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Fifi 09-05-18 05:43 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2567651)
Try to disable "Collateral damage" patch via Generic Patcher (Sh collision section) and see will it make any change for you...:yep:

Also, you shouldn't really use allied AI subs for a damage comparison because they are there mostly for "eye candy" and practically do not have any damage model. :yep:

Regarding periscopes heights... I was thinking pretty much the same some time ago but I'll have to do some research on the subject before I edit heights, if possible of course.:yep:

You can read here more about TWoS damage modeling...


Many thanks for the tips :up:

Hope you’ll find something on observation periscopes.
It’s kind of weird to have to go on attack one to have better view. Actually, i almost never use the observation one because of that :wah:
Wish you the best for this work :salute:

vdr1981 09-05-18 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2567656)
Is there any way to get rid of the radar warning receiver? U-Boats started using them in August of 1942, but the game has them set as default, unremovable equipment as early as March 1941.

Actually yes...Open submarine upcge file and find following UpgradePackSlot


[UserPlayerUnit 1.UpgradePackSlot 4]
ID= UpgRadarWarningReceiver
NameDisplayable= UpgSlotRWR-Name
AcceptedTypes= UboatType7RadarWarningReceiver, UboatType7AdvancedRadarWarningReceiver
IDLinkUpgradePackSlots= RWRAntenna, RWRAntenna2
IDLinkUpgradePackSlotsIntervalDefault1= 1941-01-01, 1945-12-31, UpackUb7FuMB1

Change red part to NULL and you won't have any RWR on board until you request the upgrade from your flotilla mechanic in the bunker. In the campaign, "Metox" will become available few months before his historical date in order to simulate new and somewhat expensive test equipment.
However, you'll have to restart new campaign in order for changes to take place and boats in single missions wont have any RWRs.

I may use some of this new settings in the next update for TWoS as well...Nicely spotted.:yep:

vdr1981 09-05-18 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2567661)
Many thanks for the tips :up:

Hope you’ll find something on observation periscopes.
It’s kind of weird to have to go on attack one to have better view. Actually, i almost never use the observation one because of that :wah:
Wish you the best for this work :salute:

It seems that the attack scope was longer indeed...:yep:,60438,60444

Also better night capabilities of obs/sky scope can be nicely simulated with available gamma filters...

Fifi 09-05-18 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2567664)
It seems that the attack scope was longer indeed...:yep:,60438,60444

Also better night capabilities of obs/sky scope can be nicely simulated with available gamma filters...

Ok then... :up:
On loading game, we have pictures with small text underneath.
One of them is saying we can use the observation periscope to have better view around due to its higher view... :timeout:
Guess it’s wrong then.

Tonci87 09-05-18 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2567674)
Ok then... :up:
On loading game, we have pictures with small text underneath.
One of them is saying we can use the observation periscope to have better view around due to its higher view... :timeout:
Guess it’s wrong then.

I guess it means higher elevation of view. The observation periscope allows you to look almost directly upwards to scan for planes

Cybermat47 09-05-18 07:55 PM

Would it be possible to add a game mechanic where if you dive while loading an external torpedo, the torpedo is lost?

I got caught on the surface by aircraft while loading an external torpedo. I fought it out for a bit but eventually had to dive. I figure that if I did that in real life, the torpedo and all the equipment needed to load it would be swept away, but I still had it, so I had to “fix” it by getting rid of an already loaded torpedo.

Fifi 09-06-18 05:54 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2567651)
Try to disable "Collateral damage" patch via Generic Patcher (Sh collision section) and see will it make any change for you...:yep:


Can i disable this while on patrol, or only in bunker?

I ask because after i did on patrol, i had my first CTD... at the second my torpedo was about to hit a tanker :timeout:
Reloaded save, and again CTD when was launching torpedoes...
Had to restart from bunker save to avoid CTDs (and i re-activated the Collateral Damage)

vdr1981 09-06-18 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by Cybermat47 (Post 2567728)
Would it be possible to add a game mechanic where if you dive while loading an external torpedo, the torpedo is lost?

I got caught on the surface by aircraft while loading an external torpedo. I fought it out for a bit but eventually had to dive. I figure that if I did that in real life, the torpedo and all the equipment needed to load it would be swept away, but I still had it, so I had to “fix” it by getting rid of an already loaded torpedo.

I don't think so, no...That's why I always do my external torpedoes during the calm nights and at full stop, just like they really did it... :yep:


Originally Posted by Fifi (Post 2567753)
Can i disable this while on patrol, or only in bunker?

I ask because after i did on patrol, i had my first CTD... at the second my torpedo was about to hit a tanker :timeout:
Reloaded save, and again CTD when was launching torpedoes...
Had to restart from bunker save to avoid CTDs (and i re-activated the Collateral Damage)

Strange...:hmmm: Try in the bunker but make sure not to delete your bunker gamesave before you disable the col.damage patch...

What do you guys think? Will this loading screen with the additional note be helpful for lazy Captains who do not bother to read install instructions? :hmm2:

THEBERBSTER 09-06-18 10:16 AM

Hi Vecko
Most definitely useful information. :up:

What about adding your "Best of Subsim 2017" as well. :Kaleun_Salute:

vdr1981 09-06-18 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2567772)
Hi Vecko
Most definitely useful information. :up:

What about adding your "Best of Subsim 2017" as well. :Kaleun_Salute:

I thought about it too, we'll see...:hmm2:


Like this maybe?

skin-nl 09-06-18 11:21 AM

Looks great Vecko :Kaleun_Cheers:

Fifi 09-06-18 11:23 AM

Perfect Vecko :up:

Torpedo 09-06-18 11:48 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2567776)
I thought about it too, we'll see...:hmm2:


Like this maybe?

Hi Vecko!!!
A very good idea!!! :Kaleun_Applaud:


excel4004 09-06-18 11:58 AM


Originally Posted by Torpedo (Post 2567783)
Hi Vecko!!!
A very good idea!!! :Kaleun_Applaud:


I like it too!! :up:

THEBERBSTER 09-06-18 01:31 PM

Hi Vecko
Look's good to me. :Kaleun_Applaud:


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