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Cyborg322 09-29-17 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by ehapop (Post 2515683)
Nice one! it behaves the same but colors are a bit wierd.

I have a problem with weserubung, arrive in kiel 20 march and accept mission but I get out 13 april when it's over?

Would changing the number of days spent in Bunker help ? there is mod for that too

One of the reasons why dates are missed is because you are not able to save progress while inside a 24 patrol zone ( Or more ) it just keeps resetting time spent back to zero hours . Only solution I know of is to ensure you can complete Zone in 1 session

palmic 09-29-17 12:09 PM

What a weather in Atlantic today

excel4004 09-29-17 04:23 PM


The plan is that with already existing air raid sirens and upcoming "injection" of newly imported illuminated ships, sea and environmental units, coastal waters and ports in TWoS becomes much more "live" and atmospheric...
sing..sing..oh what a wonderful world..sing..sing :Kaleun_Periskop:


excel4004 09-29-17 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2515863)

uhh, indeed! :timeout:

vdr1981 09-29-17 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2515684)
Very nice to see many new ships in TWoS. How about to insert SH3 ships as those of MFM mod?

Also there are the Razzle Dazzle ships (skins) for SH4.

Many thanks Vecko for the great job.

Fitzcarraldo :salute:

I'm aware of MFM mod for SH3 but we are talking here about complete replacement of already existing merchant fleet in SH5/TWoS...


Originally Posted by hauangua (Post 2515761)
Hi Vecko
You think possible add a Notepad like this?
By Tycho
for SH3 in TWoS?

But we already have much more sophisticated Ship's journal tool which can also be saved for the use in our next playing session as well. This is not the case with SH3 notepad if I'm not mistaken?


I thinked combining this with of Palmic "real navigation target motion "..this :
"Sin/cosin + tan/cot tables to print"(this I think much charts... Maybe need add more folders...make it look like chart speed )

(substitute or Add this in shortcut "E"key"?)

I think no bad idea... Combining this + real navigation.. But I wait opinion of the other kaleuns
What about already existing trigonometric charts in TWoS? Are they not convenient?:hmmm:


Originally Posted by Cyborg322 (Post 2515805)
Would changing the number of days spent in Bunker help ? there is mod for that too

Don't forget about KSDCommander option which can be used to set duration of your upcoming bunker pauses...:yep:

palmic 09-30-17 05:09 AM

Already existing trigonometric charts are not so comfortable as hardware tables :)
Aaaaaand How can you compare immersivity of ingame image to standing by the table, writing your solution by hand? :salute:

hauangua 09-30-17 09:41 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2515917)

What about already existing trigonometric charts in TWoS? Are they not convenient?:hmmm:

I need different trigonometric chart..

As I can add. New chart or edit existing chart?

vdr1981 09-30-17 11:39 AM

I see..You guys are talking about printable trig. charts which don't have anything with already existing in game charts, Am I right?:hmm2:
For example printable PDF, or something?

palmic 09-30-17 11:43 AM

Yep. And Hauangua means, there is no tan/cot table in game, he needs it for target motion analysis.

palmic 09-30-17 11:50 AM

Btw, what about your next update and our current campaigns?
Shall we expect campaigns reset? :88)

vdr1981 09-30-17 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2516019)
Btw, what about your next update and our current campaigns?
Shall we expect campaigns reset? :88)

No, I don't think so, although some env units like light ships in ports and floating docks will become visible only after advance to the next campaign chapter.
Other regular imported units will be visible in convoys right away or at least after few sim days...:yep:

palmic 09-30-17 12:32 PM


palmic 09-30-17 02:31 PM

Wooot, finally British convoy, not of fishing thugs :D
2 hits, +1 dumb , 1 miss.

Escaping escorts :rock:

palmic 09-30-17 03:08 PM

[REL]The Wolves of Steel - SH5 Megamod
Wow, i think i used convoy as sound jam of escorts hydrophones, i was between escorts and convoy ( escorts are standalone, convoy is completely unprotected)

I know their master course and at full i have the same speed, so i could stay below convoy [emoji3]

I was not so distant from escorts and at full speed, battle stations on, loading eels.


hauangua 10-01-17 01:26 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2516018)
Yep. And Hauangua means, there is no tan/cot table in game, he needs it for target motion analysis.

Exactly this table Vecko
how can I add it?
Or better...
How can substitute trigonometry chart with
Tan/cot table

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