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kevinsue 03-24-15 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Shaefer (Post 2300402)
I`ll rest my case. :O: I will get used to the new binoculars after a while.
Thank you very much. :salute:

C'mon man....get it together....I'm hanging out for your next "Lets Play" installment!! :D

JT1981 03-25-15 10:45 AM

I want to know what is the difference between your mega mod and sobers.....thank you.

vdr1981 03-26-15 03:56 AM


Originally Posted by kevinsue (Post 2300615)
C'mon man....get it together....I'm hanging out for your next "Lets Play" installment!! :D


Shaefer 03-26-15 06:31 AM

Just a quick question. I am in Danzig Bay wrecking the Polish :O:, but with no progress bar, I will fail every objective I get.
Silent Hunter 5 patrol system and objectives is heavily built around the progress bar, so we can keep track of the deadline, and how we are doing.
I know this "gives" the game the good old SH3/4 feel, but with the SH5 game mechanics, it's just not right.

Is it possible to bring the bar back, whithout reinstalling the mod?

Tell me, how do you play the game with no progress bar? Do you just fail every objective, and not give a damn?

vdr1981 03-26-15 08:24 AM

Stupid tonnage bar thingy curse will hover over SH5 for many more months to come...:-?

And why do you think that you'll fail all the objectives?:06: All you have to do is to listen battle orders and sink ships when ever and where ever you want, nothing more and nothing less... :yep: Take look at this post created by Trevally for example, the creator of OHII ...

You can check patch 4 readme documentation too...

Kumando 03-26-15 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2299298)
Regarding optional patrol grid missions I've noticed that they can't be completed if I save and reload the game AFTER I enter patrol zone area (in the Atlantic is 200km radius zone for 72 hours ). If I spend 72 hours in the zone without save /reload then mission will be accomplished and I'll be reassigned to another patrol area , maximum is three times...

Any chance of fixing this one day?

vdr1981 03-26-15 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by Kumando (Post 2301051)
Any chance of fixing this one day?

I don't think so, it's a game problem...

finchOU 03-26-15 03:56 PM

Any way to tweek the wind speed settings?
I've been getting wind speeds of 45 and 60 meters a second. If I do some public math......45x60x60= 162000 M/Hr /1852= 87 knots :o

at 60 meters a second translates to 117 knots :haha:

This seems a little bit ridiculous to me. I'm thinking other than the ramdom Gale or hurricane I shouldn't be seeing over 40-50 knots of wind. Spent over a year of my life during two deployments on a ship. Only once saw winds over 50 knots.

vdr1981 03-26-15 04:05 PM


Originally Posted by finchOU (Post 2301092)
I've been getting wind speeds of 45 and 60 meters a second. If I do some public math......45x60x60= 162000 M/Hr /1852= 87 knots :o

at 60 meters a second translates to 117 knots :haha:

This seems a little bit ridiculous to me. I'm thinking other than the ramdom Gale or hurricane I shouldn't be seeing over 40-50 knots of wind. Spent over a year of my life during two deployments on a ship. Only once saw winds over 50 knots.

60 m/s wind speed patch is disabled with one of the TWoS patches. Read the documentation and restore the snapshot again...

finchOU 03-26-15 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2301095)
60 m/s wind speed patch is disabled with one of the TWoS patches. Read the documentation and restore the snapshot again...

So does patch 4 include patches 1,2,3? or do I have to enable all 4?

Unfortunately I don't know what "restore the snapshot" means? I saw it in your Step 6 of installation but for the life of me can't figure it out. I know how to use everything else, since I've been using it for awhile. What is a snapshot?:06:

finchOU 03-26-15 04:31 PM

Okay you mean the snapshot in JSGME I see, but I really don't know how to use that.

I also read your Patch 4 post and see that it is ALL inclusive.

So why do I have problems with 60 m/s wind then if I installed correctly? :hmmm:

I really don't get it. I made a clean install of SH5 then followed your directions to a T...minus the "restoring the snapshot" part in step 6.

My understanding of snapshot is just a way to make sure you don't corrupt the game files by taking a snapshot of the file prior to installing a mod, then comparing the modded files to make sure they jive? So why do I need to "restore a snapshot" if the only modding I'm doing is your MOD?

I guess I'm so used to just uninstalling/re installing every time I want a new MOD or patch. Can you enlighten me?

vdr1981 03-26-15 04:33 PM

TDW generic patcher is crucial for SH5. Without it, everything is useless. You must learn how to handle it. There is a link on how to use TDW generic patcher tutorial in the first post. In short , you have to show to TDW patcher where your SH5 foleder is ( for every patch, 9 times aproximately,) and than to restore snapshot.

I'm sure that Theberbster will help you if you send him a PM...

finchOU 03-26-15 04:46 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2301103)
TDW generic patcher is crucial for SH5. Without it, everything is useless. You must learn how to handle it. There is a link on how to use TDW generic patcher tutorial in the first post. In short , you have to show to TDW patcher where your SH5 foleder is ( for every patch, 9 times aproximately,) and than to restore snapshot.

I'm sure that Theberbster will help you if you send him a PM...

I did everything you described above (as I've used TDW's generic patcher before). The only thing I dont get is to "restore snapshot".

vdr1981 03-26-15 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by finchOU (Post 2301105)
I did everything you described above (as I've used TDW's generic patcher before). The only thing I dont get is to "restore snapshot".

Then you browse SH5/TDW_GenericPatcher_v_1_0_168_0/Snapshot for Snapshot 1_0_168_0 7_5_0_.gps and voila , patcher's ready to go!:)

finchOU 03-26-15 05:22 PM

Sweet! Just assuming I need to be in the bunker for this right?

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