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Dragon81 08-04-14 07:13 AM

OK, that's what I wanted to know. Thank you. :up:

Deep_Hunter 08-04-14 07:38 AM

By the way, how can I fix the 50 und 3 bug with the german speech? You said you changed it somehow...

Dragon81 08-04-14 07:44 AM

Hi DeepHunter,

in my efforts to create a modpack by myselfe I got this problem.
Sadly I do not know how to fix it. Maybe it comes with an old mod because I think this bug is fixed with the SH5 Patch 1.02.

Captain_AJ 08-05-14 07:06 PM

ANd For those using real Hydro Check out this video
For Using and understanding realistc Hydro Please watch this video

And this ....

Otherwise I dont use this mod , But ok with this Mod !!

@ Dragon .. I dont use this mod . however It is ok .. Answering your questions about cloud .. if you Pm me Ill tell you the advantages of updating the TDW s Updated patcher , Pm me !

wimmetje 08-07-14 05:17 AM

What mod does infect the large gradiant over the map?
I cant see to disable it?

Sjizzle 08-07-14 06:08 AM


Originally Posted by wimmetje (Post 2231231)
What mod does infect the large gradiant over the map?
I cant see to disable it?

if u mean the bearing tool that that one is from TDW's UI u can disabled from the right top corner ....
but what i see there u have messed up the mods cos the real navigation is enabled too ....

wimmetje 08-07-14 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2231251)
if u mean the bearing tool that that one is from TDW's UI u can disabled from the right top corner ....
but what i see there u have messed up the mods cos the real navigation is enabled too ....

Haha Yeah i thougt that it was messed up.
The sh5 patcher is messing up my game CTD's so i tried to use the original sh5.exe.
Now it looks like this

Anyone got a idea howto disable real navigation?

pokara 08-07-14 12:20 PM

im really loving this megamod..
love the waves and how looks from external view.. awesome :)
its a little hard to begin to play sh5 for first time, but there is a lot of options you can revert back with tdw tools

Thanks for this work :)


Aktungbby 08-07-14 01:13 PM

Welcome back!
wimmetje! :Kaleun_Salute: after a bit of a silent run!

wimmetje 08-07-14 01:43 PM


Originally Posted by Aktungbby (Post 2231432)
wimmetje! :Kaleun_Salute: after a bit of a silent run!

Thank you:salute:

Finally got the mod and real navigation running properly.
What a beauty of a mod real nice :D

fastfed 08-09-14 08:59 PM

So I can't believe it happened, mods finally came to fix this hunk of junk and made it good.

at least I thought so. MAjor graphical issues, the enemy boats seem to look half sunken from a distace and also look to be skidding across the water the against the current. Its very weird to look in ext. view.

Finally, WTF is up with the escorts? its the first mission, 1939 and its POLAND for god's sake and I have my scope .00001" out of the water and these guys just blast me with guns like they are laser shooters from star wars,lol.

They pound me over and over, my uboat is shot to hell yet I can sink to 450 meters and still be alive, I never seem to die, lol

is this a major issue? Or did I install something wrong?

fastfed 08-09-14 09:06 PM

oh!! and I do like the real navigation !! I see there are options to enable electric motor only, yet it doesn't work.

Also I saw manual dive planes, I almost lost my $@#% , but realized its just for show? Because that don't work either

revanche 08-10-14 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by fastfed (Post 2232064)
oh!! and I do like the real navigation !! I see there are options to enable electric motor only, yet it doesn't work.

Also I saw manual dive planes, I almost lost my $@#% , but realized its just for show? Because that don't work either

Those are indeed settings in the patcher, but i think you need a mod to enable them, but I am unaware if such beasts exist yet.

MadCowMoo 08-10-14 11:40 AM

Tried applying this mod pack to SH5 running under Windows 8.1. BAD mistake when I noted several issues including CTD but more importantly "Winny 8 no likey moddys on SH5". Bunch of registry issues besides everything else. Switched back to Windows 7, installed first time without a single hitch after following the excellent OP's instructions and all sub instructions for GME and TDW patcher.

Runs as smooth as the underside of my little subby just before I cracked it in two on the ocean floor.

Fantastic modifications and mega kudos to all involved in bringing this together. Am really feeling the Real Nav ambience. Never used the Navigator and Chartroom so much in my life!!

Love it to bits...


adrians69 08-10-14 03:12 PM

Hear hear, this mod makes SH5 the best in the series IMHO. Thanks to all the modders who's work is included here. Real nav is a learning curve, but great once you're used to it. Pity there isn't something similar for SHIV but you can't have everything, the TMO mod is the business for that sim!

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