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fitzcarraldo 09-15-15 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Magic1111 (Post 2344798)
Okay, do you mean this Megamod?

I've not noticed yet, because the thread is a little bit below on this page :oops:

Is your Megamod more actual than the other? :hmmm:

I tried both and TWoS became more stable than Sjizzle's. I didn't have CTDs with TWoS but some catastrophic crashes with Sjizzle mod and it seems were caused by the CSP GUI.

My experience of course. Try it and see how works in your machine.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Magic1111 09-15-15 06:55 AM

Thx for reply Fitz! :up:

Will try both Megamods!

Indexrts1 09-15-15 11:27 AM

Great megamod! Publisher enormous gratitude for the positive emotions. All hands on deck!):arrgh!:

jim_nihilist 09-15-15 05:24 PM

I installed the mod as advised and followed the tips for stable playing - up until now I didn't have a CTD, wheil following the tips.

It really works and I'm thankful for that.

Lanzfeld 09-15-15 08:36 PM


Anyone else seeing big black banks of smoke sometimes on horizon? It's in one of "nordcasts" videos as well. The one where he leaves port for the first time to hunt polish ships. Strange.

vdr1981 09-16-15 03:44 AM

Heh, anyone?
The answer is ...Everyone...:D

THEBERBSTER 09-16-15 05:01 AM

Hello from Everyone :)

Indexrts1 09-16-15 05:37 AM

Dear vdr1981! Tell me, and perhaps to make Russian translation, though not completely, but at least, would the messages coming in the message window at the bottom right?

vdr1981 09-16-15 05:49 AM


Originally Posted by Indexrts1 (Post 2345036)
Dear vdr1981! Tell me, and perhaps to make Russian translation, though not completely, but at least, would the messages coming in the message window at the bottom right?

Still working on it... Maybe you could give us some help here, what do you say?:up:

vdr1981 09-16-15 06:03 AM

New update with few tweaks and fixes and my favorite "U-boot lied" added to gramophone is now available in download section. Keep in mind that damn thing (the gramophone) is completely broken and skipping songs all the time :D...

FAQ and tips post is recently also updated so make sure to check that too...:yep::subsim:

fitzcarraldo 09-16-15 06:07 AM

Another of Everyone family here. Rotate external camera and the smoke goes.

More annoying for me are the flickering textures in some ships. I didn't find a solution yet.

This last night my TWoS works alone (I was sleeping and the PC was left working) for eight continuos hours in navigation from Kiel starting Happy Times. The boat is now in Helgoland. I selected a trip in populated zones for test with traffic. No CTD. All working fine.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Magic1111 09-16-15 06:27 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2345039)
New update with few tweaks and fixes and my favorite "U-boot lied" added to gramophone is now available in download section. Keep in mind that damn thing (the gramophone) is completely broken and skipping songs all the time :D...

FAQ and tips post is recently also updated so make sure to check that too...:yep::subsim:

Many thx for update! :up:

But one question: Is this MOD from TDW included?

Because I donīt find him on the list on post #1 of this Thread.

fitzcarraldo 09-16-15 07:41 AM


Originally Posted by Magic1111 (Post 2345043)
Many thx for update! :up:

But one question: Is this MOD from TDW included?

Because I donīt find him on the list on post #1 of this Thread.

Not included. Causes CTDs as the uboats flags mod.

BTW I use Silentmichal's interiors 1.2.4 without problems in TWoS.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Magic1111 09-16-15 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2345063)
Not included. Causes CTDs as the uboats flags mod.

CTDs? I know that from the Uboat Flags MOD, but not yet from the Exhaust MOD?! :hmmm:


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2345063)
BTW I use Silentmichal's interiors 1.2.4 without problems in TWoS.

Where can I find this MOD?

Best regards,

Indexrts1 09-16-15 09:32 AM

vdr1981 Please)

712=Не рекомендую находиться у палубного орудия, капитан! Море слишком неспокойно!
713=Не рекомендую находиться у зенитного орудия, капитан! Море слишком неспокойно!
714=Не рекомендую находиться у зенитных орудий, капитан! Море слишком неспокойно!
826=Неидетнифицированный контакт
2886=Акустик: отслеживаю ближайший контакт!
2890=Акустик: отслеживаю ближайший военный контакт!
4303=Содержание CO2 более 1 процента
4616=Ближайший визуальный контакт по пеленгу ---, дистанция ---!
4716=Капитан, максимальная дальность хода при текущей скорости ---
4724=Максимальная глубина погружения в данной точке ---m, капитан!
4913=Акустический контакт отсутствует или слишком слаб для определения!
4923=Акустический военный контакт отсутствует или слишком слаб для определения!
4927= Ориентировочная расчетная дальность до контакта
6599=Для использование стадиметра, нажмите кнопку выше устройства установки дальности TDC
6609=Обнаружена надводная малоразмерная цель, предположительно небольшой корабль!
6610=Обнаружена крупная надводная цель, авианосец!
6611=Обнаружена надводная цель, военный корабль!
6612=Обнаружена крупная надводная цель, большой военный корабль!
6613=Обнаружена надводная цель, неизвестное торговое судно!
6614=Обнаружена надводная цель, танкер!
6615=Обнаружена надводная цель, неизвестное торговое судно!
7610=X из Y победных очков получено. Результат этой компании укрепит наши позиции в этой войне. Враг все еще силен и нам предстоят новые сражения с ним, с новой тактикой и оружием.
7657=Капитан! Торпедные аппараты не работают, TDC выведен из строя!
7666=Конвой в зоне видимости!
7667=Неизвестный корабль в зоне видимости!
8002=Перископ заклинило!
8013=Дизельная силовая установка не выдает полную мощность!
9970=Акустик отслеживает выбранный контакт| |Фиксация гидрофона на выбранном контакте и отслеживание перемещения цели |Увеличение дистанции обнаружения, но снижение

точности по пеленгу
9974=Акустик отслеживает выбранный контакт| |Гидрофон следует за контактом|Дальность обнаружения до 30 км с высокой точностью определения пеленга
9975=Акустик: нет контакта по пеленгу или контакт вне зоны обнаружения . Может быть погрузиться глубже и использовать G/BalkonGerät
9976=Акустик: отслеживаю выбранный контакт
9982=Нормальный режим развертки
9983=Акустик отслеживает контакт в пределах этого диапазона (+- в градусах) относительно центрального положения гидрофона
9984=Режим максимальной дальности отслеживания
9985=Максимальная граница дальности отслеживаемого акустического контакта
10026=Вкл/Выкл Правого дизель/электромотора
10027=Вкл/Выкл Левого дизель/электромотора
__________________________________________________ ____________________

vdr1981, If something else can help - tell. The sea is my life and destiny) Ehh, it was time ...)
......BCH4 acoustics Central! Echo-bearing detected the target, underwater, single, speed, bearing 120 distance 90, the request does not meet, bearing changes. Central BCH7 - identify the target. BCH7 Central, the goal is identified - submarine class Los Angeles. Central - commander BCH3, RBU goal is to destroy!


THEBERBSTER 09-16-15 09:40 AM

Hi fitz
Good tip.
One possibly for Vecko to add.


fitzcarraldo 09-16-15 11:00 AM


Originally Posted by Magic1111 (Post 2345073)

Where can I find this MOD?

Best regards,

The link:

I applied the mod and the fix after all TWoS mods.

Generic Mod Enabler - v2.6.0.157
[E:\Ubisoft\Silent Hunter 5\MODS]

The Wolves of Steel 1.04
The Wolves of Steel 1.04 - Patch 7
The Wolves of Steel - 16x9 Resolution Patch
silentmichal's interior mod 1.2.4
silentmichal's interior mod 1.2.4b

No real navigation in my actual tests (I need "autopilot").

Iīm using the mod, looks great and I didnīt have any problem with the mod. All the commands works fine, as expected. No CTDs. External views OK (someone in the dedicated thread wrote about lost of external cameras, but I didnīt have that problem).


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

vdr1981 09-16-15 11:45 AM


Originally Posted by fitzcarraldo (Post 2345063)
Not included. Causes CTDs as the uboats flags mod.

BTW I use Silentmichal's interiors 1.2.4 without problems in TWoS.


Fitzcarraldo :salute:

Guys, be careful when adding additional mods on top of TWoS.
As you may noticed I'm trying to avoid eye candy mods, especially those which add some objects to submarines (like sub exhaust, AI sub crew, flags ect...).
I'm not saying that something is wrong with these mods and I like them very much, but I have also noticed that unpached and unpolished SH5 engine as it is, deals with them really, really hard.

Although, any additional testing and reports regarding this subject are really welcome. :up:

I'm curious Fitzcarraldo, can you do one or two additional tests with SM interior mod on board?
Try to start any campaign which starts in Kiel (WA or MN for example), and exit from Kiel bunker to main menu. Then start P-47 single mission.


Originally Posted by Indexrts1 (Post 2345078)

vdr1981, If something else can help - tell. The sea is my life and destiny) Ehh, it was time ...)
......BCH4 acoustics Central! Echo-bearing detected the target, underwater, single, speed, bearing 120 distance 90, the request does not meet, bearing changes. Central BCH7 - identify the target. BCH7 Central, the goal is identified - submarine class Los Angeles. Central - commander BCH3, RBU goal is to destroy!


Спасибо Indexrts1 !:up:

vdr1981 09-16-15 12:03 PM

One more thing guys.

I need Campaign.cfg and CareerTrack.upc files from your last gamesave (My documents/SH5/data/cfg/Savegames) from anyone who has been awarded with new submarine in in your current campaign.

ironcold 09-16-15 12:27 PM

[QUOTE]BTW I use Silentmichal's interiors 1.2.4 without problems in TWoS. [QUOTE]

Under Twos 1.3 it gives me ctd, everytime when nearing Homebase, so I didn`t use it, waiting for an Update from Silent Michal to make it compatible with Twos. Seems that he works hard for his Studium and haven`t time to fix it.
VDR is on the right way,when he tell us to be carefull with mod`s like this,but
Silentmichal`s interiors 1.2.4 is a must have eycandy for many people.

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