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Technotrout 07-22-18 11:03 AM

Help! Newbie struggeling.....
Hi everybody,

Thanks for letting me in.

I have a gold edition SH5 through uPlay (not steam) and have just learned of TWoS megamod v 2.2 to my delight.

Now I have done everything according to the install tutorial, but I still get the following errors:

Computer HAVE to be set to 1920 x 1080 resolution or it will just play the intro movie without sound and then crash. Even if run as admin.

When set to 1920 x 1080 it will start with the ubisoft logo waaaay to big, but then settle into a workable resolution.

When the game finlly loads and I initially pop up in the bunker, I just get a blank option to ACCEPT. No idea what I am accepting.

I the start a new campaign and ask for my mission orders. However the costal waters mission text in the little overlay window is just computer-code gibberish.

I thought never mind, I can still see the mark for the polish fleet interception, so I will just go there. However, that is somewhat difficult when you can't navigate on the map, because your own sub is nowhere to be seen. It is simply not marked anywhere, so I cant use the map navigation.

Last the navgational map has three buttons in the top left corner. One for compass, one for knots/metric converter and the last one is a mystery to me. It just has a lot of check buttons, but no text...I assume that is a bug as well.

I really wanna play this game, so has anyone got the same bugs or can someone tell me what I did wrong with the mod? Help, please.

Thank you

Soren aka Technotrout

vdr1981 07-22-18 11:39 AM


Originally Posted by Technotrout (Post 2562383)
I really wanna play this game, so has anyone got the same bugs or can someone tell me what I did wrong with the mod? Help, please.

Thank you

Soren aka Technotrout

Hi Technotrout,

Maybe this could solve your problems...

If not, compare your installation process with this one...


Leon0803 07-22-18 12:46 PM

text ingame does not exist for me, wherever there should be custom text by wolves, its just nothing ;C

XenonSurf 07-22-18 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by Leon0803 (Post 2562390)
text ingame does not exist for me, wherever there should be custom text by wolves, its just nothing ;C

What Regional Settings have you in your Windows OS? Are they the same as the game installation language? And which OS is it exactly?
If it's Win10 you need to be sure to have running everything in Admin Rights and also tic the dpi thing in the compatibility of sh5.exe, plus you need special settings for your GPU that you can find in the stickies. I cannot be more precise, I run in Win7.

In your game folder, there are filenames like xxx_draggables.tdw . Delete all of them, and retry.

olevolsing 07-24-18 04:59 AM

own sub icon
hey there
I'm not sure I should be here but I cant find any new post option!
Anyway,I hope you can help me.The problem is that my sub's icon is
missing from the navmap meaning that I cant make any waypoints!
I've checked the file editor viewer and the option to set waypoints on the navmap is enabled it just doesnt show up on the map.
thanks in advan:Kaleun_Salute:ce.....

hauangua 07-24-18 05:21 AM


Originally Posted by olevolsing (Post 2562585)
hey there
I'm not sure I should be here but I cant find any new post option!
Anyway,I hope you can help me.The problem is that my sub's icon is
missing from the navmap meaning that I cant make any waypoints!
I've checked the file editor viewer and the option to set waypoints on the navmap is enabled it just doesnt show up on the map.
thanks in advan:Kaleun_Salute:ce.....

From jsgme disable real navigation

THEBERBSTER 07-24-18 06:22 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > olevolsing
Subsim <> Make A Donation <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
SH3 – 4 - 5 Tutorials And Other Information Links In My Signature Below

fitzcarraldo 07-24-18 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by olevolsing (Post 2562585)
hey there
I'm not sure I should be here but I cant find any new post option!
Anyway,I hope you can help me.The problem is that my sub's icon is
missing from the navmap meaning that I cant make any waypoints!
I've checked the file editor viewer and the option to set waypoints on the navmap is enabled it just doesnt show up on the map.
thanks in advan:Kaleun_Salute:ce.....

Disable Real Navigation if you have it.

Welcome aboard! :Kaleun_Cheers:

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

olevolsing 07-24-18 10:00 PM

own sub icon
thanks guys.I guess I'll have to get used to this mod as I've just got it.A huge undertaking!I'll donate something as soon as I'm able to!

palmic 07-25-18 04:20 AM


Originally Posted by olevolsing (Post 2562696)
thanks guys.I guess I'll have to get used to this mod as I've just got it.A huge undertaking!I'll donate something as soon as I'm able to!

This mod is a lot about learning, since its real simulator, not like those Bull****s which are released novadays.
This means you really have to learn some real navy war stuff. :yep:

Enjoy :yeah:

THEBERBSTER 07-25-18 04:39 AM

Hi Guys
As Real Navigation is a bit daunting for some, why not dip your toe in the water and give it a try.
Post #162 An Easy Way Into Real Navigation > New and Revised > Pictorial

Captain_AJ 07-26-18 03:24 AM

Always learning new things
Can anyone tell me what Gegnerfahrt means in English? Tafel is I assume a table

As the topic of my post says. Always learning. I would like to understand this chart and use it .. Range And speed as it says can be derived for the data on this chart, AOB can be used recorded with Aspect ratio observed & Aspect referenced using the attack disk -- thanks for the interpretation if you all kindly would do that

THEBERBSTER 07-26-18 03:49 AM


Can anyone tell me what Gegnerfahrt means in English? Tafel is I assume a table
The Targets Speed.

Post #441 German to English Translations Rankings and Submarine Terms In Silent Hunter III & V

Captain_AJ 07-26-18 08:40 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2562879)

We should all rename you, Admiral Peter Berster... Thank you, Peter,

Milano 07-26-18 10:09 AM

missing executable
Hello all, I have been searching for an answer to this issue and cannot find one. If this has been helped already please point me in the right direction.

However, I installed it verbatim via the install directions. Played it for awhile saved exited, tried to play it again and steam has the error "missing executable".

I uninstalled it all. including the My Documents. Reinstalled the game. Started the unmodded SH5. Installed and Wolves following the install directions. And it is missing the executable again. Rinse and repeat all the above verifying that Norton Security is off, Read Only is NOT selected, administer rights etc etc. Same problem.

I have a laptop, Win10 Home. i3-2330m processor. 6GB RAM. the game is from Steam. (I am not too into computers so be gentle with me)

If anyone has any advise please help, I really want to play this mod

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