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Sjizzle 05-01-16 11:05 AM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2401331)
There is one thing still really **** about this game.
Depth charge explosions.... they sound really ****, and not scarry at all...

this is how a depth charge sound

Tonci87 05-01-16 11:10 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2401337)

The last recording in the sub is how they should sound, unfortunatelly the audio quality of the recording is very very bad.....

Sjizzle 05-01-16 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2401340)
The last recording in the sub is how they should sound, unfortunatelly the audio quality of the recording is very very bad.....

there is a real depth charge sound mod for SH4 made by Sailor Steve u can ask him for permission to import it for Sh5 if u like that sound :D

vdr1981 05-01-16 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2401331)
There is one thing still really **** about this game.
Depth charge explosions.... they sound really ****, and not scarry at all...

Maybe your audio settings are "****ed up" ?
DC explosion sound is taken from sh3/gwx and it sounds very cool and realistic imo...

Tonci87 05-01-16 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2401365)
Maybe your audio settings are "****ed up" ?
DC explosion sound is taken from sh3/gwx and it sounds very cool and realistic imo...

Well I canīt be sure of course, but what bothers me the most I think is that the sound cuts off very fast, instead of fading out. Do you have that as well?

Another question, I tried to do a surface attack run, only to discover that the Stadimeter isnīt working with the UZO. How are you supposed to get the targets range when using the UZO?

vdr1981 05-01-16 01:33 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2401368)
Well I canīt be sure of course, but what bothers me the most I think is that the sound cuts off very fast, instead of fading out. Do you have that as well?

Another question, I tried to do a surface attack run, only to discover that the Stadimeter isnīt working with the UZO. How are you supposed to get the targets range when using the UZO?

Try to disable "realistic sound traveling" option in sound settings. That helped in my case.
Stadimeter should work just fine with uzo.

Sailor Steve 05-01-16 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2401358)
there is a real depth charge sound mod for SH4 made by Sailor Steve u can ask him for permission to import it for Sh5 if u like that sound :D

I didn't make that mod, I only used it. As far as I know it's free to use. I like it a lot. :sunny:

Tonci87 05-01-16 01:35 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2401372)
Try to disable "realistic sound traveling" option in sound settings. That helped in my case.
Stadimeter should work just fine with uzo.

I just had a look at the game files. The explosion does sound like in the sound file, I think what bothers me is the metallic clank at the end that cuts of very sharply. It is a bit irritating.

The Stadimeter button (above the dial) canīt be klicked when I use the UZO

vdr1981 05-01-16 01:39 PM

Uzo Stadimeter can't be used only if submerged icon is displayed...

vdr1981 05-01-16 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by KaleuJona (Post 2401296)
The Chart says '39, but im already mid-'40

There is no specific date for new subs. New sub offers are exclusively dependent of players rating and earned renown per patrol. If you were skipping patrols or you have to many neutrals on your score, don't expect reward any time soon..

Tonci87 05-01-16 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2401377)
Uzo Stadimeter can't be used only if submerged icon is displayed...

Yeah, you are correct. Of course I do my surface attacks on decks awash depth :D

Is there a specific reason why the UZO Stadimeter canīt be used when decks awash?

sealion 05-01-16 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2400475)

In the SDBSM sound mod thread I read this answer by Vecko about the use of this mod in TWoS:

"DBSM-music is already in the megamod.
If you wish to use DBSM-Speech then remove sh.sdl file from it."

Is it valid for the last version and patch of TWoS?

Only removing the sh.sdl file from SDBSM and is it full compatible with TWoS?

Many thanks and best regards!

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

just wondering if you manage to get this to work in TWoS and if you did how did you manage it. Thanks a million.

vdr1981 05-01-16 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2401381)
Yeah, you are correct. Of course I do my surface attacks on decks awash depth :D

Is there a specific reason why the UZO Stadimeter canīt be used when decks awash?

The game thinks that you're submerged. Use slightly extended attack periscope in these situations...(and yes I'm repeating those tips once again...)

Sjizzle 05-01-16 02:04 PM


Originally Posted by Sailor Steve (Post 2401373)
I didn't make that mod, I only used it. As far as I know it's free to use. I like it a lot. :sunny:

by author is your name there that's why i was said its your mod sorry for that

KaleuJona 05-01-16 03:32 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2401379)
There is no specific date for new subs. New sub offers are exclusively dependent of players rating and earned renown per patrol. If you were skipping patrols or you have to many neutrals on your score, don't expect reward any time soon..

I neither killed any neutrals nor skipped patrols, i sink 1 ship or more every patrol, once even a large battlecruiser.....but ok, ill just wait

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