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Jimbuna 05-05-12 05:50 AM

Heading off to the Thames Estuary in a Type XXIII (two eels) so will be particularly choosy in what I attack.

Kavok 05-05-12 09:22 AM

U-93 patrolling 500km west of Gibraltar, 12 days out of Lorient. Two weapons fired, accounting for 1x Granville-Type and a Small Merchant. Heavy seas and cloud. Sparse contact with enemy.

Continuing patrol.

[GWX - 82% realism]

Boompus 05-05-12 09:35 AM

may 5th
Today, my country is celebrating the liberation on may 5th 1945... and at this very moment I'm playing a German Kaleun..:-? :salute:

andwii 05-05-12 10:05 AM

VONHARRIS 05-05-12 01:59 PM

Patrol 5 results

Patrol log page 1 of 3

Patrol log page 2 of 3

Patrol log page 3 of 3

andwii 05-05-12 07:41 PM
PS... Von what do you do to keep such good records? Have a pad and paper next to you or something?

VONHARRIS 05-05-12 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1880130)
PS... Von what do you do to keep such good records? Have a pad and paper next to you or something?

Exactly, I take notes during the patrol and then I edit the log_# file (# = patrol number) in C:\Documents and Settings\User\My documents\GWX\data\cfg\Careers\von Harris folder.

theroc44 05-06-12 02:08 AM


Originally Posted by jimbuna (Post 1879875)
Heading off to the Thames Estuary in a Type XXIII (two eels) so will be particularly choosy in what I attack.

i love that boat, hate reloading on the surface even at night.

bigboywooly 05-06-12 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by theroc44 (Post 1880185)
i love that boat, hate reloading on the surface even at night.

Shouldnt be able to reload a type 23
Only carried 2 torpedos and they were already loaded in the tubes before the patrol started as no room to carry them inside

andwii 05-06-12 07:18 PM

engaged task force in the Straits of Gibraltar, battle cruiser HMS Hood sank, later that day Q ship sank.

VONHARRIS 05-08-12 01:34 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1880516)

engaged task force in the Straits of Gibraltar, battle cruiser HMS Hood sank, later that day Q ship sank.

Ah , Das Boot sunk HMS Hood.

Well done Herr Kaluen!

andwii 05-08-12 02:55 PM


Originally Posted by VONHARRIS (Post 1881236)
Ah , Das Boot sunk HMS Hood.

Well done Herr Kaluen!

danke, it was either I sink the hood or the ark royal or HMS Valiant so I chose the Hood, got in at about 600 meters because they made a course change and made for a perfect 90 degree.

Blackhawk1006 05-08-12 04:17 PM

U-106, Type IXB, August 1941, docked at the Python supply ship in the South Atlantic.

Have been raiding the shipping lanes around Freetown and Cape Town, notching 7 kills. Then infiltrated St Helena Harbour and sunk 2 cruisers (1 Southampton Class and 1 Fiji Class).

andwii 05-08-12 08:25 PM

ok I did something very unrealistic I navigated the suez canal, and survived to dock at Mogadishu, and I raided Alexandria.

VONHARRIS 05-09-12 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by andwii (Post 1881411)
ok I did something very unrealistic I navigated the suez canal, and survived to dock at Mogadishu, and I raided Alexandria.

You are a daring Kaleun.
Well done! :salute:

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