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Aktungbby 07-10-14 12:02 AM

Welcome Aboard

Jimbuna 07-10-14 03:54 AM

Welcome to SubSim Alienbird :sunny:

LCQ_SH 07-10-14 10:34 AM

tnx for the replay VDR!

One more question and my game will be complete. :arrgh!: :arrgh!:

Why or how I fix that my sonar man can hear farder than I can do in my sonar stack? I mean, he reports in, I go to verify personally, and I don't hear anything? Perhaps my sensors somehow are at double range capabilities, because also my watchmen can "see" ships almost 20km away!

Also, I was playing with external camera, I was at 30m. Had a cargo no more of 5km away and my sonar didn't detect it (30m depth and engines off). :hmmm: :/\\!!

Oh, and where can I read or modify game keyboard hotkeys? I mean, how to know all the hotkeys not mentioned in F1 keyboard during gameplay? For example, what's the shortcut for locking the periscope?

Thank you!

PS: about the command buttons.....I guess somewhere are messed up the right and left clic commands for the same action. I mean, left click will have to open the commands, and right one open each officer profile/history :/\\!!. But when I do a left click.....both things happen. It's annoying to click a command button and have the profile open, where can I fix that? :/\\!! :/\\!! :/\\!!

This mod compilation just rocks! Good job! :yeah: :arrgh!: :salute:

pythos 07-10-14 02:40 PM

I just wanted to say that I think this mod is the shot in the arm Silent Hunter 5 has needed for a long long long time. Open horizons was great, and having that as part of Steel Wolves, has so improved the game. Thank you to all the modders here!!!

Alienbird 07-10-14 03:12 PM

Yes, well, thanks. But that doesn't answer my question. What uboats are available to play with this mod. I did some looking about but I couldn't find any info, its very possible I missed it. .

vdr1981 07-10-14 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by kimuraijn (Post 2223237)
Ouote From VDR >>>>>>>>>>>- Never overwrite old/previous game saves. Always make a new one...
- Try not to save game with AI units in your rendering area.
- Occasional save and complete restart of the game during long patrols is highly recommended (at least 3-4 game restarts per patrol)!

Well getting consumed with the game and hunting I forgot these rules , and In my current campaign I got a ctd . yes there were Ai units in the area and yes I was tired and forgot these rules of play .. So take the advice well and its not the game this time but the operator :timeout: Good thing I saved a earlier date now I will have to hunt and get my grt back up again :)

Btw way the med campaign heats up . I tried to sink a british sub but failed . he did not turn to fight ,, one fish down after a miss .. enjoy all !!!~~~

You have to be very gentle with modded SH5...If you do that, you can experience more or less stable gameplay. Random CTD here and there is guarantied but nothing game breaking I hope...


Originally Posted by steineib (Post 2223332)
hello there :) btw rendering area, how huge is this atm ? and i have found something very usefull http://deutscher-historischer-jahrwe...vois1.htm#x:01 :)

With TDW patch enabled rendering area is increased to 80km around the sub. In the next patch I'm going to decrease this to 50-60 km.


Originally Posted by Sonic (Post 2223469)
i found little saves even if near AI to be quite ok. but never. never use a savegame when theres a torpedo in the water. the impact will lead to a ctd. always.

That's actually really interesting find!:up:

Originally Posted by Alienbird (Post 2223486)
What sort of Uboats are available to play in this mod?

I'm a big Op. Monsoon mod fan for SH4, and if it has an interesting and comparable sub list, I'll buy SH5 to play it.

Only type VIIA, B, C and C/41...


Originally Posted by Otto Ites (Post 2223535)

everytime i unpack the main mod folder, i get a report that a file named NSS_UBOATVII...TRA.GR2 or something like that is corrupt.

and is it possible to replace the stock faces with the alt w beards ?

1. Download the megamod again...
2. Not directly because MFCM is overwritten several times in the megamod...


Originally Posted by LCQ_SH (Post 2223657)
tnx for the replay VDR!

One more question and my game will be complete. :arrgh!: :arrgh!:

Why or how I fix that my sonar man can hear farder than I can do in my sonar stack? I mean, he reports in, I go to verify personally, and I don't hear anything? Perhaps my sensors somehow are at double range capabilities, because also my watchmen can "see" ships almost 20km away!

Also, I was playing with external camera, I was at 30m. Had a cargo no more of 5km away and my sonar didn't detect it (30m depth and engines off). :hmmm: :/\\!!

Oh, and where can I read or modify game keyboard hotkeys? I mean, how to know all the hotkeys not mentioned in F1 keyboard during gameplay? For example, what's the shortcut for locking the periscope?

Thank you!

PS: about the command buttons.....I guess somewhere are messed up the right and left clic commands for the same action. I mean, left click will have to open the commands, and right one open each officer profile/history :/\\!!. But when I do a left click.....both things happen. It's annoying to click a command button and have the profile open, where can I fix that? :/\\!! :/\\!! :/\\!!

This mod compilation just rocks! Good job! :yeah: :arrgh!: :salute:

Yes, few problems with hydrophones have emerged since I enabled TDW rendering patch. It appears that AI detection ability is much larger than player's. I would say that AI detection range is more realistic because it's documented that with GHG a good hydrophone operator can hear large convoy up to 100km away and lone ships to something like 30-40 km away IIRC.
However, something is wrong with player's ability to listen the sea traffic. I'm traveling tomorrow to my annual vacation(time to see some real sea waves, not only simulated:O:) but when I come back, I'll try to find some compromise between rendering distance and hydrophone settings...

You can check data/cfg/comads.cfg file... I think that's the file where all keyboard commands are assigned.

Otto Ites 07-10-14 05:31 PM

1. Download the megamod again...
2. Not directly because MFCM is overwritten several times in the megamod...

Lets say i will load MFCM as stand alone, take the needed files to have alt w beards, put them in the correct paths before installing wolfes of steel and it has to work.

I think 2 or 3 years ago i made something like that before.

I'm almost 100% sure that it will work :yep:

I will give it a try at weekend and will report the results.

LCQ_SH 07-10-14 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2223756)
However, something is wrong with player's ability to listen the sea traffic. I'm traveling tomorrow to my annual vacation(time to see some real sea waves, not only simulated:O:) but when I come back, I'll try to find some compromise between rendering distance and hydrophone settings...

You can check data/cfg/comads.cfg file... I think that's the file where all keyboard commands are assigned.


What about the officers command problem? Any idea? it's really frustrating to click any command and the officer's profile automatically pops up........ :hmmm: :/\\!!

Enjoy man! Being in the ocean is so great! :arrgh!: :arrgh!: :arrgh!:


Alienbird 07-10-14 09:44 PM

@vdr1981 Oh.. Well, thanks anyways. You saved me 10$.

steineib 07-11-14 06:29 AM

hmm some things are still a bit confusing for me. this week i had see one whale , and in a distance of some km the whale had send a message: periskope sighted at ...... than in the little menu where you can calculate the position on the map, there is the button for the weather , than right of this comes this button with the little stars. if i push this button it comes the same sound as i would push the button for the there a way to edit this a bit ? so and yesterday i had "meet" a huge convoy on the way to america , september 1940. with a escort of 5 vessels or so, one was a lend-lease destroyer. well i had hit this destroyer with one torpedo near the stern mast, so the stern was cut off and sunk. but the bow section of the destroyer dont sunk and was not marked on the map as destroyed and it still had fire on my periskope , so i had to fire a second torpedo on it. is this something normlay that sometimes parts of the ships dont sunk and still can fire / attack you with the deck guns ?

gap 07-11-14 10:27 AM


Originally Posted by steineib (Post 2223899)
hmm some things are still a bit confusing for me. this week i had see one whale , and in a distance of some km the whale had send a message: periskope sighted at ...... than in the little menu where you can calculate the position on the map, there is the button for the weather , than right of this comes this button with the little stars. if i push this button it comes the same sound as i would push the button for the there a way to edit this a bit ? so and yesterday i had "meet" a huge convoy on the way to america , september 1940. with a escort of 5 vessels or so, one was a lend-lease destroyer. well i had hit this destroyer with one torpedo near the stern mast, so the stern was cut off and sunk. but the bow section of the destroyer dont sunk and was not marked on the map as destroyed and it still had fire on my periskope , so i had to fire a second torpedo on it. is this something normlay that sometimes parts of the ships dont sunk and still can fire / attack you with the deck guns ?

1. Whale-dispatched messages: this is due to the fact that whales and dolphins were set in game as ship units, and TDW's New UI's randomly spawns "scope spotted" messages, whenever there is a ship in our vicinity. I know TDW has planned an improvement of this feature, where ship messages can be intercepted when nearby ships are equipped with radio gear, and they have actually spotted an enemy.

2. Weathe report button: I am not quite sure I have got you. What do you find confusing about this feature?

3. Bowless ship not sinking: I remember having read a merchant ship sinking report on (I thik it was about ab american cargo), where the ship was torpedoed on the bow section but still able to sail home without it :yep:

vdr1981 07-11-14 10:58 AM

Welcome back Gabriele! :salute:

steineib 07-11-14 01:23 PM

hello gap :) to the 2, ähm i press the button with the weather, than it comes : wetterbericht gesendet. if i press the other button for the calculation of the position where the little stars in it , it comes the same sound. to point 3..... i guess it could be if the part of the ship is small enough that the software think it is "just" a bit more demage and so the unit is not dead or so. :D

ReLax 07-11-14 03:36 PM

Hello, I would like to ask, If it could be possible to step a little bit back with the realism in your mod.
I like it a lot but its too much for me, I would like to have the Contact Informations on the map back to plan the attacks more and the automatic TDC I often used in SH3/4. Is there any possibility to achiev that?

best Regards

Lawlcat 07-11-14 09:03 PM

I'm trying out Wolves of Steel and one thing I really seem to miss is that handy pullout book for identification. Trying to identify with all these random charts in german is...difficult for me.

I've dug through the options and I'm curious if there is anyway to go back to the book version?

Also, anyway to switch back to English language crew voices?

EDIT: Fixed for the first one. It seems what had happened was the saved location for the book was somehow off screen, so deleting the page position files in the root folder caused it to be recreated and I have the book back!

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