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Lucky07 08-05-20 12:36 PM

Updating just one thing !

Crash dive time .
Since the comand and the action pass like ... 1 miute ? minute and a half ? .

Any idea or location to the file that control this value ? .

Thanks in advance

HerrnKaleun 08-05-20 12:49 PM

TDC not working properly

so i've been trying to hit my targets using the TDC, I thought I already knew how it works, but I couldn't really hit anything, so I looked it up on Youtube, they said the exact things that I already knew except for one guy who added something that seemed like it was bull****(spoiler allert, it was), he said that you had to zero the gyro and that he didn't know what that means but he had seen it in an other video, which kinda raised some red flags, but I tryed just zeroing my gyro (which means firing staright forward while the target is right in front of you) I had the correct distance, speed, angle on bow(I also tried without adjusting) but my torpedoes missed every freaking time, we are talking about shots I could hit with my eyes, but the machine either shoots at the exact location, where the ship is at while firing, or the torpedoes just turn away to a totally random direction. Hell, I even tried hitting stationary targets at that training mission and all of my torpedoes started to ether circle around back on me, or just went to a completely random direction. please someone help, I have no ****ing clue at this point. :k_confused:

vdr1981 08-05-20 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Lucky07 (Post 2687379)
Updating just one thing !

Crash dive time .
Since the comand and the action pass like ... 1 miute ? minute and a half ? .

Any idea or location to the file that control this value ? .

Thanks in advance

Exactly 35 sec with untrained crew in type VIIB. It's pretty much the same with other U-Boat types as well except the U-Flak maybe...


Originally Posted by HerrnKaleun (Post 2687380)

so i've been trying to hit my targets using the TDC, I thought I already knew how it works, but I couldn't really hit anything, so I looked it up on Youtube, they said the exact things that I already knew except for one guy who added something that seemed like it was bull****(spoiler allert, it was), he said that you had to zero the gyro and that he didn't know what that means but he had seen it in an other video, which kinda raised some red flags, but I tryed just zeroing my gyro (which means firing staright forward while the target is right in front of you) I had the correct distance, speed, angle on bow(I also tried without adjusting) but my torpedoes missed every freaking time, we are talking about shots I could hit with my eyes, but the machine either shoots at the exact location, where the ship is at while firing, or the torpedoes just turn away to a totally random direction. Hell, I even tried hitting stationary targets at that training mission and all of my torpedoes started to ether circle around back on me, or just went to a completely random direction. please someone help, I have no ****ing clue at this point. :k_confused:

Hi HerrnKaleun
Forgive me but I'm not really sure what is your question exactly? :hmmm:

TDC in TWoS works without problems. Enter the correct data (speed, range, AoB)and and your torpedoes will go exactly where you want. Enter wrong data and they will miss, simple as that...:yep:

HerrnKaleun 08-05-20 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2687432)
Exactly 35 sec with untrained crew in type VIIB. It's pretty much the same with other U-Boat types as well except the U-Flak maybe...

Hi HerrnKaleun
Forgive me but I'm not really sure what is your question exactly? :hmmm:

TDC in TWoS works without problems. Enter the correct data (speed, range, AoB)and and your torpedoes will go exactly where you want. Enter wrong data and they will miss, simple as that...:yep:

Oh yeah ^^ I just need to wether you guys could provide some Information, sources etc. Something to read preferably, I'm just tired of videos at this point :D thanx

kapuhy 08-06-20 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Lucky07 (Post 2687379)
Updating just one thing !

Crash dive time .
Since the comand and the action pass like ... 1 miute ? minute and a half ? .

Any idea or location to the file that control this value ? .

Thanks in advance


- select first "open" from file menu, and select the file
- navigate to CrashDive tab
- there, you'll find an option to set delay after giving crash dive order. This is to simulate time needed for watch crew to clear the bridge and close hatches. Modify this to your liking.

If in doubt about correct value, perform a test with a friend: have him shout "alaaaarm!" in random moment to surprise you and measure time it will take you to run downstairs closing doors behind you. There, a scientific approach :)

excel4004 08-09-20 07:56 AM

Nice, nice! :D THANKS for the update Vecko!


Harmer 08-12-20 09:52 PM

Can I confirm that this latest release is compatible and works with the Ubisoft / Uplay version?

borisandigoris 08-13-20 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2165721)
Quick Start Manual
Read before you start playing or posting questions!

- I'm somewhat confused about SH5/TWoS concept of campaigns, missions and objectives?
The concept is nicely explained here. LINK
- Do I always have to start my career from the first campaign?
No, type "silentotto" while you're in the campaign selection screen to unlock all campaigns and start any you want...

- How can I pass from one campaign chapter to the next one? (IMPORTANT)
Campaign transfers in TWoS are date controlled. This means that, in order to trigger the campaign transfer, you will have to be ON PATROL when ending date of your current campaign chapter is reached, preferably somewhere at open sea without AI units in your vicinity. Campaign transfer should then be initiated, or it will be at least few days after the ending date. This is important so pay special attention not to skip this date due to badly timed docking...The end date of first "Coastal Waters" campaign is on 1st June 1940, "Happy Times" ends on 1st march 1941 ect. Check ending dates for other campaigns here.

Now, there is a catch... Due to certain broken aspects of SH5's launcher, there is a possibility that even upon reaching campaign chapter ending date, campaign transfer still may fail to initialize (your patrol just goes on without any visible flotilla objectives).

Additionally, in-game "Campaign/Flotilla transfer" radio messages will tell you exactly how to behave when nearing campaign chapter ending and what to do if the transfer fails to initialize on designated date... You can also put to a good use optional "Campaign Advance Verifier Testing" TWoS addon which will tell you will the automatic campaign transfer be successful upon loading a gamesave. Note that if you are getting persistent "problem detected" messages with this addon even after 2-3 reloads, the message may be false positive actually.

Alternatively you can use this workaround which will work for sure even if campaign chapter ending date is passed for a few days ...SH5 campaign progress workaround

- We have "Enigma" machine too ?
Yes! Thanks to the amassing SkyBaron's work, SH5/TWoS features, for the first time in SH series...

[Under construction
Check TWoS Quick Start Manual from your TWoS Documentation folder for full version...

The mod doesn't work for me. The hud is gone and I can't even interact with anything (I have steam version) Can you please help me? perhaps this is a old version or there are some additional mod I have to install.

vdr1981 08-13-20 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by Harmer (Post 2689129)
Can I confirm that this latest release is compatible and works with the Ubisoft / Uplay version?

Of course. Just make sure to read install instructions first.

Harmer 08-13-20 05:49 PM

Thank you sir.

Fearless 08-14-20 06:00 AM

After many years I’ve re-purchased from Steam as my system crashed and lost all my programs as well as backups on my external drive.
Fixed the issue with Uplay not working and installed TWoS latest full version,
all is working great so far.
Magnificent mod I must say. :Kaleun_Applaud:

Texas Red 08-17-20 08:36 PM

Disregard last question.

I have finally completed Silent Hunter 5. May 9, 1945 came and a status thing popped up, with all your missions completed, tonnage, rating, etc. But in the status section, it said the war was over.

Then I was left with a black screen, a moveable cursor, and the soundtrack was playing.

Very anti-climatic.

It has been a great journey, one for which I will forever remember.

The Wolves of Steel has been excellent experince! :Kaleun_Cheers:

Relax, Kaluen, the war is over. :Kaleun_Salute:

Propnut17 08-18-20 01:34 AM

An achievement to be proud of. :Kaleun_Salute:

Texas Red 08-18-20 05:49 PM


Originally Posted by Propnut17 (Post 2690271)
An achievement to be proud of. :Kaleun_Salute:

Indeed it is! :salute:

Storm501 08-19-20 12:18 AM

First of all, thank you for a great mod! Just updated to the latest version and I have to say it is a positive surprise how it keeps getting better and better. I will donate shortly, as without this mod SH5 would not be worth playing.

Three questions:
1) In the game files, what is the function of PrototypeYear for new torpedos and upgrades?
2) Clicking air bases many aircraft are listed as "proxy". What does this mean?
3) In the game Hurricanes and Spitfires seem really over represented. Is this realistic? I cant find sources that they were used at all by Coastal Command. Bulk of equipment in early war should be Avro Anson and then Short Sunderland, right?

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