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kbak303 01-05-11 03:31 PM

Finished with my patrol grid, and been stalking up and down the west coast of Ireland... March 1941
no luck interecepting a convoy three days earlier (nasty nasty weather)
84% realisim (yes I'm a woose)

and now south-south west of Scapa Flow and debating where to go next
fuel is half or bit better
dispatched med with two eels, and two coastal freighters with gunfire and an eel each thus far,

ijnfleetadmiral 01-06-11 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by Varduga (Post 1566973)
Exhausted, i return to base where im greeted with NEGATIVE renown. Must not have been a troop ship, and now i feel sick.

I had a passenger liner turn up in a convoy once. Was all set to fire on the ship when I notice she was a NEUTRAL. To make sure your target is enemy, check the plot, which will show various colored IDs.

Blue = friendly
Red = enemy
Green = neutral

Sinking a neutral vessel would no doubt bring negative rep, but the way I look at it is, why was she traveling in a convoy if she was neutral?


frau kaleun 01-06-11 11:51 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1567755)
I had a passenger liner turn up in a convoy once. Was all set to fire on the ship when I notice she was a NEUTRAL. To make sure your target is enemy, check the plot, which will show various colored IDs.

Blue = friendly
Red = enemy
Green = neutral

Sinking a neutral vessel would no doubt bring negative rep, but the way I look at it is, why was she traveling in a convoy if she was neutral?


Because generally speaking it was safer to travel in convoy than to cross a known war zone alone.

And if Varduga's playing GWX the color-coding's been removed from the contacts on the Navmap, unless he's made a point of modding them back in.

Even with them modded back in (which is how I've been playing) I still have ships in most convoys that do not show up color-coded right away... they're just grey icons on the map. Sometimes when I get closer they turn out to be Allied ships, sometimes not. It's not all that uncommon to find neutral ships in an "enemy" convoy at least IME early in the war.

reignofdeath 01-06-11 02:33 PM

Is there anyway though to through the game coding, make any 'neutral' ship traveling within a enemy convoy a 'enemy' since it is probably transporting the enemy supplies secretly or something?? Id liek to know so I dont get the renown hit for sinking them because my thinking is if theyre with an enemy convoy, theyre damn well fair game.

frau kaleun 01-06-11 04:00 PM


Originally Posted by USNSRCaseySmith (Post 1568134)
Is there anyway though to through the game coding, make any 'neutral' ship traveling within a enemy convoy a 'enemy' since it is probably transporting the enemy supplies secretly or something?? Id liek to know so I dont get the renown hit for sinking them because my thinking is if theyre with an enemy convoy, theyre damn well fair game.

Not that I know of, but you can edit the renown penalty for sinking a neutral to zero, which many players do because it's unlikely that any RL commander would have been called on the carpet for sinking a neutral ship traveling in a convoy protected by the enemy's navy. If nothing else, it would be easy enough just to hit one by accident in that situation, even if it wasn't the ship you were aiming for when you gave the command to fire. Editing the renown award/penalty to zero means that you don't get renown for it when it happens, but you don't lose any either. There's no reward for sinking neutrals "just because" but also no penalty for sinking them by accident or because they appear to be supporting the enemy.

Some people do edit the renown to give a reward for sinking neutrals, and then exercise the appropriate discipline regarding when and where such an attack would be justified (a neutral in an enemy convoy, or clearly taking supplies in and out of an enemy port - whatever).

Jimbuna 01-07-11 06:05 AM


Originally Posted by ijnfleetadmiral (Post 1567755)
I had a passenger liner turn up in a convoy once. Was all set to fire on the ship when I notice she was a NEUTRAL. To make sure your target is enemy, check the plot, which will show various colored IDs.

Blue = friendly
Red = enemy
Green = neutral

Sinking a neutral vessel would no doubt bring negative rep, but the way I look at it is, why was she traveling in a convoy if she was neutral?



Originally Posted by frau kaleun (Post 1567989)
Because generally speaking it was safer to travel in convoy than to cross a known war zone alone.

And if Varduga's playing GWX the color-coding's been removed from the contacts on the Navmap, unless he's made a point of modding them back in.

Even with them modded back in (which is how I've been playing) I still have ships in most convoys that do not show up color-coded right away... they're just grey icons on the map. Sometimes when I get closer they turn out to be Allied ships, sometimes not. It's not all that uncommon to find neutral ships in an "enemy" convoy at least IME early in the war.

IIRC that will be because your using my contact colo(u)r mod which has been around quite a while and could do with some work on the alpha channel on those ships released post mod.

The grey ships icon will change to the correct colour when you are within visual distance of said ship though.

frau kaleun 01-07-11 02:29 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1568645)
IIRC that will be because your using my contact colo(u)r mod which has been around quite a while and could do with some work on the alpha channel on those ships released post mod.

The grey ships icon will change to the correct colour when you are within visual distance of said ship though.

Yep. :yep:

VONHARRIS 01-10-11 02:06 PM

Wilhemshaven 10 January 1940
U 45 (VIIB) is docked inside her pen.
Adolf Klein (IWO) : Herr Kaluen , everything is going according to plan. She will be ready in time.

VonHarris (Kaleun) : Lets hope so. We have orders to sail at 21:00 on January 11th.

Adolf Klein : Don't worry Herr Kaleun. Torpedoes have been loaded TIs as you ordered , food supplies are expected tommoror morning. Refits are completed.

VonHarris : Alles klar, so we can go to have a last drink. All crew can spent the night at shore. Lets hope to survive the "fire drill" this time ha ha

Adolf Klein : Jawohl Herr Kaleun.

U 45 is ready to unleash hell in the Atlantic ocean.....

frau kaleun 01-10-11 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1568645)
IIRC that will be because your using my contact colo(u)r mod which has been around quite a while and could do with some work on the alpha channel on those ships released post mod.

Just out of curiosity, how would one go about updating the mod to account for the additional ships, if one were to be so inclined? Is it complicated?

Or in other words, what are a 'alpha channel' and what do it do? :O:

STEED 01-11-11 11:58 AM

Set sail for warm waters in the Med and every damn merchant has one or two escorts! The last one I came across had two escorts for a coastal small merchant! Thats taking the p*** man.

Still alive in Dec 1942.

Tonnage is a joke.

Tripitaka 01-11-11 05:13 PM

To Bdu


U-46, Oberleutnant z. S. Hans Schumann

11th Patrol

Assigned grid DH53

Left L'Orient Dec 25 1940

No contacts all the way to assigned patrol area so have decided to head toward Gibraltar - if needs be can refuel/re-arm at "cow" Thalia based in Cadiz.

January 3rd 1941 - Am approaching the Gibraltar Straits. Large Convoy heading straight for me approx 15Km away, am turning to 120 degrees as aerial recon tells me the southern edge of the convoy has 2 large Merchants @ 10,700 tons apiece and 1 Empire type freighter @ 6,700 tons.

Convoy in line 4 abreast, 4 ships per line. 3-4 Escorts (DD + ASW) + Sub, probably S-class, at rear of northern-most line, surfaced.

Is Grofaz still with us?


Tripitaka 01-12-11 12:48 AM

To Bdu


U-46, Oberleutnant z. S. Hans Schumann

January 3rd 1941

Grid CG95 - 35 55 N 5 50 W approx

Current depth 60 Metres, Course 91d.

Engaged Convoy:

1 Large Merchant - 7669 Tons
1 Large Merchant - 7670 Tons
1 Empire Freighter - 6780 Tons

Total - 22319 Tons, 5 eels used.

Have evaded escort but too close in to reload tubes as running Silent. Will continue on to Gibraltar to recon Harbour.

Eels set to Magnetic Detonation working ok at short ranges - runs of @ 50 seconds or less and depth set to 6 metres+. Please advise other U-boats.

H. Schumann

NoGoodLandLubber 01-12-11 11:43 AM

I'm currently about 250km west of Brest returning to Lorient from my shakedown cruise. I've been tracking an Empire class freighter since it was 6000m out. I'm within 2000km now and just for giggles am planning to send her to the bottom.

Was going to let her slide; but when I saw how freakin' HUGE she was I just couldn't pass it up. :arrgh!:

Tripitaka 01-12-11 04:30 PM

To Bdu


U-46, Oberleutnant z. S. Hans Schumann

January 5th 1941

Arrived Gibraltar Bay evening of the 4th, night falling. Rigged for Silent and went in. So many targets, so few eels . . .

Engaged enemy:

1 x Southampton Class - 10750 Tons
1 x Southampton Class - 10750 Tons
HMS Nelson - 36000 Tons!!!!

Total - 57500 Tons - 1 eel remaining (aft ext res)

Sat in Silence 12 hrs before escaping.

Heading for home.


Tripitaka 01-12-11 06:17 PM

Dearest Mother

Arrived home at L******* on the morning of January 12th after a good patrol. After we had docked I was called into the adjutants office. I thought that maybe I was being transferred but I was greeted instead by Admiral Canaris himself.

Your son is now a KapitanLeutnant zur See and a holder of the Knights Cross with Oak-Leaves, Swords AND Diamonds!! I am immensely proud that it has been seen fit to award me such a high honour for doing what is, essentially, my job.

I hope all is well with you and Father and I will see you next time I get leave.

Your loving son


Schwieger 01-12-11 10:39 PM

Currently evading British destroyers in Mediterranean. Bottomed out at 76 meters, grid CN22.

gazpode_l 01-13-11 11:28 AM

I Might be about to re-start my career in SH3 :woot:, it will give me something to concentrate on as I await scans to finish whilst repairing my partner's laptop/netbook! :stare:

Missing Name 01-13-11 12:40 PM

Docked at Wilhelmshaven, June 1940. Awaiting orders to set out.

VONHARRIS 01-13-11 01:44 PM

Carrier CTD due to corrupted saved game.
New career starts.

kapuhy 01-13-11 02:46 PM

To: Neptune
From: U-53

Ok, we get it. Really. Sea is big. Sea is dangerous. Sea makes people seasick.

Now please, cut it out with the storm, will ya? It's not funny anymore, really.


Oblt. z. S. Reuenthal and his vomiting crew

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