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vdr1981 03-26-15 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by finchOU (Post 2301123)
Sweet! Just assuming I need to be in the bunker for this right?

Not necessarily...

But if the game starts to CTD, you may have to restart campaign, we'll see...

Shaefer 03-26-15 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2300957)
Stupid tonnage bar thingy curse will hover over SH5 for many more months to come...:-?

And why do you think that you'll fail all the objectives?:06: All you have to do is to listen battle orders and sink ships when ever and where ever you want, nothing more and nothing less... :yep: Take look at this post created by Trevally for example, the creator of OHII ...

You can check patch 4 readme documentation too...

Sweet :-) I am to stuck in the old ways, can`t help it :O:
Thanks :smug:

vdr1981 03-26-15 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by Shaefer (Post 2301131)
Sweet :-) I am to stuck in the old ways, can`t help it :O:
Thanks :smug:

You welcome...
By the way, I love your videos...:up:

Shaefer 03-26-15 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2301132)
You welcome...
By the way, I love your videos...:up:

Are you watching to? Pressure is mounting, with all you professional people watching .:D
But thanks alot, man. :O:

THEBERBSTER 03-26-15 07:39 PM

Hi Shaefer

See my tutorial post #188 for Total Germany ship and tonnage objectives.

Baltic 2 Merchant ships

Eastern British Coastal Waters 70,000 tons

Breaking The Fortress 1 Capital Ship

North Western Approaches 80,000 tons

South Western Approaches 90,000 tons

Operation Wesserubung 5 ships in the Narvik Area

Operation Wesserubung 2 British ships entering Norways territorial waters

You just need to look a the first 'amount' setting as you do not have the tonnage bar.

Tutorial post#113 also has some additional information that you may find interesting.


vdr1981 03-27-15 12:51 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2301162)
Hi Shaefer

See my tutorial post #188 for Total Germany ship and tonnage objectives.

Baltic 2 Merchant ships

Eastern British Coastal Waters 70,000 tons

Breaking The Fortress 1 Capital Ship

North Western Approaches 80,000 tons

South Western Approaches 90,000 tons

Operation Wesserubung 5 ships in the Narvik Area

Operation Wesserubung 2 British ships entering Norways territorial waters

You just need to look a the first 'amount' setting as you do not have the tonnage bar.

Tutorial post#113 also has some additional information that you may find interesting.


This spoiler isn't so necessary because he doesn't need to "pass" them all and chase tonnage at any cost... That's the whole point of removed tonnage bar.

Deep_Hunter 03-27-15 04:46 AM

Hey guys,
is there a mod to change the periscope depth? The strange thing is, that in the submarine cfg of WoS the setting is 12 meters, but when I go down in the game it shows 11 meters...I also prefer a deeper periscope depth for stormy weather so that the coning tower doesnt break through.

THEBERBSTER 03-27-15 06:31 AM

Hi vdr

I totally agree with you.

The point I was trying to make is, you would like to know what the objective would have been if you still had the tonnage bar.

You would be curious to know whether or not you would have achieved the objective.

The tonnage bar gave a sense of purpose to the game.

Roaming the seas for weeks or months on end seeing missions coming on and disappearing from the Navigation Map has a psychological effect when playing.

Personally, if I know I have to sink 90,000 tons and achieve that, it gives me a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

I can now roam the seas where I want to until the next mission appears on the map or now start one that is already showing.

You could spend more time on one mission without realizing you did not need to and moved on to the next one earlier.

So just to round up this little epistle and say, I do agree with what you are saying, but it is just nice to know.


vdr1981 03-27-15 07:51 AM

Yeah, some tonnage objectives are pretty high in order to extend players campaign as much as possible, until end date of final mission arrives. For example, if Trevally put lower tonnage obj in final south western approaches mission then there is high probability that player could end campaign few months before june 1940...

On a side note Theberbster, do you sail your campaign with orbit patches enabled or disabled?

Shaefer 03-27-15 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2301162)
Hi Shaefer

See my tutorial post #188 for Total Germany ship and tonnage objectives.

Baltic 2 Merchant ships

Eastern British Coastal Waters 70,000 tons

Breaking The Fortress 1 Capital Ship

North Western Approaches 80,000 tons

South Western Approaches 90,000 tons

Operation Wesserubung 5 ships in the Narvik Area

Operation Wesserubung 2 British ships entering Norways territorial waters

You just need to look a the first 'amount' setting as you do not have the tonnage bar.

Tutorial post#113 also has some additional information that you may find interesting.


Thanks, Peter.
I did not understand the tutorial, to advanced for me.
I dont want to mess up the game so I just write the numbers on a piece of paper (the good old 80`s way :D), and when I hit the number, I am done. :O:

THEBERBSTER 03-27-15 05:26 PM

Hi vdr

I made this change that sober recommended in the SH_nclient patch

Advanced users

Disable Orbit Listener


vdr1981 03-27-15 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2301483)
Hi vdr

I made this change that sober recommended in the SH_nclient patch

Advanced users

Disable Orbit Listener


Ok, you mean THE patch is disabled which means that Orbit Listener is actually enabled , right?

THEBERBSTER 03-28-15 06:17 AM

Hi vdr

Yes :up:

This was sober's recommendation to fix the tonnage bar problem.

He admitted that this did not fix it.

I just left it blue.


vdr1981 03-28-15 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2301632)
Hi vdr

Yes :up:

This was sober's recommendation to fix the tonnage bar problem.

He admitted that this did not fix it.

I just left it blue.


Just checking, thanks...

THEBERBSTER 03-28-15 01:47 PM

Hi vdr

I decided as I patched it I would leave it that way.

I must admit I did not notice any difference either before or afterwards.

I notice in your snapshot those types are all enabled.

Not having tried enabling the ones you are showing I cannot comment.

Sjizzle also has views on setting up the GFP and particularly referred to the Orbit Listener patches.

This was based on the old 7 patcher version and as far as I know he has never updated it to the latest 9 patcher version.


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