U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Monday, 19 August 1940 - Skagerrak 0650 - Crash Dive Exercise and Deep Dive Trial. T=A+20. 1200 - Qu.4418AO - Days Run: 313.2sm - ↗ 310.9sm (23h 20') - ↘ 2.3sm (40') 1230 - Weather and sea conditions getting worse: SSE7/6, overcast, rain showers, poor visibility, <1000mb. 1802 - Norddeich Radio report about the British leaving Berbera in British-Somalia. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Tuesday, 20 August 1940 - South of Kristiansand Received new B.d.U.-Orders: - New patrol lines in front of Northern Channel. - Boats entering Lorient can only do so with escort, between 2h before and 2h after high water, due to enemy mines. 1200 - Qu.3524AN - Days Run: ↗ 160.1sm (24h) 1346 - Weather improving, still heavy swell: WNW7/6, light cloud cover, light haze, visibility 10000, >1000mb. Continuing outbound transit. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Wednesday, 21 August 1940 - West of Utsira Skl. sending B-Dienst report: Inbound Northern Channel convoys, running north of 58°N, Outbound convoys running south of 58°N. New patrol lines up to 59°N, i.e., AM1724 bottom right to AM1521 bottom right. 1200 - Qu.2922AN - Days Run: ↗ 195.1sm (24h) 1400 - Entering Bergen via southern approach. WNW4/3, light cloud cover, light haze, visibility 10000, >1000mb. 1740 - Landing in Bergen. 156 cbm. Taking on of 20.2 cbm fuel, water and provisions. 1840 - Leaving Bergen under escort. In the Hjetle-Fjord, Norwegian patrol vessels and fishing boats. Continue on outbound transit. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Thursday, 22 August 1940 - Northwest of Bergen 0800 - Evading neutral steamer on surface. 0949 - Weather getting worse again: NW7/6, overcast, rain, visibility 1000, <1000mb. 1200 - Qu.2233AN - Days Run: ↗ 270.8sm (24h) 1201 - Third position request to U 51 (Knorr) remains unanswered. Group Brest finds large oil patch in Qu.BF14. Presumably, from U-Knorr, who was on his way to Lorient. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Friday, 23 August 1940 - Northeast of Shetlands New B.d.U.-Orders: Lorient closed due to enemy air-layed mines dropped during the night. Uboats leaving Kiel, can only do so with daily convoys leaving for Kattegat and Norway. 0535 - Crossing Prime Meridian. 1200 - Qu.7587AF - Days Run: ↗ 197.5sm (24h) 1255 - Reaching entry point "Rosegarden", north of Shetlands. 1339 - Weather and sea conditions improving: N4/3, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. 1802 - Norddeich Radio sending OKW report about He115 torpedo bombers sinking 2 British ships in the North Sea and damaging one other ship. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Saturday, 24 August 1940 - Northwest of Shetlands 0530 - Morning Dawn - Reaching "Rosegarden". 0900 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and diving exercises. 1200 - Qu.7746AF - Days Run: 181.4sm - ↗ 177.3sm (21h) - ↘ 4.1sm (3h) 1507 - Torpedo maintenance and deep dive trial to A-Meter successfully completed. Submerged cruise at A-10, 65 rpm, silent running. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
I'm on January 1940 currently with my VIIB U-boat. I've just sunk HMS Hood for the 4th time that brings my total tonnage so far to almost 400k. currently going south in the north entrance to the british isles heading down to the irish sea if i manage to leave the irish sea with atleast 4 torpedoes left i might go to gibaltrar see if i can get a BB
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Sunday, 25 August 1940 - "Rosegarden" - First week at sea completed. 0205 - O₂=17%. L.I. distributing oxygen in boat. 0215 - Surfaced after 14h15', 19.5sm. WNW7/6, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. B.d.U. suspects inbound Northern Channel traffic to run north of 59°N. 0546 - U 48 (Rösing) reporting successful operation against convoy HX.65. Is going to Lorient. 0610 - Charging batteries (8100Ah): Stbd.engine charging, 495rpm; Port engine propulsion, 295rpm, 5-6kn. 0740 - Batteries charged: 1.5h for 1900Ah. 0917 - Morning Dawn. Diving from aircraft in 180°true, on northerly heading, E=8000. On A-10 no bombs. 1155 - Submerged cruise at A-10, 65 rpm, silent running. 1200 - Qu.9991AE - Days Run: 74.5sm - ↗ 50.9sm (7h) - ↘ 23.6 (17h) Continuing outbound transit. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Monday, 26 August 1940 - "Rosegarden" 0300 - O₂=17%. Surfaced after 17h43', 24.6sm. NNW7/6, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. 0400 - Boat ventilated. Charging batteries (8600Ah): Stbd.engine charging, 495rpm; Port engine propulsion, 295rpm, 5-6kn. 0515 - Batteries charged: 1h15' for 1400Ah. 1200 - Qu.3222AM - Days Run: 86.7sm - ↗ 66.2sm (9h) - ↘ 20.5 (15h) 1230 - Ship contact report in Qu.9977AE, course NNE, slow. Boat continuing on outbound voyage. 2325 - Qu.3161AM - SSW7/6, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb Evening Dusk - Two pairs of twin engine aircraft in 130°true, crossing our bow and stern at about 1700m and flying off on SE heading. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Tuesday, 27 August 1940 - South of Faroe Islands 0151 - F.T. from U 28: Have sunk one steamer 6000ts from convoy SC.1. - Kuhnke - 1200 - Qu.2293AM - Days Run: ↗ 180.1sm (24h) 1215 - Diving for torpedo maintenance and diving exercises. 1845 - Torpedo maintenance and deep dive trial to A-Meter successfully completed. Surfaced after 6.5h and 11.1sm. 2355 - It's beginning to rain: W7/6, overcast/rain, vis.<1000, <1000mb. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Wednesday, 28 August 1940 - Northwest of The Minch 1200 - Qu.2334AM - Days Run: 142.8sm - ↗ 131.7sm (17h 30') - ↘ 11.1 (6h 30') Nothing else to report. Continuing outbound transit. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Thursday, 29 August 1940 - Northeast of Rockall 1200 - Qu.1474AM - Days Run: ↗ 186.3sm (24h) 1401 - It stopped raining: N7/6, overcast, fog, vis.<1000, <1000mb. Norddeich Radio sending OKW report about Kptlt. Frauenheim (U 101) receiving the Knights Cross. During the last two days have received several success reports from German Uboats, e.g., from U 46 (Endraß) and U 57 (Topp). 2120 - Qu.1521/24 - Course 270°. Reached 15°W. Switching to "Atlantic"-Frequency. Fog has lifted, weather and sea conditions are improving. Outgoing F.T.2130/29: Reached 15°W acc. Op.-Order. 142cbm. 22eels. On 25.8., 0917, in Rosegarden, one twin engine aircraft and on 26.8., 2325, in Qu.3161AM, two pair twin engine aircraft. NW5/4, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. - RST - 2148 - Incoming F.T.: RST: Message received. Next status and weather report in 24h. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol
**** KTB - U 112 Friday, 30 August 1940 - North of Rockall 0144 - W2/2, clear, light haze, vis.10000, >1000mb. U 32 (Jenisch) reporting about successful operation against convoy HX.66. 0415 - Charging batteries (9100Ah): Stbd.engine charging, 495rpm; Port engine propulsion, 205rpm, 5-6kn. 0455 - Batteries charged: 40' for 900Ah. 1200 - Qu.1735AM - Days Run: ↗ 172.5sm (24h) 1220 - Diving for torpedo maintenance at A-50. 1730 - Torpedo maintenance completed. Water too shallow for diving exercise. 1740 - Surfaced after 5h20' and 7.9sm. 1803 - U 60 (Schewe) reporting about torpedo failures. 2012 - Incoming F.T.2010/30 from B.d.U.: B-Dienst reports enemy convoy in Qu.1765AM, course east, 7kn. 2022 - Altering course from 135° to 270°. 2105 - "Smoke plume ahead stbd.!" It's the forward sweeper of the convoy escorts, a V&W destroyer. Turning boat around on new heading 90°. Cmdr.: "I position myself forward of the stbd. beam of the convoy." 2118 - Outgoing F.T.: "Gustav Gelb"! Convoy 2010/30 in Qu.1765AM, course 91°, 7kn. W2/2, clear, hazy, vis.10000, >1000mb. - RST - 2220 - Outgoing F.T.: Convoy 2010/30 in Qu.1769AM, course 100°, 7kn. 20 vessels, 1 aircraft carrier, 3 escorts. - RST - 2240 - The rear stbd. Flower Corvette goes on a southerly search pattern, rectangular to the convoy course and returns to the convoy after about 30min., and does it again at 2315h. 2318 - Outgoing F.T.: Convoy 2010/30 in Qu.1769AM top right, course 100°, 7kn. 20 vessels, 1 aircraft carrier, 3 escorts. - RST - 2340 - After about 25min., the rear stbd. Flower Corvette returns from its search pattern, only to do it again just as before, at 2349h. Cmdr.: "Does the convoy know, that it is being shadowed?" RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
Been using a Type IIA specifically in the U-4. I have been sneaking into Hartlepool repeatedly sinking ships but now mid 1940 it is getting a lot uglier to do so. A lot more air support and destroyers keep catching me on my egress and I keep surviving some very shallow depth charging sessions.
Finally got tasked to the Channel but immediately ran into a destroyer. I charged straight at him while he started firing. Around 1800 meters I dove and fired a 3 torpedo magnetic spread and sunk her to the bottom. Decided discretion was the better part of Valor and headed home. |
U 112 Type IXB 1940/2020 - 1st War Patrol - 1st Convoy Battle
**** KTB - U 112 Saturday, 31 August 1940 - Rockall Bank 0018 - Outgoing F.T.: Convoy 2010/30 in Qu.1847AM middle, course 100°, 7kn. 22 vessels, several laden tankers, Ark Royal, 3 escorts. - RST - 0020 - The rear stbd. Flower Corvette goes on its search pattern just as before and returns to the convoy after about 30min. 0118 - Outgoing F.T.: Convoy 2010/30 in Qu.1847AM bottom right, course 100°, 7kn. 22 vessels, several laden tanker, Ark Royal, 3 escorts. - RST - 0120 - The rear stbd. Flower Corvette returns to the convoy after its 30min. search pattern and leaves again as before, at 0130h. 0155 - Moon rising in 100°true. The moment is favorable to maneuver into attack position, as the forward sweeper is returning to the convoy. Outgoing F.T.: Convoy 2010/30 in Qu.1848AM bottom middle, course 100°, 7kn. Getting in position for submerged attack. - RST - 0218 - Incoming F.T.: RST: Free to attack! - B.d.U. - 0219 - Outgoing F.T.: Received F.T.0218/31. Convoy 2010/30 in Qu.1849AM bottom right, course 100°, 7kn. Diving for submerged attack. - RST - 0325 - Sunset - Diving for submerged attack. "Battle Stations!" 0331 - Incoming F.T.: RST: Convoy 2010/30 is B.HX.67. Beware of escorts! Keep radio silence! - B.d.U. - 0335 - Course 190°, T=14, silent running, 1.6kn, 0355 - Qu.1873AM - The forward sweeper runs back to the convoy. Altering course to 280° for submerged passing attack. The target ships are a large tanker in Pos.1 and "Ark Royal" in Pos.2 of the middle column. Note: A large tanker in Pos.1 of the 2nd stbd. column and a large steamer in the 1st port column are "Ami's" (US-American). All torpedoes are G7e, K-b/Contact Fuse, running depth 4-5m, target angle 90°port, target distance 500m, target speed 5-7kn. Tube I against the tanker in pos.1 of the middle column is a hit! The tanker breaks in two and sinks in a gigantic ball of fire within 1min. Tubes III & IV against Ark Royal hit the stern but fail to detonate, as Ark Royal is turning away to stbd., after the attack against the tanker. Cmdr: "I attack again with tubes V & VI, which are hits on the bow. The forecastle settles in the water but Ark Royal continues to make headway at a speed of 7kn." Tube II against a large tanker in pos.4 of the middle column is a hit. This tanker also, breaks in two, explodes in a huge fireball and sinks within seconds. Cmdr.: "The forward sweeper is looking for us inside the convoy, running around the zig-zagging ships, while the two rear Flower Corvettes are staying in their port and stbd. stations, looking for us outside of the convoy." 0505 - The V&W destroyer is running back to the convoy. Tubes I & II are reloaded with G7e torpedoes. 0508 - Surfaced after 1h43' and 4.3sm. Pursuing the convoy on course 100°. 0535 - Evaded the rear port Flower Corvette on a search pattern, ahead stbd., E=6000. 0540 - Tubes III & IV are reloaded with G7a torpedoes. 0547 - Corvette returns to the convoy. 0607 - Tubes V & VI are reloaded with G7a torpedoes. 0626 - Qu.1818AM - With the darkness having set-in, the boat is in position for a surface attack with the rear tubes against Ark Royal: Own course 155°, own speed 1.6kn. Two single shots from both rear tubes with G7a, K-a/Contact Fuse, running depth 4m, Vt44kn, Shooter: Ltnt.z.S. & I.W.O.Emmo MARBACH. Both torpedoes are hits! Ark Royal explodes in a huge fireball after the first torpedo hits - must have ignited the forward magazine. The second torpedo hits, while Ark Royal is already sinking. After the attack, running off with high speed on course 55°. 0702 - Course 100°. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!" - to be continued - |
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