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razanon 09-09-15 03:18 AM

i had "solution finder" ctd when i use it, i know you havent that script in your release, but i think its a must have. i installed time ago sobers mod and have a ctd too when i use solution finder. any clue masters?

vdr1981 09-09-15 08:56 AM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2343256)


I start to receive ctd's after many minutes of 512 TC, or more than 64tc.
64tc seems ok, I managed to use the Kiel Harbor pilot script back to the harbor, without any ctd. So, to make sure about a long journey, I usually 512 for 1-2 minutes, then save.... Then continue. ...

ALso the game CTD's after a hour or two of normal, and half a hour spent in heavy visual places, but luckily no invalid saves, every game loads back fine.

Do you use any additional mods by any chance?

The game in general can be rather unstable in North Sea, Baltic and around British coastal waters (depending of your playing style). The probable reason for this is large number of units constantly moving in and out of your rendering area (which is quite a lot in WoS, 60Km around a sub). SH5 also have some kind of bad habit to "accumulate" objects rendered in your area, and when "accumulation" reaches certain threshold, the game will "run home to mama".
I call this type of CTD's SSC (Standard SH CTD :)).
The good thing is that one can easily prevent SSC (:O:) by doing occasional game restart from time to time and/or by limiting duration of playing sessions.

For example, I will experience SSC in mentioned areas but extremely rarely because my playing sessions are max ~48h of sim time and I also like to make a break after some actions (convoy/ship attacks act).
The key for relatively stable gameplay is simply occasional gamesave/restart of the game.
It is also highly recommended to save and restart your game when you expecting appearance of large number of units/objects in your rendering area (like approaching enemy coastline, shipping line, or returning to your home port). This will effectively "unburden" game engine and enable afterwards even longer playing session if there isnt's to much "action" around you...:yep:

At open ocean however my playing sessions can last for several days without any problems, but when I eventually find something and do the attack, when things get quiet, I always save my game and continue next day...:yep:

In short, if you fail to save/restart your game and unburden game engine occasionally, the game will do it for you (aka CTD)...:D

In addition to all this, you can also disable patch for "Increased rendering distance" and/or try to limit your TC to 256 while in "dense" waters. :yep:. I never use 512 TC while near coastal waters (but again, my PC is rather old).


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2343256)

Since I am very dissatisfied with the stock game's ship log, and decoration methods, (no ceremony, nor mentioning it at all, in the patrol log, it just sneaks into your medal case. The ship log is half broken, and very dry, like a tweet page, etc.)

I maybe start to make an SH Commander-like windows application
, just simplier... For starters, if I do it, it's going to be for WOS only, but if all the files the same, it maybe goes with stock.

This sounds sooo awesome!:up::up::up:

vdr1981 09-09-15 10:14 AM


Originally Posted by razanon (Post 2343351)
i had "solution finder" ctd when i use it, i know you havent that script in your release, but i think its a must have. i installed time ago sobers mod and have a ctd too when i use solution finder. any clue masters?

What is the name of problematic script?
Do you use SH5 interface?

razanon 09-09-15 10:34 AM

hi friend, im using all your mods, plus trevally scripts 0.2 (solution finder wasnt in your mod compilation)

using usual ui. the ones come with your mod. using scripts first no problem, second time i get a ctd, i tested AOB, TDC and solution finder.

vdr1981 09-09-15 10:40 AM


Originally Posted by razanon (Post 2343451)
hi friend, im using all your mods, plus trevally scripts 0.2 (solution finder wasnt in your mod compilation)

using usual ui. the ones come with your mod. using scripts first no problem, second time i get a ctd, i tested AOB, TDC and solution finder.

I see.. I never used those scripts so I'm not really familiar with them...:hmmm:

I know though that some will require SH5 enhnaced UI to be used in order to work correctly.
Can you confirm that all scripts from WoS that you're interested in works OK with SH5 UI?
You can change interface look with OFEW...2nd tab IIRC.

razanon 09-09-15 11:36 AM

i didnt understand in your mod you have the ui mod these scripts come in sobers too, and have same ui mod than you

Nobon 09-09-15 06:56 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2343408)
Do you use any additional mods by any chance?

The game in general can be rather unstable in North Sea, Baltic and around British coastal waters (depending of your playing style). The probable reason for this is large number of units constantly moving in and out of your rendering area (which is quite a lot in WoS, 60Km around a sub). SH5 also have some kind of bad habit to "accumulate" objects rendered in your area, and when "accumulation" reaches certain threshold, the game will "run home to mama".


The key for relatively stable gameplay is simply occasional gamesave/restart of the game.
It is also highly recommended to save and restart your game when you expecting appearance of large number of units/objects in your rendering area (like approaching enemy coastline, shipping line, or returning to your home port). This will effectively "unburden" game engine and enable afterwards even longer playing session if there isnt's to much "action" around you...:yep:

At open ocean however my playing sessions can last for several days without any problems, but when I eventually find something and do the attack, when things get quiet, I always save my game and continue next day...:yep:

In short, if you fail to save/restart your game and unburden game engine occasionally, the game will do it for you (aka CTD)...:D

Thanks :D Then I must get some time to do that application, with at least the minimal goals.

Well, as for the above, you clearly described what I do usually :D the only difference is that I usually play hours ^^ which can accumulate lots of information in this VERY BADLY written engine, (the game is fantastic, but the engine has the worst memory management I've yet seen...) and yes, my problematic area is between the south-eastern shores of England, and Cuxhaven... (the mouth of the Elba) And I bet that it's HEAVILY populated :) what I have, is clearly the "standard SH CTD" :D

I use tons of saves, but rarely restart, as if the game collapses, I still have to restart XD and that solves that for a while...

Hmm... How much is the rendering distance without the "Increased rendering distance" mod?

Maybe worth a try, though I have a fairly OK gear, what should be enough for the worst cases of SH5- so maybe makes small difference- but still.


vdr1981 09-09-15 07:14 PM


Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2343555)

I use tons of saves, but rarely restart, as if the game collapses, I still have to restart XD and that solves that for a while...

Good point! :)

Originally Posted by Nobon (Post 2343555)
Hmm... How much is the rendering distance without the "Increased rendering distance" mod?

Maybe worth a try, though I have a fairly OK gear, what should be enough for the worst cases of SH5- so maybe makes small difference- but still.


It's 40 Km, and difference is quite noticeable...:yep: The only thing you'll loose in this case is 20 Km range of your GHG hydrophone (AI sonarmen will lose actually, because player can hear only about 40km around sub)...

Wiskimike 09-10-15 04:31 AM

Hey mates,

i have a problem with the mod. I don't know how to set the mast height when attacking a ship.
in the tutorials they all open that book, search for the doomed vessel and than they click a button which gives the mast height to the XO.
I just have a table where all ships are shown with mast heights. No problem, but I don't know how I can tell the XO which mast height we need.
Please help, I'm searching and testing now for over a hour without any succes :hmm2:

vdr1981 09-10-15 08:17 AM


Originally Posted by Wiskimike (Post 2343646)
Hey mates,

i have a problem with the mod. I don't know how to set the mast height when attacking a ship.
in the tutorials they all open that book, search for the doomed vessel and than they click a button which gives the mast height to the XO.
I just have a table where all ships are shown with mast heights. No problem, but I don't know how I can tell the XO which mast height we need.
Please help, I'm searching and testing now for over a hour without any succes :hmm2:

Wiskimike 09-10-15 12:17 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2343685)

unfortunatly I don't have the Erkennungshandbuch =/
All other is really great made. Maybe a reinstall of all the things will help.

Aktungbby 09-10-15 12:22 PM

welcome aboard!

vdr1981 09-10-15 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Wiskimike (Post 2343741)
unfortunatly I don't have the Erkennungshandbuch =/
All other is really great made. Maybe a reinstall of all the things will help.

It's there...Check FAQ and tips post...:yep:

Wiskimike 09-10-15 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2343744)
It's there...Check FAQ and tips post...:yep:

maaaaan, that's hidden :nope:
thank you, now I can finally go out there and hunt some ships :arrgh!:

vdr1981 09-10-15 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Wiskimike (Post 2343763)
maaaaan, that's hidden :nope:
thank you, now I can finally go out there and hunt some ships :arrgh!:

Can't be more (un)hidden than that...
Happy hunting!:salute:

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