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Yobakz 03-19-15 04:49 AM

Hello again fellow cap'ns.

I have a couple of problems that i could not solve by myself and my forum searches failed to return a proper solution for me. I would be very grateful if you could help me

Problem 1: Ship recognition manual (the book, SOAN) fails to filter by number of stacks (or chimneys :). When you try to filter by it, it shows no ships at all. Please see screenshot 1 below

Problem 2: RAOBF scale error. I think this has been mentioned earlier but i was not able to find a solution. In the tutorial RAOBF practice i measure the optical height and the optical length of the ship and find some discrepancies. These differences causes errors in measurements. For example measuring the optical height as 12 in my case instead of 10.6 (which was the value suggested in tutorial) returns a lower range. Please see screenshots 2 and 3 below

Kumando 03-19-15 06:47 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2298375)
Do not pay so much attention to tonnage objectives, every SH has some kind of tonnage objectives but they were invisible. And now they are invisible in SH5 too. I'm just finishing my Happy times campaign without single tonnage objective completed...I wont get Iron Cross probably but hey, we cant all be aces...

I like Rongels lifeboats very much but game will repeatedly CTD in certain situations with this mod enabled, on my system en least. That's why I hesitate so much to add it in the megamod. If you like I can tell you how to test lifeboats with TWoS so you can report to me what's going on...

Dragons addon is outdated...

Why downloading some other gps snapshot when it's already one included with TWoS?

You can add Ali's white interior for example but SilentMichael's interior is too complex just to be enabled after the megamod.

Any radio mod should be compatible with TWoS, I could include some of them in the first place but that would increase size of the archive drastically...

Thanks Vdr, ive enabled it via JSGME and im not having any ctds so far, is there something else i should do?

vdr1981 03-19-15 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by Yobakz (Post 2298601)
Hello again fellow cap'ns.

I have a couple of problems that i could not solve by myself and my forum searches failed to return a proper solution for me. I would be very grateful if you could help me

Problem 1: Ship recognition manual (the book, SOAN) fails to filter by number of stacks (or chimneys :). When you try to filter by it, it shows no ships at all. Please see screenshot 1 below

Problem 2: RAOBF scale error. I think this has been mentioned earlier but i was not able to find a solution. In the tutorial RAOBF practice i measure the optical height and the optical length of the ship and find some discrepancies. These differences causes errors in measurements. For example measuring the optical height as 12 in my case instead of 10.6 (which was the value suggested in tutorial) returns a lower range. Please see screenshots 2 and 3 below

Yes, filtering doesn't work properly...I'll fix it when I learn how.

I don't know what tutorial says but angular height of that ship is ~12 deg which means that ships distance is about 1000m , everything OK there. Maybe tutorial scripts are optimized for different mission with different ship?

vdr1981 03-19-15 10:05 AM


Originally Posted by Kumando (Post 2298622)
Thanks Vdr, ive enabled it via JSGME and im not having any ctds so far, is there something else i should do?

Make a few runs in lifeboats test mission. Enable free camera view and wait until all shooting stop. Then surface the boat and make some suicidal run on remain British ships. In similar situations I have CTD with lifeboats enabled, it's something AI related, not sure what.

Or start external cargo test mission, sink a few ships with torpedoes (don't use deck gun) , surface the boat and sail for some time around lifeboats...

Try this few times and report findings...:up:

rav007 03-19-15 03:15 PM

scapa flow
Hi !
Is that normal that scapa flow defence doesent respond on nothing ? There are some destroyers but they look like anhored and just look on my u-boot and do nothing . . .
ps. i love the mod :P

vdr1981 03-19-15 03:23 PM


Originally Posted by rav007 (Post 2298772)
Hi !
Is that normal that scapa flow defence doesent respond on nothing ? There are some destroyers but they look like anhored and just look on my u-boot and do nothing . . .
ps. i love the mod :P

Yes, unfortunately... The crew is on shore leave probably and there is only one cook on board who only knows how to use search light...He doesn't even know how to use radio, poor guy...:D

rav007 03-19-15 03:28 PM

hehhe nice one :)
this only happends on scapaflow ?

vdr1981 03-19-15 03:36 PM


Originally Posted by rav007 (Post 2298778)
hehhe nice one :)
this only happends on scapaflow ?

Nope, It's common for most anchored destroyers but not for battleships... It's some kind of AI/game limitation/bug...That's why I abandoned harbor raids long time ago, including Scapa Flow mission...

kevinsue 03-19-15 06:10 PM

G'day All,...can anyone tell me if neutral ships ever run at night with lights? So far I have never seen any ships, neutral or otherwise running with lights at night except for searchlights after being attacked.:salute:

THEBERBSTER 03-19-15 06:51 PM


I believe I remember seeing a large hospital ship (troop transport type with a big cross on the side ) in South Western Approaches with lights but it is not a Neutral.


kevinsue 03-19-15 08:16 PM

Hi Peter.....I've never managed to spot one running with lights yet. Sometimes you have to give up a good firing position to get a positive ID of the flag.
Recently I took a 7 klm+ manual shot in bad weather with 2 torpedoes at a Destroyer without any real expectations of success. I was pretty chuffed with myself when both torps hit the target smack on with spectacular explosions and fire :up:.....only to find out later that it was a friendly Type34!!!!!:down: Now I make every effort to be sure that it's the bad guys I'm actually sinking....:D

Husksubsky 03-20-15 05:58 PM


Originally Posted by rav007 (Post 2298772)
Hi !
Is that normal that scapa flow defence doesent respond on nothing ? There are some destroyers but they look like anhored and just look on my u-boot and do nothing . . .
ps. i love the mod :P

They were very active when I entered historically correct path from east :o(kirksound)
anchored when I left :)

Husksubsky 03-20-15 06:06 PM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2298375)
Do not pay so much attention to tonnage objectives, every SH has some kind of tonnage objectives but they were invisible. And now they are invisible in SH5 too. I'm just finishing my Happy times campaign without single tonnage objective completed...I wont get Iron Cross probably but hey, we cant all be aces...

Thx mate. I have bar visible just out of curiosity wether those funny dated sinkings count in the bar. So far they do :). ( could checked that in file also)
I got ordered to a square just outside London and sink ships like there s no tomorrow but that doesn t help the eastern coast objective. Guess I won t be ace either :D

kevinsue 03-20-15 07:48 PM

Has anyone been reassigned another grid to patrol after completing the required time within the allowed radius of the assigned grid?

I was doing the Eastern British Coastal Waters mission and completed the required time then stuck around some more waiting.

I then did the Scapa Flow mission before the end date expired and then returned to the assigned grid once again.(AN7953 near London from memory).

After weeks on station with more than the required 70k tons sunk, and without getting anywhere near the red EBCW line on the map, I gave up and returned to Wilhelmshaven with the Captains Log unchanged and mission incomplete.:wah:

I then had to edit the campaign files to be able to get the next patrol.


vdr1981 03-21-15 04:31 AM

Regarding optional patrol grid missions I've noticed that they can't be completed if I save and reload the game AFTER I enter patrol zone area (in the Atlantic is 200km radius zone for 72 hours ). If I spend 72 hours in the zone without save /reload then mission will be accomplished and I'll be reassigned to another patrol area , maximum is three times...

And for your second problem , could you upload for me your last game save folder from Documents/SH5/data/cfg/ SaveGames?

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