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Randomizer 01-06-10 03:00 AM

22 October 1944 - U-1099
15 days out of Bergen, have been operating submerged since the 14th. Now on station AM53. Weather cloudy with moderate seas.

Detected hydrophone effect (HE) to the south west with slow bearing change indicating a merchant entering the North Channel. Set depth 35m and plotted intercept course for four knots based on assumed target course and speed.

HE now bears west south-west and should pass within torpedo range. Battery 80+%. Periscope depth, up scope target in sight. Down scope steer 145. Speed 2 depth 25.

Periscope depth, up scope. Target in sight, Liberty Ship 10000 tons AOB Port 35, speed 8, range 3500, down scope. 25 metres, speed 3 Steer 195.

Speed 2, periscope depth. Up scope Target in sight bearing 055, AOB port 40 Range 2600 Speed 9. Open outer doors tubes 1 and 2. Down scope, 25 metres.

Plan a double shot with electrics from tubes 1 and 2. Tube 3 is loaded with an air FAT and tubes 4 and 5 with Falke homing torpedoes.

Periscope depth. Up scope. Target in sight bearing 029, AOB port 60, range 1400 speed 9. Tube 1 - shoot. Tube 2 - shoot. Down scope close outer doors.

Torpedo impact. Up scope, target in sight bearing 008. Torpedo hit aft of superstructure. Second torpedo appears to have missed. Hear secondary explosions through hull, do a quick look around and see a twin-engine bomber attacking, maybe the explosions were rockets. Down scope, crash dive. Left full rudder, ahead full, steer 100.

Head towards deeper water, ahead two-thirds, reverse course steer 290 depth 90 metres. Sound man reports breakup noises on target bearing followed by a series of four depth charges close enough to shake the boat. No damage.

Sound man reports warship HE from the south-east and closing at high speed. Soon another is detected slightly left of the first. Bearing change insignificant over five minutes then moving right and increasing. Steer 305, 120 metres, set silent speed.

Played cat and mouse with two escorts for the next three and a half hours but evaded further west without damage. Cruised generally west at 2 knots until dark then with no HE detected, snorkelled to air the boat and recharge the batteries. Charge complete, depth 30 metres, speed 2 course 110, back into the North Channel. Saved game at that point.

This is basically how it went, have taken a few liberties with the narrative but not that many.

Dissaray 01-06-10 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by KL-alfman (Post 1228784)
February, 15th - 1941
had to retreat for the first time from a convoy-attack.
tried twice to infiltrate the convoy in my well tried and tested advance (letting the leading escort sail by and then proceed at PD and silent running into the convoy between first and second column, when in good position releasing all 5eels and then going to 160m), but with now two side-escorts I had to break the run. was detected by ASDIC and escaped at 160m. I quit any further attacks because I have to think about new tactics ......

any helpful guesses?

One I have heard of but never had nerve, time or opertunity to try is to plot the estamated course of the convoy and then run out ahead for them, staying out of visual contact range naturaly; I supose you could always go off radio contact report and plot an intercept that would put you out in front too. Once out in front of the convoy pick one side or the other of the lead escort to enter convoy on, line up so you think you will be in between the coloms with your bow facing the oposite direction the convoy is travaling(so if they are going East you face West). Go to PD hit silent runint and wait for the convoy to come to you. Once you are behind the screws of the lead escort, and thus out of ASDIC range, slowly start to make a turn so your stern is facing the outer moast colom of the convoy; this can be achieved eather in forward or reverce motion, which ever puts you in the better fireing position and should be done at 1knt or slower. Once you have made your turn let those Tommy bastards have it and don't spare them your aft tubes eather!

Being inside the convoy shooting can be a little difficult but if you time it right you can hit the ships on any colom, just work the angles a little. Plus if you miss chances are someone will catch that torpido for you. The extra added plus for this attack plan, or so I am told any way, is that the escorts will have a devil of a time finding you let alone trying to get to you if the convoy starts taking evasive manuvers and screws up the spacing. The guy who posted the instructions said it was so safe for him that he even was able to reload and fire a second volly whilst still inside the convoy formation.

Aproaching head on like this is suposed to netralize the majoraty of the escorts, seeing as there is only one out front most of the time so this might work out for your situation. Personaly I take too long to aim to fire from inside convoys just now, haven't quite figurd out the snap shooting or the no solution shooting. Then again I haven't practiced it all that much eather.

I have seen a simular method of aproach that puts you between one of the wing escorts and outer most colom of that side or off one of the leading corners of the convoy could work too. You still aproach from the front of the convoy and shoot, more or less at a 45 degree angle into the convoy to maximize the chances of geting a hit. I haven't tried that one eather just yet but I have heard good things about both forms; seems like an aproch from the front is an easy one due to only having one escort there.

aj906 01-06-10 07:16 AM

U-30 (Typ VIIC)
KptnLt Jung
Attack on HMS Hood and escort

Grid: CG95
Date: 23.06.1940

Target: HMS Hood and Illustrious class carrier with destroyer screen.

Counter measures: screen 4+ destroyers/31+ depth charges/aircraft [swordfish]

Report: Sailing from supply ship Thalia [Cadiz harbour] morning 22 June 1940 (previously patrolling CG94, gross tonnage claimed 73,000), intention was to head to CF64 on return to Wilhelmshaven via St George's Channel. At 10:05 22 June local a report was received from BdU stating Enemy Task Force in Grid CG81, Kurs OSO, 14kts. Assumed T.F heading for Gibraltar so plotted kurs SSO [CG95:7] then tracked Ost, 3 kts submerged to reconnoitre. Surfaced at 23:50 [seegang 0, sicht 15 - 20] to recharge batteries. Submerged at 0701. Contact made 0732 [Seegang 0, sicht 10 - 15]: 3+ destroyer vanguard, Hood and carrier line astern plus undetermined rear guard, 15kts, Kurs Ost.

0807-09 tubes 1-4 fired at Hood, angle 042. All hit. Turn to starboard at 1kts, stern torpedo shot at carrier with 27 degree deflection, range 1,200m. Hydrophone reported hit during dive to 155 metres Kurs 270. Hood stopped, taking on water. Sunk 0814. Carrier slowed to c.10 kts. Destroyer screen vigours attack above (presumed depth 100 metres) and astern till 0856 then all withdrew save one. Final sweep [12 depth charges] concluded 0927. Course maintained 270. No damage sustained during depth charge attack.

Surfaced 1017. A/C [2+ swordfish] attacked 1018. Crash dive to 75 metres. Damage: Stern Batteries, stb diesel, attack periscope, stern torpedo, stern quarters, deck casing. Destroyed: flak gun, Port diesel engine, observation periscope, radio antenna. Took on water in command room (controlled and expelled in 22 minutes).

Casualties (10 KIA, 0 WIA, 0 MIA):
- Stabsoberbootsmann'
Peter Weller
Gustav Möllers
Engelbert Dahne

- Stabsbootsmann
Hilmar Blaudow
Manfred Eppen

- Matrosenhauptgefreiter
Willi Schroeter
Klaus Bildstein
Ernst Heldmann
Jorg Bauer
Eduard Geffe

Crash dive revealed two contacts, bearing 337/339, long range. Once flooding contained investigated: two large merchants c.6,100tn each. Closed for attack. Both confirmed sunk. Attack 1117, kurs 261 angle on the bow 349/353. Two torpedoes each, impact fuse at 8m depth. Merchant one exploded on impact of first topedo. Second merchant floundered, taking on water. Stern torpedo fired, kurs 090, angle of attack 0. Ship sunk 1133.

Dive depth hence forth restricted to 45 metres. Patrol aborted and making for Bordeaux.

File for award
Stabsoberbootsmann Gotthard Becker und Stabsbootsmann Reiner Richter both be awarded EK.I for efforts in damage control during flugzeug angriff.

Tonnage Claim
HMS Hood - sunk [48,360]
2x Large Merchants [2x 6,100]

60,560, Gross Tonnage

9 Torpedoes expended

Tonnage Damaged
Illustrious Class Carrier (23,000tns)

ETA Bordeaux, 29 June 1940.

nodlew 01-06-10 07:53 AM

So far, so good.
U-66, a type IXB put to sea from Wilhelmshaven on 8-1-1940. First patrol for the boat and most of the crew, including the Captain. We are bound for a point in the Atlantic roughly 2200 km west of the Strait of Gibralter. It being our first cruise, we didn't know what to expect, but, in any event, so far we have got much more than we bargained for.

We received periodic reports of British task forces operating in British coastal waters and paid them no heed. Too far away, in the wrong direction, in shallow water, and besides, I had no intention of engaging warships on my first cruise.

Eight days into the patrol heading South well off the British coast, the watchman reported a British warship at long range. Further observation revealed a British Task Force. More accurately, The Task Force, composed of the Hood, the Warspite, an Illustrious Clas Carrier (HMS Illustrious herself, I think), two Heavy Cruisers, and at least two Destroyers.

Here was a group of targets I instantly judged worth all of our lives for even a chance of striking a blow. If we could get to within 2 km, we stood a chance to cripple or sink the flagship of the British Navy, and two other vessels of very high importance in terms of British naval power and prestige.

The problem was position. The ships came into view pretty close, under 5 km, but crossing our bow from starboard to port. A scope measurement put their speed at just over 16 Kts. Far too fast to catch submerged, and not a sure thing at flank speed running on the surface, which would be sheer suicide in any event.

The issue was soon decided for us. While trying to compute the enemy's course, we were beset by their Destroyer escort, which steamed up on us and began shooting as I squinted through the attack scope. We took minor damage and dove to 160m and went quiet to wait out the attack while the pride of the British navy sailed away unmolested toward Northern Ireland.

We surfaced hours later. I reported the sighting to BDU, and we continued on course to our patrol grid.

After such excitement, we expected things to return to normal, which is routine maintenance and boredom.

Again, reality had something else in mind. Only two days later, now some South of the southern tip of Ireland, BDU reported a large enemy convoy to the West, right on top of us and heading straight for us. The weather was very bad. 1 km visibility, but the proximity of the convoy and its heading made an intercept well worth the attempt.

I went to the map table. The convoy was reported as moving slow, which I rounded to a guess of 5kts. Plotted a course which made the their expected line of approach and our course equal in distance, and made our speed standard, which should have put us in position right in their path, awaiting their arrival.

Away we went. We arrived at our planned interception point and I scanned the immediate vicinity with binoculars...and was troubled to discover a Frigate looming in the rain and fog within shouting distance off the port bow. Periscope depth! Hmmm. How did that happen?

Submerged we continued to observe--we had not been spotted. God bless the awful weather.

SO reported the merchants still at long range to the Starboard. Thinking they might slip by in the gloom, we set course to intercept angled to their hypothetical bearing. I kept speed to slow,but nonetheless, the night lit up with a search light from the Frigate. Spotted, detected by hydrophone, no telling. I ordered flank speed toward the convoy, hoping the bad visibility would keep the Frigate off of us. In the probable event this did not happen, I readied an aft torpedo to shove down his throat when the time came.

The first enemy came into sight. An Old Comp Merchant, 5000+ tons. I fired my two forward TI torpedoes, set for under the keel detonation (seas relatively calm, no time to plot the perfect angle of attack). I fired at point blank range and both torpedoes struck home. I turned from the sinking ship and sought another target.

Running from the Frigate, its sonar ringing in our ears, we found a 10,000 tn Large Cargo. Same proceedure. Two torpedoes at under 500 m fired from astern, snap shooting with the att periscope. Two hits, well amidships. Locate the Frigate, turn and search for another target, my torpedomen sweating to reload the tubes.

I find a Small Freighter at point blank range and waste precious time indecisive as to whether it is worth a torpedo. Now the Frigate has me locked in and is barreling up my rear (perhaps an unfortunate way to put it, but, there you have it).

I know many are of the opinion that locking horns with escorts is dumb, but I say No Guts, No Glory. The range was as close to right as it would ever be, I fired my aft torpedo and waited anxiously. Boom! Hit, with secondary explosions. He sank almost instantly. Very good for morale.

Relatively certain of having already tallied over 15,000 tns of Merchant shipping, and with the convoy leaving me behind, I determined to kill anything that came into my scope. It helped that the IXB carries 22 torpedoes. I closed on the Small Freighter and shot him, then turned my scope around to figure out what all that pinging was about.

A Flower Class escort is in perfect position to the rear, closing. I dial in the depth, and fire. Boom, a hit. Lucky us, so far. No fire, but the Flower slows and the maddening pinging goes quiet. He sinks slowly and quietly as we hunt another target.

Pickings are getting slim now. We find a Coastal Freighter and blast it using our same under-the-keel, close range, hip-shooting technique. He exlpodes into flame as, unbelievably, the pinging starts up again.

Another Black Swan? This is too much. We crash dive to 160 m, and go silent while the depth charges explode harmlessly all around, and the groans of sinking, exploding ships come over the hydrophone.

Eventually, the last Frigate gives up, and we surface and send in our report to BDU. 20,000 tns including two sub-killing escorts. Not too shabby for our first patrol. War Badges for the whole crew. An Iron Cross for my Weapons Officer.

And we still have 15 torpedoes and are 2000 km from our patrol grid. We'll be heroes, if we make it back to port alive. Which is no sure thing. I plan to play it safe for the rest of the patrol, but knowing me...?

U-66 Returned safely after a 40 day patrol to a new home port at Lorient France, the German Army having beaten the Frenchies into submission while U-66 was sinking British ships. Total tonnage for the cruise was 27,179 tons. The Captain was promoted, but not decorated. Bastards.

KL-alfman 01-06-10 02:13 PM

some great and thrilling stories lately, well done, mates! :up:

and thx to dissaray for this dangerous but promising method of approaching a convoy with a lot of escorts.
I will try this manoeuvre first in a single mission ......
will tell about the results! :salute:

Dissaray 01-07-10 04:59 PM

I have just got into position for a head on convoy attack. I am going to try and slip into the convoy and hit a few ships right out of the gate. This will be my first contact of the patrol so I have plenty of ammo. The weather is perfect for an attack: stormy, fog and a off and on rain. I will report just how good this tactic is, or at least how well I can exacute it. I am confidant of sucsess, I even started drinking my victory beer befor the attack has started :O:

Christ this attack aproch is nerve wracking. One thing to keep in mind if you try this in stormy weather make sure you are deep enuf that your mast won't poke up out of the water when the waves are rolling by you. It gave me away but I don't think the escort that tried to hit me knows where I am, the four depth charges he fired were way off of my position. Continuing with attack!

With a little help from my weapons officer I was able to make a more or less sucsesfull attack. 4 targets hit and killed though I did recive serious damage in retaliation from the escorts as I was leaving. The convoy was breaking up and targets were hard to come by so I decided to not push my luck any further than I already had. Having only five torpidos and needing six to do the damage that I had done I had already broke silent runing to reload and survived the endever. On my way out I forgot to re impliment silent runing and an escort picked me up on their ASDIC. deciding to go with speed and manuverability rather than stealth I kicked my electrics up to flank and began to zig and zag like there was no tomarow. The persuing vesle hapend to be a Hunt 3 class distroyer and lucky for me it is a small ship and didn't have many depth charges. Six attack runs down and I am unharmed, then the sevinth comes in and I must have ziged when I should have zaged, or vice versa, and took two direct hits. One blasted my engens, both sets, and the other stuck me on the nose and trashed my forward torpido tubes. With that final attack it seems the distroyer was all out of ammo and spun around me afew more times then left. Once I was sure he was gone I blew balast and made an emergancy surface manuver; that didn't work so well with out engens though. I managed to get the flooding under control just about the same time I ran out of compressed air to blow balast which was keeping me on the surface or close to it.

The tactic worked well when I didn't do some thing to screw things up.

Sockeye 01-07-10 06:19 PM

Midnight, twilight due to latitude. Medium seas, clear skies.

U-990 running submerged in AF44. Sound picked up a cluster of high-speed contacts approaching from the northeast; put on a normal approach course, heading southeast at four knots for an easy intercept that put the boat about 1,500 meters off their track. Contact turned into a task force comprised of a BB and a CL with a dozen escorts making a good twenty knots.

AOB 20-starboard, 5000 meters: fired a full salvo from both ends for two hits. A D class destroyer absorbed a Falke and went down with her boilers brewing; was unclear what the other fish hit, but whatever it was, it was dead in the water soon after.

An hour's evasion.

U-990 reloaded and came up for a look through the Number One periscope. A Brooklyn class light cruiser laying dead in the water, stern heavy and listing slightly to starboard; still about 5,000 meters, 20-starboard. Maneuvered for position abeam her: three-shot coupe de grace.

BillCar 01-07-10 07:21 PM

U-83, March 1940, 4th Patrol: assigned grid AN-31, zipped around north sea, sank a coastal vessel and a coastal freighter off Norway, then made for England when the patrol was done. Sank a coastal vessel that turned out to be neutral off Aberdeen. Radio report of a large convoy. Attacked it twice, all eels missed on both attacks, and each attack resulted in an hour or two of depth charge dodging. No damage sustained, headed back to Wilhelmshaven, sinking a pair of cargo ships on the way. Total tonnage: 19,000+ ... and all of it done with the deck gun.

5th Patrol, March 1940: bad weather, stormy seas, TONS of ship activity – looks like Norway is hotly contested. So far, have patrolled the assigned grid at Shetland Islands and started making for Norwegian coast. Only one ship sighted so far, and it was a Type VIIB U-Boat.

Randomizer 01-07-10 11:24 PM

This is the BBC on this twenty-fifth day of October 1944.

Western Approaches Command announces the destruction of a U-Boat near the approaches to Belfast. The boat, believed to be U-1099 had just attacked a convoy damaging a freighter and an escort. After a hunt lasting over two hours the U-Boat was finally blown to the surface with depth charges and then sunk by gunfire. There were no survivors. The damaged ships made port safely with only minor casualties.

In other news the Ministry of Supply has announced an increase in the cat ration to three per week and continues to urge all Briton's to eat less and save shipping. Remember that cat is the other white meat...

Sailor Steve 01-08-10 12:47 PM

My condolences to the families of U-1099. Of course I'm still in 1939 so I can't comfort the widows, but that's the luxury of having it only be a game.

Better luck in your next career. Nice wording, by the way, especially the 'cat' note.

frau kaleun 01-08-10 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1232908)
My condolences to the families of U-1099. Of course I'm still in 1939 so I can't comfort the widows

Well you could wait until early October 1944, look up the personnel info on his crew, and then arrange to be in the right place at the right time.

And you've got years to practice your "I'm so sorry, is there anything I can do" face. I'm just sayin'.

Randomizer 01-08-10 02:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 1232908)
My condolences to the families of U-1099. Of course I'm still in 1939 so I can't comfort the widows, but that's the luxury of having it only be a game.

Thank you, I will pass on your condolences. Who knows, perhaps you have some future U-1099 crewman on your boat.

The loss of U-1099 was a perfect example of ignoring lessons learned because I have developed a late-war convoy attack technique that has proved reasonably successful but also quite survivable. Instead of using it I tried a conventional submerged approach and attack and got killed for it.

Just before the end I hit a V&W Class destroyer with a Falke acoustic homer from Tube 5, I think she might of sank if I hadn't done so first and of course SH give no credit for damage.

I think next career will be a Type IX to the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the fall of 1944.

Good Hunting

Sailor Steve 01-08-10 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by Randomizer (Post 1232959)
...perhaps you have some future U-1099 crewman on your boat.

You mean some of my boys may

Of course that may be true anyway, and they may go down in this very boat, but the foreknowlege? It makes my poor old head spin.

Gabucino 01-08-10 03:08 PM

Currently in AM61 at 82 meters, with a knocked out hydrophone (and other equipment, oh, and long repair times), doding the depth charges of an A/B-class destroyer with the help of the observation periscope. Trying to navigate to a somewhat deeper spot 3 klicks away.

Gabucino 01-08-10 03:40 PM

He's still using ASDIC all around, but no contact since a while.

(Anyway I was on my way back home, when I was nearly rammed by him in the verrdammt mist. Then came the deck gun rounds, and a crash dive. It was great luck that he didn't ram me.)

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