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vdr1981 03-31-16 06:34 AM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2393879)
I think the problem in NAO_Dithmarschen_LOD.GR2. I am currently looking into this.

Hmm, maybe TDW GR2 editor could be utilized here...:hmm2:

vdr1981 03-31-16 06:40 AM


Originally Posted by THEBERBSTER (Post 2393878)
Hi Vecko
I did a re-install to start a new campaign (Realistic) with patch 7
Changed the game option settings to 86% (No external view and no stabilize view) to get used to real navigation for the Baltic Operation.

As I said previously Sweet FX does not work, Historical Missions always a ctd on loading regardless of how often I re-install, and now no speed charts.
I do not think that I have done or am currently doing anything wrong that is causing these problems.


How about to delete all dragables.TDW files and check for charts again?

Get rid of Sweet FX, it can cause problems/CTDs if you don't know how to utilize it correctly...

vova78 03-31-16 06:53 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2393884)
Hmm, maybe TDW GR2 editor could be utilized here...:hmm2:

Yes, it does, I use it and "Goblin Editor" (I do not have experience with them, but I will learn along the way - something that may happen :) )

THEBERBSTER 03-31-16 06:56 AM

Hi Vecko
I will try that and report back.
Sweet FX will not load and throws me back to the Uplay game start screen.

vdr1981 03-31-16 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2393891)
Yes, it does, I use it and "Goblin Editor" (I do not have experience with them, but I will learn along the way - something that may happen :) )

Great! :up:. I can create quick test mission for you , just to make things easier/faster, if you like ?:hmm2:

Sjizzle 03-31-16 07:12 AM

vecko did u saw this
and what u think about it ?

vdr1981 03-31-16 07:14 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2393901)
vecko did u saw this
and what u think about it ?

Haha...And the picture is appropriate too...BOOM CTD:haha:
Is it possible to add the tip without loosing any of the stock SH5 loading tips?:hmm2:

Sjizzle 03-31-16 07:18 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2393903)
Haha...And the picture is appropriate too...BOOM CTD:haha:
Is it possible to add the tip without loosing any of the stock SH5 loading tips?:hmm2:

i can try to add more tips to the default SH5 one to see whats happen and will let u know
there are 108 quotes, hints, facts so i think that will be no problem to add more or we can remove some of them the crapy ones

vdr1981 03-31-16 07:40 AM


Originally Posted by Sjizzle (Post 2393906)
i can try to add more tips to the default SH5 one to see whats happen and will let u know
there are 108 quotes, hints, facts so i think that will be no problem to add more or we can remove some of them the crapy ones

:up: Agree...

vova78 03-31-16 08:27 AM


Originally Posted by vdr1981 (Post 2393897)
Great! :up:. I can create quick test mission for you , just to make things easier/faster, if you like ?:hmm2:

That would be good! :yep:

vdr1981 03-31-16 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2393926)
That would be good! :yep:

Here we go...Extract it to your data/SingleMissions folder. Distance in between the units is 500m...The mission is named "Dithmarschen LOD Testing"

vova78 03-31-16 11:50 AM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2393747)
Bug: NAO_Dithmarschen (NOL_Dale) has the wrong distant LOD (all black ship): 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Thank you for your mission Vecko! :yep: Second LOD is really broken, but I found a simple Quickfix: to delete the NAO_Dithmarschen_LOD.GR2 file, copy and rename NAO_Dithmarschen.gr2 to NAO_Dithmarschen_LOD.GR2.

I tested - it works perfectly and there is no decrease in performance for the game because the computing power, price has increased a lot since 2010.

THE_MASK 03-31-16 04:00 PM

vdr1981 03-31-16 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by vova78 (Post 2393985)
Thank you for your mission Vecko! :yep: Second LOD is really broken, but I found a simple Quickfix: to delete the NAO_Dithmarschen_LOD.GR2 file, copy and rename NAO_Dithmarschen.gr2 to NAO_Dithmarschen_LOD.GR2.

I tested - it works perfectly and there is no decrease in performance for the game because the computing power, price has increased a lot since 2010.

Your solution works really fine for now...:up:

However I would like to test this further more in various situations. This type of ship can be commonly found in axis ports and the one thing which SH5 doesn't like is combination harbor objects + ultra detailed U-boat bunker + bunch of high polygon units, so I'm a bit worried about this.

For now, you can upload your fix as a mod and if everything is OK after testing we can then add it to the modpack...:yep:

THE_MASK 03-31-16 04:15 PM

What about my fix , I just supplied an upload link .#4635

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