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Snestorm 05-26-11 04:31 AM


Originally Posted by sublynx (Post 1670963)
Excellent idea, I think I'll try that too, the next time I start from 1939 :)

In GWX BdU sends you a radio order about using only impact at an appropriate time, if I remember correctly.

Dönitz's The Conduct of the War at Sea mentions the torpedo failures and subsequent tests in many places but fails to give an exact date.

In BdU's war diary March 1941

the torpedo problem is widely discussed.

This link (go to page 52 - 53) discusses the torpedo problem with more exact dates.

According to the book, the date was 23.5.1940.

Hope this helps :DL

Thank you for the info, and source.
You are fantastic!

Ja. It looks like 23.maj.40 is the day I can have all the magnetic pistols removed.
I guess the depth setting change, from 4 to 3, will also have to wait.

As frustrating as this will be, it should help reduce my tonnage to more historicaly acceptable numbers. (Been modding hard towards that end too.)

sublynx 05-26-11 04:59 AM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1670968)
As frustrating as this will be, it should help reduce my tonnage to more historicaly acceptable numbers. (Been modding hard towards that end too.)

It's a sure way of getting the tonnage down and feeling the frustration of the sub commanders who made perfect shots at a battleships, waiting for the Ka-boom and the glory - and then wondering what went wrong :arrgh!:

Osmium Steele 05-26-11 07:51 AM

Where's the Ka-Boom?

There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!

Snestorm 05-26-11 08:07 AM

There was a big ka-boom, half way to the taget.

sublynx 05-26-11 10:12 AM


Originally Posted by Osmium Steele (Post 1671098)

Where's the Ka-Boom?

There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!

Never noticed before how much like a German submarine commander Marvin the Martian is :har: They must have a drawn him watching at a picture of Günther Prien.

Fish In The Water 05-26-11 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by sektor2006 (Post 1670946)
I am really excited. I've been playing the game for about 10 days now and not every day, still learning it for the most part and now everything starts to fall in place and it does pay off! :sunny:

Great to have some new blood...

Really glad you're enjoying it. Have fun and good hunting! :arrgh!:

frau kaleun 05-26-11 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by Snestorm (Post 1670921)
Welcome back to this end of the forum.
Good to see your reports again.

Thanks. It feels good to have something to report! :DL


Originally Posted by Osmium Steele (Post 1671098)

Where's the Ka-Boom?

There was supposed to be an Earth-shattering Ka-Boom!


VONHARRIS 05-26-11 01:48 PM

U-65 IXB
Patrol No6
30 April 1940
U-65 left Wilhelmshaven to patrol gird AL21
It was heard that Kaleun Snestorm had serious troubles with those magnetic pistols , causing him the loss of tonnage during a convoy attack. At least he came home in one piece.

4 May 1940
Grid AN14
21:12 hours A harbour tugboat was sunk by 6 105mm rounds. The gun crew really loved the 105mm gun. They prefer it over the 88mm.

15 May 1940
Grid AK37
After 11 days of boredom a convoy was spotted. Course and speed were estimated by hydrophone readings and it looked like they were coming right in our path.
4 bow tubes were fired , visually aimed
3 torpedoes aimed at a Nelson class BB and one at a tanker
All four torpedoes exploded on their targets
Meanwhile U-65 had turned her stern at the convoy and both aft tubes were fired at the same targets
12:09 hours Tanker 03 sunk by 1 bow + 1 stern torpedo ship exploded
12:09 hours Nelson class BB - HMS Rodney - sunk by 3 bow and 1 stern torpedo
U-65 came under DC attack which caused medium flooding but the LI and his crew did their magic and we survived.

After patroling grid BB99 with no contacts , the LI noticed that our fuel was way below the anticipated level. We were losing fuel. It looked like that the DCs during the convoy attack had caused serious damage. The LI calculated our fuel and it was obvious that we couldn't make it home. I gave the order to radio BdU and the answer was to reach SS Belchen for repairs and refuel.

29 May 1940
Grid BC21
08:58 hours
On the way to SS Belchen we found an enemy armed merchant - an infamous Q-ship. A bow G7a was enough to blow her out of the water

2 June 1940
08:08 hours U-65 found the SS Belchen in the icy waters of the North west Atlantic. Time to repair the fuel tank : 4 days
34 days at sea
4 ships sunk
47519 tons
90,75% hull integrity

sublynx 05-26-11 03:46 PM

U-552, Patrol 1 ended
Leutnant z.s. Alfons Dietzmann
U-552, VIIC
11. Flotille, Bergen

Back at port after my first mission as commander of U-552. During the month we patrolled AE69 not once did we even see an enemy ship. The morale of the crew is miserable. The PQ convoys must now be using another route.

In port I heard that U-39 had a bad patrol too. They did see lots of action, but the torpedoes had depth keeping and impact pistol trouble. At least they sunk a ship. But other boats have had successful patrols: the best one must be U-65's sinking of HMS Rodney.

Patrol observations.
1. AE69 on the 18th of November, 14:20 hours two Metox warnings. Dive to PD, no hydrophone contacts. My assumption is that the two radar beams must have come from a pair of radar equipped enemy planes. Nothing was seen though, no DC's or bombs heard. Another explanation could be that our Metox was just malfunctioning.
2. AE 69 on the 22nd of November, 23:55 hours a very strange sight. A convoy under Finnish flags. A patrol boat, a barge, a tanker and two merchants. The Finns are not at war with the United States, but Britain has declared war against them, so it was very surprising seeing them near the Faroe islands in British controlled area.

Either the ships were trying to sneak across the Northern Atlantic to a country that is not at war with them or the English have decided to leave the Finns be - it is rumored that Churchill only declared war on them to please the Russians and altough the Royal Navy bombed the Finnish harbours at Petsamo and Kirkenes last year, there has not been any shooting between them since that incident.


Missing Name 05-26-11 07:31 PM

Oblt. z. s. Wolfgang Grimm
U-127, Type IXB
Patrol 2: BE37, 1/19/1940 - 2/06/1940.

Left Wilhelmshaven, clear skies and a hint of wind.

2 merchants were sunk in the North Sea on the 22nd.

On the 23rd, another merchant was attacked. As we surfaced to finish her off, a destroyer arrived and fired a few shots. DD sunk with 1 torpedo.

The 24th saw a great amount of activity. A lone merchant was sunk NW of Scapa Flow, early in the morning. At around midday, a convoy was sighted. Targets were picked: 3 larger merchants. Two hits, one torpedo failed to detonate. Escort attack was light. 62 depth charges dropped, with no damage.

2 merchants were sunk on the 25th.

On the 26th, two convoys were encountered in the Sea of Hebrides.

The first had two large merchants sunk. One sank immediately, with some of the stern visible above water. The second suffered engine failure, was abandoned by the convoy and finished off with the deck gun.

The second convoy was warned of our presence and an escort was sent to the back to lie in wait for me. We were caught unaware, but sank the enemy with the deck gun, sustaining no damage. The spoiled approach meant waiting for the convoy to turn into a more favorable position. 4 merchants sunk. Remaining escorts quickly lost us.

2 more merchants sunk enroute to BE37.

Another convoy was intercepted as we headed north again on the 31st. 1 merchant and a light cruiser sunk. At this point, we had no more torpedoes.

1 merchant sunk on the 2nd.

A fourth convoy was intercepted on the 3rd in the North Hebrides. Collided with destroyer and depth charged 40 times. Very light structural damage.

2 more merchants sunk on the 3rd and 4th. No more deck gun shells.

Pulled into Wilhelmshaven on the 6th. Aft torpedo tube doors were somewhat warped but were still functional.

Total: 20 merchants, 3 warships (CL, DD, DE) sunk. 126,500 tons of shipping.

sektor2006 05-27-11 01:24 AM

Guys, how do you make these patrol reports?

As to me, I sank a second merchant ship in this bad storm and happily returned to base. Result - 2 sunk merchant ships for a total tonnage of 4800 tons, 5 spent torpedoes, a war badge for someone on the crew, 1000 renown points. :) This was my first patrol ever.

sublynx 05-27-11 02:39 AM


Originally Posted by sektor2006 (Post 1671495)
Guys, how do you make these patrol reports?


Originally Posted by sektor2006 (Post 1671495)

As to me, I sank a second merchant ship in this bad storm and happily returned to base. Result - 2 sunk merchant ships for a total tonnage of 4800 tons, 5 spent torpedoes, a war badge for someone on the crew, 1000 renown points. :) This was my first patrol ever.

Great start for your career, sektor2006 :/\\x:

As for writing patrol reports, I got the inspiration after reading the reports here in the thread and historical U-boat patrol reports in:

I now have a paper notepad for quick notemaking beside my laptop, and my old laptop with a word processor open is waiting for a lull in the action. SH3 has times when you just wait for the convoy to get closer or the escorts get farther away and can’t really do anything but wait. At those times I tend to stay in TC x1 and write action reports about what has happened so far.

I find this fun from a role playing perspective and I also think writing reports is starting to affect my situational awareness as well. I now spend a lot more time gathering information about the enemy and the situation, and more time thinking about how to make the attack safer and more successful. I think I get better at the game by taking the time to write a report about the patrol.

sektor2006 05-27-11 09:21 AM


Originally Posted by Fish In The Water
Great to have some new blood...

Really glad you're enjoying it. Have fun and good hunting!

Thank you for the warm words! I've been a fan of the series since I was little. A long time ago I played a game with a submarine, but I didn't know English so I couldn't understand the game and I don't remember the title of the game, but I suppose it was Silent Hunter 1.

Can I ask something? I am on my second patrol - in fact I just started it. The weird thing is that:
1. I have to patrol the same grid (AN81).
2. The date is again Sep 1, 1939, although when I returned to base the date was Sep 9, 1939.
3. Great Britain is not an enemy.

Yet, my statistics is there - 2 sunk ships, 600 points renown for a total of 1100 points, a medal. What is going on? How can I go back to Sep 9, 1939 - to normal time?

VONHARRIS 05-27-11 12:32 PM

U-65 IXB
Patrol No7
03 June 1940
After repairs were completed , U-65 was refeuled and rearmed ready for action.
Following BdU instructions my IWO remained on the SS Belchen to meet with
U-552 to be transfered to Bergen. My IIWO replaced him and we got another officer also. U-39 is still in port
20:10 hours U-65 left the company of the SS Belchen (The crew will miss the dinners on that ship) with orders to patrol AL22

08 June 1940
Grid AK27 Convoy attack in fine weather , calm seas no winds
4 bow tubes fired and U-65 started turning to bring the aft tubes in action
04:14 hours A large troop ship(24000grt) was hit by two bow torpedoes and sunk
The whole convoy slowed down to 2Kts with the ships going into complete disarray going into every possible direction and the escorts didn't know what to do , a total mess
U-65 dived to 100m and reloaded
When we came to periscope depth the situation was the same
All six tubes fired into the convoy again
06:09 hours Passenger/cargo sunk by 2 bow torpedoes (they were aimed at a fast passenger ship)
06:38 hours A tanker 06 was sunk by 1 stern shot after she was already hit by a bow torpedo in the first attack
U-65 dived again at 100m and reloaded the 2 bow tubes
Again we came at persiscope depth and fired both tubes each a tanker. Although both torpedoes exploded no other ship was sunk.
U-65 dived at 150m and left the area undetected.
This has never happened before. It was a very strange incident.

20 June 1940
Grid AN26
20:09 hours U-65 crash dived to avoid enemy aircraft

21 June 1940
Grid AN14
23:28 hours A coastal freighter was sunk by 1 bow torpedo. She was escorted by a motor torpedo boat

22 June 1940
Grid AN14
U-65 was still submerged when heavy screws were heard at bearing 165. U-65 turned her bow at the contact and three different warships were heard coming our way.
Up scope: A Dido class CL an aux cruiser and an armed merchant cruiser with no escorts. Their speed was estimated to 15 kts
All 4 bow tubes were readied and fired: 1 at the Dido 2 at the AMC and 1 at the aux cruiser.
A lookout on the CL spotted the incoming torpedo and the cruisers started evasive actions.
The Dido was hit aft but no damage was done as she continued on. The fishes aimed at the AMC either missed or were duds but the one that hit the aux cruiser left her dead in the water.
By that time U-65 presented her stern to the aux cruiser and fired both aft torpedoes.
02:31 hours Auxiliary cruiser sunk by 1 bow + 2 stern torpedoes
U-65 left undetected as the other two ships left the area

07:03 hours U-65 crash dived to avoid enemy ASW group of 4 DDs

24 June 1940
09:48 hours
U-65 entered the port of Wilhelmshaven
22 days at sea
5 ships sunk
50574 tons
No damages or casualties

Gerald 05-27-11 12:34 PM

Good work, :up:

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