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vdr1981 04-30-17 07:37 AM

According to my Mediafire page we have over 3000 downloads of latest TWoS incarnation in three weeks only.

Happy holidays and happy hunting! :salute:

HW3 04-30-17 10:17 AM


wolfbaron 04-30-17 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2481454)
According to my Mediafire page we have over 3000 downloads of latest TWoS incarnation in three weeks only.

Happy holidays and happy hunting! :salute:


ironcold 04-30-17 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2481218)
Thanks guys for your reports. What ever that was it will be hard to catch without a gamesave or exact test scenario. In any case, similar situation in normal game play should be extremely rare...Happy hunting!

ctd in scapa.
New fresh install of SH5 with Twos 2.0
Started with a save 120 km east of scapa,no contacts on hydro.
ctd after a few hundrets meters passing the AntiSubNet.
Enemy take notice about me - no Torpedo fired.

vdr1981 04-30-17 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by 3catcircus (Post 2480752)
So - I just finished sinking a capital ship in Scapa Flow, finishing the Breaking the Fortress mission.

On my way out of the area, turning to port while at PD with Ahead Slow rung up. After a few minutes, I get a CTD. Repeatable multiple times - at various TCs (1 - 64), at the nav map and the attack scope view, with travel mode on and off.


Originally Posted by Able72 (Post 2480764)
While we are running a different set of optional mods, I did run into the same thing after sinking a battle ship in Scapa Flow. I finally gave up on it, and started another campaign. Didn't do Scapa Flow this time. If you find a fix I'd love to hear about it.


Originally Posted by wolfbaron (Post 2481026)
Scapa flow CTD

Originally Posted by Able72 View Post
While we are running a different set of optional mods, I did run into the same thing after sinking a battle ship in Scapa Flow. I finally gave up on it, and started another campaign. Didn't do Scapa Flow this time. If you find a fix I'd love to hear about it.

Had the same , if you install the directx9c shared previously , you will not run into to that....just install it and try one more time


Originally Posted by ironcold (Post 2481528)
ctd in scapa.
New fresh install of SH5 with Twos 2.0
Started with a save 120 km east of scapa,no contacts on hydro.
ctd after a few hundrets meters passing the AntiSubNet.
Enemy take notice about me - no Torpedo fired.

Re: Scapa Flow CTD

Tested Scapa Flow mission several times now and without any issues.
I was blown out of the water several times by floating mines and coastal defenses but there was no CTDs... :yep: I'm pretty much sure now that we are not dealing with the problem caused by megamod's files....

My guess is that colision with floating mine will crash your game from some reason but I'm not sure exactly why. This could indeed be system related (DirectX) issue like Wolfbaron suggested...

Possible solutions:
- Update your DirectX from link provided in the first post
- Reduce graphic settings (especially particle effects)

vdr1981 04-30-17 04:45 PM

ironcold 05-01-17 02:58 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2481554)
Re: Scapa Flow CTD

My guess is that colision with floating mine will crash your game from some reason but I'm not sure exactly why. This could indeed be system related (DirectX) issue like Wolfbaron suggested...

Possible solutions:
- Update your DirectX from link provided in the first post
- Reduce graphic settings (especially particle effects)

Last Update of my DirectX 14.4.2017,but I use a DX 11 system.
My System Win 8.1 64 bit never have any problems to handle this game.
No problems in scapa with Twos 1.06.12 - all worked correctly.
Avoiding all minefields I give it a second try.
Ctd on same position - the last thing I see in the Peri was a starshell,
exactly in this moment Sh5 go to desktop.

MCM 05-02-17 12:21 AM

I just installed the new V2.0 on: WIN10 64bit, 1080GTX

A tip for your first page (help page for installation): It didn't work anymore on my PC. But after setting compatibility to WIN7 and admin rights, it worked! Maybe a good workaround for others.

I wanted to thank you again too. Unbelievable what you are doing to the community!!!

:Kaleun_Salute::Kaleun_Thumbs_Up::Kaleun_Cheers: :Kaleun_Applaud:

vdr1981 05-02-17 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by ironcold (Post 2481752)
Last Update of my DirectX 14.4.2017,but I use a DX 11 system.
My System Win 8.1 64 bit never have any problems to handle this game.
No problems in scapa with Twos 1.06.12 - all worked correctly.
Avoiding all minefields I give it a second try.
Ctd on same position - the last thing I see in the Peri was a starshell,
exactly in this moment Sh5 go to desktop.

TWoS 1.06.12 and 2.0 are pretty much the same...
I need a gamesave.
A starshell from where?
What position?
Did you try to install DX9.0c?

And people (to all TWoS user with problems), if you really wish certain problem solved, please use "How to report an issue" link in my sig because, AFAIK, the problem doesn't exist until I can reproduce it and it is most likely (like countless times before) user/system related...

vdr1981 05-02-17 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2481807)
I just installed the new V2.0 on: WIN10 64bit, 1080GTX

A tip for your first page (help page for installation): It didn't work anymore on my PC. But after setting compatibility to WIN7 and admin rights, it worked! Maybe a good workaround for others.

I wanted to thank you again too. Unbelievable what you are doing to the community!!!

:Kaleun_Salute::Kaleun_Thumbs_Up::Kaleun_Cheers: :Kaleun_Applaud:

Some Win10 user say that compatibility settings aren't needed at all?

MCM 05-02-17 02:34 AM

I know but for me it didn't work without compatbility mode. I only wanted to share this info with you. Maybe this could be a solution for others too. Game started without but stayed black, no menu was coming. With the mode set to WIN7 it worked. Just to let you know...

vdr1981 05-02-17 02:42 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2481821)
I know but for me it didn't work without compatbility mode. I only wanted to share this info with you. Maybe this could be a solution for others too. Game started without but stayed black, no menu was coming. With the mode set to WIN7 it worked. Just to let you know...

Thanks...:up: I'll add the note to the first post...

wolfbaron 05-02-17 06:03 AM

1 constant annoying bug , or i think it is
Description : losing chosen camouflage

- i equip the u-boat camouflage , start a new patrol it is not there instead the default one is

why i disregard it , because i know the fix is to simply save game while out of port and then load , you will get the camouflage back on

but any one experienced that

vdr1981 05-02-17 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by wolfbaron (Post 2481849)

but any one experienced that

Yes, everyone...It's stock game issue.

wolfbaron 05-02-17 07:30 AM



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