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Netscape Navigator 04-10-16 02:41 PM

So I'm having a patrol zone not trigger as accomplished. It's the typical 72 hour patrol area objective. I'm down to two torpedoes and somewhat low on fuel. I sat in a safe spot for a week just to see...nothing.

The light grid has been checked 3 times. I only draw a 175km radius circle JUST TO MAKE SURE I'm in it.

I even reloaded my save before entering the zone (I always make a save near the zone and restart the game...) and found a safe spot again and sat there for a week, again... yep didn't work.

Can I manually enter some data to signal this objective is complete? It's either that or I lose points/moral ect. Annnnnnd I'll probably rage quit this game for the 5th time.

vdr1981 04-10-16 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by Netscape Navigator (Post 2396616)
So I'm having a patrol zone not trigger as accomplished. It's the typical 72 hour patrol area objective. I'm down to two torpedoes and somewhat low on fuel. I sat in a safe spot for a week just to see...nothing.

The light grid has been checked 3 times. I only draw a 175km radius circle JUST TO MAKE SURE I'm in it.

I even reloaded my save before entering the zone (I always make a save near the zone and restart the game...) and found a safe spot again and sat there for a week, again... yep didn't work.

Can I manually enter some data to signal this objective is complete? It's either that or I lose points/moral ect. Annnnnnd I'll probably rage quit this game for the 5th time.

It works for me...Aaaand for everyone else...:)
Are you sure that you have installed the game/enabled the mod correctly?:hmm2:

palmic 04-10-16 03:20 PM

Check my thematic wallpapers guys :salute:

Netscape Navigator 04-10-16 03:33 PM

well it doesn't work, this specific one for some reason.

So if no one knows the cause I'd like to know what I can do if anything to trigger the event of obj being completed.

This isn't the first patrol of the game. Every patrol has worked thus far.

vdr1981 04-10-16 03:42 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2396620)
Check my thematic wallpapers guys :salute:

Great colection Palmic! :up:

excel4004 04-10-16 04:04 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2396620)
Check my thematic wallpapers guys :salute:

Thanks for this collection, like that stuff! :up:

Tonci87 04-10-16 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2396620)
Check my thematic wallpapers guys :salute:

Thank you, great wallpapers!

fitzcarraldo 04-10-16 05:21 PM

Nice wallpapers! Many thanks!


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

stoppro 04-11-16 12:49 PM

please forgive me if this been gone over. is there a way to make morale high all the time. I don't really want to have to diddle with that all through patrol.if i missed the video on that please tell me and i will look again .thanks

palmic 04-11-16 05:05 PM

High Stoppro, check replies to my question :)

MCM 04-12-16 02:13 AM

How can I darken the interior of the uboot a little bit? For me it is too bright in the uboot. THX.

palmic 04-12-16 02:23 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2396870)
How can I darken the interior of the uboot a little bit? For me it is too bright in the uboot. THX.

Agreee, i like rather SH3 mods interior lights

vova78 04-12-16 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2394254)
It would be nice if uzo would not be so much influenced by waves.
This way I'm forced to submerge before attack even at night with calm sea while real night attacks was done primarily from surface by Uzo

Default UZO parameter in -1, 1 vertical angle - that is small in comparison with the reality (Photo N1 and N2) - maybe this is the cause of a large undulation?, and 360 degrees horizontally (which is absolutely unreal! does anyone could ever shoot with UZO from the rear torpedo tubes? lol :haha:

In my MOD I changed the settings on the -10, 10 vertical and restricted -60, 60 degrees horizontally.

I also fixed a lot of other options, such as different angles of view in different types (from the first and third persons) - has led to a common value, it cleared up jerking the camera when changing types of cameras.

Tonci87 04-12-16 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2396968)
Default UZO parameter in -1, 1 vertical angle - that is small in comparison with the reality (Photo N1 and N2) - maybe this is the cause of a large undulation?, and 360 degrees horizontally (which is absolutely unreal! does anyone could ever shoot with UZO from the rear torpedo tubes? lol :haha:

In my MOD I changed the settings on the -10, 10 vertical and restricted -60, 60 degrees horizontally.

I also fixed a lot of other options, such as different angles of view in different types (from the first and third persons) - has led to a common value, it cleared up jerking the camera when changing types of cameras.

That actually sounds quite good, but can you please explain this part a bit more?


I also fixed a lot of other options,

vova78 04-12-16 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by Tonci87 (Post 2397006)
That actually sounds quite good, but can you please explain this part a bit more?

I did it for their own use, and most of the changes made for a long time and all of them now do not remember. Removed zoom view when the third person (I personally do not need it, I use this type of test only). No particular changes have been made, the main purpose was to remove bugs found.

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