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VII.Racetrack 09-11-17 02:25 AM

Hi all!

I've ready many posts here (not possible to read all of the as they are more then 500 pages XD).

As I read BEFORE the Mod has to be updated wit the updater BEFORE enabling it via JSMGE right?


I) Install Game 1.20
II) Start, save a new Career and quit
III) Install WoS
IV) Start Updater of WoS
V)Activate Generic Patcher and do what to do
VI)Delete main .cfg
VII) Launch game and save new Career
VIII) Play

Is it correct?
Thank you at all

fitzcarraldo 09-11-17 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by VII.Racetrack (Post 2511748)
Hi all!

I've ready many posts here (not possible to read all of the as they are more then 500 pages XD).

As I read BEFORE the Mod has to be updated wit the updater BEFORE enabling it via JSMGE right?


I) Install Game 1.20
II) Start, save a new Career and quit
III) Install WoS
IV) Start Updater of WoS
V)Activate Generic Patcher and do what to do
VI)Delete main .cfg
VII) Launch game and save new Career
VIII) Play

Is it correct?
Thank you at all

Between IV and V you need to activate TWoS with JSGME.

Then, continue with V.

Regards (BTW, I didnīt need to start a new campaign with the vanilla game; I have the SH5 boxed version).

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

palmic 09-11-17 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by cherbert (Post 2511446)
Is this normal? I installed the mod as per the instructions to the letter. Fresh SH5 install (non-steam - UPlay Installer). Applied Mod and then the update. Started a new campaign and saved in the pen and reloaded.

Tried this entire process twice. Why is the mission text all placeholders?

Did you fixed your issue?
This could happen if you push shift+Z (its GUI toggle, just try it in game and then open the map)

VII.Racetrack 09-11-17 11:57 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2511774)
Between IV and V you need to activate TWoS with JSGME.

Then, continue with V.

Regards (BTW, I didnīt need to start a new campaign with the vanilla game; I have the SH5 boxed version).

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

Oh no!
Didn't do that!

Do you think it's better to re-do all from the first step?

fitzcarraldo 09-11-17 12:13 PM


Originally Posted by VII.Racetrack (Post 2511826)
Oh no!
Didn't do that!

Do you think it's better to re-do all from the first step?



Fitzcarraldo :salute:

excel4004 09-11-17 12:16 PM


I would also like to hear few comments regarding cherbert's recent findings, especially from owners of Uplay download versions. Should I edited pre-install instructions or not? :hmmm:
Sry cant help you here Vecko, using the PC DVD version.


Oh no!
Didn't do that!

Do you think it's better to re-do all from the first step?
Its important and necessary to install the game exactly in this way:


Game installation and settings

Make a clean SH5 installation and make sure that the game is patched to official v1.2.0. It is highly recommended that you install your game somewhere outside of stock "C:\Program Files (x86)\..." system folder.
Also, do not skip DirectX 9.0c installation, SH5 needs it. Some Win/8/10 users may need to run SH5.exe in Win7 compatibility mode in order to play the game. Always launch your game with administration rights.
Note that despite which language settings you've selected during game installation, TWoS will optimize your game for gameplay with English language texts and German voices. Other language combinations are not officially supported.
Make sure that you launch stock game at least once before you install TWoS megamod.

Mod Installation

Step 1:
- Download The Wolves of Steel 2.0 Silent Hunter 5 Expansion Pack_Full.exe and install the archive to your main Silent Hunter 5 folder (e.g. "C:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5"). Make sure to specify correct game path when prompted.

Step 2:
Generic Mod Enabler (JSGME.exe) window will pop-up automatically after step 1 is done.
Enable contained mandatory and optional mods with your Generic Mod Enabler in this order (JSGME may stop responding for some time while enabling the main mod, just let it to finish it's job / Say 'Yes' to all JSGME warnings)...
The Wolves of Steel 2.0.0 (mandatory, the main mod) The Wolves of Steel 2.0.x Update (mandatory update) [Other TWoS 2.x.x compatible optional mods/addons] * by default , TWoS is optimized for 16:9 in game resolutions. Enable appropriate *x* resolution patch If you use other aspect ratio resolution.
All about JSGME - Generic Mod Enabler

Step 4:
Properly activate TDW Generic Patcher and restore "TWoS 2.0_Snapshot.gps". The patcher, snapshot and install instructions are already placed in the main game folder (Silent Hunter 5/TDW_GenericPatcher_v_1_0_168_0).
How to properly activate TDW Generic Patcher.
(Steam version doesn't support generic patcher and therefore this expansion too) Advanced workaround for Steam users

Step 4:
Go to "C:\Users\[Your username]\Documents\SH5\data\cfg" and delete main.cfg file. New and correctly configured file will be automatically created on next game launch.

Step 5:
SH5 may appear frozen on start, nothing unusual, wait a few sec...Start new campaign and don't forget to save/reload the game first time your avatar appears in the bunker. This is necessary for correctly initiated campaign start (do this every time you're about to start new campaign or advancing to the next one)...Happy hunting Herr Kaleun!

loukylouk 09-12-17 01:10 AM


Just wanted to say awesome work! I have not played TWoS for a year and it has really come a long way. I really like the main menu set up by the way, very cool footage and the song to go with it is great. What is the name of that song and who composed it? I'd like to look this person up.

Anyways thanks again for putting this all together and also thank you to all the authors of each mod put into TWoS.



JamesF0790 09-12-17 05:15 AM

Hey, first of all, I just came back from not playing this game for too long and it was great to see the new additions but I'm having a small problem. I followed the steps but my navigator has no text in his conversation box and on the mission select map when I click on a mission it gives me something like "campaign.obj" in the text box. Is this a known result of messing something up?

vdr1981 09-12-17 06:11 AM


Originally Posted by JamesF0790 (Post 2511995)
Hey, first of all, I just came back from not playing this game for too long and it was great to see the new additions but I'm having a small problem. I followed the steps but my navigator has no text in his conversation box and on the mission select map when I click on a mission it gives me something like "campaign.obj" in the text box. Is this a known result of messing something up?

check post number 8630 as well...

JamesF0790 09-12-17 08:50 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2512002)

Right, my bad. I'll do it properly. I was hoping it was some common thing but that's no reason to not follow the basic rules of bug reporting. Sorry about that.

alexv86 09-12-17 09:00 AM

Hey guys,

I just started the North Western Approaches mission, and as I'm a little concerned with fuel. Are we able to refuel in neutral ports? I don't really see any friendly ports anywhere that would be helpful for this area.

Thanks again.

palmic 09-12-17 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by alexv86 (Post 2512022)
Hey guys,

I just started the North Western Approaches mission, and as I'm a little concerned with fuel. Are we able to refuel in neutral ports? I don't really see any friendly ports anywhere that would be helpful for this area.

Thanks again.

I dont know, but you should not to show yourself before neutrals, they are not to be trustworthy, you just cant to sink them thats all. :03:

I always hide before neutral freighter.

Subwolf 09-12-17 05:48 PM


Originally Posted by alexv86 (Post 2512022)
Hey guys,

I just started the North Western Approaches mission, and as I'm a little concerned with fuel. Are we able to refuel in neutral ports? I don't really see any friendly ports anywhere that would be helpful for this area.

Thanks again.

How long have you been out? You should have enough fuel for a month or more, unless you run at full speed all the time :03:

fitzcarraldo 09-12-17 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Subwolf (Post 2512127)
How long have you been out? You should have enough fuel for a month or more, unless you run at full speed all the time :03:

Average 10 knots, more than a month.

Fitzcarraldo :Kaleun_Salute:

alexv86 09-12-17 07:12 PM


Originally Posted by Subwolf (Post 2512127)
How long have you been out? You should have enough fuel for a month or more, unless you run at full speed all the time :03:

I just started my 4th patrol, but I just worked out the distance just to my secondary patrol zone and back is something like 7200km, which does give me some room and all, but I was wondering if I ended up needing fuel, but was still good on torpedoes if I had another option than going all the way back to Wilhelmshaven.
[Edit:]Or Legoland.

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