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beastment1 04-12-15 04:49 AM

Hi Folks,

I've searched long and hard, but can't find an answer to this one, so apologies if it's been covered.

I'm running SH5 with WoS on a 3440x1440 monitor. I don't seem to be able to get accurate distance measurements with the RAOBF. Should I be able to and I'm just doing it wrong, or would there be a 21:9 res patch needed somehwere?

Thanks so much for this mod by the way Vdr, what a pleasant way to jump back in to SH5!

masd 04-12-15 06:40 AM

I've just noticed that i don't get the DD to atack me, i've sliped right into to the middle of 4 DD and not a single one fired a shot at my uboat.

PaulB 04-12-15 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2305858)
Your game save is OK, no need to restart campaign...
Important notice
For people who are at the beginning of the campaign, activate this fix with JSGME after TWoS 1.03-Patch 5. This will be necessary only until patch 6 is released...

Thank you! This fixed it.

Now I am having a CTD on my way back from Scapa Flow to Wilhelmshaven, somewhere in the North Sea, around Oct 4. I will conduct further testing to see if it's repeatable under the same circumstances, and if so I will post.

Also, another thing I noticed, though this mostly concerns the UI mod included in TWOS.....I am using the SH3 interface, and when running electric engines, issuing the ahead slow command (key 1), does make the sub move at the proper speed (~2kts I think), but the engine order telegraph dial still shows all stop. Issuing the next command (key 2) makes the EOT dial indicator move to the proper slot for the setting.

This does not happen when running under diesel power.

Phrozin 04-12-15 09:07 AM


Originally Posted by PaulB (Post 2306014)
Thank you! This fixed it.

Also, another thing I noticed, though this mostly concerns the UI mod included in TWOS.....I am using the SH3 interface, and when running electric engines, issuing the ahead slow command (key 1), does make the sub move at the proper speed (~2kts I think), but the engine order telegraph dial still shows all stop. Issuing the next command (key 2) makes the EOT dial indicator move to the proper slot for the setting.

This does not happen when running under diesel power.

Thats a known bug with the "TDW electric engine rations patch" or "TDW electric engine rotations patch". It only happens on the electric engines as far as I know of.

Phrozin 04-12-15 09:11 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2305858)
Your game save is OK, no need to restart campaign...
Important notice
For people who are at the beginning of the campaign, activate this fix with JSGME after TWoS 1.03-Patch 5. This will be necessary only until patch 6 is released...

is this patch only for those that have installed the radio mod, or is the radio mod installed from the get go with tWoS?

vdr1981 04-12-15 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by masd (Post 2305994)
I've just noticed that i don't get the DD to atack me, i've sliped right into to the middle of 4 DD and not a single one fired a shot at my uboat.

Harbor raid? Skapa flow?


Originally Posted by Phrozin (Post 2306039)
is this patch only for those that have installed the radio mod, or is the radio mod installed from the get go with tWoS?

For anyone with TWoS 1.03-Patch5 on board...Radio mod is contained in it...

Phrozin 04-12-15 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2306133)
For anyone with TWoS 1.03-Patch5 on board...Radio mod is contained in it...

10-4, thank you for the conformation. Installing it now :yeah:

masd 04-12-15 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2306133)
Harbor raid? Skapa flow?

No. It was an experiment on my patrol, made heading to bristol, passed by two task forces and neither attacked. Restarted the game, reloaded the career and made heading for milford port and know i'm atacked by everything they have.

vdr1981 04-12-15 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by masd (Post 2306146)
No. It was an experiment on my patrol, made heading to bristol, passed by two task forces and neither attacked. Restarted the game, reloaded the career and made heading for milford port and know i'm atacked by everything they have.

During the daylight? :hmmm:

masd 04-12-15 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2306148)
During the daylight? :hmmm:

Yes, during the daylight, i've tried to get some screenshots but i coulnd't get them, each taskforce had 4 destroyers and i've put my uboat right in the midle of the four in plain daylight. Unfortunately i couldn't repeat this "bug".

vdr1981 04-12-15 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by masd (Post 2306160)
Unfortunately i couldn't repeat this "bug".

That's good to know...SH5 AI can be sometimes very strange indeed...

masd 04-12-15 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2306161)
That's good to know...SH5 AI can be sometimes very strange indeed...

I realized that already :D

But there is other very small bug, i don't know if should it be on this thread or the OHII.
I've received information by radio message of two supply ships MV Thalia in Cadiz until December 1941 (and it appear's on map as a "port"), but the MV Bessel that is suposed to be in Vigo i dont get any information on the map about it.

gap 04-12-15 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by masd (Post 2306178)
I've received information by radio message of two supply ships MV Thalia in Cadiz until December 1941 (and it appear's on map as a "port"), but the MV Bessel that is suposed to be in Vigo i dont get any information on the map about it.

What is your current date?

MV Bessel should be available for refueling in Vigo from June '40:

Please inform Trevally in OHII's thread on any anomaly or misleading campaign message.

In theory you should been given notice about the availability of any individual replenishment ship shortly before her deployment in campaign. The same goes for their retirement.
Replenishment operations in Spanish ports were unofficial (Spain was a neutral country) and they were carried out in a strictly confidential way; even admitting that someone in KM's high commands could foresee the readiness of Spain to support the German Campaign in the Atlantic, to the point of knowing with large advance start and ending dates (which I doubt), no U-boat captain would have been informed about them but at the last minute. :salute:

Husksubsky 04-12-15 06:49 PM


Originally Posted by milky (Post 2304016)
How do i get my ship to go past 64 time speed when seeing a friendly ship? I see a neutral ship or a friendly ship and it drops to x1 time compression. It takes freaking FOREVER to get past these boats at x64. Where is the option to change it to x254 or something? I cant find it in the CFG file.

all dependensies on time compress is set in main.cfg.

Mikemike47 04-12-15 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by milky (Post 2304016)
How do i get my ship to go past 64 time speed when seeing a friendly ship? I see a neutral ship or a friendly ship and it drops to x1 time compression. It takes freaking FOREVER to get past these boats at x64. Where is the option to change it to x254 or something? I cant find it in the CFG file.


Originally Posted by Husksubsky (Post 2306208)
all dependensies on time compress is set in main.cfg.

For clarity, it is the main.cfg in your documents folder. In windows 7, C:\Users\<your profile name>\Documents\SH5\data\cfg

NOT the game folder Silent Hunter 5\data\cfg.

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