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THEBERBSTER 01-09-18 01:47 PM

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Furthermore i doubt i can handle this scale of simulation SH 5 Vanilla "Simulation" yep but this ?
If you are saying you are finding the game too hard then you need to adjust the game play settings so you can customize your game to the level you wish to play whether this Auto TDC, Manual TDC or a combination of both.

TDW's Option File Editor Viewer (OFEV) is another tool you can use to fine tune your game and customize to suit your game play.
The beauty of having a mega mod like TWOS is you can play at 0% or 100% difficulty something for everyone and 100% reliable as well, what more could anyone ask for?

palmic 01-10-18 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by CaesarCzech (Post 2535615)
So Can i actually impact the course of war

I dont think so, you as ubote Kaleun are just piece of machine.
However with TWOS you can manage to raise your name in KSD top Kaleunen chart :)

XenonSurf 01-10-18 10:39 AM

There are a lot of 'testing' missions added in the 'Historical missions' part. When I load some I don't see the units in the description and will be in a empty world. For example the 'wreckage' mission, but also some missions where you have to navigate and find the enemy, nothing is in sight and my hydrophone sensors remain mute also when changing position.
I wonder if some of these missions can only be played if you set all gameplay options to full realism, manual TDC etc. everything checked except the action camera.

Thanks to clarify, and sorry if it has been asked already.

vdr1981 01-10-18 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2535846)
There are a lot of 'testing' missions added in the 'Historical missions' part. When I load some I don't see the units in the description and will be in a empty world. For example the 'wreckage' mission, but also some missions where you have to navigate and find the enemy, nothing is in sight and my hydrophone sensors remain mute also when changing position.
I wonder if some of these missions can only be played if you set all gameplay options to full realism, manual TDC etc. everything checked except the action camera.

Thanks to clarify, and sorry if it has been asked already.

No...Those are just simple test missions to demonstrate some new TWoS features and most of them don't have traffic at all...

XenonSurf 01-10-18 04:48 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2535908)
No...Those are just simple test missions to demonstrate some new TWoS features and most of them don't have traffic at all...

Ah, thanks Vecko to clarify.
If you don't mind, I have just another question about TWoS (it's a pain that the forum search does not display single pages of a threat, I resigned to search here in the 600 pages...):

There is the very interesting KSD Commander, similar to SH3 Commander. But KSD crashes if i want to use and fill-in the 'edit' windows, or chose a photo for my ego. I'm using it offline only for my saved career, is this possible and does the program work for randomizing the days in bunker or set a specific duration of days?
I found only 1 threat about KSD from its author Warham in 2015 and without any replies (?!)

vdr1981 01-10-18 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by XenonSurf (Post 2535913)

There is the very interesting KSD Commander, similar to SH3 Commander. But KSD crashes if i want to use and fill-in the 'edit' windows, or chose a photo for my ego. I'm using it offline only for my saved career,

You have to log in if you want to edit your info or to add the picture...You can also check KSD documentation and KSD main thread here at subsim...


is this possible and does the program work for randomizing the days in bunker or set a specific duration of days?
Yes, it does...

XenonSurf 01-10-18 06:07 PM

Thanks very much, Vecko. The random or set days is the most useful for me anyway.

finchOU 01-11-18 11:58 AM

Maybe I've been doing this wrong the whole time (as I re read the FAQs), but my normal Campaign Transfer usually works whether Im out to sea or in port. I always get the transition to happy times by getting a new base assignment to which I go...then get new orders.

Then something weird happened (at least to me). I'm returning to port on June 5th 1940, about 3 days still left out at sea, and I save the game but reload via the Main Menu (vs exiting the game and reloading like i've ALWAYS done). Anyway I reload from the main menu just to try it and it loads just fine. But a minute or so after the game loads (at sea) I come back from the kitchen and the screen is on the Campaign transfer screen (which I've never since since the start of the new career). I'm like "okay" and I choose happy times and hit continue. The next thing I know I'm transported to the bunker. Well this kind of freaks me out so I exit out of the game to read the FAQs to see if I missed something.

So long story short longer......My KSD Commander shows the Date is 6/15/40 with Transfer orders to France on 7/2/40 and shows current status as out on patrol (6/15/40) for a new patrol. :06:

So some questions:

1. Is all of this normal?

2. If I reload the last save and when the Campaign Transfer screen comes up can I hit "exit" instead of "continue" so I can sail into port yet still get the transfer to work?

3. Do I just lose 10 days to make the transfer happen?

4. Why is KSD showing transfer orders to France before I would know about them....or before they are sent to me?

5. In my haste to figure out wtf was going on with the Campaign Transfer....I forgot to make a manual save in the bunker. Are Bunker Autosaves reliable?

6. Should I reload an earlier Manual save (6/5/40) before the Campaign Transfer initiated and try it again or will this screw the game up since it already initiated?

GorkanCzech 01-12-18 03:37 PM

I returned to silent hunter after long Absence and Downloaded Wolwes of steel mod. the problem is SH V with mod will launch load and then blackscreen. I hear music play but screen stays black and it in task manager it says that it is unresponsive. Normal Silent Hunter V works. Any ideas for solution ?

Tonci87 01-12-18 07:11 PM


Originally Posted by GorkanCzech (Post 2536187)
I returned to silent hunter after long Absence and Downloaded Wolwes of steel mod. the problem is SH V with mod will launch load and then blackscreen. I hear music play but screen stays black and it in task manager it says that it is unresponsive. Normal Silent Hunter V works. Any ideas for solution ?

Waiting might help. Seriously, the game will take a few minutes to load up. It might appear unresponsive, but donīt worry

palmic 01-13-18 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by Niko91 (Post 2535622)
@CaesarCzech I think you can lower the rate of realism before you start a new campaign e.g. navigation.

.. or learn real nav, its simple and its core of what makes TWOS better than mods for older versions...

GorkanCzech 01-14-18 03:29 AM

Guys another problem, missions work well but when i start campaign i get
Blackscreen in top left and Something with Options

Accept,Cancel Clear.

I tried to make screen but i cant screenshot it because any attempt to do screen results in this screen
The black portion of screen is just above the depth and is the upper right quarter of the screen

anyone has any idea ?

THEBERBSTER 01-14-18 04:33 AM


Normal Silent Hunter V works.
That is in 4.3 aspect ratio.
TWOS is 16.9.
Match your monitor resolution, aspect ratio, and hz to the in game graphics settings.
Try with and without Vertical Sync.

Also check that your gpu is setup correctly for SH5.
Post #239 Changing The Nvidia GPU Settings

Another option worth a try.
Post #412 Override High DPI Scaling Behavior

Post #74 Run Both SH5.exe And Ubisoft Game Launcher Application's As Administrator's

As your game is running the stock game it is not a Direct X problem.

GorkanCzech 01-14-18 06:55 AM

Nothing i tried workseven tried to use the 4:3 compatibility. It doesnt work
I tried windowed mode setting up resolution to 16:9.

i only got that black screen in campaigns the historical missions are safe.

THEBERBSTER 01-14-18 04:18 PM

Do not jump between Historical Missions,Campaigns and the Museum.
Please post your mod list.
Post #9 JSGME How To Export Your Mod List To A Subsim Post

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