Is there somehow possible to extend radio antenna from periscope depth?
It seems weird to not to be able to send message with VIIA from sero thiefe :) |
One last question, if I may: is there any way to change the default name of the u-boat in the ship journal?:) |
yeah, take a look in the options file editor under the tab "Ships journal"
(can be found in your sh5installation/data/applications/optionsfileeditorviewer) Dont forget to edit your documents/sh5/data/cfg/playersettings.cfg and type the number in line "UnitName" |
Why in theory you may ask? Well, because modelling an accurate and fully walkable sub interior would be a hell of work (this is supposing that the exterior can be imported from some other game), because the granny format that the new models should be ported to has still many unknowns that the current implementation on GR2 Editor cannot handle, and because assembling all the parts together (upc files, controller files, gfx effects, etc.) would be way too much for a single person to embark on such a project. If more modders startet working on the game as a team, maybe... :hmm2: |
All is set now... There is only few glitches, I hope I'll manage to "bypass" them somehow... - There is no crew on bow heavy gun, although the gun works (AI). - Stern heavy gun has crew but animation goes in opposite direction while gun tracks target. - Stern heavy gun can be maned by player but only if you "click" on bow heavy gun?! :) Other than that, everything seems OK... I've also: - Reduced submarine surface/underwater range and speed. - Removed internal and external torpedoes storage (only 5 torpedoes in tubes) - Applied drag to conning tower. - Increased dive time - Increased CG height - Removed deckgun and snorkel upgrades - Removed Fumo-29 radar upgrade |
to change the captain name and u-boat nr u need to go to \SH5\MODS\1. The Wolves of Steel 1.05\data\Applications\OptionsFileEditorViewer open the option file viewer application and then go to the ship journal tab and from there u can change it |
nope u can not send radio massage when u are at periscope depth or snorkel depth .... it not realistic in WWII also they need it to surface the boat to send radio messages |
just it still working in the magui as shown in this video? Must have a look at it... Best Regards DrJones |
yep, need to start a fresh game. dont know about patrol but seems ok too :D (i really dont know - ill do all my settings and then starting a new campaign normaly)
btw... did anyone try to track a whale for 4 hours with hydrophone ? :03: i feel like greenpeace. realy great mod :yeah: |
Whale hydrophone sound is composed of 4 or 5 different audio samples obtained by applying a band-pass filter to the same recording. What you hear is a combination of them. Each sample will fade out at different ranges: when the whale is far away, you can only hear the lowest frequencies, but when the whale is at close range you hear the whole spectrum. :) |
Dude, they are taking those veteran Liberators like nothing... :D |
This is not relevant to whale sounds but unfortunately game core has very bad sound mixer which lags and pops when some sounds mix together. As result of this, you can find sound where you are not be able to hear it like very distant ships. (I removed textual marks like "unknown ship" from hydrophone GUI :03:) As i like moded SH5 at most i liked any other SH from vanilla 3, i see we need new ww2 or even ww1 u-boat simulator made by hardcore geeks with smaller amount of eye candy, but perfectly made crucial parts like sound mixing, samples rendering in realtime based on distance, sea interference and weather. Dynamic campaign with good AI and realistic ~1940 resources. That would be awesome. But until that, i will be enjoying TWOS very much :salute: |
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