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Kapitän 10-18-21 04:03 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - No more internal eels

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2774814)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


- continued from 15 October 1941, 2000h -

2004 - Flooding tube II.

2011 - On course 185°. Inrun begins.

2014 - The boat is getting too close. K.F.-Astern.

2017 - The boat is being picked-up by the Corvette Radar. The Corvette is approaching the boat with a high bow wave at angle 0° and its max. speed of 16kn.

Running off with A.K. at course 90°. With the current sea state, the max. speed of the boat is 15kn, the corvette is slowly gaining on us.

2021 - Diving at a distance of 1600m to the Corvette.

2024 - At A+50. Silent Running. The order to close torpedo tube II was not given. The boat must reach S-Tiefe as soon as possible, before any water entry occurs or the torpedo in tube II is being damaged.

Group "Mordbrenner" can be heard in the hydrophone bearing 268°, E=19000, on a northerly course. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

The Corvette is dropping 22 Wabos at our diving position, 900m astern.

2049 - S-Tiefe. Closing torpedo tube II. The Corvette is still on ASW action at our diving position. Estimated distance is 3000m, just outside the enemy radar range.

2051 - Surfaced after 30 min. and 1.6sm.

2055 - The boat is still in favorable attack position.
"Battle Stations!". Turning in toward the steamers on course 185°. The Corvette has gone out of sight.

2058 - Qu.3833AL - Single Shot with tube II: G7e/G7H (K-b/AZ); Running depth 3.5m; Vt30. Own course 185°; Own speed 3kn ahead; Shooter: OFähn.z.S & I.W.O. Udo HARTENSTEIN.
Target ship: Position 3 OreII Freighter, draught 5.8m.
Target course 95°; Target distance 1700m; Target angle red105°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle α 332°.

=> The torpedo is a failure, understeers midships under the steamer!

Cmdr.: Perhaps, due to damage when the torpedo tube was not closed, when diving from the approaching Corvette.

2059 - Qu.3833AL - Single Shot with tube IV: G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ); Running depth 4.5m; Vt30. Own course 185°; Own speed 3kn ahead; Shooter: OFähn.z.S & I.W.O. Udo HARTENSTEIN.
Target ship: Position 4 Medium Freighter, draught 8.0m.
Target course 95°; Target distance 1800m; Target angle red68°; Target speed 5kn; Firing angle α 015°.

=> Torpedo is hit amidships! The steamer continues on with a list to port and falls behind the OreII Freighter.

2101 - Running off on course 90° and 1/3-Ahead.

2129 - The Corvette is returning to the convoy.

2155 - "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

2222 - The already twice torpedoed steamer doesn't sink. The Corvette has disappeared. Approaching the steamer at a narrow angle.

2230 - "Battle Stations!". Flooding tube VI.

- to be continued -

Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


- continued from 15 October 1941, 2230h -

2241 - Turning boat hard to stbd., in order to bring the stern tube to bear. K.F.-Astern, 3kn.

2244 - On course 185°.

2248 - Qu.1714AM - Single Shot with tube VI: G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ); Running depth 4.5m; Vt40. Own course 185°; Own speed 3kn astern; Shooter: OFähn.z.S & I.W.O. Udo HARTENSTEIN.
Target ship: Position 4 Medium Freighter, draught 8.0m.
Target course 95°; Target distance 1500m; Target angle red79°; Target speed 4kn; Firing angle α 003°.

=> Torpedo is hit amidships after 69 Sec.!
The steamer breaks in two and is burning over its entire length. Both halves sink within 1min. Flames linger on the surface long after the ship has sunk.
Running off right after the shot with K.F.-Ahead on course 005°.

2251 - The Corvette comes back into sight, E < 3000m.
Running off with A.K. on course 54°. Too late: The boat is being picked-up by the Corvette Radar. As before, the Corvette is approaching the boat with a high bow wave at angle 0° and its max. speed of 16kn. With the current sea state, the max. speed of the boat is still 15kn, the corvette is slowly gaining on us again.

2300 - Diving from approaching Corvette at a distance of 2800m. Speed 1/3-Ahead, 185rpm.

2307 - At A-Meter everything is very quite. Reducing speed to 135rpm and Silent Running. There! A single ASDIC ping. Diving deeper.

2310 - At A+20, sound contact with Corvette, which does not drop any Wabos. Diving position is about 800m astern.

2346 - At reception depth.
Incoming F.T.: From U 558:
Have sunk the Canadian Freighter Vancouver Island, 9472ts. - Krech -

2352 - Surfaced after 52' and 2.5sm.
The Corvette is 4000m astern, still searching for us at the diving position. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

All internal eels expended.


ConvoyHunting 10-18-21 10:16 AM

Just want to say that I'm really impressed by all your posts on this thread, Kapitän.
A very thrilling read and extremely well documented ! You inspired me to post career's KTB here.

Kapitän 10-18-21 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by ConvoyHunting (Post 2774906)
Just want to say that I'm really impressed by all your posts on this thread, Kapitän.
A very thrilling read and extremely well documented ! You inspired me to post career's KTB here.

Thank you very much! I see, that you also master the ENIGMA Code ... well played :03::up:

Kapitän 10-18-21 02:03 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Convoy battle concluded

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2774857)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


- continued from 15 October 1941, 2230h -

2241 - Turning boat hard to stbd., in order to bring the stern tube to bear. K.F.-Astern, 3kn.

2244 - On course 185°.

2248 - Qu.1714AM - Single Shot with tube VI: G7a/G7H (K-a/AZ); Running depth 4.5m; Vt40. Own course 185°; Own speed 3kn astern; Shooter: OFähn.z.S & I.W.O. Udo HARTENSTEIN.
Target ship: Position 4 Medium Freighter, draught 8.0m.
Target course 95°; Target distance 1500m; Target angle red79°; Target speed 4kn; Firing angle α 003°.

=> Torpedo is hit amidships after 69 Sec.!
The steamer breaks in two and is burning over its entire length. Both halves sink within 1min. Flames linger on the surface long after the ship has sunk.
Running off right after the shot with K.F.-Ahead on course 005°.

2251 - The Corvette comes back into sight, E < 3000m.
Running off with A.K. on course 54°. Too late: The boat is being picked-up by the Corvette Radar. As before, the Corvette is approaching the boat with a high bow wave at angle 0° and its max. speed of 16kn. With the current sea state, the max. speed of the boat is still 15kn, the corvette is slowly gaining on us again.

2300 - Diving from approaching Corvette at a distance of 2800m. Speed 1/3-Ahead, 185rpm.

2307 - At A-Meter everything is very quite. Reducing speed to 135rpm and Silent Running. There! A single ASDIC ping. Diving deeper.

2310 - At A+20, sound contact with Corvette, which does not drop any Wabos. Diving position is about 800m astern.

2346 - At reception depth.
Incoming F.T.: From U 558:
Have sunk the Canadian Freighter Vancouver Island, 9472ts. - Krech -

2352 - Surfaced after 52' and 2.5sm.
The Corvette is 4000m astern, still searching for us at the diving position. "Dismissed from Battle Stations!".

All internal eels expended.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Thursday, 16 October 1941 - Northwest of Rockall Bank -

0015 - The Corvette had gone out of sight, is now back in sight, bearing 79°, E=6000, on easterly course.

0029 - On course 95°. Speed 1/3 Ahead.

0050 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 15 October, 2250h, sunk out of convoy 0710/15, 1 steamer of 4792ts and torpedoed 2 Ore Freighters for combined 8157ts, Qu.1714AM. Had to dive twice from Corvette after radar detection, moderate Wabo pursuit, no damages. Continue to shadow remnants of convoy. 171cbm. 8 external Ato. WNW5/4, overcast, light haze, visibility 5-6sm, ~1000mb. - RST -

0139 - Boat is searching for the torpedoed Ore Freighter. Flower Corvette bearing 72°, E=4000, on opposite course.

0145 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Group Mordbrenner was at 0130h, in Qu.3663AL, on course 008°.

0152 - Ore Freighter comes into sight, bearing 004, E=4500. Turned boat around hard to port, new course 95°. Boat is now positioned lee-ward. The torpedoed OreII-Freighter, must be positioned ahead of the Corvette.

0200 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Convoy 0710/15 now in Qu.1715AM top left, course 95°, speed 5kn. - RST -

Contact keeping report is not heard by HQ.

0331 - Incoming F.T.: From U 568:
Convoy SC.48: Again being driven off by Corvette. Attempting to regain contact to convoy. - Preuß -

Cmdr.: Apparently, the other boats have similar issues with the convoy escorts, as we have.

0444 - Early Morning Dawn.
Caught up with the torpedoed OreII Freighter, bearing 350°, E=3500. Crossed over to luff-side again, on course 50°.

0501 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Group Mordbrenner is to carry out a reconnaissance off the Belle Isle Straits. Boats U 573, U 374, U 208 and U 109 received orders to steer to square AJ 71, day's run 120 miles.

Cmdr.: The B.d.U. is vacating the area off the southern tip of Greenland. The Naval War Staff, must have given permission to attack outside the blockade area.

0543 - Now, the Corvette also comes into sight, bearing 139°, E=8000, on course 95, speed 5kn. Boat is running on parallel course.

0633 - Incoming F.T.0204/16: From U 568:
Convoy SC.48 now in AK 6649. At 0114h, sunk the British Empire Heron, 6023ts, out of same convoy. - Preuß -

0656 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

0701 - Incoming F.T.: From U 568/U 502/U 558:
Boats continue to maintain contact to convoy SC.48.

0731 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
B-Dienst reporting the departure of convoy HX.155. Arrival in Op.-Area is expected around 24 Oct.

Group Mordbrenner is answering position request 0730/16:
U 208, U 374, U 573 from Qu.3832AL, on course NNE;
U 109 from Qu.3669AL, on course SW.

0800 - Running off from convoy. Boat is moving to the south, in order for improved weather and sea conditions to allow the loading of the external torpedoes.

1055 - On course 180°. Evading the already torpedoed Ore Freighter on the surface.

1200 - Qu.1728AM - Days Run: 158.5sm - 140.7 (17h 47') - 17.8sm (6h 13').
169.7cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 180°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

- to be continued -

Kapitän 10-19-21 06:05 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - In search of better weather for torpedo reloading

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2774950)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Thursday, 16 October 1941 - Northwest of Rockall Bank -

0015 - The Corvette had gone out of sight, is now back in sight, bearing 79°, E=6000, on easterly course.

0029 - On course 95°. Speed 1/3 Ahead.

0050 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
On 15 October, 2250h, sunk out of convoy 0710/15, 1 steamer of 4792ts and torpedoed 2 Ore Freighters for combined 8157ts, Qu.1714AM. Had to dive twice from Corvette after radar detection, moderate Wabo pursuit, no damages. Continue to shadow remnants of convoy. 171cbm. 8 external Ato. WNW5/4, overcast, light haze, visibility 5-6sm, ~1000mb. - RST -

0139 - Boat is searching for the torpedoed Ore Freighter. Flower Corvette bearing 72°, E=4000, on opposite course.

0145 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
RST: Message received. Group Mordbrenner was at 0130h, in Qu.3663AL, on course 008°.

0152 - Ore Freighter comes into sight, bearing 004, E=4500. Turned boat around hard to port, new course 95°. Boat is now positioned lee-ward. The torpedoed OreII-Freighter, must be positioned ahead of the Corvette.

0200 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.:
Convoy 0710/15 now in Qu.1715AM top left, course 95°, speed 5kn. - RST -

Contact keeping report is not heard by HQ.

0331 - Incoming F.T.: From U 568:
Convoy SC.48: Again being driven off by Corvette. Attempting to regain contact to convoy. - Preuß -

Cmdr.: Apparently, the other boats have similar issues with the convoy escorts, as we have.

0444 - Early Morning Dawn.
Caught up with the torpedoed OreII Freighter, bearing 350°, E=3500. Crossed over to luff-side again, on course 50°.

0501 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Group Mordbrenner is to carry out a reconnaissance off the Belle Isle Straits. Boats U 573, U 374, U 208 and U 109 received orders to steer to square AJ 71, day's run 120 miles.

Cmdr.: The B.d.U. is vacating the area off the southern tip of Greenland. The Naval War Staff, must have given permission to attack outside the blockade area.

0543 - Now, the Corvette also comes into sight, bearing 139°, E=8000, on course 95, speed 5kn. Boat is running on parallel course.

0633 - Incoming F.T.0204/16: From U 568:
Convoy SC.48 now in AK 6649. At 0114h, sunk the British Empire Heron, 6023ts, out of same convoy. - Preuß -

0656 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

0701 - Incoming F.T.: From U 568/U 502/U 558:
Boats continue to maintain contact to convoy SC.48.

0731 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
B-Dienst reporting the departure of convoy HX.155. Arrival in Op.-Area is expected around 24 Oct.

Group Mordbrenner is answering position request 0730/16:
U 208, U 374, U 573 from Qu.3832AL, on course NNE;
U 109 from Qu.3669AL, on course SW.

0800 - Running off from convoy. Boat is moving to the south, in order for improved weather and sea conditions to allow the loading of the external torpedoes.

1055 - On course 180°. Evading the already torpedoed Ore Freighter on the surface.

1200 - Qu.1728AM - Days Run: 158.5sm - 140.7 (17h 47') - 17.8sm (6h 13').
169.7cbm (4.4cbm/24h). On course 180°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

- to be continued -

Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


- continued from 16 October 1941, 1200h -

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
The boats operating in the Southern Op.-Area, have not picked up any traffic around or west of Freetown. The boats with the same fuel reserve are ordered to proceed to the north in a patrol line, in order to increase the possibility of picking up convoy traffic. U 103, U 107, U 66 and U 125 received orders to return to base slowly on a line between 18° 30' W., and 22° 10' W.

1603 - Incoming F.T.: From U 204:
Reporting that refueling from "Gata" has been carried out. - Kell -

1607 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
No further refueling is possible from "Gata" (Cádiz) on account of lack of supplies.

1640 - Incoming F.T.1637/16: From U 553:
Convoy SC.48 now in AL 4152. - Thurmann -

1753 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

2002 - Incoming F.T.1744/16: From U 553:
First Sunderland attached to Convoy SC.48, at about 26° W.
- Thurmann -

2251 - Incoming F.T.: From U 553:
Convoy Sc.48: At least 10 tankers, of medium and large size, in the convoy. Strong escort expected. - Thurmann -

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0501/11.


Kapitän 10-19-21 02:18 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - In search of better weather for torpedo reloading

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2775015)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


- continued from 16 October 1941, 1200h -

1201 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
The boats operating in the Southern Op.-Area, have not picked up any traffic around or west of Freetown. The boats with the same fuel reserve are ordered to proceed to the north in a patrol line, in order to increase the possibility of picking up convoy traffic. U 103, U 107, U 66 and U 125 received orders to return to base slowly on a line between 18° 30' W., and 22° 10' W.

1603 - Incoming F.T.: From U 204:
Reporting that refueling from "Gata" has been carried out. - Kell -

1607 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
No further refueling is possible from "Gata" (Cádiz) on account of lack of supplies.

1640 - Incoming F.T.1637/16: From U 553:
Convoy SC.48 now in AL 4152. - Thurmann -

1753 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

2002 - Incoming F.T.1744/16: From U 553:
First Sunderland attached to Convoy SC.48, at about 26° W.
- Thurmann -

2251 - Incoming F.T.: From U 553:
Convoy Sc.48: At least 10 tankers, of medium and large size, in the convoy. Strong escort expected. - Thurmann -

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0501/11.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Friday, 17 October 1941 - West of Rockall Bank -

0502 - Morning Dawn -
Incoming F.T.: From U 553:
Convoy SC.48 at 0143h in square AL 1966. Have sunk a tanker of 6000ts, and have observed the light of another tanker. - Thurmann -

0644 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

1200 - Qu.0355AL - Days Run: 149.6sm - (24h).
167.0cbm (2.7cbm/24h). On course 244°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

1759 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

2321 - Incoming F.T.: From U 553:
Convoy SC.48: Have expended all torpedoes and request that another boat should take over and keep contact. Have sunk altogether 3 freighters and 1 tanker, totaling 21000ts.
- Thurmann -

2330 - Boat not operating on ship contact report in Qu.3983AL, on course East, slow speed, due to lack of torpedoes and bad weather.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0501/11.


Kapitän 10-20-21 06:15 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - In search of better weather for torpedo reloading

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2775066)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Friday, 17 October 1941 - West of Rockall Bank -

0502 - Morning Dawn -
Incoming F.T.: From U 553:
Convoy SC.48 at 0143h in square AL 1966. Have sunk a tanker of 6000ts, and have observed the light of another tanker. - Thurmann -

0644 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

1200 - Qu.0355AL - Days Run: 149.6sm - (24h).
167.0cbm (2.7cbm/24h). On course 244°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

1759 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

2321 - Incoming F.T.: From U 553:
Convoy SC.48: Have expended all torpedoes and request that another boat should take over and keep contact. Have sunk altogether 3 freighters and 1 tanker, totaling 21000ts.
- Thurmann -

2330 - Boat not operating on ship contact report in Qu.3983AL, on course East, slow speed, due to lack of torpedoes and bad weather.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0501/11.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Saturday, 18 October 1941 - Southwest of Rockall Bank -

0501 - Morning Dawn -
Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Convoy HX.155: Heavy Cruiser or Battleship expected in convoy. No attacks on neutral vessels!

0651 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

0845 - Qu.6255Al -

1200 - Qu.0355AL - Days Run: 149.3sm - (24h).
164.4cbm (2.7cbm/24h). On course 180°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

1321 - Incoming F.T.: From U 132:
Attacked a small coastal convoy at Cape Gorodetskij/Murmansk, and sunk the soviet steamer Argun, 3487ts. - Vogelsang -

1802 - Qu.6555AL - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

1837 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report about the successful operation against convoy SC.48, with 10 ships sunk, including 3 fully laden tankers, for combined 60,000ts.

1906 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about the defeat of the soviet army in the Ukraine and the concerted merchant warfare of the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, against the English supply lines.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0501/18.


Rinaldi 10-20-21 07:13 AM

U559 - Convoy battle off the coast of Freetown
January 21 1943 - Sector ET15

Enroute to ET57
- Radio contact report on convoy, heading NW, speed 6 knots. 3 hour intercept considered feasible and plotted.
- Torpedoes in tubes I, II (TIII G7e), III, IV (G7a FaT, G7e FaT) and V (TIII G7e) inspected and prepared for firing.
- Visibility moderate and improving, winds 11m/s from 26 degrees true. Overcast.

0549: "Biscay Cross" detects radar signals, likely escorts. Steered to put bow on to reduce signature. Visibility still very poor in low light.

0600: Course now 195, telegraph reads all ahead full - attempting high speed run prior to submerging.

0616: Course adjusted slightly to reduce radar profile. RWR now shows four distinct emitters.

0623: Dive ordered, depth 180m for submerged run to likely attack position.

0628: Sonar reports contacts on merchant-like screws. Convoy!

0630: Depth now 180m. Convoy appears to be closing off port bow. Boat rigged for silent running; speed 2.5kts.

0651: course now 180. Possibility of conducting attack from within the convoy appears to be forming Speed now 2 knots.

0708: Lead escort appears to be crossing bow. Starboard-side escort has begun to pass aft of us. Course now 215, speed 1 knot.

0712: Speed now 2 knots. Periscope depth ordered. Have penetrated enemy's starboard screen.

0731: Merchant screws aft to starboard; we are now in between lanes of the convoy. Depth presently 40m and rising. Speed 1 knot.

0736: Now at periscope depth. Medium cargo identified and used for solution data, speed estimated 5-6knots. AOB roughly 90 to starboard. Tubes I and IV flooded.

0740: Range to targets estimated at 2500m and 4000m - two columns of the convoy off our bow. Tubes I and IV fired at Medium Tanker.

0741: Tube II fired at coastal-type freighter, range 1953m.

0742: Tube III fired at small merchant, range 1759m. Torpedo set to a medium speed run. Wake appears to have been spotted, as searchlights begin to sweep the area.

0743: Tube V fired at Medium Cargo, range 1162m. Depth ordered to 200m, left standard rudder. As we begin to dive a torpedo impact is reported on time and on target for the Tanker.

0744: Torpedo impact reported for Tube II's, just slightly forward of run time. Sonar rapidly reports sounds of breaking bulkheads and hull popping noises. Rudder amidships, telegraph now reads Ahead 2/3rds. FaT torpedoes now appear to be beginning their ladder runs.

0746: A torpedo impact reported by sonar. One of the FaTs appeared to have hit something.

0749: Final FaT torpedo appears to have missed. Aft torpedo also appears to have missed, sonar never able to re-establish contact on its bearing after dive and course change. Focus now is evasion, damage assessment can be carried out later. Depth 100m and descending. Scheme is to delay and frustrate escorts attempts to locate by heading through and under the 'thundering herd.'

0803: Dive planes levelled off at 158m.

0806: Sonar reports sounds of another ship breaking up, hull popping noises. Believe it is the Tanker based on bearing. Escorts do not appear to have a fix on our location.

0921: Now at periscope depth. Periscope sweep shows escorts still visible just off port bow. Course ordered changed to 213. We will go deep again and open up the distance.

0933: Secured from silent running. Tubes I through IV ordered reloaded with T1 G7a.

1034: Tubes I through IV reported loaded. Ordered to periscope depth.

1042: Surfaced. Will now attempt to get ahead of convoy based on last known course, with an intention to be in likely attack position in 4 hours time. Swells remain high but in spite of this hot food and coffee distributed among all ratings. Organised rest in small 2 hour blocks to occur. Battery charge remains acceptable and we are running at standard propulsion.

1443: Course now 45. Sounding dive taken, faint noise bearing 40 relative.

1445: Surfaced. Ahead standard on standard propulsion.

1506: Metox detecting singals. Periscope depth ordered. Propeller noises constant at bearings 40-50 relative.

1513: Depth now 160m.

1517: Clear merchant screws, closing.

1521: Now at 163m. 3 minute high speed run followed by a drift planned.

1606: Portside escort now off starboard bow. Depth 165m, speed 4 knots. Silent running ordered.

1610: Depth now 170m. Speed 2 knots.

1614: Ordered to periscope depth.

1619: Speed now 4 knots. Nearest escort appears to be passing aft. Depth still rising.

1621: Planes levelled at 93m temporarily.

1626: Course now 20, speed 4 knots. Dpeth 122m.

1631: Re-ordered periscope depth. Course now 40. Speed maintaining at 4 knots - we are on our attack run. All tubes prepared for firing. Nearest escort passing off port bow.

1636: Now at periscope depth.

1638: Large Cargo identified as target 1. Empire-type identified as target 2.

1642: Tubes I and II fired at Empire-type on 4 degree spread. Range 3000m, fast run.

1643: Tubes II and IV fired at large Cargo on 3 degree spread. Range 2500m, medium run.

1645: Searchlights! Course changed to 80, depth ordered 150m. Speed 4 knots.

1646: 1 impact reported, followed rapidly by series of large, very loud, explosions. Hull popping noises.

1650: Depth now 144m and descending. Speed ordered ahead slow. Escorts once again do not appear to be aware of origin point of fire.

1706: Escort very close off starboard bow. No pinging or depth charges.

1711: Course reversed.

1843: Periscope sweep shows no contacts in sight. Surfaced; no sonar or RWR contacts. Will now head course 180(T) until nightfall, watch will then change and rest. Convoy is now exiting assigned grid of ET and ammo is limited, no follow up attack will occur. En route to ET57.

Kapitän 10-20-21 08:46 AM

@Rinaldi: Nice read, also with pics :up:

Interesting to follow your tactic. Which Mod are you using (GWX, LSH, ...)?

Rinaldi 10-20-21 11:06 AM


Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2775112)
@Rinaldi: Nice read, also with pics :up:

Interesting to follow your tactic. Which Mod are you using (GWX, LSH, ...)?

GWX 3.0 with SH3 commander.

My exact modlist is presently:

GWX 16km Atmosphere
GWX No Medals on Crew
GWX Open Hatch Mod
GWX Captain America's Officer Icons
Hull damage made by torpedo impact mod v1.0
Depth charge noise - v2 GWX
TDW's Ship Plane Fire Damage_v1.4

Kapitän 10-20-21 02:05 PM


Originally Posted by Rinaldi (Post 2775128)
GWX 3.0 with SH3 commander.

My exact modlist is presently:

GWX 16km Atmosphere
GWX No Medals on Crew
GWX Open Hatch Mod
GWX Captain America's Officer Icons
Hull damage made by torpedo impact mod v1.0
Depth charge noise - v2 GWX
TDW's Ship Plane Fire Damage_v1.4

Yes, mine is similar ... only, that my current career is on CCoM10.0 ... I feel like, it has slightly better graphics and improved game play, when compared with GWX3.0 ... but I also like GWX3.0 very much :up:

Kapitän 10-20-21 02:08 PM

U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - In search of better weather for torpedo reloading

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2775101)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Saturday, 18 October 1941 - Southwest of Rockall Bank -

0501 - Morning Dawn -
Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
Convoy HX.155: Heavy Cruiser or Battleship expected in convoy. No attacks on neutral vessels!

0651 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

0845 - Qu.6255AL -

1200 - Qu.0355AL - Days Run: 149.3sm - (24h).
164.4cbm (2.7cbm/24h). On course 180°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

1321 - Incoming F.T.: From U 132:
Attacked a small coastal convoy at Cape Gorodetskij/Murmansk, and sunk the soviet steamer Argun, 3487ts. - Vogelsang -

1802 - Qu.6555AL - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 15 Oct., 0400h.

1837 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W.-Report about the successful operation against convoy SC.48, with 10 ships sunk, including 3 fully laden tankers, for combined 60,000ts.

1906 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about the defeat of the soviet army in the Ukraine and the concerted merchant warfare of the Kriegsmarine and Luftwaffe, against the English supply lines.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0501/18.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Sunday, 19 October 1941 - Southwest of Rockall Bank -

0350 - Qu.6855AL - Wind and sea have increased, shifting to south.

0502 - Morning Dawn -
Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
RST: Convoy HX.155 is commanded by experienced convoy commodore. Zig-zag and altering speed maneuvers expected.

0647 - Sunrise. S7/6, overcast, light haze, visibility 5-6sm, ~1000mb.

1051 - Incoming F.T.: From U 204:
Have sunk the British tanker Inverlee, 9158ts. - Kell -

1200 - Qu.6866AL - Days Run: 143.4sm - (24h).
161.8cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 90°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since Sunrise.

1202 - First status and position request for U 204 (Kell).

1752 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise.

2037 - Qu.6955AL -

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0502/19.


Kapitän 10-21-21 03:12 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - In search of better weather for torpedo reloading

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2775170)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Sunday, 19 October 1941 - Southwest of Rockall Bank -

0350 - Qu.6855AL - Wind and sea have increased, shifting to south.

0502 - Morning Dawn -
Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
For Commanders eyes only:
RST: Convoy HX.155 is commanded by experienced convoy commodore. Zig-zag and altering speed maneuvers expected.

0647 - Sunrise. S7/6, overcast, light haze, visibility 5-6sm, ~1000mb.

1051 - Incoming F.T.: From U 204:
Have sunk the British tanker Inverlee, 9158ts. - Kell -

1200 - Qu.6866AL - Days Run: 143.4sm - (24h).
161.8cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 90°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since Sunrise.

1202 - First status and position request for U 204 (Kell).

1752 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise.

2037 - Qu.6955AL -

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0502/19.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 20 October 1941 - Northwest of Porcupine Bank -

0402 - Incoming F.T.: From U 126:
Have sunk the US Lehigh, 4983ts and the tanker British Mariner, 6996ts, Qu.ET61, off Freetown. - Bauer -

0501 - Morning Dawn -

Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
The boats remaining in their waiting positions for the convoy which is to leave Gibraltar, are to move away to the SW as far as necessary, in the case of heavy ASW activities. U 206 receives orders to carry out refueling from "Gata" (Cádiz) on the night of 21st to 22nd October.

0641 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged in 24h.

1200 - Qu.4754AM - Days Run: 139.0sm - (24h).
159.1cbm (2.7cbm/24h). On course 90°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 19 Oct.

1201 - Second status and position request for U 204 (Kell).

1326 - Qu.4755AM. New course 0°.

1741 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 19 Oct.

2340 - Qu.4455AM -
Boat not operating on ship contact report in Qu.4499AM, on course WSW, medium speed, due to lack of torpedoes and bad weather.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0502/19.


pikke 10-22-21 03:16 AM


Originally Posted by pikke (Post 2774627)
November 9, 1939 0600 AM01
U53 keeps sailing toward assigned patrol area.
We have almost no wind and calm sea, visibility moderate.
Will continue doing brief sonar checks for possible targets.

0712 AM01 Ship spotted! Seems a small cargo cruising our way. Down to periscope depth and closing.

0719 A small freighter. Think we'll use the deck gun.

0736 Some deck gun shell and some flack ammo were enough to sink our target. Leaving the area and back on previous course.

1702 Reached assigned patrol grid AM41. Sky is partly cloudy and the wind picked up to 9 knots.

November 10, 1939 AM41 0303 Surfaced to ventilate boat and reload batteries. Storm is raging, wind blow so hard U53 has to tack and jibe like a sailboat. We'll go down as soon as batteries are good.

1704 Patrol complete. Storm still raging. No contacts...but I doubt we would have been able to spot them anyway. U53 will now sail toward AM53. Let's hope the storm relents a little.

November 11, 1940 1645 grid: AM43
Weather conditions have improved and U53 is now running on the surface.
As soon as our batteries are reloaded we'll go down and use our sonar to check the area.

1658 Sonar reports a merchant, long range, moving slow and closing. Another prey coming our way.

1711 Ship spotted through the periscope. Coming almost straight toward us. Course slightly adjusted to get into a better firing position. Trying to establish target speed

1716 It's a medium cargo moving 7 knots. Sonar report warship, medium speed closing, long range. That changes plans somewhat. Will fire two torpedoes to be sure.

1721 One hit and one missed! Just brushed past her back...damn! I'll take a risk and pop up briefly to finish her via deck gun.

1723 She's going down but we are being engaged by a destroyer! Shells are falling awfully close and she is closing fast. Time to run and hide!

1726 Managed to dive unscathed. We are now moving at 2knots, running as silently as we can and going as down as possible.

1730 Deep charges are going off somewhere north of us, seems like they don't have a good fix of us. We'll try to crawl away. My heart is hammering so wildly I fear they can pick it up on their damn sonar.

1745 Destroyer is sniffing north of us. Came closer at one point but we got pinged very shortly and she didn't pick us up. Still crawling away at 2 knots.

1802 Destroyer still searching for us but nowhere close to our position. Perhaps U53 will manage to slip away.

1834 Back to periscope depth. Destroyer left the area a few minutes ago. We'll put some more distance between us and then surface again. I didn't realize how quickly a destroyer can run to our position. Had one of those shell hit us...better not think about it. Crew is shaken too, they now realize how risky our task is. Shall find a good target to raise morale again.

November 12, 1940 0600
Uneventful night...and perhaps it's for the better. Weather got gloomy and windy but no rain yet. Let's keep our course.

2200 Wind picked up even more and sailing is now very difficult. U53 will cruise underwater and come up briefly to catch a breather every three hours.

November 13, 1940 0048 grid AM52
Sonar woke me up with news of sound contact west of us, closing. Surfacing and making a quick dash toward our target.

0101 Ship spotted! She is cruising on an east-west course and will pass a bit north of us.

0107 U53 dived and is now heading north on full speed to get into firing position. No other sound contact reported. Target identified as a coastal tanker. Sea condition won't let us use the deck gun so I plan to shot one torpedo from our aft tube.

0104 waves are so high it's very difficult to mantain periscope depth...I do hope the darkness will keep us hidden from the enemy.

0105 Torpedo impact! The tanker is burning from bow to stern. Don't think she will survive this.

0106 A big explosion split her in two! I think I saw a sailor blown away by the explosion. I do hope that was a quick death. Lets' leave the area and resume our patrol.

1200 U53 is keeping on the the same pattern of 3 hours down and half an hour on the surface. Sea conditions di not improve so right now we cannot use deck gun for our attacks. We will keep cruising eastward.

1322 Sound contact! Merchant closing, moving slow. U53 will surface and make a quick dash toward it.

1331 Ship spotted! Down to periscope depth and then we will identify her and determine her speed.

1336 A coastal freighter moving 9 knots heading roughly west. U53 is already in quite a good attack position. Will use one eel, a pity we cannot use deck gun on this small vessels.

1341 Torped impact! I aimed for the bow but hit her in the back. Perhaps I underestimated her speed somewhat. Small fire on the target. Running parallel and shadowing it, I do hope this will be enough.

1402 She is low on her back and has slowed to 3 knots. Fire keeps going on and off as their damage control team tries to manage thinks.

1447 We have been hearing explosions for the last few minutes and now she is slowly sinking. It's a small one but it's still one. U53 will now go back to previous course.

Kapitän 10-22-21 05:19 AM

U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - In search of better weather for torpedo reloading

Originally Posted by Kapitän (Post 2775220)
Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Monday, 20 October 1941 - Northwest of Porcupine Bank -

0402 - Incoming F.T.: From U 126:
Have sunk the US Lehigh, 4983ts and the tanker British Mariner, 6996ts, Qu.ET61, off Freetown. - Bauer -

0501 - Morning Dawn -

Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.:
The boats remaining in their waiting positions for the convoy which is to leave Gibraltar, are to move away to the SW as far as necessary, in the case of heavy ASW activities. U 206 receives orders to carry out refueling from "Gata" (Cádiz) on the night of 21st to 22nd October.

0641 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged in 24h.

1200 - Qu.4754AM - Days Run: 139.0sm - (24h).
159.1cbm (2.7cbm/24h). On course 90°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 19 Oct.

1201 - Second status and position request for U 204 (Kell).

1326 - Qu.4755AM. New course 0°.

1741 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since Sunrise, 19 Oct.

2340 - Qu.4455AM -
Boat not operating on ship contact report in Qu.4499AM, on course WSW, medium speed, due to lack of torpedoes and bad weather.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0502/19.


Started new career in August 2019 to commemorate the beginning of WWII, 80 years before ...


Tuesday, 21 October 1941 - South of Rockall Bank -

0500 - Morning Dawn.

0641 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged in 48h.

0839 - It's beginning to rain. Wind and Sea becoming a bit less, shifting to SSE.

0920 - Qu.4155AM - SSE6/5, overcast, rain, limited visibility, <1000mb.

1200 - Qu.4128AM - Days Run: 140.7sm - (24h).
156.5cbm (2.6cbm/24h). On course 0°. 6900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 0920h.

Third status and position request for U 204 (Kell). Boat is presumed lost.

(U 204 - VIIC, Kptlt. Walter Kell - was sunk on 19 October 1941 in the Straits of Gibraltar off Tangier, in position 35.46N, 06.02W, by depth charges from the British corvette HMS Mallow and the British sloop HMS Rochester. 46 dead, all hands lost.)

1750 - Sundown. SSE6/5, overcast, fog, poor visibility, ~1000mb.

1801 - Norddeich Radio sending a report about the French cargo ship Nivana (1,530 GRT) being bombed and damaged within French territorial waters in the Gulf of Hammamet (Tunisia) by seven British aircraft and being beached with the loss of nine of her crew. Instructions are then given by the Vichy-French Government to each ship off the French/Tunisian Coast, to provide an escort by torpedo boats and to shoot at attacking aircraft without prior warning.

1830 - Diving for submerged cruise at T=50. 65rpm, 1.6kn.

2022 - O = 20%.

2100 - Lights out for the Off-Watch. Silent Running.

Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0502/19.


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