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Trevally. 01-31-14 03:03 PM


What is each ring for? Link

Finding Range and AOB by pictures Link

Finding Speed by pictures Link and tip Link

Target is too big to fit in the RAOBF at x6 zoom Link

In game Tutorial Mod by Trevally Link

Stoianm's Video Tutorial Link and Link

Trevally. 01-31-14 03:06 PM

Trevally TDC helper

For easy starting and stopping of these scripts, use the hotkey feature from the automation page.

To get the best results from the Solution Finder, you should only run it when you are in firing range.
1km to 3km will give you very good solutions with a hit chance very high.
3km to 5km will give you a good solution with a good chance to hit.
5km and above, hmmm not so good :arrgh!:

Press your hotkey to start the script and click run.
Ensure you are locked onto and set to follow target and have manual target TDC on.
Click next to start the script.

The script will inform you and show you what setting to input into your TDC
This will be with the dials - so ensure you have them on.
As the info builts in your TDC, it will check that you are iinputting correctly.

Here it is informing you of the AOB.
As you can see it is 16. Don't worry about the .4235572815:arrgh!:
The 16 deg to starboard will do:D

Finding speed.

Update to range setting.

When your solution is good - LOS!

vdr1981 01-31-14 03:34 PM

And that's why our Trev is "Best of Subsim"! :up:

pe332 01-31-14 03:49 PM

i followed the instructions that gap posted of how to get the gps navigation back, i can see my sub on the map but cant plot course.

and is the stock target sytem removed in this mod i mean the lock on ship and shoot torpedo

J0313 02-01-14 08:45 AM

Two things.
Is there a hot key to close all the hatches during battle stations and has anybody ever had the watch crew remain stuck outside during a dive? Just like in SH4.

gap 02-01-14 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2170147)
And that's why our Trev is "Best of Subsim"! :up:

Hats off to our Trevally :Kaleun_Applaud:


Originally Posted by pe332 (Post 2170155)
i followed the instructions that gap posted of how to get the gps navigation back, i can see my sub on the map but cant plot course.

Welcome aboard pe332

Try also removing data\Real_navigation.txt from the Vecko's megamod, and let me know if works :salute:

tonschk 02-01-14 10:10 AM



Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2170147)
And that's why our Trev is "Best of Subsim"! :up:

Cyril 02-01-14 11:24 AM

Hi sailors.

I find The Wolf of Steel Megamod very interesting and a good initiative.

For more than a year I have used my own mod soup including about 40-50 mods, which has proved to be very stable with no crashes, but now and then I wish to update a couple of the mods and then problems very often will start to appear. Therefore next time I fell for updating, I will surely test the Wolf of Steel Megamod.

Once again thanks to the mod community :salute:

vdr1981 02-01-14 02:09 PM

Can anyone do some testing for me?

I need you to start to game and enter museum . Take a look at all american and british planes. then exit to main menu and start new "Black Pit" campaign using ""silentotto" cheat...

vdr1981 02-02-14 07:30 AM


ZAGOR64BZ 02-02-14 12:04 PM

Hi, So far I got a CTD while in museum, looking at US fighter...
I'll test it again...

try it crash while in museum but CTD on Black pit loading screen...
Any use?

vdr1981 02-02-14 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by ZAGOR64BZ (Post 2170771)
Hi, So far I got a CTD while in museum, looking at US fighter...
I'll test it again...


J0313 02-02-14 01:49 PM

Two Questions.
1. Is there a hotkey for closing all the hatches simultaneously.

2. It says that all of Trevally's tutorials are corrupted when I mouse over them in the main menu.

lesec74 02-02-14 02:12 PM


Originally Posted by J0313 (Post 2170817)
1. Is there a hotkey for closing all the hatches simultaneously.

2. It says that all of Trevally's tutorials are corrupted when I mouse over them in the main menu.

only for the first question:normally with the hotkey F7 the hatches are closed.(battlestation).
sorry for my english:salute:

TheDarkWraith 02-02-14 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by lesec74 (Post 2170823)
only for the first question:normally with the hotkey F7 the hatches are closed.(battlestation).

If you have my patch enabled for this then when battlestations are ordered or unordered the hatches will automatically close/open.

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