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Taki1980 04-24-16 10:04 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2399601)
Hi Taki
Use the charts but not the mod.
Post #96 R.P.M. Hydrophone How To Get The Contact's Speed

Is it working without the Mod?

I will test it!


`@vdr1981: trying to find the Folders mentioned there to change it and start a New Campaign for Training Purpose.

Thx you 2 for all that Help.

Just found that KSD Commander thing.

Are you represented there? :)

Edit: Ahh found cdr, called Cpt.Kurz ^^ on KSD

vdr1981 04-24-16 11:02 AM


Originally Posted by Taki1980 (Post 2399602)
Is it working without the Mod?

I don't think so...


`@vdr1981: trying to find the Folders mentioned there to change it and start a New Campaign for Training Purpose.
I'm not sure about that tutorial, I tend to lose my self in all those pictures and colors...:doh:

Anyway, valid instructions on how to use OFEV with TWoS are clearly stated in FAQ and tips section and I'm getting really tired of repeating this over and over again...:yep:


Just found that KSD Commander thing.

Are you represented there? :)

Edit: Ahh found cdr, called Cpt.Kurz ^^ on KSD
Cpt Kurz is dead...:D

Subwolf 04-24-16 12:48 PM

1939, British east coast. A destroyer followed me around the clock, constant distance 10km. Needless to say, it shouldn't be able to see me, at least not in the dark. It never attacked. Is this a known TWoS bug?

Mikemike47 04-24-16 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Subwolf (Post 2399651)
It never attacked. Is this a known TWoS bug?

No, not a TWoS bug. A SH5 vanilla version bug. Usually saving the game, restarting the game I heard will clear that ship.

Subwolf 04-24-16 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mikemike47 (Post 2399661)
No, not a TWoS bug. A SH5 vanilla version bug. Usually saving the game, restarting the game I heard will clear that ship.

I see, thanks. First time I've noticed this.

palmic 04-25-16 03:20 AM


Originally Posted by ThaFr0ggy (Post 2399496)
I've just come across the sound again. This time I recorded it.

Can someone tell me where this sound comes from?

Wow, i thing you just found Red October :o

Luc5821993 04-25-16 03:29 AM

does anyone know how to get contact colors back on. all my contacts are grey so i cant tell friend or foe. im pretty sure that it is changed in the dark wraith options file editor, i just dont know where exactly so if anyone can help that would be great.

THEBERBSTER 04-25-16 04:15 AM

A Warm Welcome Back To The Subsim Community > Luc5821993
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
The Wolves Of Steel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) & Game Tips (Please Look Here First Before Posting A Question) (Do not post your problems here if you have added additional mods to TWOS make a new thread)

This is change you are referring to if IIRC was in v1.04 patch 14 and continued currently in v1.05
Unfortunately there is not an easy way to switch back to the color map contacts so the grey contacts will always be active even if you are not playing with real navigation.

Luc5821993 04-25-16 04:33 AM

ok thanks i did check in the tips but couldnt find it and im not sure what you mean (This is change you are referring to was made IIRC in v1.04 patch 14 and continued currently in v1.05)


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2399778)
A Warm Welcome Back To The Subsim Community > Luc5821993
Subsim <> How To Donate <> See The Benefits <> Support The Community
The Wolves Of Steel Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) & Game Tips (Please Look Here First Before Posting A Question) (Do not post your problems here if you have added additional mods to TWOS make a new thread)

This is change you are referring to was made IIRC in v1.04 patch 14 and continued currently in v1.05

KaleuJona 04-25-16 09:26 AM

I have a question...
When i order silent running, my first officer, my engineer, my navigator and my watch officer aren't that normal with wolves of steel or is it a bug?
if its a bug, how can i solve it?

It's no big gamebreaking thing, but it kind of ruins the immersion during a destroyer attack :down:

Thanks for helping so much, i know i have many problems....

Jimbuna 04-25-16 09:30 AM

Welcome to SubSim Luc :sunny:

vdr1981 04-25-16 09:36 AM


Originally Posted by KaleuJona (Post 2399848)
It's no big gamebreaking thing, but it kind of ruins the immersion during a destroyer attack :down:

What really ruins the immersion in all SH games IMO is crew which start to whisper as soon as enemy unit is in your area...Well, not anymore, sorry...:yep:

Realistic gameplay elements have bigger priority in this expansion than eye candies, or in this case, ear candies...:)

palmic 04-25-16 09:43 AM

This removing of whispering is one from the best decisions of last months!
Thanks Vecko! :salute:

BTW. I haven't seen fixed Dale Tanker texture in changelog is this thing still in progress?

KaleuJona 04-25-16 09:46 AM

okay, thanks...
And there is no way to reenable it....?

THEBERBSTER 04-25-16 09:58 AM

Hi L
The map contact changes first appeared in patch 14 the last patch of v1.04 and is included in the v1.05 version as you know.

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