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vdr1981 06-07-15 07:20 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2319354)
Those little freighters like the Uekel Medium Composite Freighter are fast and tough little suckers and can take a hell of a beating before coming to heal. :yep: You can waste a lot of deck gun ammo to kill them! Here's a link to another post regarding U-505 using 80 rounds of 105mm shells to sink a Liberty ship after it had already been torpedoed!

Sure, but the guy said that ships not even look damaged (no holes and fire I guess) so it must be something wrong with his installation...:yep:

kevinsue 06-07-15 08:59 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2319367)
Sure, but the guy said that ships not even look damaged (no holes and fire I guess) so it must be something wrong with his installation...:yep:

I have seen them take a lot of rounds without fire or too much visible damage. I wonder if it has anything to do with the Survival Rate and Survival Percentage in the Cfg file. :hmmm: Have a look at the Survival Percentage difference between the little Uekel freighter and the Hog Island. The average seems to be about 60 for Survival Rate and 50 for Percentage.


;*********** THE END **************


ShowInRecognitionManual=No;it is a clone. the player will identify it as another single ship
;********* THE END *********

RoflCopter4 06-07-15 11:55 AM

I'm not sure what to say. I eventually gave up and resorted to torpedos, and even then it took THREE. Just weird.

Another thing, I don't seem to be able to upgrade my deck gun to the 10.5cm one. I purchase it in port with renown, but when I start the next patrol I still have the 88. Am I doing something wrong?

vdr1981 06-07-15 12:04 PM


Originally Posted by RoflCopter4 (Post 2319442)
I'm not sure what to say. I eventually gave up and resorted to torpedos, and even then it took THREE. Just weird.

Another thing, I don't seem to be able to upgrade my deck gun to the 10.5cm one. I purchase it in port with renown, but when I start the next patrol I still have the 88. Am I doing something wrong?

Three to sink her or three to get "kill message"?

That's because 88mm and 105mm guns are the same 3D model, only ammunition is changed IIRC...

vdr1981 06-07-15 01:11 PM

Coming soon...:D

- Reenabled autimatic target recognition button

adrians69 06-07-15 03:44 PM

Sounds interesting. I can't wait!! :D

vdr1981 06-07-15 03:57 PM


Originally Posted by adrians69 (Post 2319487)
Sounds interesting. I can't wait!! :D

Some people are also complaining about ineffective deck gun. Maybe I could boost it up a bit in this addon for "new heroes"...:) We'll see...:)

State your wishes please...:)

RoflCopter4 06-07-15 03:59 PM

In the sub info screens (I'm sure these have a name) it still identfied my deckkannon as being an 88mm model, and I still had the 88mm ammo loadout. I would know because I created a little cheat mod that gives me slightly more ammo and makes the gun traverse 50x faster than in vanilla (I have no patience to wait for the thing to slowly, slowly lumber around and aim where I want it to). I definitely still have the 88mm gun.

Also, I may have gone overboard with the torpedoes, but I know with the deck gun that I waited several hours after unloading many rounds into the ship to see if I got a kill message and nothing came. When I just decided to use torpedoes I didn't get one right away and just said screw it, I'm right next to port, ammo doesn't matter and so hit it three times.

vdr1981 06-07-15 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by RoflCopter4 (Post 2319492)
In the sub info screens (I'm sure these have a name) it still identfied my deckkannon as being an 88mm model, and I still had the 88mm ammo loadout. I would know because I created a little cheat mod that gives me slightly more ammo and makes the gun traverse 50x faster than in vanilla (I have no patience to wait for the thing to slowly, slowly lumber around and aim where I want it to). I definitely still have the 88mm gun.

I'll take a look what's going on but I'm not really sure where to look... I never used 105mm gun on type VII boat because I think it's unrealistic. Type IX were equiped with that deck gun IIRC...:hmmm:


Originally Posted by RoflCopter4 (Post 2319492)
Also, I may have gone overboard with the torpedoes, but I know with the deck gun that I waited several hours after unloading many rounds into the ship to see if I got a kill message and nothing came. When I just decided to use torpedoes I didn't get one right away and just said screw it, I'm right next to port, ammo doesn't matter and so hit it three times.

That's really extreme and it shouldn't be like that, which ship was that? :hmmm:

vdr1981 06-07-15 04:21 PM

New patch/hotfix is uploaded, enable it in port and continue campaign...:subsim:

The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5_HotFix 3 changelog:

Snapshot changes:

Other tweaks:
- Menu.txt: various tweaks to make crew reports more realistic.
- Smaller New UI's teleport buttons
- Init.aix: AI detection abilities
- DBSM speech periscope sound
- Increased number of days spent in the bunker from 14 to more realistic 25
- Fixed small issue in campaign.cfg files that can prevent few macro objectives to be date activated (space behind "=" mark)
- Tweaked armor and HP values in zone.cfg file (from next RSD update)
- Tweaked armor and HP values in submarines .zon files (from next RSD update)
- Removed some of less important/duplicated and merged charts in order to meet 50 charts limit.
- Less jumpy sub at lower wind speeds

Added mods:
- SD_MapLocationNameFix_v1_2
- RadcapricornLarge Optics No Milliradian Scale Binoculars
- AilBubbles 1.0
- AilImpurity 1.2
- IO_MapCourseLine_sharp pencil_mod
- autoscripts1.0_WOS_tuned
- Sjizzle's - Charts for NewUIs part 5_23.05.2015

Removed mods:

1. This is Hotfix is not cumulative so it has to be enabled with JSGME after The Wolves of Steel 1.03-Patch 5 and before optional patches. Your activated modlist should look like this:

The Wolves of Steel 1.03
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5_HotFix 3
The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - TDW Real Navigation *(optional mod)
The Wolves of Steel - *x* Resolution Patch *(optional mod)

You can remove The Wolves of Steel 1.03 - Patch 5_HotFix 2 from your JSGME

* Enable hotfix in the bunker.
* Some smaller changes will kick in after camping restart or after player's advance to the next campaign.
* Grossdeutscher Rundfunk New Remix 1939-1945_CTD Fix is not needed anymore...

RoflCopter4 06-07-15 04:45 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2319494)
I'll take a look what's going on but I'm not really sure where to look... I never used 105mm gun on type VII boat because I think it's unrealistic. Type IX were equiped with that deck gun IIRC...:hmmm:

Fair enough. I suppose I like to feel like I am using a type IX sometimes. :hmmm: Is there any way you can think of for me to know even more definitively than this which gun I have? Is there any way to force one or the other?


That's really extreme and it shouldn't be like that, which ship was that? :hmmm:
Er, I don't recall the name, but it was a Polish tanker. One of the ones you run into at the start of the campaign outside of Danzig.

kevinsue 06-07-15 05:56 PM


Originally Posted by RoflCopter4 (Post 2319497)
Fair enough. I suppose I like to feel like I am using a type IX sometimes. :hmmm: Is there any way you can think of for me to know even more definitively than this which gun I have? Is there any way to force one or the other?

Er, I don't recall the name, but it was a Polish tanker. One of the ones you run into at the start of the campaign outside of Danzig.

Remember that old saying, "it's not how big it is, but how you use it!" :D Sometimes we focus on the little things and forget to look at the big picture to see how good it really is....later in the war the deck gun was removed altogether in most instances in favour of another flack gun.

If I'm going to deck gun a target, I usually get in real close for a running fight...say 100 meters at most while manning the flack gun, just in case you have to suppress any small automatic weapons they may have, before allowing the deck gun crew to fire HE shells initially, to light the fires. That way they hardly ever miss a shot so there is no ammo wasted drilling holes in the ocean.:yep:

vdr1981 06-07-15 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by RoflCopter4 (Post 2319497)
Fair enough. I suppose I like to feel like I am using a type IX sometimes. :hmmm: Is there any way you can think of for me to know even more definitively than this which gun I have? Is there any way to force one or the other?

Er, I don't recall the name, but it was a Polish tanker. One of the ones you run into at the start of the campaign outside of Danzig.

I've never saw any Polish tanker near Danzing?:hmmm: Freighter maybe, try to find her in museum, or some single mission...

THE_MASK 06-07-15 08:02 PM

When I get some time off I might do a mod putting a whole ship load of block ships and nets as terrain objects around and in harbours .

RoflCopter4 06-07-15 08:05 PM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2319506)
Remember that old saying, "it's not how big it is, but how you use it!" :D Sometimes we focus on the little things and forget to look at the big picture to see how good it really is....later in the war the deck gun was removed altogether in most instances in favour of another flack gun.

If I'm going to deck gun a target, I usually get in real close for a running fight...say 100 meters at most while manning the flack gun, just in case you have to suppress any small automatic weapons they may have, before allowing the deck gun crew to fire HE shells initially, to light the fires. That way they hardly ever miss a shot so there is no ammo wasted drilling holes in the ocean.:yep:

Range can't be it. I was firing from point blank. I was so close that at one point I had to put the engines in emergency reverse to avoid a collision.

Never drink and command a u-boat.


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2319512)
I've never saw any Polish tanker near Danzing?:hmmm: Freighter maybe, try to find her in museum, or some single mission...

Freighter, tanker; ship, boat; water, sea; I'm sure I'm committing some kind of horrible gaffe by confusing the two, but I'm new enough to this that they're all the same to me. That it was a merchant vessel was all that registered.

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