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VONHARRIS 08-09-11 02:14 PM

U-109 IXB
26 June 1940
18:51 hours U-109 sets off for grid AE71 south of Iceland

09 July 1940
Grid AE71
20:20 hours Aircraft seen - engaged
20:21 hours Hudson shot down - minor damage to the forward deck

15 July 1940
Grid AD59
06:51 hours Aircraft seen - crash dived

18 July 1940
Grid AD83
05:00 hours Moving to intercept convoy
Grid AD59
10:22 hours Sound contact with convoy
12:04 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
12:05 hours 2 TI (bow) fired
12:06 hours Impacts
12:08 hours Impacts - Turbine tanker sunk - SS Lindsay Anne
12:08 hours 1 TI (stern) fired
12:11 hours 1 TI (stern) fired - diving to 100m
12:12 hours Distant pinging
12:13 hours Impact - Empire type freighter sunk - SS Seven Oaks Park
12:22 hours Depth 69m - Pinging
12:23 hours Depth charges - boat shook but no damges
12:25 hours 70 rpm - turning to port
12:28 hours Depth 85m - depth charges - no damages
12:30 hours Pinging
12:33 hours Depth 100m - DCs - no damages
12:38 hours Depth 110m - DCs - flooding and damages to stern torpedo room
12:40 hours Depth 113m - Flooding stopped - Silent running
12:42 hours DCs
12:43 hours Depth 121m - DCs - shaking but no damages
12:48 hours Depth 130m - DCs - more DCs
12:53 hours Depth 133m - DCs - DCs away from U-109
13:00 hours Depth 138m - DCs - DCs
15:19 hours Depth 138m - all quiet - reloading torpedo tubes
16:33 hours Surfaced

19 July 1940
Grid AD86
11:30 hours Sound contact - rough seas - dived to PD
11:35 hours Multiple sound contacts
11:39 hours Visual contact with outer column of convoy
11:40 hours 4 TI (bow) fired at 3 targets
11:43 hours Impacts x 2
11:46 hours Diving to 100m - sinking sounds - Repair ship HMS Ausonia (F 53)
12:25 hours Depth 100m - no pinging
20 July 1940
04:19 hours Tubes reloaded - surfaced

24 July 1940
Grid AD86
03:16 hours Moving to intecept convoy
06:19 hours Sound contact with convoy
06:58 hours 4 TI (bow) fired at 2 targets - diving to 100m - moving away
07:07 hours 3 impacts
07:08 hours Impact
07:22 hours Depth 90m - tubes reloading - turning back
07:42 hours Going to PD
08:08 hours Up scope

10:02 hours Lined up for stern shots - 2 TI (stern) fired
10:03 hours Impacts - ship sunk - RMS Empress of Britain

10:05 hours Surfaced to celebrate the kill - 3 bow + 2 stern torps remain
10:10 hours Set course for home

02 August 1940
13:42 hours U-109 docked at Wilhelmshaven
38 days at port
4 ships sunk
65670 tons
1 aircraft shot down
Hull integrity : 96%

vonHarris was promoted to Kapitanleutnant and received the Oak leaves for his Knght's cross.
Medals and promotions were given to the crew and a free pass for the officers mess for all.

sublynx 08-09-11 02:28 PM

U-331, patrol 1, report 5
Lt.z.s. Theodor Wald
U-331, VIIC
1. Flottille, Kiel

CB3396 SSW 15, sea 7, very cloudy, vis. medium.
2231 Contact report sent, course 284, speed 8 knots.
2314 Turning to 14 degrees. Preparing for an outside surface shot from port side of the convoy.
2318 Hydrophone check. The convoy has probably changed course and is now slipping away. 321 tb, GF.
2339 Ship sighted, 58 rb, long range.
2344 58 rb.
2352 A destroyer, range 5000 m. Own course 271 tb. Enemy course estimation 266 tb.
2359 No contacts. Another course change by the convoy or the escort getting away from the convoy and then back? Course change, 329 tb.

0013 Ship sighted, 85 rb, long range.
0016 84 rb.
0021 New enemy course estimation 270 tb.
0023 Hydrophone check. Own course 0. Merchants getting away, 45 - 65 rb. A damaged warship heard, rb 70.
0035 Convoy left alone. We have entered the area that is covered by air patrols from Halifax and our orders are not to risk the ship while still in training. It looks like my crewmen wouldn't be able to estimate the convoy's course anyways, in these weather conditions. Economic RPM, course towards Halifax.
0159 A straggler contact in the hydrophone. Trying to locate.
0213 A ship sighted.
0232 Another straggler sighted.
0247 1800 BRT Trampfrachter, course 315, speed 4 - 5 knots.
0256 Own course 35 tb.
0310 Surface shot Rohr 1, G7e, AZ, depth 3 meters, estimated run time 44 seconds, gyro angle 0, AOB Bkb 80.
0310 Surface shot Rohr 3, G7e, AZ, depth 3 meters, estimated run time 44 seconds, gyro angle 0, AOB Bkb 80.
0311 After a run of 53 seconds impact between the front masts. No sign of the other torpedo.
0316 Trampfrachter sunk. Heinze tried to take a photograph of the ship sinking some 200 meters from it, but the night was so dark that almost nothing can be seen on the picture.

0338 Surface shot at another straggler, a 1600 BRT Trampfrachter, Rohr 5, G7e, AZ, depth 3 meters, estimated run time 32 seconds, gyro angle 1, target dead in water. Hit after a run of 23 seconds, indicating a range of 400 meters.
0343 Ship sunk. In these huge waves our boat sinks to a depth of 10 meters every 20 seconds. Most of the crewmen are sea sick. Radioed BdU about the sinkings and the convoy. Submerged to A-30 meters for reloading and rest.
0354 A warship heard medium to long range.

CB3364 SSW 15, sea 7, very cloudy, vis. medium.
0707 Surfaced, recharging batteries. Continuing patrol. 6 G7e's left inside the boat, one G7a in external storage. Horrendous weather continues. In a hard turn the boat can barely make one knot with half the engine power. Radio reports that our U-boats have sunk an S-class submarine and RMS Empress of Britain.


ETsd4 08-09-11 03:26 PM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1724484)
0316 Trampfrachter sunk. Heinze tried to take a photograph of the ship sinking some 200 meters from it, but the night was so dark that almost nothing can be seen on the picture.

the photo was sent to our special laboratory in Kiel. High ISO setting + extremely long exposure time successfully restored some photo details.
Kiel, Leitz-Werke, 21.4.1941

ijnfleetadmiral 08-09-11 05:10 PM

Sailor Steve: U-47's latest patrol ended in mid-June 1940. Currently refitting and preparing to sortie once again.

KL vonHarris: We're in the market for Aquitania or Titanic this patrol...might you - or anyone else - know of a good hunting ground for picking off large passenger liners?

DIA (Danke In Advance)


Fish In The Water 08-09-11 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1724468)
10:03 hours Impacts - ship sunk - RMS Empress of Britain

Nice to see the Empress go down... Good job! :up:

Sailor Steve 08-09-11 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1724437)
I have seen Empire type freighters from the beginning of the war since 1939.

I just checked the the Roster folder and it lists the entry date as 19400101. Part of the problem is that the Ministry of War Transport was organized in 1939 and immediately started giving 'Empire' names to all sorts of ships, even some tugboats and sailing schooners. The dedicated large ships which the IABL's 'Empire' category reflects are similar in concept to the Liberties. I've found one 7,000-ton ship built in 1940, but with no picture I can't tell if it was the first build of the 'Empire' series or a different type taken in by MoWT. I know the Canadian 'Forts' and 'Parks' and the American 'Oceans', all ships of the 'Empire' design, were not in service before 1942, but for the British 'Empires' I haven't been able to find a first delivery date. Threre are some books out there that would tell me, but I can't afford them at the moment.

I'm changing my Roster date to 19420101, but that's just me being anal. What can I say? :D

VONHARRIS 08-09-11 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1724621)
Sailor Steve: U-47's latest patrol ended in mid-June 1940. Currently refitting and preparing to sortie once again.

KL vonHarris: We're in the market for Aquitania or Titanic this patrol...might you - or anyone else - know of a good hunting ground for picking off large passenger liners?

DIA (Danke In Advance)


I usually run into these large liners in grids AD86 AD59 , AD83 south west of Iceland. They are part of huge convoys , always in the center of the convoy and very well escorted. There are at least seven escorts. In late war there might be and an escort carrier TF along.

sublynx 08-10-11 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by ETsd4 (Post 1724542)
the photo was sent to our special laboratory in Kiel. High ISO setting + extremely long exposure time successfully restored some photo details.
Kiel, Leitz-Werke, 21.4.1941

Thanks a lot for the experts in Leitz-Werke :yeah:

Real navigation - very cool!! :salute: I think I might start experimenting with that myself. I have already modded all the contacts off the navigation map, including the sign of my u-boat, but I'm still using AI assistance.

ijnfleetadmiral 08-10-11 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1724728)
I usually run into these large liners in grids AD86 AD59 , AD83 south west of Iceland. They are part of huge convoys , always in the center of the convoy and very well escorted. There are at least seven escorts. In late war there might be and an escort carrier TF along.

Great merciful crap...SEVEN escorts?! :o I usually freak when there's four! Kind of historically inaccurate, too, seeing as how the big liners were fast enough to travel unescorted, and usually did.

VONHARRIS 08-10-11 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1724763)
Great merciful crap...SEVEN escorts?! :o I usually freak when there's four! Kind of historically inaccurate, too, seeing as how the big liners were fast enough to travel unescorted, and usually did.

I have seen a convoy with eight escorts which the max number I have ever seen in GWX. I don't know if it gets any bigger.

In RL liners could make at least 29 - 30 kts making them virtually uninterceptable to uboats. I have seen this behaviour in GWX only once for Allied liners and many times for spanish large liners.

unterseemann 08-10-11 09:03 AM

Thanks everyone for the warm welcome! And especially Sailor Steve for his links

Oberleutnant z.see Erich Berg

Patrol 3
U-31, U-Flotilla Saltzwedel
Left at: October 15, 1939, 02:35
From: Wilhelmshaven
Mission Orders: Patrol grid AN15
, west of Orkneys

After having passed shetlands weather deteriorated with heavy seas and bad visibility
Patrol zone in AN15 reached the 20oct.

25/10 AN1567 Try to attack a blackened ship in storm, 2 torpedoes shot, no impact. Unable to reach good conditions.

28/10 23h02 AN1516 Surface attack against supposed british ship, 2 torpedoes fired two solid impacts amidships and bow. Sank fast, around 4.000 BRT

30/10 16h35 AN1582 Surface attack against british medium cargo 4 torpedoes fired but avoided by ship. A 5th hit it and slowed it to 2kn. Due to proximity of land and supposed presence of enemy ship nearby a 'coup de grāce' is shot soon after. SS Gamaria 5.281 BRT

30/10 22h50 AN1545 While exiting the zone at full speed, encountered another british ship. Surface attack 1 torpedo shot, 1 impact. Another 'coup de grace' fired soon after. SS Clumberhall 5.173BRT

30/10 23h50 AN 1542 Only two torpedoes left and unable to load them because weather still awful. Decisions to reach Torshaven in the Faeroes which are neutral, to load our last torpedoes.

02/11 12h31 AN 2665 While on return trip british ship heading WSW spotted. Submerged attack as our last surface attack in daytime was quite unsuccessful. 1 torpedo with impact amidships, ship slowed down but not in sinking condition. Another 'coup de grace' did the job and then we resumed course to Wilhelmshaven.

Patrol result:
21 days at sea
4 ships sunk for 17.850 BRT

My 1st W.O Wolfgang Eisenholtz will make his last patrol with U-31 before being given his own commandship due to his excellent abilities.

** Oh i have a small problem, the first ship i sank is a
M03X IABL's ship and commander didn't give him a name although i have activated SS ships list mod any idea??
All i have is : 'Ship sunk! M03X, 3494 tons

Willem VonBoom 08-10-11 10:54 AM

@ Steve -

My understanding of the "Empire" ships was that they were requisitioned by the British government and given names starting with Empire. The "Class" was mad up of all different types of ships from tugs and trawlers to tankers, bulk carriers, and specialty ships.

Although I think your starting date issue is accurate

sublynx 08-10-11 11:28 AM


Originally Posted by Willem VonBoom (Post 1725048)
@ Steve -

My understanding of the "Empire" ships was that they were requisitioned by the British government and given names starting with Empire. The "Class" was mad up of all different types of ships from tugs and trawlers to tankers, bulk carriers, and specialty ships.

Although I think your starting date issue is accurate

This is something that is said in Lawrence Paterson's U-boat war patrol -book as well. It states that Empire name was given to all the ships that the British government ordered from the Ministry of War Transport or that were bought or captured.

Sailor Steve 08-10-11 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by Willem VonBoom (Post 1725048)
@ Steve -

My understanding of the "Empire" ships was that they were requisitioned by the British government and given names starting with Empire. The "Class" was mad up of all different types of ships from tugs and trawlers to tankers, bulk carriers, and specialty ships.

Although I think your starting date issue is accurate

That's true. I've even seen a tugboat called 'Empire Fred'. Every ship that belonged to MoWT was given an 'Empire' name, with a few exceptions, most notably the Liberties, which got names starting with 'Sam'. However, they also started having their own ships built in various classes. The 7000-tons class are what is represented by IABL's M35B 'Empire' ships.

ijnfleetadmiral 08-10-11 02:03 PM

Patrol 10 of U-47

Was assigned to patrol grid DH71, near Casablanca...another long haul from Wilhelmshaven! En route we were pleasantly surprised to encounter a Large Merchant and an RMM (what does 'RMM' stand for, anyway, and what kind of ship is this thing?), both of which were quickly dispatched to the bottom for a nice start to our patrol.

We reached our assigned grid without incident and patrolled it for 24 hours before heading back Northward, and was instructed to patrol off the Straits of Gibraltar until our torpedo supply was exhausted. KL Hossel took this to mean 'near the Straits', not 'IN the Straits', so we patrolled on the Atlantic side near the entrance, and managed to bag a Medium Cargo, a Coastal Freighter, and a Tramp Steamer.

With only two fish left (one in the bow, one in the stern), we resumed our journey to Wilhelmshaven, hoping against hope to be redirected to one of the French coast bases, but to no avail. En route, we fired our last two torpedoes at an Intermediate Tanker, the second of which hit her in the stern. At first it looked like she was going to escape, but the heavy seas managed to claim her.

Thus ended our 10th patrol, in which we sank six ships for a tidy 25,092 tons, bringing our total up to 209,351 tons. Upon return to port, the crew was cheered to find out KL Hossel's itchy neck was cured, as he was presented with his Knight's Cross when the boat docked.

Ship #1: Large Merchant

Ship #2: RMM

Ship #3: Medium Cargo

Ship #4: Coastal Freighter

Ship #5: Tramp Steamer

Ship #6: Intermediate Tanker

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