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U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Operating on an outbound convoy
+++++ 0515 - Morning Dawn. 0601 - Incoming F.T.: From U 106: Have torpedoed USN Tanker Salinas (AO 19) 8246ts from convoy ON.28. Coup de grâce not possible due to ASW action from the U.S.A. escorts. - Rasch - Cmdr.: The former XO of U 106 (IXB), Oblt. Hermann Rasch, has taken over the command of this successful boat, from the famous Kptlt. Jürgen Oesten, who has become commander of the 9th Flotilla at Brest. On his first war cruise as commander of U 106, Oblt. Rasch seems to experience firsthand, the "neutral" involvement of the U.S.A. in this conflict. 0635 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 0948 - Incoming F.T.0940/30: From B.d.U.: B-Dienst reporting enemy convoy in Qu.5369BE, on course SSW, speed 6kn. 0959 - "All hands on Maneuver Stations!". 2xH.F., new course 147°. Boat is operating on convoy 0940/30. 1049 - Incoming F.T.1040/30: From B.d.U.: B-Dienst reporting convoy 0940/30 now in Qu.5393BE bottom left, on course 200°, speed 6kn. 1052 - L.I. reporting that we have 120cbm fuel left (50%). New course 152°. 1200 - Qu.5395BE - Days Run: 208.4sm - ↗ 206.4 (23h 15') - ↘ 2.0sm (45'). 117.8cbm (5.3cbm/24h)+2cbm Reserve. On course 171°. 9100Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h (12h). - to be continued - |
U48 - Type VIIb - 1st patrol - part 2
December 17, 1939 AN84
0748 The storm that follow us all the way here is relenting a bit. Wind is down to 14 meters per second and it's not raining anymore. U48 is now investigating a sound contact SW of our position. Sounds like a merchant. 0757 Ship spotted through the periscope. it's a small cargo cruising northward at 7 knots. Changing course to intercept. 0812 Another British Passenger/Cargo. Will shot one eel from our stern tube. Increasing speed to pass in front of the target, lowering the periscope. 0818 Torpedo impact! Got her in the bow as intended. Will put some distance between us and then run on parallel course. 0852 Secondary explosion on the target. It's burning now, and is very low and slow. 0931 Passenger/cargo just exploded! That's another one down. U65 will now sail NE submerged. There is a warship contact closing... 0939 An ASW trawler came to investigate the area. U65 changed course to North. We will crawl away. 1012 Enemy ship is still back at the crime scene, possibly trying to rescue the survivors. It's raining again and we have a sound contact NNW of our position. Visibility is really poor so I'll take the risk and surface to make a quick dash toward it. 1038 AN73 We just dived to check with sonar and operator already picked it up. Sounds like a crippled merchant, lots of creaking noises. 1106 From the fog emerges a British large merchant crawling NNW at about two knots. No visible damage yet it does not look in good conditions. I'll shot just one torpedo and see if it's enough. 1109 Sonar operator just picked up a warship contact coming from the south at medium speed. Maybe the ASW trawler we met earlier?...mmm...change of plan. I'll shot two torpedoes to be sure and leave the area. Fire! 1110 One hit and one dud! Readying another tube...aaargh. 1111 Holding fire...secondary explosions are going off and she is burning from bow to stern. Warship didn't pick up speed yet and is still at quite the distance...let's wait a bit. 1115 Down she goes! Changing course to west and moving away before that warship reach this area. 1444 AN73 Sound contact south of our position. Moving to investigate. Still raining... 1522 Contact is now at short range but still not visible. Heavy rain and waves does not help... 1526 There she is! At a very bad angle...hard to starboard and back full... 1527 Almost impossible to mantain periscope depth...I'm guessing both speed and course here...finger crossed...fire! 1527 ...and miss...fire again!....Hit her! just in the back...almost missed again...bet her propellers are gone. No visible fires. Let's wait and see. 1533 This British tramp steamer is now dead on the water...I just shot two eels at hit...I hope I don't have to shot a third one. 1628 Secondary explosion started a fire. Steamer is very low on her back... 1748 At last! She is sinking very slowly. Clearing the area and moving NNE 1822 Weather suddenly improved: no clouds, no wind. U48 is operating on the surface, ventilating, recharging batteries and reloading torpedoes 2222 AN73 Lookout spots a warship coming from the north...lowering the boat to 6 meters and slowing down...let's identify it. 2227 ASW Trawler...with a merchant just behind it...moving at 8 knots, heading SSE. Changing our course to SW. 2231 Trawler turning our way! Did they spot us or just doing a search pattern? Diving to periscope depth. 2238 Trawler is just running a search pattern while the merchant is still on her usual course. For a moment I feared we had been spotted. Merchant looks like a Granville freighter. Will go no closer than a km from them and shot two eels at the cargo...or perhaps one each if that trawler is back on standard course. 2251 Trawler is back on standard course. I'll shot the Granville first and the trawler soon after. Tube one...fire! Tube two...hold!...Searchlights! Down scope, down to 25 meters...I hate shallow waters...changing course to W...did they spot us? or picked up our torpedo when we opened fire? 2252 Torpedo impact! At least we got that...Trawler is moving slightly south of us...perhaps they don't have a proper fix on us...changing course to WNW... 2254 Depth charges about 600 meters southeast of our position! let's keep crawling away... 2301 Trawler just did another run about a km away...the Granville seems to be slowing down... 2320 No more depth charges from the trawler, it's sniffing around about 1500 meters SE of us. Granville seems to be down to about 3 knots, zigzagging along her previous course. We will try to mantain contact and finish her off later. 2329 Sonar reports secondary explosions from our target...perhaps we need not attack her again. 2341 Granville is sinking! How nice! Trawler still lurking in the area but we should be safe enough. Changed course to north, speed two knots, raised to boat to 20 meters. 2358 Back at periscope depth. Trawler stopped searching around and is now leaving the area cruising south at medium speed. We will stay for a while more than surface again. I wonder if the lookouts spotted our periscope or if their sonar operator detected our torpedo in the water. That was thrilling...A busy day, four ship sank and a lot of frustrated trawlers. Not bad. |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Detected by escort radar
+++++ - continued from 30 October 1941, 1200h - 1210 - Boat is being attacked by a HuntI destroyer, approaching the boat with zero angle and 28kn, bearing 287°. 1211 - At E=2800m, ALARM! Cmdr.: Just before closing the conning tower hatch, I see a second destroyer bearing 270°, running in at our position at high speed with zero angle. The visibility is about 5500m. This means, that the escorts must have a radar range of well over 3000m, I suspect, at least twice that range. 1214 - While diving, the convoy can be heard in the sound gear, in Qu.5399BE top left. 1215 - At 2A-Meter, Silent Running. ASDIC and Wabos behind the boat, at the last ASDIC contact position. 1234 - One of the destroyers is running back to the convoy and almost overruns our position in doing so but doesn't detect the boat. The other destroyer keeps dropping Wabos. In all, 75 Wabos are being dropped on the boat! No damages. 1237 - Setting A-Meter. 1250 - A-Meter. Setting reception depth. 1257 - T=20. Suspended silent running. 1259 - S-Tiefe. The second destroyer, a Clemson/Town Destroyer, is dropping Wabos about 3500m astern. Has a radar range of 7000m. 1300 - The convoy briefly comes into sight in the A-Periscope, ahead to port, E=5500. Seems to be zig-zagging around a mean course of WSW, consisting of about 16 steamers and 4 escorts. 1325 - According to sound contact, the convoy is running again on course SSW. 1330 - Surfaced after 1h 19min. and 3.9sm. Cmdr.: I must try to locate the convoy and send a contact report, before being detected again by the escorts. 1337 - On course 180°. The convoy comes back into sight, E=5500. 1338 - Sending contact report: "Gustav Gelb!". Convoy 0940/30 in Qu.5398BE middle, on course 200°, speed 7kn. 16 steamers and 4 escorts with 7000m radar range. - RST - - to be continued - |
U48 - Type VIIb - 1st patrol - part 3
December 18, 1939 AN73
0104 U48 was moving on the surface when lookouts spotted a torpedo boat approaching. We dived to periscope depth to avoid detection and soon after sonar operator detected a merchant slowly closing from the south. U48 is now operating submerged at 5 knots, moving south to intercept. 0148 Target spotted on the horizon. It's moving our way at 6 knots. Torpedo boat still in the area. Changing course to SW to get closer. 0158 Medium cargo, that's what our target is. Another warship contact is joining the party. Sounds like another torpedo boat. 0227 We are about 600 meters off to starboard. Will fire a single torpedo aiming at her bow. I hope it's enough but I can always finish her off if need be. Both torpedo boats are visible right now, each about 2000 meters away from us, one NW and the other SW of our position. Tube 2...fire! 0227 Impact! Small fire is going on. Periscope down and changing course. 0229 Both torpedo boats running in...down to 20 meters just to be sure... 0342 Target is down to 2 knots and heavy nosed. Torpedo boat still about and a trawler-sounding contact is coming from the north. 0440 U48 is now about 3 km away from our target. That ASW trawler came straight our way and we had to move away to avoid detection. It's now patrolling halfway between our uboat and the merchant. Both torpedo boats still in the area too. But that medium cargo is dead on the water and burning like Hell...I don't think she will go anywhere. 0458 The cargo is sinking. In the last few minutes there were many secondary explosions. U48 will move away submerged and surface when the warships are out of sight. 1341 Ship spotted north east of our position, heading NW. A small cargo vessel. Lowering our boat on the surface and closing distance. 1349 Another ship spotted! Another small cargo, about 2 km behind the first one, on similar course. Nice! We are diving now. 1355 First target is a Tramp Steamer moving at 6 knots, secondary target still unidentified but moving at 8 knots on a slightly northish course. Weather is good, I think I'll shot one eel at the first and then come up and do a deck gun attack on the second one, then finish the first off if need be. 1358 First tramp steamer is a neutral...changing course to close on the other one, identified as tramp steamer too. 1410 Warship coming from the south at medium speed...and this one sounds like a destroyer...not good. 1413 This is a British tramp steamer...getting data for TDC... 1421 Torpedo impact! She is burning already. U48 will move on the other side and put some distance between us. 1423 Destroyer increased speed and is now moving fast. But I believe this steamer is done...secondary explosion and new fires started. She is already slowing down too. 1430 U48 is now about 2 and a half km away to the north. Just spotted the destroyer rushing in but I don't think it will pick on us. Steamer is dead on the water and almost under. 1438 Tramp steamer is sinking. Destroyer is patrolling the area but nowhere close to us. U48 will slip away to the north. |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Attacked with Depth Charges
+++++ - continued from 30 October 1941, 1338h - 1340 - Running off at high speed on course 245°. The Clemson/Town destroyer comes back into sight, bearing 113°. Running at high speed toward the position from where we sent the contact report but then turn toward the boat and approaches with zero angle and high bow wave. 1341 - Diving at E=3600. 1349 - At A-Meter, ASDIC but no detection. Silent Running and diving deeper. 1351 - AT A+20, Wabos at our diving position. In all, 45 Wabos are being dropped on the boat. No damages. 1414 - Back at A-Meter. Setting for reception depth. 1422 - T=20. 1423 - S-Tiefe. The Clemson/Town destroyer is sniffing around for us 4500m astern. 1438 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Convoy is OG.76. Attack independently if possible. Send report after attack. Cmdr.: This means, that there are no boats available, that could be guided towards this convoy. I therefore decide, to run-off and continue with the delayed return cruise to base. 1507 - Incoming F.T.: From U 106: U-Rasch reporting that it also sank a single ship, altogether 13000ts. 1520 - Surfaced after 39min. and 4.9sm. Weather unchanged. On course 290°. 1525 - Compressed air supply filled. 1535 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: According to sound contact, convoy OG.76 positioned at 1520h, in Qu.5633BE bottom middle, on course 200°, speed 6kn. Had to dive twice from directly approaching HuntI and Clemson/Town destroyer. Came with zero angle at high speed out of the haze, visibility 5500m. Suspect radar range of 7000m. Attack on convoy not possible due to no internal eels and weather. Running off and setting for delayed return voyage. 8 external Ato. 117cbm. ENE6/5, overcast, hazy visibility 3sm, ~1000mb. - RST - 1537 - Boat is running off in a circle to stbd. and astern of the convoy. After 5.5h, "Dismissed from Maneuver Stations!". 1554 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Load external torpedoes under deck at first possible opportunity. 1601 - Incoming F.T.1559/30: From U 81: "FL, FL, FL, BF 1887, U-81"! U-Guggenberger reporting that it is unable to dive and that it was attacked by a British Flying boat, American type Martin PBM 1. "From U-81 request fighters!". 1806 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0601/27. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U48 - Type VIIb - 1st patrol - part 4
December 19, 1939 Grid AN55
1948 U48 just reached this area and is now diving. Sea conditions are not that bad but visibility is really poor, so I plan to dive quite often to do a sonar check and see if we can pick up what could be our last target of the patrol. No contacts since we sank that steamer but for a group of three torpedo boats patrolling. 2224 Sonar reports a warship coming our way...let's see if it's alone or escorting something. 2302 Seems like we have a Trawler-Torpedo boat team or at least they sound like that...cannot see them even if they are not that far...will change course to east to put some distance between us as they are coming almost straight to us... 2321 the warship duo is passing right in front of us, about 2000 meters away...ASW trawler barely visible...torpedo boat not spotted. We have a new sound contact...SE of our position, faint but growing louder...seems like a merchant is coming our way...will move east to get away from these warships then surface and dash toward our target. December 20, 1939 Grid AN55 0022 Sonar has been following this merchant for a while and it seems to be on a NNW course...visibility is still quite poor but it's coming straight for us...should see it pop out of the fog quite soon 0036 Here it comes...ship is emerging from the fog about 2500 meters away...and seems like a big one...a large merchant? 0040 It's a British large merchant moving 7 knots...U48 is now moving at full speed to get into firing position..we will attack from starboard and shot our last two eels...weather doesn't allow for a deck gun attack...we still have all our shells I believe. 0044 Opening tubes...we are really close...let's adjust spread to 6 degrees...fire!....both eels away and running....Impact!...and again!..nice spread, got her in the bow and just ahead of the propellers...small fire on the bow deck...time to wait... 0122 Large merchant is now very slow, perhaps two knots, listing to starboard and low on the water...fire is not visible but she is smoking quite a lot... 0156 Secondary explosion on her stern deck! That started a new big fire! A small fire is visible on her bow again...looking good... 0232 Target is dead on the water, very low, heavily listing to starboard and burning...but still afloat...if only weather was better... 0252 At last! With a final firework display she surrendered to the sea...for a moment I feared she would stay there burning forever. Surfacing and starting our way back home. December 23, 1939 Kiel 0219 U48 is now docking at Kiel. On our way back weather was quite awful and rainy. we met a couple of neutrals and nothing more. Our first patrol from this base went well but for the weather...never had a chance to use deck gun, really. Still, we managed to sink 9 ships and that's not bad, really. Also, we made it back here just in time for Christmas...crew will be happy about it. I look forward to having dinner at Nightclub and hear the later gossips...but hopefully some important info too. Patrol results: Crew losses: 0 Ships sunk: 9 Aircraft destroyed: 0 Patrol tonnage: 37767 tons |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Topp sinks the Reuben James
+++++ - 4th week at sea completed - 0130 - Qu.6455BE. New course 90°. 0515 - Morning Dawn. 0602 - Incoming F.T.: From U 374: Sunk single ship Rose Schiaffino 3349ts. - von Fischel - 0628 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 0802 - Incoming F.T.: From U 552: Gustav Gelb! Sighted convoy HX.156. About 44 ships and 5 U.S.A. escorts. Immediately attacked and sunk the destroyer Reuben James (DD 245). - Topp - 1200 - Qu.6554BE - Days Run: 190.3sm - ↗ 181.5 (22h 02') - ↘ 8.8sm (1h 58'). 113.4cbm (4.4cbm/24h)+2cbm Reserve. On course 90°. 8100Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h (36h). 1305 - Qu.6555BE - 1322 - Incoming F.T.: From U 96: Sunk a ship of 5998ts out of unknown convoy. - Lehmann-Willenbrock - Cmdr.: It will be established later, that it was the Dutch steamer Bennekom, from convoy OS.10. 1755 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 1801 - Norddeich Radio sending report about German forces breaking through to the Crimea at Ishun on 26 Oct. The Russian defenders are being pushed back to Sevastopol, the Kerch peninsular and the Jaila mountains. Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.0601/27. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Last trial dive of this patrol
+++++ 0045 - Qu.4455BF - 0500 - Morning Dawn. 0618 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 1200 - Qu.4455BF - Days Run: 200.1sm - (↗ 24h). 108.1cbm (5.3cbm/24h)+2cbm Reserve. On course 90°. 8100Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h (3.5 days). 1300 - Diving for trial dive acc. B.d.U. Standing Order 507. 135rpm, 3kn. 1325 - Boat is safe and secure at 2A-Meters. Setting reception depth. 1341 - At reception depth. 1345 - Surfaced after 45min. and 1.9sm. Weather unchanged. Battery: 7900Ah. 1650 - Boat not operating on ship contact report 1650/1, in Qu.4427BF, on course NNE, medium speed, due to no internal torpedoes and weather. 1743 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 2245 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Will be at point Lore on 2 Nov., 2230h. - RST - 2257 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Proceed independently from point Lore on approach path Heart. Next message when 12h from point Luci2. Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.2257/1. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - The Bay of Biscay
+++++ 0030 - Qu.4555BF. Reached enemy air cover zone. "From now on, all hands on 'Quivive'!". 0500 - Morning Dawn. 0606 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 1200 - Qu.4655BF - Days Run: 197.5sm - ↗ 195.6sm (23h 15') - ↘ 1.9sm (45'). 103.7cbm (4.4cbm/24h)+2cbm Reserve. On course 59°. Battery 7900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h (4.5 days). 1502 - Norddeich Radio sending O.K.W. report about successes of the Kriegsmarine during the month of October 1941. The Uboat arm contributed 32 ships for 156,554ts sunk to the tally. 1612 - Incoming F.T.: To U 109: Bleichrodt: Free maneuver. - B.d.U. - 1727 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 2300 - Point Lore. Nothing noticed. Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.2257/1. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Waiting for daylight
+++++ 0401 - Incoming F.T.: From U 202: In two attacks sunk from convoy SC.52 the Danish steamer Flynderborg 2022ts and the British steamer Gretavale 4586ts. - Kptlt. Linder - 0445 - Morning Dawn. 0509 - Qu.5199BF. An inbound French Ferryboat to our stbd. beam on parallel course, speed 12kn, E=3600. Evaded on surface. 0556 - Sunrise. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 1030 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: Will be at point Luci2 on 3 Nov., 2230h. - RST - 1120 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Escort will be at point Luci2 on 4 Nov., 0700h. Next radio message on shortwave. 1200 - Qu.5286BF - Days Run: 211.7sm - (↗ 24h). 96.7cbm (7.0cbm/24h)+2cbm Reserve. On course 59°. 7900Ah. 8 external Ato. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h (5.5 days). 1330 - 18sm south of Pen March. 1711 - Sundown. Weather unchanged since 29 Oct., 2400h. 1830 - New course 45°. First beacon lights of Ìle de Groix come into sight. 1900 - Diving for submerged cruise at reception depth, silent running, 65rpm. 2058 - At A-Meter. 2100 - Setting boat aground. Water depth 104m. "Lights out for the off-watch, quite in the boat." 2122 - O₂ = 20%. Boat operating acc. Op.-Orders as per F.T.1120/3. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Arriving in Lorient
+++++ 0242 - O₂ = 19%. 0539 - Sunrise. 0545 - Breakfast for the Port-Machine-Watch. 0600 - Breakfast for the rest of the crew. 0617 - Raising boat from ground. 0631 - At A-Meter. Setting for reception depth. 135rpm. 0639 - T=20. 0641 - S-Tiefe. Wind and Sea conditions have improved somewhat. 0645 - Surfaced after 11h 45 min. and 3.6sm. Battery 7700Ah. Weather has improved slightly: ENE4/3, overcast, hazy, visibility 3sm, ~1000mb. 0652 - Boat ventilated. 1/3-Ahead. 0705 - At point Luci-2 no escort. 0707 - Outgoing F.T.: To B.d.U.: At Luci2. Request escort. - RST - 0738 - Incoming F.T.: From B.d.U.: RST: Enter port together with U 433. Entering Lorient together with U 433 (Oblt. Hans Ey). U-Ey is on its way from St.Nazaire to the Mediterranean and has an overlay stop at Lorient. Harbor is protected by a pair of Me110. (U 433, VIIC, will be sunk at 2155hrs on 16 November 1941 in the Mediterranean Sea east of Gibraltar, in position 36.13N, 04.42W, by depth charges and gunfire from the British corvette HMS Marigold; 6 dead and 38 survivors, among the survivors will be Obtl. Hans Ey). 0820 - All available hands on deck for the greeting in the bunker. 0840 - Making fast and mooring boat in the bunker. Distance traveled since Etmal: 100.0sm - ↗ 96.4 (8h 55') - ↘ 3.6sm (11h 45'). 94.1cbm (2.6cbm/since Etmal)+2cbm Reserve. 7700Ah. 8 external Ato. ENE4/3, overcast, hazy, visibility 3sm, ~1000mb. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U48 - Type VIIb - 2nd patrol - part 1 - Departing Kiel again
December 31st, 1939 Kiel
0744 On the eve of 1940 U48 leaves Kiel again. Weather is poor and visibility really troublesome so we must be really careful to avoid a collision here. We are moving out at 5 knots, just to be safe. Assigned patrol area is AN11...it will be cold and dark up there...and I'm willing to bet there will be plenty warships in the area. On the way out I'm planning to do some training: must get to know crew and boat better. That could save our lives at a later time. Plotted course will have U48 sail north toward Oslo then west till Kristiansand and from there WNW toward our assigned patrol area passing trough the gap between Orkney's and Sheatland's Isles On we go! |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Post-Arrival Work
+++++ Clearing out of boat: 94.1cbm (+2cbm Reserve); 8 external Ato; 10.5cm: 150xSpG+30xLkG; M.G.-C/30-2cm: 8000PbG. Discharging of battery (7700Ah). Placing boat in dry dock for Shipyard Overhaul. Routine work by the crew throughout. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Post-Arrival Activities
Naturally, the boat was already cleared out upon arrival on Nov. 4 :Kaleun_Cheers: |
July 4th 1943 Patrol 3
Miraculously made it out alive from a convoy that had 10 escorts i think the trick is to attack the convoy from within. Sadly forgot to set the torpedoes to impact and one torpedo ran under the ship lost out on potential 12000 GRT must settle with 8000 GRT Overall not worth it |
WOW, 10 escorts!!! How did you manage that? |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Post War Patrol Reporting
+++++ The totals of this 2nd war patrol with U 113 and 14th war patrol overall are: Traveled surfaced: 5461.3sm - 29 days, 17h, 41min. Traveled submerged: 118.0sm - 2 days, 16h, 49min. Traveled total: 5579.3sm - 32 days, 10h, 30min. Total of 4 merchants for 18091ts sunk and 2 Ore-Freighters for 8157ts torpedoed. Of that from Op. against convoy 0710/15 (perhaps, detached from HX.153): 3 steamers of 15812ts sunk and 2 steamers of 8157ts torpedoed. Independently travelling ships: 1 steamer of 2279ts sunk. Torpedo hits: 8 (4 Eto and 4 Ato). Torpedo misses: 2 Eto on zig-zagging steamer. Torpedo failures: - 4 Eto (Pi-G7H) understeered in high sea. Of these: - 1 Eto was not serviced yet after leaving port and - 1 Eto was subject to high water pressure due to an open torpedo tube, when the boat had to dive from an approaching destroyer. Crash Dives: 1 from a destroyer. Depth Charges: 182 - no damage. Pressure hull: 100% (Accumulated: 0%). Honour points: 1521.84 (Accumulated: 27066.89). RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Reporting to the B.d.U.
+++++ B.d.U. Assessment: This was the second war patrol of this boat and crew. This war cruise was hampered by bad weather and much increased ASW capabilities of the enemy, who has equipped its escort vessels with 3000m and 7000m range radar. The boat and crew experienced its "baptism of fire", with nearly 200 depth charges being dropped on the boat. It has to be noted, that the boat did not experience any damage from these attacks, because of the exemplary behavior and skill of the commander and crew. It is also noteworthy, that the boat did not encounter any enemy airplanes, throughout the entire patrol. As it was not possible to load the external torpedoes under deck due to weather, the commander made the best of the opportunities that he was presented with. He also, sighted three further convoys and managed to keep contact and send shadowing reports. The sinking of 4 steamers of 18091ts and torpedoing 2 steamers of 8157ts, is a fine success. Karl Dönitz Vizeadmiral & B.d.U. |
Second patrol of U-64, part. I
07.06.1940 20:28 - Leaving Wilhelmshaven harbour, course 323 at 10Kts. Clouds overcast, visibility moderate, wind 6mps 357 12.06.1940 AF7877 20:50 - Visual contact with british medium cargo, bearing 062 at 7Kts. Since she was unarmed, we fired two torpedoes during surfaced night attack. One hit, one miss. Sunk for 5647 tons. Course 248 at 11Kts. Fuel 95, torpedoes 20. Clouds clear, visibility moderate, wind 7mps 320. AF7798 22:52 - Short signal transmission send to BDU : 2252/12/52 BB BWM LBDF EIWI VENW LJEC HGQK LJSU QOIZ GOMV CONZ YAC BWM 23:19 - HF transmission received from BDU : "RADIO MESSAGE ACKNOWLEDGED - CONTINUE ASSIGNED OPERATION" 17.06.1940 AM8777 23:27 - HF transmission received from BDU : "U-52 REPORTED CONVOY AM0182 - COURSE ESE AT 8KTS - U-52 SENDING BEACON SIGNALS TO UBOOTE NEAR LOCATION". We are obviously too far to take part to the chase. Fuel 85, torpedoes 20. Course 178 at 10Kts. Clouds partial, visibility moderate, wind 1mps 191. BF1745 12:52 - HF transmission received from BDU : "KONDOR REPORTED CONVOY BF1278 - COURSE NE 7KTS - SENDING BEACON SIGNALS" 19.06.1940 BF7479 20:41 - Visual contact with unarmed french medium cargo, bearing 008 at 9Kts. Fired one torpedo during submerged attack, one hit. Then engaged with deckgun on surface to finish her. Sunk for 4517 tons. Fuel 80, torpedoes 19. Course 177 at 11Kts. Clouds clear, visibility unlimited, wind 0mps 37. 20.06.1940 CG2122 04:31 - HF transmission send to BDU : 0431/20/71 BJQ JPIY UCRN BDFM ZYPC CSJQ HQOG NTFG TFBN FTBX YTXC SZTW JYNX YVQY KUWO KKOG EDRT G BJQ 05:04 - HF transmission received from BDU : "TRANSMISSION ACKNOWLEDGED - CONTINUE OPERATION" 21.06.1940. CG8113 16:12 - Operation area reached. Fuel 80, torpedoes 19. Course 180 at 6Kts. Clouds clear, visibility moderate, wind 2mps 126. CG1852 21:40 - Position reported to BDU via short signal transmission : 2140/21/19 BB SFH BPAY RTWQ UTJ SFH 22:13 - HF transmission received from BDU : "SHORT SIGNAL ACKNOWLEDGED" 22.06.1940 CG8254 08:59 - Spotted two ennemy aircrafts. Crashdive. Aircrafts bombed us with depthcharges. Minor damages on flak gun, hull integrity 99%. Course 180 at 4Kts. 23.06.1940 CG9156 05:18 - Visual contact with two neutral brazillian ships, one small merchant and one small tanker. Bearing 323 at 5Kts. Dived to avoid contact. Course 270 at 7Kts. Clouds clear, visibility moderate, wind 14mps 165. 24.06.1940 CG8546 19:03 - Clouds overcast, precipitation heavy, visibility poor, wind 15mps 345. Course 000 at 3Kts. 19:20 - Short weather report transmission send to BDU : QQ241902Z N IYRO JAPM YOGL EVFN QMEC RKG 19:49 - HF transmission received from BDU : "SHORT WEATHER REPORT ACKWNOLEDGED - CONTINUE OPERATION" 26.06.1940 CG8655 11:50 - HF transmission received from BDU : "AREA N OF 5880 AND E OF 0300 IS CLOSED TO ALL UBOOTE AT SEA BECAUSE OF LUFTWAFFE OPERATION" 28.06.1940 CG8697 01:32 - HF transmission received from BDU : "B-DIENST REPORTED LOCATION OF ENNEMY CONVOY IN CG95 - COURSE NW AT 7KTS". CG8666 04:48 - Visual contact with british medium cargo, course ESE at 6Kts. Unable to identify if she was armed or not. Chasing ennemy cargo to find a good spot for a submerged attack ahead. Fired two torpedoes, two hits. Sunk for 4798 tons.Fuel 75, torpedoes 17. Course 000 at 5Kts. Clouds partial, visibility moderate, wind 0mps 43. CG8664 07:35 - Visual contact with unarmed british tramp steamer, course ESE at 5Kts. This is very small prey, but the weather condition was favourable for a surfaced attack with deckgun. Sunk for 2657 tons. CG8655 15:00 - Aircraft spotted, crashdive. No sounds of depthcharges. Course 270 at 3Kts. CG8646 20:33 - HF transmission send to BDU : 2033/28/121 LHV KTVP NDDV OSPO JKZU SDBH ZKQT RHVF SWJE JTYT HQMG FRTP ZJJE ILGH XTID CMQJ UDKC WBVF BOYF VYOR MVTH GDFT SJNN FYHW YULP GHHY CGCY OKEQ HTBO CZX LVH 20:58 - HF transmission received from BDU : "TRANSMISSION ACKNOWLEDGED - CONTINUE ASSIGNED OPERATION" 29.06.1940 CG8634 09:08 - HF transmission received from BDU : "COHAUSZ IN U-A SPOTTED AND ALREADY ENGAGED CONVOY IN CG7723 - COURSE NW AT 6 KTS" CG8625 14:59 - HF transmission received from BDU : "0908/29 CONVOY - LAST REPORTED POSITION CG7422 - ZIGZAGGING" |
U 113 (IXC) - 2nd War Patrol - Time for celebration and R&R
+++++ Awards & Promotions: The Commander was awarded with the German Cross in Gold! The XO, OFähnr.z.S. Udo HARTENSTEIN was promoted to Ltnt.z.S., and Quartermaster Otto TOTENHAGEN, was promoted to Chief Quartermaster! The XO, the Chief Quartermaster and the L.I., Ltnt.-Ing. Fritz FRIEDERICHS, were awarded with the U-boat War Badge! The 2nd Sea Watch, was awarded with the Iron Cross 2nd Class! The crew is given leave of 4 weeks at home, in shifts of 2 weeks each. Second war patrol with U 113 and 14th war patrol overall completed. RST Kptlt.&Cmdr. |
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