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VONHARRIS 12-22-10 03:40 AM

Nice out there. With one more ship you could have reached a 100K patrol.
Tough luck with the BBs.
At which point of the hull did you aim your shots?
Try to hit the ship at different points to cause more damage and flooding to take her down.
If you manage to hit her midships and below her forward gun turrets then you have a 70-80% chance to sink her.

Gargamel 12-22-10 09:49 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1558543)
Nice out there. With one more ship you could have reached a 100K patrol.
Tough luck with the BBs.
At which point of the hull did you aim your shots?
Try to hit the ship at different points to cause more damage and flooding to take her down.
If you manage to hit her midships and below her forward gun turrets then you have a 70-80% chance to sink her.

I always have them shoot for the waterline. I close to about 1500m so they rarely miss. And During the convoy attack, theres no way I could control the gun. I have to be in the bridge, head on a swivel, trying not to get run over and planning the next target.

THe pisser about the BB's, I lost the Revenge in the dark, and Sonar couldnt hear her, so I thought she was going down, or soon at least, so I ended up firing my last two eels in a depseration shot that I knew would miss the Hood. Then 20 minutes later, she started her engines back up and took off.... Second time I caught them, the DD's were so far ahead I dont think they came back to help.

Jack Cutter 12-22-10 11:35 PM


Originally Posted by USNSRCaseySmith (Post 1557355)
Ive got randomize ship tonnage on but as far as OS im running windows 7 with SH3 and Commander installed straight to the C drive.

That is strange. I have both SH3+GWX 3.0 and commander installed to my programs folder...hence my issue. :88)

Missing Name 12-23-10 11:22 AM

Alright, what the heck? I thought ASW trawlers were a joke. I came across one escorting a passenger/cargo. Switch to silent running - engines doing about 75 rpm. Sank the merchy from a couple km away, boom boom. Dove to 60 meters, bottom is 70.

The damn trawler knows exactly where I am. Severely damaged the electric engines, destroyed the decoy launcher and the engine crew drowned almost immediately. It's a good thing milchkuh U-488 is around until 1944.

VONHARRIS 12-23-10 02:42 PM

I meant how do you aim your torps.

Gargamel 12-23-10 11:27 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1559443)
I meant how do you aim your torps.

With the scope............

Baddum tish!

Full auto. :oops:

One of these days..... I'll learn full manual.

Aside from the initial escort hit, the convoy attack was all deck gun, aside from one or two torp shots. I think a few of the other kills were deck gun also.

VONHARRIS 12-24-10 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Gargamel (Post 1559666)
With the scope............

Baddum tish!

Full auto. :oops:

One of these days..... I'll learn full manual.

Aside from the initial escort hit, the convoy attack was all deck gun, aside from one or two torp shots. I think a few of the other kills were deck gun also.

Even with full auto targeting you can aim your torps to the desired spot of the hull.
1. Select your target , lock it and fire your first torp. This is aimed automatically to midship section of the target
2. Unlock the target and move your scope right or left so that you can see the forward or the aft section of the target. Be careful not to lose the triangle sight. You can aim any spot along the hull of the target
3. Fire your second torp. It will hit at the desired point.
4. Repeat steps 2 - 3 if you want to fire a third one

All of the above assume that the target is not zigzaging.
With this tactic you can have kills at 6500 - 7000 m with medium speed TIs and impact pistols against BBs easily.

Gargamel 12-24-10 12:36 AM

I do that already to get a good spread of a "salvo"

Pick farthest impact point, Open tube doors (Q), Fire (Ctrl-Enter), Cycle tubes (Y), Pick second spot, etc etc....

My miss on the hood though, was a stern shot at a high speed zigzagging target. I knew before I fired that it was a bad idea, yet I still fired. :nope::damn:

This dumkopf could have had 2 eels left over to finish off the Revenge disable a few thousand m away. But I couldnt find her in the storm.

EDIT: Weather made a good keel shot hard. I had the depth set, but all the shots ended up as impacts on the side, so I never got a magazine or the like.

desirableroasted 12-24-10 12:41 AM


I love the "Big3 Funnel Liner."

Reminds me of Greta at the Officer's Club.

Seriously, though, let's not hijack the thread even with joke patrol reports.


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1557763)
Yesterday night I completed the most succesful patrol ever : 185000 tons
The renown I took was 5000 points.

It took place in the Med.
I will post the patrol log soon. I am posting this from my laptop because I can not wait to go home to post the complete report.

I even sunk the RMS TITANIC!

EDIT : I am posting the logs

second page

Gargamel 12-24-10 12:44 AM

I've seen the Titanic reported in other threads. Maybe a Joke, or maybe it's an easter Egg the GWX boys threw in? I know you can see Godzilla attacking Japan somewhere.

VONHARRIS 12-24-10 02:10 AM

The Titanic is no joke
I have found a mod in the download section of subsim that adds the RMS Titanic in your ships
As far as the HMS Hood I have been in a similar situation and I did the same thing : Fired both stern tubes.

Same for you. The Big 3 funnel liner can be found in the Subsim download section
The patrol is NO joke.
I will the patrol sheet from within the game to prove it.
Edit : The summary patrol report sheet

I hope now that you can see it is NO joke
This patrol has happened once in all those years I have been playing SH3

Gerald 12-24-10 06:07 AM

Always good assignment from you, :DL

4saken 12-24-10 04:30 PM

26.03.40 20:26

6th petrol 21:26

Just a couple of kms away from Vigo port, approaching resupply ship...
Escorted by dolphins.

Missing Name 12-24-10 09:36 PM

I took on another destroyer with the deck gun. Blew off her forward guns, a DC rack and searchlights, but had to dive. She's out of depth charges. The small convoy got away.

Now we wait and see who gets bored first. She's hurt much worse than me, but she's still pinging away like crazy. Good thing my batteries and O2 are almost full.

Arnold 12-25-10 01:46 PM

19 SEPT 39. 2nd patrol. Heading Southwest, submerged in the A.M., along the Western English coastline. We picked up on hydrophones, a slow-moving merchant moving towards us! With heavy seas and thick fog, we tracked her for three hours with the hydrophones. Seaman Bernard causes a rukus during our silent run by sharpening knives with a gritty emery cloth much to the dismay to our L1.
We surface and move in a direction to intercept the merchant. Out of the fog she appeared on a collision course towards us! We circled to the starboard and checked out her flag as she passed us going the opposite way. Americans! :(
I order the Navigator to resume our course to our assigned patrol area.
For punishment, I assign Bernard to get his sleep on the deck for the next three days.
Our journey continues....

VONHARRIS 12-25-10 03:07 PM

23 JULY 1943
Grid CH81
U-505 engages huge convoy escorted by 8 DDs

From: BdU
To : All uboats

U-505 has failed to make contact after she confirmed heavily escorted convoy in her sector. It is with great pity that we accept the loss of U-505 , her commander Kptlnt Heinz von Harris along with all hands.

A great career is finished in the dark waters of the Med in a dark stormy night. A new one is about to start all over again.

Gargamel 12-25-10 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1560543)
23 JULY 1943
Grid CH81
U-505 engages huge convoy escorted by 8 DDs

From: BdU
To : All uboats

U-505 has failed to make contact after she confirmed heavily escorted convoy in her sector. It is with great pity that we accept the loss of U-505 , her commander Kptlnt Heinz von Harris along with all hands.

A great career is finished in the dark waters of the Med in a dark stormy night. A new one is about to start all over again.

:nope: Sink Them All! (But not yourself!)

Gerald 12-25-10 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1560543)
23 JULY 1943
Grid CH81
U-505 engages huge convoy escorted by 8 DDs

From: BdU
To : All uboats

U-505 has failed to make contact after she confirmed heavily escorted convoy in her sector. It is with great pity that we accept the loss of U-505 , her commander Kptlnt Heinz von Harris along with all hands.

A great career is finished in the dark waters of the Med in a dark stormy night. A new one is about to start all over again.


GoldenRivet 12-26-10 08:14 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1560543)
23 JULY 1943
Grid CH81
U-505 engages huge convoy escorted by 8 DDs

From: BdU
To : All uboats

U-505 has failed to make contact after she confirmed heavily escorted convoy in her sector. It is with great pity that we accept the loss of U-505 , her commander Kptlnt Heinz von Harris along with all hands.

A great career is finished in the dark waters of the Med in a dark stormy night. A new one is about to start all over again.

Someone notify the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry quickly!

they are going to need a replacement exhibit

Gerald 12-26-10 08:18 AM

Nice, :up:

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