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gezahu 04-10-17 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2478022)

Thanks but I did my homework. Check this out:

It is different, which one is true?

palmic 04-10-17 11:25 AM

Is it able to remove tdc hover labels? I mean the tooltip at distance knob.
It's not really very important, but it would make my game more immersive :)

wolfbaron 04-11-17 12:53 PM

March 1940 Norway/Bergen
My orders are to recon the base , however if i lock any ship and order officer from officer GUI tabs to take screenshot immediate CTD happens...i tried also using this screenshot feature with any open sea encounter result is CTD ,

should i recon in a different way ? 0.o i will head back to my home base but without mission success : ( and i guess i ll miss out on april 10-11 actual attack...which i did in version 1.06 and sank 50k+tons

vdr1981 04-11-17 02:39 PM


Originally Posted by wolfbaron (Post 2478279)
My orders are to recon the base , however if i lock any ship and order officer from officer GUI tabs to take screenshot immediate CTD happens...i tried also using this screenshot feature with any open sea encounter result is CTD ,

should i recon in a different way ? 0.o i will head back to my home base but without mission success : ( and i guess i ll miss out on april 10-11 actual attack...which i did in version 1.06 and sank 50k+tons

It has been reported before but only on some systems. I ,for example, don't have such issues. Check my sig on how to report an issue... Secondary missions are not that important after all...

palmic 04-11-17 03:08 PM

Freeze after destroying polish Hog Island near of English eastern coast by deck gun..

vdr1981 04-11-17 03:27 PM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2478299)
Freeze after destroying polish Hog Island near of English eastern coast by deck gun..


wolfbaron 04-11-17 05:42 PM

Stadimeter wrong distance everytime
@vdr1981 thank you for the reply... i did not focus on that screenshot issue .. dont like such task anyway.

I do have one outstanding issue if anyone can help i would appreciate it so much

Simply getting range/distance of any ship while using attack periscope/stadimeter is false.... i idenify ship correctly align the mast...but range is always too short , any one face that ?

if i face a merchant i can manually adjust range...but yesterday encountering a high speed task torpedoes were off by way too much is frustrating
i got my speed the angle , but distance is always matter how i try to aligh periscope .. any recommendations ?

this is a game killer for me ... besides i can do manual range estimation...but periscope and stadimeter is what i love

Thank you vdr1981 and everyone

vdr1981 04-11-17 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by wolfbaron (Post 2478322)
@vdr1981 thank you for the reply... i did not focus on that screenshot issue .. dont like such task anyway.

I do have one outstanding issue if anyone can help i would appreciate it so much

Simply getting range/distance of any ship while using attack periscope/stadimeter is false.... i idenify ship correctly align the mast...but range is always too short , any one face that ?

if i face a merchant i can manually adjust range...but yesterday encountering a high speed task torpedoes were off by way too much is frustrating
i got my speed the angle , but distance is always matter how i try to aligh periscope .. any recommendations ?

this is a game killer for me ... besides i can do manual range estimation...but periscope and stadimeter is what i love

Thank you vdr1981 and everyone

Check your optics resolution patches...

wolfbaron 04-11-17 07:09 PM

which one
so i am sorry if it sounds silly which documentation i should follow to choose correct patch ? @vdr1981

palmic 04-12-17 03:35 AM


Originally Posted by wolfbaron (Post 2478333)
so i am sorry if it sounds silly which documentation i should follow to choose correct patch ? @vdr1981

After TWOS 2.0 activation in JSGME activate proper resolution mod for your display (for instance i need "8x5 resolution patch" mod because i have 1920x1600).
Without it i cannot use optical measurement..

wolfbaron 04-12-17 05:08 AM


Originally Posted by palmic (Post 2478430)
After TWOS 2.0 activation in JSGME activate proper resolution mod for your display (for instance i need "8x5 resolution patch" mod because i have 1920x1600).
Without it i cannot use optical measurement..

oh my bad , it mentiones right there in the patches the relevant aspect ratio ,

. i think i need the 8:5 as well

NOTE : cn we somehow have a patch for 16:9 ? or is the 16:10 close enough ?

Vivid1963 04-12-17 10:04 AM

Bergen Recon Mission
I am having the same problem but it ALWAYS CTD, is there a way around this?


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2478292)
It has been reported before but only on some systems. I ,for example, don't have such issues. Check my sig on how to report an issue... Secondary missions are not that important after all...


Originally Posted by wolfbaron (Post 2478279)
My orders are to recon the base , however if i lock any ship and order officer from officer GUI tabs to take screenshot immediate CTD happens...i tried also using this screenshot feature with any open sea encounter result is CTD ,

should i recon in a different way ? 0.o i will head back to my home base but without mission success : ( and i guess i ll miss out on april 10-11 actual attack...which i did in version 1.06 and sank 50k+tons

vdr1981 04-12-17 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by wolfbaron (Post 2478447)
oh my bad , it mentiones right there in the patches the relevant aspect ratio ,

. i think i need the 8:5 as well

NOTE : cn we somehow have a patch for 16:9 ? or is the 16:10 close enough ?

wolfbaron 04-12-17 10:56 AM

VDR always here for support as usual : )

ok i am downloading the link to do some proper reaading ,

wanted to add to points ,
1- my resolution aspect ratio is close to 16:19 , however hunting increased in an awesome way with 16:10 (8:5 patch ) as well now i get 99% accurate distance to target
2- i got a mission in 1940 July 14th to intercept task force ( this made my day )
i go there find 3 Blue whales ( orhumbacks ) singing beautiful songs :D:D ,,,is BDU in the mood at that month ...

anyway while returning back i found one massive convoy...took a shot at 4 big merchants and a destroyer ...all hits tho i have no visual confirmation :D

PS > i read this document before my aspect ratio is close to 16:9 and document says TWOS stock is 16:9...however i get accurate readings on stadimeter with 16:10 patch0.o

wolfbaron 04-12-17 12:37 PM

to clraify
i currently have laptop 1366x768 , do i need the 8:5 patch or should i set game resolution to exactly 1366x768 Since the document says TWOS stock ratio is 16:9 ?

+ 1366x768 is close to 16:9 correct ?

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