I save right at the border of the patrol zone every time... only two things scare me in this game, multiple destroyers chasing me in shallow water, and random crashes. At the going rate it looks like I'll save over 100 times per year. :o
It's not rocket science to realize that occasional game restarts(not only saving) are key for stable gameplay with heavily modded SH5, especially in areas with dense air and sea traffic. All other engagement related CTDs are effectively eliminated from this modpack. If you do follow those tips and your game still CTD randomly all the time, than your game/mod installation may be corrupted... |
Happy new year! :Kaleun_Cheers: Fitzcarraldo :salute: |
The same CTD can be observed in the actual gameplay too , for example, if you return to your homeport from some units reach environment (British coastal waters, convoy engagement ect) without previous game restart in between these two events. This is some kind of stock game engine/memory issue which is somewhat amplified in modded game . TWoS tips for stable gameplay are completely optimized to provide hints to the players how to actually avoid this situations. The good thing is that those tips acually work very well and following them will result in very stable gameplay. One thing is sure, modded SH5 is not suited for "plot the course-punch TC-and take a nap until something enters your rendering area" players. It has to be played slowly and this is one of the reasons why I'm planing to make Real Navigation addon standard feature of TWoS megamod. Some player wont be happy about this but unfortunately I can not meet all the personal preference out there... |
I am having realy hard times with real navigation. Consider how usable is this:
First position fix, second position fix. Check their time, speed and course. Actually 90% of that time i was at 8knots - its flank ahead submerged. (You can see the course 79 upper, its that line - and thats exactly the line where i have to be). At start of that line i was heading to the north and just order 79 degree bearing, flank ahead, how could i be on the south? How with this i can use any other method to engage my target than visual? Do i need to wait for good weather or day? The bad weather is best for submarine. If this would be real action, i would throw that man over the board to spare some food for others and i would start do his work as my second job on the boat.. |
You can set navigators dead reckoning error percentage with OFEW and you can also update manually nav mark possition. Quote:
Thank you for quick response!
- And thank you even for the info, it seems i have to look for some more knowledge about deutsche u-bote :salute: But there is really strange if navigator picks position just by pure randomness, if you are moving without any turns you cant jump on map in circle.. Anyway, thank you very much for your time! |
Hi Vecko
I am a great supporter of TWOS and while I understand your reasoning behind your real navigation policy I can see an exodus of players returning to building their own mod lists again and all the problems that brings with endless posts again on Subsim. From my own experience and I can say that the number of queries that I now reply to has dropped dramatically over the last year thanks to your excellent mod. I also believe that those playing with real navigation are in the minority compared to those gamers playing with lower realism settings. I can understand your desire to perfect the game to the highest level but a workable game could be created at a lower level with for example v1.03 and the smoke and wind addon etc with the real navigation mod removed. No further updates being added. I am just offering up some sort of alternative option that would not be difficult to introduce. A Happy New Year To You All. Peter |
Thanks again for this awesome modpack! :up: |
I am an absolute beginner of Silent Hunter and downloaded this Mod-Pack after someone recommend me to do this.. The problem is, that I need the "torpedo-fire" of the vanilla-mode. Means, the torpedo shall fire in this sight I look. You know... When 3 is on 3, 2 is on 2, 1 is on 1, and the torpedo line etc. Where can I configurate this "vanilla torpedo fire mode"? I have to learn to shoot, but with beginning help ;) |
All changes are made in Tdw's Options File Editor Viewer in the Nav map and TAI map options. Disable the mods first before making any changes. You might be interested in these tutorials. Post #146 Auto TDC Targeting Without Using 3 Circles Post #162 An Easy Way Into Real Navigation Peter |
I never played vanilla SH5 as i've seen it at youtube and it was so bad for me, that i was never expecting to play it. But now with this awesome pack of mods - its really best SH i've ever played! (i was at SH4 with trigger maru modpack, but here are many things much more immersive) :) So this is list of links i would like to have when i started with this before a month: 1) top priority! - first page of this forum - READ CAREFULLY "Tips for stable gameplay (important)" !! - This is really important info which could turn your experience from awful to really great. The game is very unstable just from ubisoft and it has many unsolved things, this contains workarounds how to avoid problems. When you start to feel what game does not like, you'll play maybe absolutely without any problems. - YES it's worth it!!! :) 2) Dont turn off features of this modpack - dont try to play without real navigation or without immersive torpedo settings, check YT tutorials from next point and enjoy max realism. Believe me when i say that never can beat the feeling of success, when you hunt convoy with max realistic settings and you finally hear explosion in hydrophone!!! :rock: ... and it really works, everybody who use it already had to learn it and love it very much. :) 3) check these tutorials - it contains most of information about how to play this gem (and bevare, most of them has more parts): U-boat navigation: - most importantly this tutorial will learn you how to navigate your ship with real navigation (first video without sound because of some copyright violance) - here you can see how to get out of harbour very easy as real navigation does not allows you to use waypoints (in my opinion its even more easy than with waypoints) Target engaging: - this video is about how to get course of very distant ship or convoy just by what you hear at your hydrophone - which is your only chance how to intercept it from more than 30km distance - my favorite activity at u-boat :) - this is tutorial about most effective optical targeting you'll have on your sub, i use only RAOBF and map when i target optically... - this is about how to set torpedos manually in wolves of steel - next video about how to set torpedos - you'll see here its pretty easy :) - My advice here is that you dont need to have exact position on map when you are targeting, because you dont target the ship against map position. You do it in relationship with your RELATIVE position to that ship. (You just need to know some point on map anywhere and write other info in relationship to that point to get success sollution) - check more videos from stoianm1, i've never seen so nice collection of tutorials about moded sh5. BTW: And again - dont try to cut anything from wolves of steel, the game will never be so awesome without any part of realism which this modpack contains :03: I've started before a month with some experience from SH4 trigger maru, but it had not real navigation and torpedos TDC like this version. It was the main reason for me why i tried it at first.. Gutte jagt Hecki :salute: |
for the beginners i recommend dick o'kane targeting solution it's damn easy no need ship recognition RAOBF, distance u need only the target speed, course, AOB take a look here for that solution the video is made with Sh4 but the solution is the same with Sh5 and here is a thread made by Rockin Robbins about dick o'kane solution PS. u have in game tutorial which one is damn good for beginner to practice manual targeting and fast 90 degree |
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