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vdr1981 01-10-16 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Muckenberg (Post 2371972)
Greetings to all
I would ask if they will do a new version added a new war or merchant ships?

Probably this beauty ...SH5 desperately needs one troop transport below 10.000 tons. This one will "fit" perfectly...:yep:

free picture upload

Muckenberg 01-11-16 01:15 AM

Nice, thx :up::up::up::up:

palmic 01-11-16 10:05 AM

awesome model! :up:

carbolicus 01-11-16 10:56 AM

New boy here - I've just got SH5 and WOS running nicely. However, many of the merchant ships in single missions appear coated in ice, even in the tropics in June! It's a real immersion breaker.

I posted about this in the main forum and someone suggested it might be a WOS issue. Anyone got any idea how I can get the nice museum skins back please?

Many thanks in advance!

Cybermat47 01-11-16 11:08 AM

Hi Carbolicus,

It's probable that the ice glitch is only for single missions, which is a known bug of the core game.

Can you start up a campaign solely to see if the ships are iceless? Just make sure that you select a campaign that starts a long time away from Winter.

titan357 01-11-16 06:05 PM

Can anyone help me please? I would really like to enable map contacts while using wolves of steel.

vdr1981 01-11-16 06:19 PM


Originally Posted by titan357 (Post 2372543)
Can anyone help me please? I would really like to enable map contacts while using wolves of steel.

titan357 01-11-16 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2372551)

Thanks, I think I got it figured out. :up:

JT1981 01-14-16 02:16 AM

hi friend,what is the different between your megamod and Sobers megamod?All i know is both mods contains a lot of other mods,,

palmic 01-14-16 03:42 AM


Originally Posted by JT1981 (Post 2373347)
hi friend,what is the different between your megamod and Sobers megamod?All i know is both mods contains a lot of other mods,,

Hi, i am not author, but i would check their readme infos (first page here) and compare mod lists of both.. That should be all about differences..

vdr1981 01-15-16 01:48 PM

The Wolves of Steel 1.05 is now available for download!:up:
Check out first post of the thread and here's generalized changelog...Happy hunting!:subsim:

v1.05 changelog

- FW Coastal Defenses campaign layer protecting allied and axix ports and coast lines.
- Improved mines and nets layer/s
- Contacts reports probability variations dependent of war period/campaign. Probability will increase until mid war and that it will went down again in order to simulate number of U-boats available, Luftwaffe engagement in SSSR, Enigma code cracking ect...
- Units/warships crew skill variations dependent of war period/campaign, from Competent to Veteran...
- Revised/decreased convoys/traffic spawn frequency.
- Revised/better distributed convoys/traffic speeds because before they were almost always 6 or 9 kn. Slow convoys ~5-6kn, fast convoys 9-10kn and all other 5-9 kn with tendency to slower speeds.
- Complete revision of port defenses campaign layers for all campaign(except Monsun Gruppe). All coastal defenses warships are now moved further away from the coast line in order to intercept U-boats sooner and prevent infamous stuck destroyers bug. Taking a shortcut trough English channel and similar stuff is not advisable anymore, not at all...Direct defense of allied port is provided by submerged and floating mines, subnets, coastal artillery and ships placement inside harbor perimeters...
- New troop transport ship
- SOAN- new and aditional info for various ships in rec. manual., both for new and already existing ships.
- Optimized new imported ships.
- Updated versions of already contained mods.
- Stock SH5 crew images
- Numerous tweaks to improve realism, game performance and stability
- Added few new mods, kudos to the authors of every individual mod.
- Stock optics aspect ratio settings for 16:9 displays.
- SH5 enhanced stock UI style for full scripted tutorials support.

blackcan 01-16-16 01:37 AM

Do i need the 4GB Patch for this?

And how do i update? do neeed to reinstall SH5 oder can i just deactive it via JSGME?

MCM 01-16-16 02:39 AM

I think you can just deactivate the 1.04 and activate the 1.05. No need for another patch.

What does this mean in some other words?
- FW Coastal Defenses campaign layer protecting allied and axix ports and coast lines.

And are the new mine fields shown on the map charts?
Thank you all so much for your strong support, always trying to get this game more beautiful. :up::up::up: :subsim:

Why is the "allows carriers to launch aircrafts.."
why disabled by default? Can I enable this? Would be nice to have aircrafts coming in from carriers when I have been spotted. Or is it too difficult? Or unrealistic? Or buggy?

KrOkOZyABrA 01-16-16 04:54 AM

whether compatible CSP Magui Interface with TWoS??:hmm2:

blackcan 01-16-16 05:34 AM


Originally Posted by MCM (Post 2373906)
I think you can just deactivate the 1.04 and activate the 1.05. No need for another patch.

What does this mean in some other words?
- FW Coastal Defenses campaign layer protecting allied and axix ports and coast lines.

And are the new mine fields shown on the map charts?
Thank you all so much for your strong support, always trying to get this game more beautiful. :up::up::up: :subsim:

Why is the "allows carriers to launch aircrafts.."
why disabled by default? Can I enable this? Would be nice to have aircrafts coming in from carriers when I have been spotted. Or is it too difficult? Or unrealistic? Or buggy?

I meant in generel if i should install the 4GB Patch for Wolves of steel

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