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MicroMax 05-30-14 04:09 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2212037)
A warm welcome “Micromax“ to the Subsim family.:subsim:

You will always find someone here to help you.:)

Link to my SH4 - SH5 posts::salute:

Step By Step Tutorials & How To Do It

Thank you!

Captain_AJ 05-30-14 03:17 PM

Applauds .. Nothing is better than SH5 Modded . Now If I can get my computer back up ill be doing this for sure . Missing SH5 like crazy !!

topsn 05-30-14 04:39 PM

Tai Map
could anyone help me I have the same problem as already was described from wombat778 in post 547. The tai map is there but it´s invisible. I made already a fresh installation of the game and also I had activated the tai map in the OptionsFileEditorViewer but it dosn´t work until yet. maybe anyone has an solution for me. thanks in advance for your support

wombat778 05-31-14 06:55 AM


Originally Posted by topsn (Post 2212247)
could anyone help me I have the same problem as already was described from wombat778 in post 547. The tai map is there but it´s invisible. I made already a fresh installation of the game and also I had activated the tai map in the OptionsFileEditorViewer but it dosn´t work until yet. maybe anyone has an solution for me. thanks in advance for your support


I managed to turn the TAI back on by messing with the various options on the TAI tab in the options viewer. I _think_ the option that turned it on was to change the "Mini-map (TAI) initial width" option to the default value of 490 and the "Mini-map (TAI) initial height" option to the default value of 450. I also turned on the Map Scale, Show Map coordinates, Locations, Minefields, Shallow waters, and Resupply ship options. I set the mini-map mode at game start to TAIModeMinimized.

Hopefully some combination of that will turn it on for you!

topsn 05-31-14 10:59 AM

Tai map

thank you for your fast response. I have tried your proposal and it works very well. Thank´s

Bosje 06-01-14 03:26 AM

checking a few observations
Hi guys, I'm back at SH after a long break
seeing the latest version of this supermod actually makes the game playable and enjoyable. nice job!!!

Having run around for a few days now, I'd like to check some things I noticed, any confirmations would be most appreciated (or corrections, obviously, it could be that I somehow messed up the installation)
playing latest wolves of steel without real navigation

-repair: got jumped by fighters, all damage repaired except Vordere and Hintere Ausgleichzelle. they stay at 83% no matter what I do. ordering the chief to use his 'Increase Repair Rate ability' does absolutely nothing, except drop morale to 0 for all my crew :hmmm: (obviously there is no way to try his 'repair destroyed systems ability as that would drop morale from 5 to 0 and i would need 5 morale to start with???)
-recognition manual: using space and x i can have the XO dialogue box for ID and TDC settings, there is a sort-of-ID-manual included in that dialogue box, but there is no loose ID manual. I do have lots of shipping posters in the optionbox (not sure what to call it, its activated with 'E')
but all those ships on those posters look a lot like the many many different ships i know from SH4 Operation Monsun mod. I have not actually seen any of those ships ingame. Is this as designed? (trying to get used to manual targeting and double checking my calculations with contacts on map, its hard to get range, speed and AOB correct just from the scope)
-When surfacing, the default setting is that batteries are NOT recharged, I have to manually order the chief. Correct? (a huge improvement over auto-recharge without the option to turn that off, as in vanilla, I can't believe ubisoft's decisions in the vanilla game)
-For many commands i have 2 of 3 ways to activate them: Hotkey, officer dialogue and the GUI tabbed menu. But what are the differences? Mainly want to know about the following: Battle stations. i can activate with Fkey or 1WO to get the red bell icon, but i can also have the watch officer do it. This activates another icon?? Is there any point to either? Same for silent running, I can tell the XO or use the Fkey for the red icon but I can also hit 'Z' for a different icon. Any difference?? Also, I can click a 'damage control team' in the chief's menu buttons but it will immediately de-activate again. what does it do?
-ran into 2 'neutral' convoys off the English East coast, only reason i know they were neutral is because of map updates which i still have turned on. none of the ships had any flags. is that a common glitch?

any help or confirmation of the above would be welcome. pointer: I think I may have missed the TDW generic patcher thing. Is that a problem?

Enough for now, thanks for a great mod! its quite stable (only a handful of random CTDs so far). Looks very good, I really love the atmos, it looks and feels a lot more like the north sea and atlantic, and there are many many corrections of the insanely gamey vanilla gameplay decisions.


Aktungbby 06-01-14 04:10 AM

welcome aboard
TOPSN!:Kaleun_Salute: and welcome back BOSJE!:salute:

Jimbuna 06-01-14 05:29 AM


Originally Posted by topsn (Post 2212424)

thank you for your fast response. I have tried your proposal and it works very well. Thank´s

Welcome Matey :sunny:

Jimbuna 06-01-14 05:30 AM


Now there is someone I remember from awhile back :sunny:

Bosje 06-01-14 05:45 AM

Hi Jim, aye good to see you again, in a digital sense of the word

I'm even contemplating that perhaps it's SH5 story time again :arrgh!:

Jimbuna 06-01-14 07:25 AM

Could well be.

THEBERBSTER 06-01-14 11:04 AM

A warm welcome back “Bosje“ :subsim:

You will always find someone here to help you.:)

Link to my SH4 - SH5 posts::salute:

Step By Step Tutorials & How To Do It

Yes you need the GFP

See my Tutorial Post #2

Bosje 06-01-14 12:04 PM

Thanks guys, this has always been the best forum on the internet. warm welcomes and all that

I am not understanding the patcher yet. I did the whole routine when i installed wolves of steel a while back. now i got the latest one, uninstalled the old one with JSGME and loaded up the new mod.
i didnt touch anything else. do i need to get through that generic patcher again and restore an old snapshot or something? I guess I dont even understand what it does :)

btw still looking for confirmation on my points above. the morale/abilities system is making me grumpy so i think its better to just not use that crap at all, right?

bdr13 06-01-14 12:45 PM

pb resolution
when I want to use raobf, there is a problem of distance. my screen resolution is 1920 1080 16:9. I tried to patch after 16:9 wide optical, after wolves of steel but not better
an idea or I can not use the raobf with this configuration? :06:

(i use google translate)

kirdec 06-03-14 06:45 AM

Problem with identification book
thank you very much for this wonderful MOD.
I had recently a problem which is appeared, i don't have access anymore to the recognition book. I don't know how to make it appears again to identify ships and to send mass height to TDC.
I use The Wolves of Steel 1.02 and i followed all the instructions maybe I push a hot key or I made a mistake in TDW patcher config . I don't know but it is annoying cause I can't identify ships anymore.:/\\!!
Does anyone could give help? Thank you

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