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Christian Knudsen 08-10-18 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2564520)
Hi Christian, :salute:
Maybe this video can help? :hmm2:

Aha! I discovered that for some reason you can't drag things in the nav/TAI maps while the game is paused. Unpause and it works again. Is this a mod thing or a game feature?

Urzhad 08-10-18 12:06 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2564549)
What is your install location by the way? I guess you use win10?

Alright editing my comment. I have solved the problem. During both installations there was apparently a problem with overriding files, despite me running the installer as administrator. menu.txt was for example not up to date.

I solved the problem by extracting the installer with 7-zip to a folder and then manually overriding the whole install dir, then rerunning patcher and JSGME. Everything seems to be working and i now have tool tips for knowing what the buttons do. Also solved a long range of other issues i hadn't even realized were an actual problem. Also have german sound now so it should be in perfect condition.

vdr1981 08-10-18 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Urzhad (Post 2564552)
Alright editing my comment. I have solved the problem. During both installations there was apparently a problem with overriding files, despite me running the installer as administrator. menu.txt was for example not up to date.

That's really strange and it shouldn't be happening. :hmmm: If you find out the real cause of your problem please let me know...:yep: People reported this problem before but usually they can not explain anything because they don't understand a thing about computers and their OS. It seem that this is not the case here...:yep:
Did you have any abnormal messages during the mod installation BTW? How did you find out that menu.txt wasn't replaced by the installer?


I solved the problem by extracting the installer with 7-zip to a folder and then manually overriding the whole install dir, then rerunning patcher and JSGME. Everything seems to be working and i now have tool tips for knowing what the buttons do. Also solved a long range of other issues i hadn't even realized were an actual problem. Also have german sound now so it should be in perfect condition.

An example of quick thinking and fast "problem solved" report! :up::yep:

Urzhad 08-10-18 08:33 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2564576)
That's really strange and it shouldn't be happening. :hmmm: If you find out the real cause of your problem please let me know...:yep: People reported this problem before but usually they can not explain anything because they don't understand a thing about computers and their OS. It seem that this is not the case here...:yep:
Did you have any abnormal messages during the mod installation BTW? How did you find out that menu.txt wasn't replaced by the installer?

An example of quick thinking and fast "problem solved" report! :up::yep:

No abnormal messages at all. I have literally no idea what caused it.

I figured it out because i had tried something similar with a Rimworld modding once, where a Russian language file was making specific strings of text Russian, while the rest remained normal and this seemed very similar except with text simply missing.

Menu.txt was simply the first file i found when looking for somewhere that might contain tooltips/menu text and when i crosschecked it with the extracted file, TheDarkWraith's signature was missing from the top.

vdr1981 08-11-18 04:52 AM


Originally Posted by Urzhad (Post 2564594)
No abnormal messages at all. I have literally no idea what caused it.

I figured it out because i had tried something similar with a Rimworld modding once, where a Russian language file was making specific strings of text Russian, while the rest remained normal and this seemed very similar except with text simply missing.

Menu.txt was simply the first file i found when looking for somewhere that might contain tooltips/menu text and when i crosschecked it with the extracted file, TheDarkWraith's signature was missing from the top.

That's interesting. :hmmm: What system language do you use ? English?
What about menu.txt from Real navigation add-on? Is it there at all?

Hjalfnar 08-11-18 05:26 AM

Could it be that the installation needed to be done with admin rights?

Oh, and thank you for this awesome moment on yesterdays stream, this mod is really gorgeous!

Urzhad 08-11-18 05:52 PM

It was done with admin rights both times.

System language is a weird one. I use mixed English Danish with both 'Danish language + Danish Keyboard' and 'English language + Danish Keyboard' being installed. I switch between them regularly so i can't rule out it can have had an effect.

The currently used menu.txt is not identical to the one from real nav parts. Different size.

Hemicuda426 08-11-18 11:32 PM

Problem with jumping dates.
Hello everyone.

Been a big fan of the SH series as well as the forums here on subsim, they have helped me a lot in sticky situations.

I'm writing because I have a weird problem.
I start a new campaign (with TWOS installed) and after I finish Baltic operation an return to Kiel, I get my next orders for Eastern British Coastal Waters starting on 4-sep-39. When I accept and start the mission, after the game loads back up the date has jumped to either 28-sep or sometime in Oct.
Have tried 3 different installs (2 clean, 1 overwrite, and including installing OH2 separately) and it still hasn't fixed the problem. I've dug around in videos and on the forums an came up with nothing.
Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you,

Aktungbby 08-12-18 12:24 AM

welcome aboard!

Hjalfnar 08-12-18 05:57 AM


Originally Posted by Hemicuda426 (Post 2564717)
Hello everyone.

Been a big fan of the SH series as well as the forums here on subsim, they have helped me a lot in sticky situations.

I'm writing because I have a weird problem.
I start a new campaign (with TWOS installed) and after I finish Baltic operation an return to Kiel, I get my next orders for Eastern British Coastal Waters starting on 4-sep-39. When I accept and start the mission, after the game loads back up the date has jumped to either 28-sep or sometime in Oct.
Have tried 3 different installs (2 clean, 1 overwrite, and including installing OH2 separately) and it still hasn't fixed the problem. I've dug around in videos and on the forums an came up with nothing.
Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you,

I had the same "problem", it is actually intended. Your crew needs some rest, though I think flat 28 days is too long after a 4 day trip. Launch TWoS-KSDCommander. go to settings and change "Days spent in the bunker" from "28 day to 28 day" to "7 days to 28 days". That should help. And welcome to Subsim!

THEBERBSTER 08-12-18 06:11 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Hemicuda426
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SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials And Other Information Links In My Signature Below

Jimbuna 08-12-18 09:24 AM

Welcome to SubSim Hemicuda426 :Kaleun_Salute:

Hemicuda426 08-12-18 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Hjalfnar (Post 2564729)
I had the same "problem", it is actually intended. Your crew needs some rest, though I think flat 28 days is too long after a 4 day trip. Launch TWoS-KSDCommander. go to settings and change "Days spent in the bunker" from "28 day to 28 day" to "7 days to 28 days". That should help. And welcome to Subsim!

Hahaha 😂😂 well I'm an idiot. On that note is there a KSDC tutorial video for dummies? Again thank you for helping. An thank you everyone for the warm welcomes.

Hjalfnar 08-13-18 12:40 AM

You don't really have a lot of options there, so no need for a tutorial. Though there is a PDF file. Simply rightclick on the KSDCommander shortcut on your desktop, choose "open file path", scroll up and open the folder "The Wolves of Steel - Documentation". There are all the PDF instructions for the various mods part of the WoS megamod.

Shibbyland 08-13-18 04:26 AM

I have just done a fresh install of SH5 and TWoS. On this install I was prompted to install dotnetfx40_full_x86_x64. I have never been prompted to do this before when installing this mod (or anything else).

Why was I prompted to do this?

I also note on this occasion my AV didn't detect a problem with the steam compatibility part of the mod whereas it did a month ago. Has this file been changed recently?

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