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Now , tell us what have you done exactly and maybe we'll manage to help you... |
"No options for User charts show up, the identification book doesn't work. Parts of the UI are missing like the dials and such for the torpedos. Speed or depth won't display. Some of the options through through the crew don't work, like I cannot ever get my position.." That's about all I figured out that didn't work before I gave up.. I'll clarify a few of those points a bit for you: 1.The user charts menu is just 2 black rectangle boxes with no options for any charts. 2. Identification book shows up, but all it says is "OK" on the front. It cannot be opened or viewed in any way. 3.I've seen these nice torpedo control panels and dials on peoples screenshots, and lets plays, but unless there's some hidden button I'm not pressing, I get no controls at all on the right side of my screen 4. Speed and depth are not showing up on the UI. It always reads at 0. 5. I'm not sure all the crew commands are working. Like if I tell my navigator to calculate my position, nothing happens. Quote:
That isn't to say I couldn't have done it wrong though.. I could do it wrong 1000 times if the instructions are ambiguous. What confuses me is that there are 2 posts within a minute of each other on your first page with 2 versions of the same mod and it isn't really clear which is the most up to date, or even why an out of date version would be there. So theres: The Wolves of Steel 1.01 The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Plotting Tools Fix v2 *The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - TDW Real Navigation_7_4_2 *The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Tscharlii's Realistic_Hydrophone_1_1 _7_4_2 *The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Sober's Realistic Underwater FX2 I installed them exactly as they are there and I had problems I mentioned above. But then there is also: Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod Wolves of Steel - 1.01 Patch I thought they must be old versions, but then I read '"zadnji 7.5.0" snapshot'.. If thats some kind of version number, then that implies its newer than the one on the 'Wolves of Steel 1.01' Really confusing. You know, there's a reason why developers have those numbers to tell you the version. You have 3 files with 1.01 as the version(not counting bonus) and one big file with no version. If your versions were named like this: Wolves of Steel - 1.00 full Wolves of Steel- 1.00-1.01 Patch Wolves of Steel 1.1 full Wolves of steel 1.2 patch Etc, Etc. It would make a hell of alot more sense instead of these ambiguous versions. I'm not new to mods or Modding either.. But trying to get a decent mod to make up for Ubisofts unfinished game is proving to be a real PITA. |
havent read everything but most of the thread
i have a question or few sh5 v1.2 with mods TWoS and TWos patch prolly did everything the right way when following instructions but crew is silent i see them takling but no sound is heard and prolly sth with real nav i cant locate my sub on map and cant get out of that stupid port i am (most east one) looks like im in a giant pool theres land all around any of you get those probs gonna check configs for real nav now |
Listen Drake...You are the first of more then 600 persons who have downloaded this megamod and found it's install instruction "ambiguous". Is it really so hard to follow the steps from download page?! I clearly said yesterday that previous version is moved to the second post, yet again from some reason, you're trying to find some connection between two separate megamods.
Do your self a favor and don't think to much about 7.4.2 and 7.5.0 markings (not to mention that everyone who had slightest contact with modding of SH5 will know for sure what those numbers mean ),install the game, follow instruction from the first post and enjoy. |
In my opinion the instructions to install the megamod are well explained. Obviously you are not following the installation steps properly... Please, read the instructions of the first post again (including the links to explain the mod enabler and TDW GenericPatcher) and follow those instructions carefully. The megamod works very well if you follow the instructions properly. And thank you very much for this excellent megamod, Vecko, I really like it !!! Your work is much appreciated :salute: Txema |
Couldn't agree more!! :yeah: |
Is this a bug?
I just started playing SH5 because of your mod vdr. I don't have a lot of experience with it because I have played SH4 and 3. I just switched to the new set up with 7.4 instead of 7.5 and I just ran into a problem. I crash dived and my compressed air kept going down so I quickly ordered surface. When I surfaced my compressed air level had dropped to 15 %. Of course it replenished with know trouble but I was wondering if anyone else has seen this before?
So let me see if I understand this correctly.. The version history goes like this: Grey Wolves - SH5 Megamod Grey Wolves 1.01 Patch Grey Wolves 1.01 --new version? shouldn't it be named 1.02? Grey Wolves 1.01 plotter fix -- its a patch, give it a new version. Instead of 1.00, 1.01, 1.02, 1.03, etc you have 4 files, one without a version number, and 3 with the same. No dates for when that version was released, and no other explanation other than how to install them. Can you understand how this could be confusing? Quote:
As soon as I came to this forum I felt a rather arrogant & elitist feel about it.. Your responses have confirmed that for me. Instead of offering any help, or an admission that you mod could have been named more clearly, Its gotta be my fault it didn't work, right?.. :huh: |
No I am sorry, I must disagree with you Drake is right - you make a simple assumption that every one here has the same knowledge as you when this is not the case
I followed your instructions implicitly and now I find I should not have over written the game files in the data folder - well I'm sorry, that was the impression I got from the instructions, after all if I was not supposed to do anything with them why are they included in the download!!!! I am sorry I don't mean to be critical the trouble is most of us players havn't got half the skills you have, that's why you created this mod and we didn't, but fair is fair your instructions assume a lot of knowledge on the part of us users that we simply don't have As a result I now have to uninstall the game yet again and reinstall yet again because I misinterpreted your instructions Please can you provide a step by step install instruction, what to put where and what to leave out - I don't even know if I need this patcher thing or not I assumed not, and that this was for folks who are still making mods, but now I am not so sure Please don't be angry, just take this as honest input from some one who wants to enjoy your work Here's an example - you guys suggest installing JSME into the Root Directory of the game, I dont know where that is is it in the first folder or the one called Data where most of the games files are - You might laugh your head off - but I wonder how many others there are who don't know either Regards R Quote:
Ah this is most sad as Vecko made this mega-mod to help people try SH5 and see what it has become.
The SH5 mod forum is full of posts about how hard it is to add mods to SH5 due to the large number needed. This is in part due to no team forming with one aim. SH5 modding is a group of individuals working on an area of the game each and trying to work together - but each to their own work. We have seen a few mega mods - this is the 4th one - so what happened to the others? They have been lost due to the work here continues - a megamod soon becomes outdated when new versions of each and every mod are made. So with this mega mod by Vecko - we can see a change. Someone who is willing to keep if updated and repair where required - even to take bits out that some people do not like (this is hard to do - so well done Vecko) So why is it still causing problems for installing for some users? It is not yet ready to be made into a self extractor/installer - so that means the only way is with JSGME Now JSGME has been here for a long time and there is really no excuse for not reading or watching the many tutorials for its use. Right here on this forum is a guide to mods stickied to the top. anyway - onto your issues:D Quote:
This will require files in the data folder to be rewritten - most most will do this. It is just some files have had things changed or parts added. When JSGME warns about overwriting - click allow Quote:
Those other two files are the options I was talking about before - the ones that Vecto took out. Here you can add them back if you did not want to take them out. As soon as choices are given - modding becomes hard No choices = "I don't like part A" , "I don't like part B" etc:D Read the guide linked for the patcher. The patcher is a app that allows you to make changes to your own SH5.exe This is what UBI would do if they still supported the game - however they would install a new exe into your game. For us - that would be illegal so TDW has made is as easy as possible to fix your own one. The app is easy to use if you check the guides. Now what Vecko has done is given you a blueprint for these changes - so you can fix the important things - just read about the patcher and you will now here what I mean. Quote:
Some reading into jsgme or watching jsgme vids would show you this. http://www.subsim.com/radioroom/showthread.php?t=181538 Video tutorial number 1 in that list is how to use jsgme hope I was of some help:salute: :subsim: |
I have had a lot of dislikers . Overall SH5 is a great game because of the foundations of the game and modders . Just keep at it .
Thanks Trevally appreciate the time and patience to reply SO
From your post I take it those of us who are concerned with playing using the mod dont need to worry about the Patcher, that is what I first thought, but then reading more posts on this board I became unsure - so for now I will leave it out I would also like to ask about the three optional patches that come in the download, now would a player concerned with realism and historical accuracy and excellent environmental and explosive affects, would they, could they, should they install all three, one or the other and if so is there a particular order - again I am sorry if this seems a dumb question, but I have no idea why I should choose one or the other, or none or all three Thanks Rascal Quote:
If you can read a few time the guide to how to use the patcher - you can then use the "snapshot" the Vecko has made. He did this because some people have made mistakes with the patcher - so TDW enabled us to load pre set setting. this is what the snapshot provided with this mod is (an easier way to use it) So to use the patcher or not? It is not required, but at some point in your gamming with SH5 you will come across and issue (game bug - of which there are many) and this issue will spoil your game. If you then come to this forum for help with the issue - users will tell you that that issue has been fixed by TDWs patcher. So at some point you should use it. I think it will be ok (not 100% sure here) to add it later when you are more familiar with the game. This would need to be done in what we call "a bunker save". A bunker save is when you have docked at your home port and are off your boat standing on the wharf. Here you save your game and exit to add patches or mods. By doing this it gives the game a chance to change itself (modded) and then load correctly. If you did not to this and changed your game while ON your boat - ctds are common as game creates a working file when you start a patrol (loading screen). If this working file does not match the game files = ctd So bunker saves and then patching/modding lets your game create a new working file based on the changes you have made. So installing mods at a bunker save is recommend (or at the very start of you game - before starting a new career as this will also create a working file) So to sum up - use the patcher now or latter, but at some stage you should use it. Quote:
The Wolves of Steel 1.01 The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Plotting Tools Fix v2 If you then find that you are unhappy with your boats GPS system of navigation - you can add "real nav" later If you are not happy being able to look out your scope when 100m down and see DDs bearing down on you - add the under water mod (bunker save required :D) When you get real good at attacking ships with the TDC and you then want another way to gain the info you need to make a solution for your torp run - you can add "*The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - Tscharlii's Realistic_Hydrophone_1_1 _7_4_2" as this mod (addon) will allow you to count the revolutions of a ships propeller and look up a chart to find its speed. again this one need a bunker save Its good to have choices, but it can make things harder. Vecko's megamod has given us choices where he feels it most useful at the cost of some learning to install. Hope this helps and feel free to ask as much as you want - we do try and answer most requests :subsim: |
Really sorry that some guys are having problems. I feel your frustrations....I have also had them too..... before I got used to TDW' s patcher, the many options and JSGME. But stick with it guys, it'll work out.
We can't really blame Vecko for problems with TDW's patcher or JSGME. How much frustrations do you think he has had making a long list of mods compatible with each other. You know how frustrating that is.....download, read the thread, read the readme, add, adjust, load, play ....crash....start again, add a new mod, start again....crash. We can't even blame him too much for possible problems with his own megamod. He's done it for free using his own time and a great deal of patience. And let's face it; if Ubisofts game was complete we would not have had half of the problems. At least Vecko and the other modders listen to us and release patches (very quickly) if they find a problem or improvement to their work. Stick with it guys. It's worth the effort. It's the most stable mod list I have used so far. If it takes a few months to perfect, thats ok with me. After all, some of us have had the game for almost 4 years! |
Just give up, it's hopeless. I suggest you to check Sober's, Sjizzle's or Fifi's modlists threads... |
If you cant handle TDW real navigation, then try again but this time with The Wolves of Steel 1.01 version from the first post. You should skip optional patch called The Wolves of Steel 1.01 - TDW Real Navigation_7_4_2. Quote:
Keep up your great work Vecko, and forgive them for they don't literally know what they are talking about :yep: @ Capta1n Maybe you should play Silent Hunter Online? :hmmm: |
sounds work now god knows what was wrong only did turn on pc again after i came back from work prolly missed our the real nav mod in the soup thx PS puno ti hvala, ovo je super |
Very nice mod but I have a couple of small issues that I hope someone can help with.
1 when I try and scroll the mouse wheel over the heading bar, it no longer works and I unfortunately can't now use this method to set my course. 2 when I use the alternative method of setting my speed , ie I use ctrl and then click on a speed in knots, this now does not work. My boat will only go from ahead slow to ahead standard and nothing in between. 3 I no longer have a compass on the ruler tool to allow me to plot my course and I have tried using the drag compass wheel but I can't get the ruler to plot 'beneath' this compass wheel. Here is hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks Kev |
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