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Rysgame 08-16-18 12:15 PM

The 15km detection was in fall 1941

Ezzio 08-16-18 03:27 PM

About water in Wolves of Steel
Hi, your WofS mod is incredible, but i just want to know wich specific mod makes the water looks like this, that dirt-gray color

Fifi 08-16-18 04:35 PM

I think it depends of day time, cloud cover, and perhaps sea depth...
Correct me if i’m Wrong, but the environment mod of TWOS is OHII :salute:

Aktungbby 08-16-18 05:05 PM

welcome aboard!

Originally Posted by Ezzio
but i just want to know wich specific mod makes the water looks like this, that dirt-gray color

Sometimes there ain't no mod about it!:shucks:

THEBERBSTER 08-16-18 05:36 PM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > Ezzio
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Ezzio 08-17-18 08:18 AM

Thanks everyone!, i appreciate your replies.
And yes, the mod was Open Horizons :Kaleun_Wink:

vdr1981 08-17-18 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Ezzio (Post 2565359)
Thanks everyone!, i appreciate your replies.
And yes, the mod was Open Horizons :Kaleun_Wink:

I'm not sure about that...:hmm2: TWoS eviroment is combination of several environment mods and my tweaks but most of the colors in the mod comes from Gap's Dynamic Environment 2.9.

Fifi 08-17-18 11:56 AM

Of course you’re right! My bad, i always mix up those 2 mods... was talking about Dynamic Environment instead of Open Horizon (wich is mainly about the campaign i think)

@ Vecko:

On 5 different loading saves during Dantzig campaign, i got only one with medium fog instead of clear weather (when i was heading for new port, Kiel)
Seems better than before, where i got so many fog saves.
I keep an eye on this during the Eastern approach, and report back if necessary :salute:

Ezzio 08-17-18 12:53 PM

Yes, true, i didnt know i had both, and didnt know wich one of them was the responsable for the fog.
BTW thanks again!

Toniausmuc 08-17-18 03:01 PM

I have a problem with installing
Hello Wolfsrudel, :Kaleun_Salivating:

two years ago I installed sucessfuly Wolves of Steel (an earlier version of 2015 or so).

So I decided to revisit the depths of the ocean and renew this good mod.

My Dates:
Windows 7-64
Game in U-Play
downloaded the new full mod version
downloaded the update.exe

My steps:

I uninstalled SH5 from Uplay
Restarted PC
I installed SH5 from Uplay
I went into the game once and left
I clicked the full-mod.exe and installed it (proceeding as descripted)
I clicked the update.exe and installed it
Going into the game

-> Wolves of Steel loading screen with this bar is working
-> than the next black screen appears and game is not starting,
instead I hear all 4 seconds a loop of the first second of the main menu theme sound, obviously its trying to start but just wont
I tab out for the task manager, where it shows me that its "not running"

Off course I tried out different variants of the installation, with JGSME and without, with NET4.0 and without, with Direct X9 and without.....

.....its just not starting.

Please, has someone an idea? I need help :Kaleun_Binocular:

vdr1981 08-17-18 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by Toniausmuc (Post 2565414)

Please, has someone an idea? I need help :Kaleun_Binocular:

Just wait 3-4 minutes...The game will start.:yep: and re-read last part of TWoS install instructions PDF...:salute:

BTW, you don't need the v2.2.7 Update if you have already downloaded v2.2.7 full standalone installer (the big one, 2GB). You didn't "brake" anything even if you did so of course...:yep:

fitzcarraldo 08-17-18 06:44 PM

Many thanks for the update , Vecko!

Nice to see restored the binos and UZO.

Best regards.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

baker 08-18-18 08:16 AM

Ahoy Subsimers
I have played Silent Hunter since SH3 through SH4 and I really love these games.
I have to admit I was disappointed and frustrated like many I believe over SH5. But I have to say after installing the final Expansion pack full I'm amazed by the changes it made to the game.
So.. I want to pay my respect for the good work, and say a LOUD thank you so much to Vecko and whoever has been involved with this fantastic mod/patch. Very well done!

Keep on hunting.
Best regards

Jimbuna 08-18-18 09:32 AM

Welcome aboard baker :Kaleun_Salute:

THEBERBSTER 08-18-18 09:33 AM

A Warm Welcome To The Subsim Community > baker
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