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Sauroketh 11-09-17 11:43 AM

Entschuldigung, Herr, habe ich recht, daß Installation eines Flakgeschützes (insbrsondere eines dicht abgeschirtmten) und/oder des Deckgeschützes die Fahrt beeiträchtigt?
Ah Quatsch....
Do I guess it right, sir, that installation of a deck gun and/or AA-gun (especially of the one with mighty shielding of the gunner) lowers the speed?

Cyborg322 11-09-17 11:54 AM


Originally Posted by zarak85 (Post 2524353)
hammer mod....
aber seit ich das mod pack installiert hab, is mein komplettes spiel auf englisch... is das normal, oder hab ich was falsch gemacht?


awesome mod....
since i installed the mod, the entire game is in english (german before)...
... is it normal, or did i something wrong?

Just updated to v 2.09e Voices still in German, do you have another mod overwriting the voices ?

2.09e ist auf Deutsch

Cyborg322 11-09-17 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Sauroketh (Post 2524357)
Entschuldigung, Herr, habe ich recht, daß Installation eines Flakgeschützes (insbrsondere eines dicht abgeschirtmten) und/oder des Deckgeschützes die Fahrt beeiträchtigt?
Ah Quatsch....
Do I guess it right, sir, that installation of a deck gun and/or AA-gun (especially of the one with mighty shielding of the gunner) lowers the speed?

Do you mean in the game or a Real Uboat ?

Werner von Schmidt 11-09-17 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by zarak85 (Post 2524353)
hammer mod....
aber seit ich das mod pack installiert hab, is mein komplettes spiel auf englisch... is das normal, oder hab ich was falsch gemacht?


awesome mod....
since i installed the mod, the entire game is in english (german before)...
... is it normal, or did i something wrong?

Bis auf die Sprachausgabe ist die Modifikation komplett auf Englisch, ja. Aber wir arbeiten an einer deutschen Übersetzung von The Wolfes of Steel.

excel4004 11-09-17 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by zarak85 (Post 2524353)
hammer mod....
aber seit ich das mod pack installiert hab, is mein komplettes spiel auf englisch... is das normal, oder hab ich was falsch gemacht?


awesome mod....
since i installed the mod, the entire game is in english (german before)...
... is it normal, or did i something wrong?

Hats du das Game insgesamt neu installiert oder "nur" TWoS über dein altes SH5 gemoddet!??

hauangua 11-10-17 02:22 AM

Problem with OFEV
Hi mate
I have a problem.. I reinstall SH5 totally delete folder and go with CCLeaner
Install TWoS normally +update 2.09e ... no first time make complete reinstallation... And never problem before )
Then I make always just one change in OFEV.. "SH3 UI style" and stop no others change.
But this time when I play I have again "SH5 enhanced UI"
I come back in OFEV but all is good!
I have SH3 UI.. not SH5!!
I not understand what happened...
Repeat no first time I install TWoS...
No understand where wrong

vdr1981 11-10-17 02:51 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2524430)
Hi mate
I have a problem.. I reinstall SH5 totally delete folder and go with CCLeaner
Install TWoS normally +update 2.09e ... no first time make complete reinstallation... And never problem before )
Then I make always just one change in OFEV.. "SH3 UI style" and stop no others change.
But this time when I play I have again "SH5 enhanced UI"
I come back in OFEV but all is good!
I have SH3 UI.. not SH5!!
I not understand what happened...
Repeat no first time I install TWoS...
No understand where wrong

Ahoy there!
You have probably directed your ofev file paths to the location inside your mods folder which means that you have to reenable the mod in order to activate changes...
I use different approach which doesn't require mod disabling and this method is described on several places including ofev folder it self...

hauangua 11-10-17 03:10 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2524432)
Ahoy there!
You have probably directed your ofev file paths to the location inside your mods folder which means that you have to reenable the mod in order to activate changes...
I use different approach which doesn't require mod disabling and this method is described on several places including ofev folder it self...

You right!! Now remember this time change ..I don't know why I maked this. ..
Thanks Vecko

vdr1981 11-10-17 03:26 AM


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2524437)
You right!! Now remember this time change ..I don't know why I maked this. ..
Thanks Vecko

You're quite welcome! Happy hunting Captain!:salute:

Werner von Schmidt 11-10-17 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2524188)
Is there a way to set a course like key x + ### respectively a certain depth? I just saw in the cfg a cmd called set_course, that's why.

Thanks in advance.

vdr1981, any idea?

vdr1981 11-10-17 04:50 AM


Originally Posted by Heinrich (Post 2524439)
vdr1981, any idea?

I'm not sure really...Something's telling that it is possible somehow but I could be wrong as well. You should inspect in details ofev options and tdw NewUIs documentation.

vdr1981 11-10-17 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Sauroketh (Post 2524357)
Entschuldigung, Herr, habe ich recht, daß Installation eines Flakgeschützes (insbrsondere eines dicht abgeschirtmten) und/oder des Deckgeschützes die Fahrt beeiträchtigt?
Ah Quatsch....
Do I guess it right, sir, that installation of a deck gun and/or AA-gun (especially of the one with mighty shielding of the gunner) lowers the speed?

Yes, I have added hydrodynamic drag into the game but it is influenced only by conning tower size and shape, not by the guns them self...

excel4004 11-10-17 05:53 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2524142)
I agree. It has many flaws which you have to workaround (like you should not save submerged, you cant overwrite saves because they'll merge themselves and will both be corrupted, or the fact you cannot alt-tab to windows because then few things stops to work, weather is not always working and so....).

But i can tell you, i play TWOS from my first post here (few years), sometimes i have a month or two pause, but then ill return and i cannot find any kind of boringness.. Every new situation is unique. It has great graphic and atmosphere now.. :up:

What kind of issues did you recognized when used saved files from submerged sub!? :salute:

Werner von Schmidt 11-10-17 07:19 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2524442)
I'm not sure really...Something's telling that it is possible somehow but I could be wrong as well. You should inspect in details ofev options and tdw NewUIs documentation.

Jawohl, Herr Kaleun!

Bojanpopovic 11-10-17 10:35 AM

Hi, i just continued my capaign, with latest 2.0.9 mods. Everything is fine, but i have noticed that my torps are more dud torps. It's 1942, and i am on wolfpacks operations, but almost always 3-4 of my 14 torps fails to detonate on impact(no mater is magnetic or impact switched) even on fine angle of impact. I think earlyer in war it was less failures than now. So i wonder, if is logically that torps are more reliable as war goes on, it seems that is oposite, too many duds, and it's year 1942..?

Is this normal and realistic issue, or is a bug that i dont know about?

If is realistic, and close as it was in real life, than i'm happy enough. :)

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