but seem i'm the only one who don't know how install this mod. :wah:
I follow the guide and don't have problem till step 5 but i don't know what i must do for 6 and 7 and start to have problem when i need to use the genericpatcher.

Aktungbby 05-19-15 03:03 PM

welcome back!
Equilax!:Kaleun_Salute: after a six year silent run!

Equilax 05-19-15 03:12 PM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2314887)
Equilax!:Kaleun_Salute: after a six year silent run!

Commander :Kaleun_Salute:
I haven't been active for long time and for various reasons, work, wife etc. but I continued to follow you by my Periscope and now i saw this great mod and i couldn't resist!

Shaefer 05-19-15 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2314268)
Hi Shaefer

If you check out the different tabs in TDW's Option File Editor Viewer many different functions can be set up by mousing in and out.

Especially look at the Hud and Dials Tabs.

You can also set up Hot Keys as well.

There are a lot of Hot Keys that can be set in the different Tabs.

Remembering what does what however might be a problem?


I was looking to make the dials in my periscope mouse in/out as well, but no bueno. I could not make it work. I was in the "dails" tab, but as I remember there was nothing there regarding the dials in my periscope... or maybe they have some special names that threw me off?!
I dont need any hotkeys, mouse activation is fine by me. There is enough hotkeys to remember already. :D

Thanks! :up:

Sjizzle 05-19-15 05:18 PM


Originally Posted by Shaefer (Post 2314909)
I was looking to make the dials in my periscope mouse in/out as well, but no bueno. I could not make it work. I was in the "dails" tab, but as I remember there was nothing there regarding the dials in my periscope... or maybe they have some special names that threw me off?!
I dont need any hotkeys, mouse activation is fine by me. There is enough hotkeys to remember already. :D

Thanks! :up:

u can only hide the dials from the periscope

and the left panel, top right, officers panel can be set to mouse over

THEBERBSTER 05-19-15 06:00 PM

Hi Kenz69

If you installed from the dvd then you have the option of installing either keyboard function from there.

Alternatively you can change it here.

C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data\LngGameData\KeyboardMapping

If you have downloaded from steam then you need to go here.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\silent hunter 5\data\LngGameData\KeyboardMapping

I am afraid this is as far as I can take you.

I use Qwerty but I am sure when you look you will get a better idea of what you need to do.

This also maybe of interest.


kevinsue 05-19-15 08:11 PM


Originally Posted by Shaefer (Post 2314909)
I was looking to make the dials in my periscope mouse in/out as well, but no bueno. I could not make it work. I was in the "dails" tab, but as I remember there was nothing there regarding the dials in my periscope... or maybe they have some special names that threw me off?!
I dont need any hotkeys, mouse activation is fine by me. There is enough hotkeys to remember already. :D

Thanks! :up:

Hey Shaefer, this is how I have my UI setup so that the everything in the periscope view can mouse in/out when at the Obs, Attack and UZO station.

I have increased the time delay on the Scope's torpedo box from default 5.00 to 30.00 so that it remains onscreen for longer after the mouse pointer is removed. That way it's visible for longer while you're adjusting the TDC etc. You can use the time delay function on all of the things that mouse in/out to set them up exactly how you prefer. :yep:

Once you press the "All Dials" button on the Scope's torpedo control panel, the TDC dials will remain visible until the option is deselected. I also disconnect the TDC until I'm ready to shoot at something so you don't have that irritating clicking noise while just making observations through the periscope. :D

p.s. sorry for the blurry picture...I saved it in the wrong format :oops: Here is another post you might find helpful as well:

kenz69 05-20-15 02:59 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2314921)
Hi Kenz69

If you installed from the dvd then you have the option of installing either keyboard function from there.

Alternatively you can change it here.

C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\data\LngGameData\KeyboardMapping

If you have downloaded from steam then you need to go here.

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\silent hunter 5\data\LngGameData\KeyboardMapping

I am afraid this is as far as I can take you.

I use Qwerty but I am sure when you look you will get a better idea of what you need to do.

This also maybe of interest.


thanks, I did used the right option when installing sh5. I tried also to change command.cfg but it didn't worked. the key mapper is a great app, I will try to use that thanks for the link.

Shaefer 05-20-15 12:20 PM

Thank you Sjizzle & thank you Kevinsue!
Much appreciated, lads. :salute:

tkdb17 05-20-15 04:33 PM

I can't get it to work!

CTD every time I try and start a new campaign.

Now just at a glace I think my PC/version of the game has a serious dislike to a few mods.

I tried Sobers entire list and 2 mods in particular caused my CTD. (removing both stopped it)

OH II v2.5 Flag_Wind_Patch

I know this because I went through installing them all 1 by 1 until I got an CTD.

It happens to me for you mod which has these 2 mods. Leads me to think they might be connected.

As to why my install does not like them I've no clue!


Edit - I bought my copy directly through "Uplay" and it's the Gold version, not sure if that would matter?

THE_MASK 05-20-15 05:16 PM


Originally Posted by tkdb17 (Post 2315112)
I can't get it to work!

CTD every time I try and start a new campaign.

Now just at a glace I think my PC/version of the game has a serious dislike to a few mods.

I tried Sobers entire list and 2 mods in particular caused my CTD. (removing both stopped it)

OH II v2.5 Flag_Wind_Patch

I know this because I went through installing them all 1 by 1 until I got an CTD.

It happens to me for you mod which has these 2 mods. Leads me to think they might be connected.

As to why my install does not like them I've no clue!


Edit - I bought my copy directly through "Uplay" and it's the Gold version, not sure if that would matter?

Are you patched to the official 1.2 version of the game ?
Use the JSGME mod validator to see that all your mods are enabled correctly . Its found in the NewUIs_TDC_*_*_*_ByTheDarkWraith mod .

tkdb17 05-20-15 05:52 PM

After a load of digging it turns out I was stupid again.

Stupid for thinking that when downloading a game for the very first time via Uplay that it would actually download the latest version of the bloody game!!!!

Nope - It installs 1.1.5 and acts like that is the latest version!!

Trying to manually run the 1.2 patch does not work so I had to go digging in the SH5 folder and find the gameupdater file and run that. Hurah! I'm not running 1.2 so should no longer encounter CTD with the mods.

Thanks for all your help Sober, I know I've bothered you in your own thread :D

Carry on peeps, ignore that newb that is me!


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